Brother Voodoo

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Brother Voodoo as Sorcerer Supreme in Doctor Voodoo: Avenger of the Supernatural v1 #1.

Brother Voodoo is a male comic superhero who features in Marvel Comics.




Jericho Drumm in Strange Tales v1 #169.

Jericho Drumm

While Daniel stayed and became a local houngan, Jericho moved to America to pursue a career as a psychologist and as a scholar. Years later, Jericho returned upon learning the ill fate of his dying brother who had been nursed by their aunt Matilda. Daniel claimed to have been cursed by an enemy, a dark priest who claimed to be a living loa, the evil serpent-god Damballah. In his final moments, Daniel begged his brother to venture in the jungle and ask for the help of Papa Jambo, who had instructed him in the arts of the pouin, the good magic. (Strange Tales v1 #169)

Upon arriving, he visited his brother who was dying despite Jericho's medical knowledge with Daniel asking him to find his houngan mentor Papa Jambo. (Strange Tales v1 #169)

In Port-au-Prince, Brother Voodoo fought as a super-hero to protect the innocent from criminal factions, having Bambu as his right-hand man. (Strange Tales v1 #169)

Under Papa Jambo's tutelage, Jericho quickly mastered the old ways and was regarded by his master as his finest pupil with none of his other students having learnt his mystical ways so quickly. (Strange Tales v1 #170)

After saying his farewell to his mentor, Jericho then departed to confront Damballah. The serpent god worshipper had called for the Council Supreme where he showed his power to bring them under his control. Brother Voodoo then arrived at the scene with the Council dispatched to battle Drumm. Despite their numbers, they were defeated leading to Damballah entering the fight himself. During the fight, Brother Voodoo determined that his opponent’s power was drawn from his Wangal amulet that allowed him to command the serpents being sent against Jercho. Drumm managed to remove it which led to the snakes turning against Damballah thus killing him. Thus, the threat of the serpent god worshipper ended and Jericho found himself with a servant in Bambu who offered to serve Jericho loyally. (Strange Tales v1 #170)

Returning to America, Brother Voodoo set up home in an ostentatious manor located in the exotic French Quarter in New Orleans. Upon learning his home country had been experiencing attacks from zubemvies led by the alleged zombie Baron Samedi, Voodoo went to investigate. Captured, Doctor Voodoo learned the zombie outbreak was a result of A.I.M.'s experiments. By being immune to the brainwashing process, Brother Voodoo sabotaged A.I.M.'s facilities and liberated their victims. (Strange Tales v1 #171) In the Mississippi River, Brother Voodoo saved a debilitated girl from drowning. At his home, she introduced herself as Loralee Tate. She was kidnapped by the Cult of the Dark Lord, who managed to knock Voodoo out in his own home. Helped by her father Inspector Samuel Tate, Brother Voodoo decided to rescue her. (Strange Tales v1 #172) The seer Mama Limbo led Voodoo to Desmond Drew's mansion, where he could not find clues. Ambushed by the evil cult however, Voodoo pretended to be subdued in order to get apprehended and infiltrate their temple, where he met their leader Black Talon. (Strange Tales v1 #173)

Brother Voodoo

At some point, he was noted to had encountered the evil magician known as the Flesh-Weaver who he came to imprison within a soul cage. (Incredible Hulk v4 #12)

Voodoo teamed up with Spider-Man to battle Moondog the Malicious, a member of the Loa. Working together they banished him before he could kill Gail Paris. (Marvel Team-Up v1 #24)

Brother Voodoo eventually succumbed to the lure of power that Damballah's wangal represented. Upon Jericho wearing it, the god Damballah took over Daniel's soul, burned down the mansion, and apparently slew Bambu. He traveled to New York City in order to attempt to take over the mind and body of Earth's Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor Strange, who eventually freed Brother Voodoo of Damballah's influence and re-confined the evil god to the wangal. (Doctor Strange v2 #48)

He helped Daredevil when Calypso turned him into a living zombie and he had to fight to free himself from her control. (Daredevil v1 #311) Lilith Drake asked Drumm to help her with her increased cravings for blood since the vampires' return. He did so, while making her promise to assist him later on. (Ghost Rider v3 #84)

Sorcerer Supreme

He returned to New Orleans where he spent time with his girlfriend though his brother Daniel believed he was wasting his talents and that he should not be in a relationship with that girl. During the argument, they were visited by the Eye of Agamotto and the spirit of the Ancient One who revealed that Jericho had been chosen to be the new Sorcerer Supreme. He ultimately accepted where he witnessed outside the New Avengers in a battle with the Dormammu-possessed Hood with Brother Voodoo lending his aid in exorcising the demon. Doctor Strange then decided to help teach Brother Voodoo in the ways of becoming the Sorcerer Supreme to protect their realm from mystical threats. (New Avengers v1 #54)

