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For other uses of this name, see Riddler (disambiguation).
The Riddler in Batman v2 #23.2.

The Riddler is a male comic supervillain who features in DC Comics.




The Riddler in Detective Comics v1 #140.

Edward Nigma was a male human who operated in the modern age where he lived in Gotham City. (Detective Comics v1 #140)

At school, he participated in a history contest where the class were to assemble a puzzle piece together. Nigma came to win first prize but what many did not know was that the night before he broke into the teacher's office to see the completed puzzle. Over time, he came to be regarded as a puzzle expert and earnt money at carnivals as well as other events. In time, he came to believe that he could create puzzles that could baffle even the police and even the Caped Crusader Batman. Thus, he decided to be a criminal mastermind who used puzzles as part of his crimes leading to him becoming the Riddler. (Detective Comics v1 #140)

Though believed to had drowned, he actually managed to survive and escape by swimming up an old storm-drain pipe. After a few days, he struck at the Great National Puzzle Club Awards where he stole the cash prize for himself. This came to alert Batman and Robin of the villain surviving their prior encounter with the Riddler commandeering skyscraper lights to usher in a puzzle contest against the Caped Crusader. Each time, the Riddler managed to escape from the vigilante but was ultimately caught in an attempted puzzle crime at the Gotham Museum. (Detective Comics v1 #142)

Riddler was paroled and told Batman and Robin he had gone straight, offering to help them capture the Molehill Gang who had been foiling them. Batman was suspicious about Riddler changing his nature, but accepted his aid anyway. The Molehill Gang operated out of the sewers, popping out of manholes for robberies, and then escaping into the winding tunnels beneath the city. Riddler learned their location from his jailhouse friends, and led the Dynamic Duo to their lair. The gang's lair was rigged with spring-loaded manholes and cables, but the heroes overcame them and apprehended the crooks. Two days later Batman and Robin were honored guests at the Police Athletic League picnic, and in their picnic basked Riddler left a clue, "What's the longest word in the world," and the solution was "smile" because there was a mile between the first and last letters. Batman deduced that Riddler had returned to a life of crime, and was going to rob millionaire "Smiles" Dawson. They saw Riddler running away from "Smiles" yacht with the prized black pearl of the Pacific, and when they tried to apprehend him his trunk popped out puzzle pieces that entangled them. They did catch Riddler, but it turned out he'd bought the black pearl fair and square with his uncle Edward's inheritance. "Smiles" had a riddle left behind by Riddler, "Why is an orange like a bell?", and Batman came up with the answer both must be peeled / pealed. He figured Riddler would target the Peale art gallery, and saw Riddler holding a gun to Peale, taking an ivory-and-ruby cross. The gun turned out to be a lighter, and the cross another purchase, but Riddler told them he'd already given them a clue as to what his master plan was. Robin guessed that the purchased items were black, white, and red, which referenced the riddle whose answer was "a newspaper." Batman figured out that that answer was too obvious for the Riddler, and because the pearl was shaped like an "O" and the cross like an "X" he'd try to rob the Western-themed Ox Club. Riddler was indeed casing the joint, revealing that he only pretended to be a changed man to keep Batman guessing, and he'd only helped catch the Molehill Gang so the Dynamic Duo could focus all their attention on him. He activated his costume's defenses, and it shocked the heroes to the touch. Batman and Robin struck his head, causing him to spin like a top, but not injuring him. Batman realized he'd turned on the defenses by pressing one of the question marks on his costume, so Batman pressed it again to deactivate the defenses, and knocked Riddler down with one punch. (Batman v1 #171)

Back on the loose, the Riddler would commit a series of robberies while Batman is out of Gotham City. However, the visiting Elongated Man would take the case, tracking down the clues. Batman would return and the two would put their detective skills together and capture the Riddler once more. (Detective Comics v1 #373) Once more out of prison, the Riddler attempts to stop leaving clues for Batman by hiring crooks to attempt to either hide or booby-trap the clues that he leaves behind. This fails and the Riddler is recaptured, but is bailed out soon after. Knowing that the Riddler would have left a clue in his jail cell regarding his next crime, Batman would ultimately succeed in capturing the Riddler once again. (Detective Comics v1 #377)

