Team Luthor

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Team Luthor in Supergirl and Team Luthor v1 #1.

Team Luthor is a team that features in DC Comics.




Team Luthor in flight in Action Comics v1 #672.

Team Luthor was a privatized civilian security force that was created by businessman Lex Luthor. It was established as a part of LexCorp that consisted of security personnel equipped with power armor with them being deployed as urban assault teams. After Superman had departed into deep space, the 5th Dimensional Imp Mister Mxyzptlk manifested at Metropolis and caused mayhem unaware that the Man of Steel was not on the planet. Lex Luthor had Team Luthor deployed into the city to help protect the people from the Imp. They attacked the giant Mxyzptlk only for him to use his powers to turn their suits into toy aircraft. The team were recovered and found to be barely alive but had to be cut out of their suits. (Superman v2 #31)


Members on the Team were equipped with hi-tech suits of armor in order for them to operate in the field as superheroes.


  • Lex Luthor :


  • Team Luthor was created by Roger Stern, Kerry Gammill, and Brett Breeding where they made their first appearance in Superman v2 #31 (May, 1989).


  • Superman v2:
  • Supergirl and Team Luthor v1:

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