During this time, he was involved in constant arguments with his brother about their path as Daniel wanted him to devote fully to mystical knowledge whilst Jericho wanted to still engage in a normal life. They were then attacked by a possessed Doctor Strange and Daimon Hellstrom who were looking to claim the Eye of Agamotto from him. (New Avengers v2 #1) The Eye was sent to Avengers Mansion where the entity possessing the two mystics had now taken control of Luke Cage. Voodoo arrived on the scene to battle the possession with the entity claiming Danny Rand and disappearing with the Eye into another dimension. (New Avengers v2 #3) The freed Doctor Strange then took Brother Voodoo and Daimon Hellstrom to Jericho's sanctum in order to research the identity of the entity that was attempting to claim the Eye. (New Avengers v2 #4) It was eventually discovered that the being was actually Agamotto himself who had been banished from the Vishanti and sought to reclaim his power with the Eye being one of the few things that could challenge him. Jericho to stop him evoked the sorcerer's duel with Wolverine being chosen as his champion and Brother Voodoo used a spell to send all the assembled heroes power into him for the fight. In the midst of the battle, his brother Daniel's ghostly form was present within the Light Dimension and intervened thus breaking the rules of the match. This led to Agamotto unleashing his wrath and Brother Voodoo decided that the only way to stop him as well as save his brother was to sacrifice both himself as well as the Eye with both seemingly destroyed in the process. As such, he was killed with the Avengers mourning his passing and his brother Daniel blaming them for his siblings death as he vowed revenge against them. (New Avengers v2 #6)

He was one of the many heroes who battled Doctor Doom during Doomwar. (Doomwar v1 #6)

Jericho used the Eye to defeat Agamotto, but the Eye was destroyed and his life was lost in the process. (New Avengers v2 #6)

Uncanny Avengers

During the Axis, Doctor Doom made a Faustian deal with a demigod in order to resurrect Jericho Drumm who was joined by his brother Daniel. The pair were called to help stop the rampaging Scarlet Witch whose mind had been turned to evil alongside a number of other heroes. (Avengers & X-Men: AXIS v1 #8)

In the aftermath, he came to be recruited into the ranks of the Avengers Unity Division. (Avengers & X-Men: AXIS v1 #9)

As the Unity Division became increasingly fractured during the second Superhero Civil War and the threat of the Terrigenesis cloud, Drumm was shocked to learn that his brother had chosen to side with the Hand, seeking his own resurrection even at the cost of becoming their pawn, while going so far as to offer them the corpse of the recently-deceased Bruce Banner to become their agent of destruction. (Uncanny Avengers v3 #14) Voodoo was able to escape his brother and warn the Unity Division of this threat, but while they failed to stop the Hulk's resurrection. (Uncanny Avengers v3 #15) Drumm was able to create a spell that allowed him to enter the Hulk's mind once his teammates had worn him down. The Hand's mystical forces appeared to Drumm in astral form while in Banner's mind and offered to restore his brother to him if he would let them keep Banner, but Drumm declared that he would choose his 'brother' in the form of his friend Bruce, informing the Hand that Daniel had made his choice, purging the Hulk of the Hand's influence and allowing Banner to die again. (Uncanny Avengers v3 #17)

Drumm answered the call to join the Avengers during the threat of the Cotati led Empyre. Black Panther instructed Brother Voodoo to take Ka-Zar, Zabu, Black Knight, and Scarlet Witch with him to investigate strange occurrences in the Savage Land. They arrive to find a slain Tyrannosaurus as Scarlet Witch senses they are surrounded. The group is attacked by the Cotati and they fight them until the Cotati Ventri unleash Man-Thing who they have under their control. As Ventri states that the Savage Land and the world will be theirs, Ka-Zar is shocked to find that the Cotati have gained control of Shanna. (Empyre: Avengers v1 #1) With Brother Voodoo and Scarlet Witch immobilized and Black Knight imprisoned, Shanna tries to get Ka-Zar to join them as Matthew states to Black Knight that they have to do something. Doctor Voodoo used a trick to do a mental trick. Scarlet Witch does the same as she tries to free Shanna from the Cotati's control. As Ventri notices something happen with Scarlet Witch, Brother Voodoo takes control of Man-Thing to free Matthew and Black Knight. Scarlet Witch brings Ka-Zar into Shanna's mind where he learns that some creatures in the Savage Land are dying and trees are falling. (Empyre: Avengers v1 #2) When Ka-Zar had been stabbed by a Cotati using Black Knight's Ebony Blade, Brother Voodoo exited Man-Thing's mind and worked with Scarlet Witch to extract Ka-Zar's soul from the Ebony Blade as Shanna the She-Devil uses the same waters that resurrected her on Ka-Zar. (Empyre: Avengers v1 #3)

