Otherworld (Marvel)

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Psylocke and Fantomex in Otherworld in Uncanny X-Force v1 #22.

Otherworld is a dimension that features in Marvel Comics.





One account held that it was established when Merlyn had mastered a Multiversal energy matrix that was being studied by his comrade Feron and their master Necrom. However, Necrom sought ultimate power and in the skirmish with his students it was Merlyn who claimed it and after years of mastering it he created made his home on Otherworld. Necrom had also long eluded him leading to Merlyn establishing the Captain Britain Corps to patrol the Multiverse. (Excalibur v1 #50) This elite cadre of heroes safeguarded the infinites of reality and were considered a great force for good in the Omniverse. Among the greatest of their number was Sir James Braddock who was a noted as a scientist, warrior, philosopher and a strategist. (Excalibur v2 #3) As an inhabitant of Otherworld, he was one of Merlyn's chosen guard and was dispatched to Earth to prepare the way. (Captain Britain v2 #7) He was given a sacred quest to help shape the future as he was considered the ideal candidate to sire a saviour and king. On Earth-616, a genetically compatible mate was found in Elizabeth who gave birth to his children. (Excalibur v2 #3) The Otherworld genes were devoid in his first child Jamie Braddock but the divine spark was present in his twin children Brian Braddock and his sister Betsy Braddock. (Captain Britain v2 #7)

During his travels, Prester John discovered the hidden isle of Avalon where he was amazed by its great accomplishments and was given the Evil Eye of Avalon. In fabled Avalon, great wizards had created great machines that had harnessed the powers of the universe but these same forces destroyed them causing them to be lost to the sight of men. Prior to their disappearance, Prester John was kept within the Chair of Survival where he remained asleep for centuries undisturbed. (Fantastic Four v1 #54)

The reborn Mastermind artificial intelligence plotted in the shadows to usurp control of Otherworld from the Captain Britain Corps. (Excalibur v2 #4)

An alternate version of Jamie Braddock from the future came to be possessed by Horam'ce the Goat-Devil of Self-Propagation. To spread its mindcancer across the Omniverse, he travelled to the modern day during a time when Merlyn was hibernating in order to propagate across existence. This led to an invasion of Otherworld and a conflict with its defenders. (Uncanny X-Force v1 #23) The Goat then used his stolen Orbs of Necromon including the Orb of Necromancy to assemble an army to overwhelm the realm's defenders. (Uncanny X-Force v1 #21) The threat was only ended when Betsy Braddock learnt of the source of the threat and used telepathy to force her brother Brian Braddock to kill her older sibling Jamie Braddock. His death caused the Goat and his armies to vanish as they were erased from the timeline. (Uncanny X-Force v1 #23)

A new threat came to this realm when the Manchester Gods manifested and waged a war with the Tuatha de Danaan. As a result, they dispatched one of their number to Asgardia to enlist the aid of the Asgardians. However, the All-Mother refused as they cited the pact of non-interference of the Council of Godheads which prevented a pantheon in interfering in the internal affairs of another. Though officially refusing, the All-Mother recognized the importance of the Tuatha de Danaan as an ally and secretly dispatched Loki to aid them against the threat of the Manchester Gods. (Journey into Mystery v1 #639)

House of X

After the destruction of the Captain Britain Corps, Otherworld was noted to had fell into chaos as Merlyn and Roma turned against one another. This saw father and daughter take their respective kingdoms on their own paths leaving Opal Luna Saturnyne as the ruler of Otherworld. (X-Factor v4 #4)

With King Arthur missing, Otherworld fell into disarray with le Fay stepping in as Queen-Regent of the realm. Around this time, the waters of Avalon came to be polluted by the plant life of Krakoa that had become the home of the Mutant nation. In anger, she sought to remove the resultant gateway into Otherworld that formed from the plants and set out a call to Otherworld's defender namely Captain Britain. Brian Braddock came to arrive with his sister Betsy Braddock where her status as a Mutant made her an enemy of the realm. Thus, Morgan le Fay commanded her forces to slay her as she declared war against Krakoa. (Excalibur v4 #1)

Under the first Horsemen of Apocalypse, the armies of Amnethi demons gathered in order to lay siege to Otherworld as they made their way to conquer Krakoa. During this time, they besieged the last watchtower of Del Di'Lorr and killed the cursed king that ruled the kingdom. Afterwards, the Amneth horde made their way to the Starlight Citadel in order to bring it under their rule. When X-Men intervened, Saturnyne herself stopped the conflict where she proposed a contest between the Mutants of Krakoa and the Swordbreakers of Arrako. (X of Swords: Creation v1 #1)


