Queen Azshara

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Queen Azshara is a female video game character who features in Warcraft.




Azshara was a female Elf born on the planet Azeroth as one of the Highborne that ruled the continent of Kalimdor.


Personality and attributes

In appearance, Azshara female Elf born among the Highborne who was noted for being the most beautiful of her people. Her most noted characteristics was her being born with golden eyes that was considered quite rare among her people and was a sign of future greatness. She was shown to be taller than many men where she moved with such grace that even a cat would envy her as she carried herself with great pride and grace.

She was both strong-willed and manipulative where all she cared about was power.

Powers and abilities

Originally, Azshara was born of the race of Elves at the height of the Kaldorei Empire where she was among the Highborne. It was said that she possessed far more magical talent than almost any other Night Elf.

She was noted for being a wielder of one of the powerful Javelins of Suramar.


  • Queen Azshara was created by Blizzard Entertainment where she featured in the setting of the Warcraft universe.


  • Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos:
  • Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne:
  • World of Warcraft:

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