Savage Avengers

Jericho then received a call for aid from Madripoor where he visited an old acquaintance with him learning that she was blackmailed by the Hand to set up an ambush for him. Brotherhood Voodoo was captured and taken to the City of the Sickle in the Savage Land where his throat was slashed as part of a ritual to summon a demon god. (Savage Avengers v1 #1)

Kulan Gath then sacrificed Jericho's body so that it would become possessed by an Avatar of Shuma-Gorath. Doctor Strange, Doctor Doom and Conan arrived at Gath's pyramid in an effort to stop his schemes. Stephen then had the ancient parasite removed from Dumm's body after which he summoned his spirit in the realm of Kalfu. The god-like being agreed to the terms and took Jericho into his care where he disappeared from the battle. (Savage Avengers v1 #10)

Strange Academy

He was enlisted to aid in the establishment of Strange Academy that was a mystical school charged with training the next generation of magic users. (Strange Academy v1 #1)


Personality and attributes

With his powers, he came to be known as the Lord of the Loa. (Strange Tales v1 #169) He came to be known as the Houngan Supreme for his talent in voodoo magic. (New Avengers v1 #29) Upon becoming Sorcerer Supreme, he came to be referred to for a time as Doctor Voodoo. (New Avengers v1 #54) He was also known as the Gunner of God. (Doctor Voodoo: Avenger of the Supernatural v1 #1)

Such was his thirst for revenge that he believed he had already lost his soul following the death of his brother. (Strange Tales v1 #170)

He came to learn much about the arts of magic and the loa from Papa Jambo. He stated that he had lived long past his years as he refused to die until he passed his knowledge to a worthy successor. This person was Jericho who the old man believed would become the greatest Houngan on the Earth. (Strange Tales v1 #170)

After defeating Damballah, Jericho came to earn the loyalty and service of Bambu. The older man stated that he served the wearer of the Wangal amulet. When Brother Voodoo defeated its former bearer, Bambu’s service passed on to Jericho. (Strange Tales v1 #170) He came to operate as a man-servant for Brother Voodoo where he aided him and completed mundane tasks for his master. (Strange Tales v1 #171)

Powers and abilities

As a houngan, he uses it as a form of pouin or white magic and is in close contact with the dead. (Strange Tales v1 #170) The books of Vishanti had him listed as the greatest practitioner of Voodoo 'White Magic'. (Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme v1 #20) He has been stated as one of the most powerful mystic practitioners on the planet and the most powerful and skilled of Voodoo Magic practitioners on Earth. (

He was taught numerous mystical skills such as the power to command all living things be they human or plant, the ability to be heard by the Loa spirits in times of need and being able to walk unscathed through raging fires. (Strange Tales v1 #170)

As a necromancer, he could see the dead and death sprites that were green insectile creatures able to sense a life close to its end and when a life force was soon to be extinguished. It was not uncommon for him to see death sprites hover intimately around close friends. Large swarms sometimes concentrated around people like flies over a decaying body. (Storm v5 #3)

He was shown to be able to see through the disguises of demons that he stated were master illusionists. (Savage Avengers v1 #4)

Jericho was able to use a karmic bomb whereby he made attackers experience all the harm they had caused in their lives leaving them unable to move and bear with their actions. (Uncanny Avengers v3 #15)

Drumm was capable of crafting a magical door using a particular demon's blood that could open a doorway to anywhere on the planet. (Uncanny Avengers v3 #15)

Doctor Voodoo has demonstrated the power to contact, commune with and manipulate the loa, the spirits and the dead, being particularly skilled in this term. (Strange Tales v1 #170) Souls were said to be simple thing that he could command. (Incredible Hulk v4 #12)

At one point, he was shown to call upon elemental air spirits to help another breath in the vacuum of space and prevent their suffocation to death. (Uncanny Avengers v3 #27)

He was able to make bargain with ancient spirits such as Eegun where they could be asked to remove illnesses from a person's body. Sometimes, a deal needed to be struck whereby a price had to be enacted per the terms of this arrangement. This could involve seven decades of a person's life being removed from them or the loss of seven organs or the loss of memories or even not using powers in the span of seven days. (Storm v5 #3)