In his next plot against Batman, the Riddler takes control of another crooks 'employment agency' for criminals in an attempt to lure the Dark Knight into a deathtrap, this attempt like his previous plots against Batman ends in failure. (Batman v1 #263) Breaking out of jail, the Riddler would next attempt to defeat Batman by overloading him with riddles, however Batman and Robin would catch up to the Riddler, capturing him before he can steal a solid gold model of the Sphinx from the Gotham Art Museum. (Batman v1 #279) When Batman was seemingly killed, the Riddler was one of the crooks who claimed responsibility and was a part of a criminal court case headed by Ra's al Ghul to determine the truth, but he was found not guilty of the crime. (Batman v1 #292)


Following the Crisis on Infinite Earths, a new version of reality was created with a different history of events. Edward Nigma was the only child of his parents where they were said to had lived in the tree-shaded streets of Waterbury. (Detective Comics Annual v1 #8)

Gordon solved one of Riddler's latest clues while the rogue was in prison. He visited Joker in his cell to tell him he was being released because he hadn't been read his Miranda Rights, and the DA didn't think he was worth the time. Gordon told him he was a has-been, having run out of clever riddles, and advised him to find a new career. Riddler caught a bus to Hub City, where he met fellow ex-con Sphinx Scromuliski, and they hit it off. She told him she was going to rob the bus, and he'd given her an idea with his modus operandi. She shot anyone who couldn't answer Riddler's riddles, getting the immediate attention of their fellow passengers Question and Aristotle Rodor. Question got Riddler's interest by reciting John Donne's "Song," and berated Riddler for using puerile puns as riddles. He asked metaphysical questions, such as why a benevolent God allowed suffering, if God existed, and if he didn't why religion was ingrained in every major culture. Question snagged Sphinx's gun, and she fled the bus, falling into a freezing river and drowning. Riddler, Question and Tot huddled around a barrel fire, and Riddler admitted he told riddles because the questions that plagued the Question drove him to near madness as well. In the Christmas spirit the Question said he'd let the Riddler go before the police arrived if he could answer the Question's riddle, and the Riddler was game. (Question v1 #26)

After escaping from prison, he was attacked by Bane, who dosed Riddler with Venom. Batman tried to stop Riddler, but he was too strong and Batman was tired. Bane's henchmen shot Riddler under Bane's command leaving Riddler badly injured. (Batman v1 #490) His stay in Arkham was short lived as Bane released all the inmates as a plan to eliminate Batman. Riddler escaped as well, gathered his old gang and started planning his next move. Riddler sent a letter to the Gotham City Police Department, but they were too busy with all the other criminals from Arkham and Riddler's letters got overlooked in the situation. (Detective Comics v1 #661) After a while, his own henchmen got tired of waiting for the police to notice the clues and they ditched Riddler out of the score. On an attempt to be noticed, Riddler went to a live TV broadcast, armed with bombs and took over the show. He delivered his riddles to the audience, but nobody was able to answer them. Riddler was soon stopped by Robin, who watched the TV, learned of his move and arrived at the TV station in no time. The bomb turned out to be fake and Riddler was captured and taken back to Arkham. (Detective Comics v1 #662)

Riddler was looking to avenge himself after a defeat by Flash, so he targeted Impulse, kidnapping Max Mercury and Professor Morlo. Riddler told Impulse he'd hidden three bombs around Manchester, and Impulse would have to solve a series of riddles to find them. Impulse got bored with the riddles, so he ran around Manchester at superspeed until he found and defused the bombs. Riddler was supremely annoyed that Impulse wouldn't play his game, and Impulse handed him over to the police. (Impulse v1 #48)

Crooked businessman Walter "Great White Shark" played the system, and was found not guilty by reason of insanity after a trial for defrauding people out of their life's savings. Shark found that he was a little fish in Arkham, and the inmates, including Riddler, delighted in tormenting him. Riddler got upset with his therapist for asking question, which was his shtick. In the cafeteria Scarecrow stabbed White with a fork as an "experiment" in fear. Riddler and the rest of the inmates were sick of White's whining, and a riot erupted. (Arkham Asylum: Living Hell v1 #2) Jane Doe, in the identity of Arkham guard Wrigley, helped fee her fellow inmates, and Riddler enjoyed the riot. (Arkham Asylum: Living Hell v1 #4)

At Nevada, Riddler went to Roulette's House to attend one of her gladiatorial contests. He was among the crowd of villains that watched members of the JSA forced to fight each other. (JSA v1 #28)