All realities were was said to meet within Otherworld. (X-Factor v4 #4) Otherworld was held as being a reflection of the British Isles which meant that places of power served as a means of access between both realms. (Journey into Mystery v1 #639) The Enchanted Lands of Avalon was alleged by some to be British collective unconscious and England's Dreaming. (Wisdom v1 #1)

It was divided between its Fair Court and its Foul Court with ultimate authority residing at the Starlight Citadel. (X of Swords: Creation v1 #1) Locations within Otherworld included:

  • Starlight Citadel : floating high above the central diplomatic zone, the Starlight Citadel was the physical manifestation of the epicentre of Otherworld and was a place where all realities intersected. Despite appearing as a beautiful monument, it was actually a fortress that protected the infinite doors within it that served as gateways to other realities. (X of Swords: Creation v1 #1) Within the Citadel was the Tower Omniverse that held the infinite number of doors to different realities in the Multiverse. (Uncanny X-Force v1 #20)
  • Floating Kingdom of Roma Regina : a hedonistic queendom ruled by the Regent Roma who established her kingdom after splitting from her father where she wanted a land filled with free love and lawlessness. Roma Regina lacked any laws yet the gentle chaotic nature of the fae allowed them to thrive in this anarchy with the floating kingdom being a paradise to many. The Romana inhabitants were master herbalists and gardeners who drew from the regions magically important herbs. In addition, the hedonistic nature of its inhabitants meant that Romana tended to be unpredictable with travellers dying from exhaustion by dancing or gazing too deeply into the abyss. It was said that an obelisk resided in the centre of the Floating Kingdom which shined like the sun at night time and was pitch black in the day. Entry into the kingdom was guarded and travellers could not make their way easily into the realm. Roma herself ruled less as a ruler and more as someone adored by the people who trusted their regent in protecting them. (X-Factor v4 #4)
  • Holy Republic of Fae : ruled by the Regent Merlin who desired a kingdom ruled by law and order with this leeching from the once-lush and wild land of the fae. The Great Hierophant imposed his magical order on the fae in order to turn them from hedonism but this simply led to them rebelling against him. In response, he became every stricter and more autocratic where he turned troubadours and hunters into factory workers as well as solders. In time, the kingdom became filled with iron towers, cogs, black smoke and smog-choked cities as fae magic was channelled into machines. (X-Factor v4 #4)
  • Infuri the Everforge : a feudal kingdom of cybiote warriors that defended their land which held the greatest weapon forges in all of reality. Long ago, a sun-dwelling Celestial threatened all existence until the hero-slaying expertise of Furies subdued the creature where it fused into a star thus creating the hottest structure in the universe namely the Living Sunstar. Rather than entrust their charge to the defeated heroes of that reality, the Furies proceeded to slay them for their failure and took the prize with them to Otherworld. They then took the province for themselves by force which became their new home and embedded the Living Sunstar into the land thus furing Infuri, the Everforge. Weapons forged within its heart were unbreakable and some of the finest in all realities. However, the star made it a hardy country that was more unbearable the closer one went to the central forge with lava, heat flames were everywhere in the land. Land was passed through centuries and contracts were forged by blade and blood with the Forgemaster General serving as Regent of the province. (X-Force v6 #13)
  • Hothive :
  • Avalon :
  • Dryador :
  • Sevalith : a kingdom kept in midnight dark where the living were said to not last their long. The blood drinking socialites of this province had no word for vampire but served as Otherworld's longest reigning nation that dripped in blood and bound by curses. Brutal cathedrals were stacked like coffins that dotted the land that concealed a larval, soft people within them. The hideous sharp-toothed natives were often garbed in meters of fabric and crowned in jewels that hide their fierceness behind a haunting beauty. Sevalith's ancient ruling class had collected the wealth of ages behind their dark doors where they sat on millennia of unspent wealth. The political landscape was also a minefield of intricate curses, bonds and favours with each member of the ruling class being bound to each other. Sevalithi diplomacy was said to be patient and reasonable to outsiders though slow with their long lifespans not provoking any haste from them. The province was known to holding a longstanding rivalry with Avalon and was in many ways its opposite. Thus, a chilly tense peace existed between the thrones of both nations though on the border the cultures were known to illicitly intermingle as they were intrigued by a taste of their opposite. The assassins of Sevalith were noted for being the finest anywhere and nearly undetectable but the only means of purchasing them was by favours. (Marauders v1 #13)
  • Blightspoke :
  • Mercator : formerly known as Telmenetes, it was actually never originally named by its inhabitants. This was because the province was inhabited by refugees that were fleeing a reality that could no longer support their highly evolved existence. They came to petition Saturnyne for a home in Otherworld with her being moved by their ambition to survive as well as the awe-inspiring story of the evolved species. The Telmenetes were perceived as beings of light with their unique physiology requiring them to form and shape their environment to best suit their needs. As a result, much of the province was unable to be visited by others though the inhabitants were kind as well as highly intelligent where they often served as guides to visitors. Recently, the lights began to dim in the kingdom and its guards had vanished with a new regent ruling it who vowed that he was keeping the land safe but until then he had closed its borders to outsiders. (Marauders v1 #13)
  • Crooked Market : a port city where anything could be bought for a price and as Otherworld was a nexus of all realities it was a popular location to acquire items from a foreign reality. It started as a small operation by reality refugee Mad Jim Jaspers that quickly attracted other reality refugees fleeing incursions. This led to it being a bustling crisscross of lamplit streets, noisy markets, lively pubs and dark alleyways. Baffling amounts of wealth was known to circulate through it with travellers warned to be covertly armed and not to trust the constabulary who were either corrupt or violent. The only safe way to travel was with a local guide with many willing to offer their services though their deals often were made to benefit them more than their client. (Wolverine v7 #6)

