Jotaro Kujo

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Jotaro Kujo is a male character that features in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.



Jotaro Kujo (空条 承太郎 Kūjō Jōtarō?) was the male child of an American woman named Holly Kujo and a Japanese jazz musician named Sadao Kujo whilst his grandfather was Joseph Joestar. His mother had met his father where she fell in love with him and moved to Japan as a result.

In 1989, Jotaro's mystical Stand manifested creating his own version of the power known as Star Platinum though he was not aware of its nature and initially came to believe that an evil spirit had been possessing him. As a result, he turned himself over to the police and demanded that he be locked away in a cell as he did not want to hurt anyone. Prisoners that witnessed his Stand's power came to fear him with Jotaro remaining in this confined state despite the pleas of his mother. Holly Kujo later informed her own father to enlist his aid in freeing her son from prison with Joseph Joestar arriving in Japan along with a comrade named Mohammed Avdol. Joseph and Holly went to the prison cell to convince Jotaro to leave but he decided to demonstrate what he believed was the evil spirit by having it steal a prison guard's gun and attempting to shoot himself. Platinum Star manifested with it catching the bullet thus saving Jotaro from committing suicide but it could not be witnessed by anyone thus making it appear that the bullet stopped in mid-air. Joseph later brought Avdol who revealed the nature of the Stand with a brief fight erupting between him and Kujo due to Jotaro's defiance. He then departed the prison cell and was told that his Stand was Platinum Star that was named like other Stands after the cards in Tarot. He was then informed that the reason for the manifestation of his Stand was due to the re-emergence of Dio Brando who was the adoptive brother of his great-great grandfather Jonathan Joestar. Dio had survived into the modern age due to him becoming a vampire and his head had taken over Jonathan Joestars body. By the modern day, his Stand had awakened and due to his adoptive brothers body it similarly manifested Stand's within the Joestar family bloodline thus leading to Joseph along with Jotaro's new abilities. Around this time, it was learnt that Dio had felt threatened by the Joestar family and had dispatched his Stand followers to eliminate them with the first being the student Noriaki Kakyoin. After battling Kakyoin in his school, he learnt that Noriaki was in reality under Dio's control due to a flesh bud made from Brando's body that commanded him. Kakyoin was taken to the Joestar residence after his defeat where Jotaro used his Stand's power to remove the flesh bud from his body. Around this time, his mother Holly Kujo fell into a coma as her being a Joestar meant that a Stand was manifesting within her as well but due to her lacking of a fighting spirit she was unable to control it with it slowly killing her. His grandfather Joseph and Avdol determined that the only way to save Holly was by killing Dio in order to break his Stand's influence but this had to be done within fifty days other Jotaro's mother would die. As a result, they embarked on a mission to journey to Cairo to kill Dio who was hiding there with Jotaro Kuko, Joseph Joestar, Mohammed Avdol and the newly freed Noriaki Kakyoin joining them on their mission.

Whilst at the restaurant, they were approached by a French stranger named Jean Pierre Polnareff who revealed that he was a Stand user sent by Lord Dio to eliminate them. He battled Mohammed Avdol with the two making use of their respective Stand's to fight one another. Despite Polnareff's skill in his Silver Chariot Stand, he was defeat by Avdol's strategic use of his Magician Red Stand whereupon it was discovered that the Frenchmen had been infected by Dio's flesh bud. After being freed, he agreed to join the group on their quest as he sought revenge on one of Dio's followers that had murdered his sister.

Years later, Jotaro became an oceanologist where he moved to the United States with him eventually getting married and having a daughter named Jolyne Cujoh that inherited her own Stand powers. Jolyne adopted an outfit style similar to her father due to her fascination and respect for Jotaro.


Personality and attributes

In appearance, he wore a recognizable attire of a blue trench coat-length school uniform jacket with yellow chains on the collar and a matching hat.

He has a very tough exterior, and is even rather rough and delinquent, but is very dedicated and loyal. Jotaro has a perpetual superiority complex, although he loves his mother and respects his grandfather. He is constantly chased by adoring girls, whom he ignores or tries to drive away. Jotaro is both fierce and gentle; one example is how he spared Noriaki Kakyoin, instead of destroying him outright, knowing that Kakyoin attacked him unwillingly and was under Dio's influence. The same happened for Jean Pierre Polnareff, whom he saved as well. Both became invaluable allies to the end.

His catchphrase is "Yare yare daze." It has no direct translation but it is usually translated to the effect of, "Gimme a break." It can also mean "Well well well..." or "all-right all-right...", since "yare yare" commonly translates to "Oh well..." It generally relates to boredom or exasperation. In the English version of the manga, this is written as "Give me a !@$&*# break..". The English dub of the OVA translates it as "What a pain...".

He later showed his protective fatherly side, often taking near fatal blows for Jolyne and keeping her out of harm's way. After he is "revived", Anasui, one of Jolyne's companions who is enthralled by her, asked Jotaro to approve of marrying her. Although he first acted deaf, Jotaro got the picture when he saw Jolyne lean against Anasui's chest. Not ready to see his daughter married off right away, he pulled his daughter into his arms, leaving Jolyne clueless to their interactions.

It was said that one of his key strengths was the ability to stay calm even under pressure.

Powers and abilities

After the emergence of Stands, Jotaro manifested his own mystical one that was known as Star Platinum which took the form of a human sized purple skinned muscular Aztec appearing warrior. It possessed superhuman senses, strength, stamina, accuracy and speed with it striking with physical hits from its punches. It can see for great distances and at great magnifications. Such was the speed and precision of the Stand that it was able to grab the likes of The Lovers Stands whilst it was in the air. Its eyesight was impressive allowing him to catch fast movements such as card shuffling and inform Jotaro of the contents of the cards.

It was similar to Dio Brando's The World, and can likewise stop time, but that ability is only revealed in Jotaro's final battle with Dio Brando at the end of part 3. Here at his peak, Jotaro can stop time for as long as 5 seconds. It's stated that Star Platinum can freeze time for longer, but 5 seconds is the limit for human endurance under stopped time.

After Dio's defeat Jotaro's Stand is the strongest Stand in the JoJo universe. Star Platinum The World, an evolved version of the Stand, appears near the end of part 6 Stone Ocean.

As with other Stands, there were certain conditions in which it could operate namely it could only manifest in lines of sight. Furthermore, like other Stands, wounds that were inflicted on it manifested in similar locations on Jotaro's body. As the Stand was not there from childhood, it meant that when he was regressed to childhood that he lost the ability to use Star Platinum until he was restored to his true age.


  • Jotaro Kujo was created by Hirohiko Araki as the protagonist of part three, Stardust Crusaders, of the manga series JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.
  • Araki compared Jotaro to Clint Eastwood; "he doesn't run, his movements are minimal and he's a silent person".[1]

In other media

Video games


  • JoJo's Bizarre Adventure:
  • JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders:

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