Diagnosed with cancer, the prognosis was that it was terminal and Riddler sought to cure himself where he decided to seek out one of the Lazarus Pits. This gave him temporary clarity and he concluded that Bruce Wayne was Batman whereupon he attempted to sell the cure for cancer for a profit. In this time, he approached a rich doctor named Tommy Elliot whose mother was dying from cancer. However, during their meeting, Riddler came to realise that Elliot hated Bruce Wayne and wanted to work with Nigma to destroy Batman. Thus, Nigma suggested he take the guise of a supervillain and thought up the name of 'Hush' with the two working to make an intricate plan to take down the Dark Knight. The plot planned by the pair involved manipulating Catwoman, Clayface, Harley Quinn, Huntress, Jason Todd, the Joker, Killer Croc, Poison Ivy, Scarecrow and even Superman. (Batman v1 #619)

Private detective Riddler in Gotham City Sirens v1 #9.

Poison Ivy later came to control the Riddler, keeping him in a nearly vegetative state so she can move into his house. When a villain named Boneblaster decides to make a name for himself by killing Catwoman, the fight ends up there. The house is severely damaged, but Riddler is freed from Ivy's control in the process. Seeing his house in shambles, he takes his question mark cane off the wall and begins to savagely beat the already downed Boneblaster. (Gotham City Sirens v1 #1)

At this point, Riddler announces that Batman is en route to their very location, something both Conundrum and the writer have difficulty believing. Riddler claims that since his reform, he and Batman have become close and that his cane now has its own GPS that alerts Batman to his location whenever the question mark is twisted. Noting her disbelief, Riddler calmly asks Conundrum with a smirk, "Why is this man smiling?". Just as the Riddler finishes his question, Dick shows up and knocks Conundrum out. Riddler then admits that he is completely baffled that Batman is indeed there since he was only stalling for time until he thought of something, leading him to wonder if there truly is a Bat-signal in his cane. After the ordeal is over, the young writer hugs Riddler, thanking him for saving her life. Afterward, she and Riddler go out to dinner at a fancy restaurant, under Dick's covert surveillance. Dick admits that Riddler is indeed on a path of recovery, but must still be watched. After washing up in the men's room, Riddler sees a gossip show on closed-circuit television, showcasing a plainclothes Harley getting into a car with Hush disguised as Bruce Wayne. He then calls Selina and tells her to turn on her television. Sometime later, Riddler arrives at his office to find his secretary bound and gagged at her desk, with Harley, Ivy, and Selina waiting in his office. The women tell him that they are being framed for the murder of a young woman whose body was dropped into their pool, and they need his help to prove that they had no part in it. After examining the woman's body, he finds that the women were telling the truth, only to be attacked by Dr. Aesop. (Gotham City Sirens v1 #9)

Nigma's former aberrant personality were said to be permanently gone yet his brilliant analytical mind remained intact. During this time, Gotham's wealthiest lawyer Sherman Bishop used his resources to give Edward Nigma a clean bill of health and had him working on the case of his murdered niece Karrie Bishop. She was seemingly killed by Bruce Wayne with Sherman having no confidence in the police and being unable to hire Batman led to the man hiring one of the best minds from Arkham Asylum. The Riddler then went to Wayne Manor where he used his deductive skills to prove that Bruce Wayne was not the person who killed Karrie Bishop. He later tracked Batman also looking for the killer where they followed a string of clues where they found a man who wrote a confession note and had seemingly committed suicide. Finding the culprit, he reported his findings to his Sarah Morton who was the secretary of Bishop and hired him on behalf of her boss. He was then given the monetary reward for his work but later received a call when new evidence indicated that Morton was the actual culprit who murdered Karrie Bishop. Sherman Bishop then took his money back with Nigma deducing that Batman had found the true culprit in the murder. (Detective Comics v1 #822) Afterwards, he took on a variety of smaller cases none of which were intellectually stimulating for him but he needed the money as his criminal past meant that he could only pay money in cash and wanted a place of his own. In this time, he was visited by millionaire Bruce Wayne who hired Nygma for his discretion over a matter at Wayne Enterprises where an employee had gone missing along with samples of an experimental new drug developed by the company. He managed to track a trail to the Athenian Women's Help Shelter in Metropolis where he attempted to get the aid of Harley Quinn who was at the women's help group but she kicked him out. However, the head of the shelter namely Athena convinced Harleen to aid Nygma in his investigation where the two caught up with one another. He came to learn that his quarry was indeed at the shelter but the rules prevented men from going in. This led to Harley deciding to investigate the matter on his behalf though Nygma came to infiltrate the shelter where he arrived just in time to help Harley and Holly Robinson who were attacked by a super-powered Lisa Ellen Newman who had used the experimental steroid that got accidentally mixed with the magical Amazon waters at the spa. Riddler came to knock the woman unconscious with him recovering the Wayne Enterprises property which he returned to his employers whereupon he earnt enough money to purchase his new office. (Detective Comics v1 #837)