Brother Voodoo was shown to had summoned the Lord of War and Fire to destroy his enemies. (Ghost Rider v3 #83) In another instance, he had called on the Spirit of War and Blood to frighten someone. (Ghost Rider v3 #85)

Voodoo was also able to stop time that causes everyone and everything to be immobilized. (Black Panther v3 #20)

Among the spells he knew were:

  • Houdon-Lou Visualisation Spell of the Real : from his hands poured out a mist that created a disc shaped viewing portal allowing him and others to see events elsewhere around the world. (New Avengers v2 #4)
  • Houndon Visitation Teleportation Spell : from the Scrolls of Nor, he could teleport people from one location to another. (New Avengers v2 #4)
  • Evanodor Compatriot Boost Spell :
  • Malcodine Spell of Binding : a spell that can gather all the powers and abilities of various people inside one man who acts as a vessel. It was described in the Scroll of Hullo. (New Avengers v2 #5)
  • Corelli's Exorcism Reversal Battle Attack : an exorcising spell capable of eliminating the possession of an entity controlling one or more people. This spell in the Book of the Vishanti. (New Avengers v2 #5)
  • Terron Attack Spell :
  • Barrier Crows of Legba : this creating mystical black crows that could be used to trap mystical beings. (Doctor Voodoo: Avenger of the Supernatural v1 #1)
  • Language of Null : a spell that could destroy his enemies and hurt powerful mystical beings. (Doctor Voodoo: Avenger of the Supernatural v1 #1)

After completing the Dance Vaudou, he became possessed by the Loa spirit of his dead brother Daniel Drumm with him residing in Jericho's body. The two were not parted and acted as one being giving Brother Voodoo the strength and power of two men. Daniel was able to depart Jericho’s body and take possession of another host. (Strange Tales v1 #170)

A number of items he used for some of his rituals included:

  • Jar of Demon Blood : an item needed to cast the Wandering Door Spell which would create a portal that places him and anyone with him to the exact location where he and others need to be by spreading the blood around a door and use it to write a symbol on it. However, it's the last jar of that demon's blood on Earth. (Uncanny Avengers v3 #15)
  • The Monkey's Paw : a magical artifact that can be used to grant wishes but it could not work trans-dimensionally. However, it twisted the wishes of whoever made use it. (Marvel Divas v1 #3)
  • Wanga Powder : a poisonous powder that Drumm can carry to help him defeat his enemies easier. (Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme v1 #17)
  • Strangling Bones of Brother Lafell : a magical staff that can be used to strangle any object or person the user wants it to. (Doctor Strange: Last Days of Magic v1 #1)
  • Staff of Legba : a two-headed mystical weapon granted to the Houngan supreme, the most powerful Voodoo sorcerer. (Doctor Voodoo: Avenger of the Supernatural v1 #1)

Within his possession were also soul cages, these were small doll-like constructs that were prisons to hold powerful demons or evil spirits who could not be destroyed. The contents of one were said to be vast as it was a dimension sized prison used to hold dangerous individuals. (Incredible Hulk v4 #12)

He was a priest of the god-like being Kalfu whose sanctuary domain was located within the Swamps of Ogun. Kalfu was noted to had been fond of Jericho Drumm as one of his followers. (Savage Avengers v1 #10) One of the beings he communed with was Prixat who was a skeletal being wearing a suit and hat with snakes around him. His voice was heard by the dead and he was able to convey information to Drumm though he only did this at a price. (Uncanny Avengers v3 #23) Brother Voodoo was able to pull others into the lower dimensional underworld plane of the Swamps of Ogun. Mortals there were then tormented by the spirits of the deceased and damned. (Savage Avengers v1 #12)


  • Brother Voodoo was created by Len Wein and Gene Colan where he made his first appearance in Strange Tales v1 #169 (September, 1973).

Alternate Versions

In other media

Video games

  • In Marvel: Avengers Alliance, Brother Voodoo appeared as a playable character in the Facebook video game.
  • In Marvel: Contest of Champions, Brother Voodoo appeared as a playable character in the iOS video game.
  • In Marvel: Future Fight, Brother Voodoo appeared as a playable character in the mobile video game.


  • Strange Tales v1: (1973)
  • Black Panther:
  • New Avengers v1:
  • Doctor Voodoo: Avenger of the Supernatural v1:
  • New Avengers v2:
  • Avengers & X-Men: AXIS v1:
  • Uncanny Avengers v1:
  • Doctor Strange:
  • Doctor Strange: Last Days of Magic v1:
  • Uncanny Avengers v3:
  • Avengers v7:
  • Savage Avengers v1:
  • Strange Academy v1: (2020)

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