Provinces of Otherworld existed on a great wheel whose favour rose and fell as they served the Starlight Citadel that resided in the centre. The balance between the fair and foul kingdoms was maintained by treaty with an uneasy peace as conflict erupted amongst the nations. (X-Factor v4 #4)

Inside the hidden realm of Avalon was a land of wizards and kindly wondrous men with it being filled with miracles. The fabled isle contained mighty machines that harnessed the natural powers of the universe and were built by wizards. (Fantastic Four v1 #54)

There were many races with territories that inhabited Otherworld. (Wisdom v1 #1) These inhabitants include:

  • Fairies : (Wisdom v1 #1)
  • Manchester Gods :
  • Fomorians :

It was ruled by some sort of pantheon though Otherworld was said to never taken responsibility for its nationals. (Wisdom v1 #1)

Items tied to Otherworld included:

  • Evil Eye of Avalon :
  • Sword of Might :
  • Amulet of Right :
  • Orbs of Necromon : a golden orb capable of bringing life to the dead. (Uncanny X-Force v1 #21)
  • Orb of Metallum : a golden orb said to had been forged by Merlyn which controlled metal. (Uncanny X-Force v1 #21)


  • Merlyn : After the destruction of the Captain Britain Corps, he headed the province of the Holy Kingdom of the Fae where he ruled it as Great Heirophant. (X-Factor v4 #4)
  • Roma : After the destruction of the Captain Britain Corps, she headed the province of the Floating Kingdom of Roma Regina which she ruled as regent. (X-Factor v4 #4)
  • Opal Luna Saturnyne :
  • Krokwel : a large horned humanoid who was the master of the Lords of the Thousand Sorrows. He was once a servant of Otherworld until James Braddock Senior ejected him from the Corps over misperceptions of the magic he ingested. Krokwel was then relegated to be tied to a forest that had an unquenchable thirst for sorrow. (Uncanny X-Force v1 #21)
  • Froud :
  • James Braddock : a male inhabitant of Otherworld who became one of Merlyn's chosen guard. (Captain Britain v2 #7) He was a member of the Captain Britain Corps that was charged with helping birth the prophecised saviour that would be his son Brian Braddock. (Excalibur v2 #3)
  • Quaddeus Quo : a minotaur-like being with one horn broken who served as a servant to Saturnyne. (X of Swords: Creation v1 #1)
  • Ryl : a female with fish-like features who served as a servant of Saturnyne. (X of Swords: Creation v1 #1)
  • Temple : (X of Swords: Creation v1 #1)
  • Sinner Rose : (X of Swords: Creation v1 #1)
  • Prestor John :


  • Avalon was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby where it made its first appearance in Fantastic Four v1 #54 (September, 1966).
  • It was based on the mythical Avalon of Arthurian Legend.
  • Otherworld was created by Chris Claremont, Herb Trimpe and Fred Kida with it first appearing in Captain Britain v1
  • It was based on the mythical Otherworld of Celtic Myth.


  • Captain Britain v2:
  • Excalibur v1:
  • Wisdom v1:
  • Thor: Blood Oath v1:
  • Uncanny X-Force v1:
  • Journey into Mystery v1:
  • Excalibur v4:
  • X of Swords: Creation v1: (2020)
  • X-Factor v4: (2020)

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