During his time as detective, word about Batman's death started to spread. (Batman: Battle for the Cowl v1 #1) As crime became more violent in Gotham, he was approached by Penguin who wanted Nygma's service as an investigator to find the new Black Mask that started operating in Gotham. To help his investigation, he recruited Harley Quinn and later Poison Ivy joined their efforts. On this quest, Riddler became the man who helped Quinn, Ivy and Catwoman to become a team. (Battle for the Cowl: The Underground v1 #1)


The Riddler in The Riddler: Year of the Villain v1 #1.

Following the Flashpoint, a new version of reality was created with a different history of events.

A year later, he came to be in the custody of the GCPD where he assisted them in solving a variety of crimes among which included locating the Joker's whereabouts. Later on, he was responsible for stabbing a police officer to death 26 times. Riddler then blackmailed the approaching guards with details on their children and families allowing him to depart. This allowed him to walk into the Joker's lair where he offered a partnership between the two would compete over who would kill the Batman with the loser feeling deprived and forever unsatisfied over not being able to defeat the Dark Knight. The Joker though would shoot the Riddler in the stomach and leave as Batman appeared through a window to give chase. In a pool of his own blood, the Riddler managed to get back p and limped away where he was unfazed by the incident. (Batman v3 #25)

Catwoman then took Riddler and the Penguin to the law firm of the Underbroker's civilian guise where she suggested that they rob it of the Wayne fortune. (Batman v3 #99) This was to become rich and to deprive the Joker of the money that he was using to destroy the city. Nygma provided hacking support but Catwoman betrayed her comrades as she did not want the money to go into their hands. She managed to evade the Riddler but was wounded by the Penguin who had anticipated her betrayal. (Catwoman v5 #25)


Personality and attributes

He went by the name of Edward Nigma or E. Nigma. (Detective Comics v1 #140)

As a child, he was shown to had been curious and often asked adults various questions but was disappointed that they never seemed to have had answers for him. It was then that he was determined to be the person who had all the answers even if he had to make up the questions. (Detective Comics Annual v1 #8)

From a young age, he was resolved to solve all kinds of puzzles and became an puzzle expert though many did not know that he often cheated. (Detective Comics v1 #140)

At school, he thought himself as a cypher and was treated as a nobody that was beneath the notice of the school bullies. To overcome this, he sought recognition and it was in that time that he thought the true calling of his life was through cheating. (Detective Comics Annual v1 #8)

As the Riddler, people thought that he created riddles because he wanted to be caught. However, in reality, Nigma did them because he felt that crime was a performance art. Ultimately, he had said that it was not the crime nor action he wanted but rather the attention from any job. (Detective Comics Annual v1 #8)

After becoming a P.I., he said that he was never fully reformed and felt no guilt over charging clients obscene amounts of money for his services. (Detective Comics v1 #837)

One of his favourite subjects had been on the Great Houdini where Eddie believed that they both shared a talent in cheating. (Detective Comics Annual v1 #8)

The Riddler initially came to learn about the Batman in the tabloid papers and thought he was an urban legend as well as a dystopic folktale. Over time, Nigma wanted to prove his worth to the vigilante and did not want to play second to the likes of the Joker or Two-Face. (Detective Comics Annual v1 #8)

Powers and abilities

It was said that he had been a mediocre student and had no real skill. (Detective Comics Annual v1 #8)

His rapport with the common-criminal element had always been tenuous as they often refused to work with him. One day though he gained a gang after two women tried to rob him where he found kindred souls among them wth them taking the names Query and Echo. They were said to had been eager accomplices though a bit on the wild side. (Detective Comics Annual v1 #8)


  • The Riddler was created by Bill Finger and Dick Sprang where he made his first appearance in Detective Comics v1 #140 (October, 1948).

Alternate Versions

  • In Kingdom Come v1 #2 (1996), an alternate version of the Riddler appeared as an inhabitant of Kingdom Come set on Earth-22 in the Multiverse. He came to be invited to a meeting of the Mankind Liberation Front by Lex Luthor.
  • In Assassins v1 #1 (1996), an alternate version of the character appeared in the Amalgam Comics crossover between Marvel Comics and DC Comics. This version was a merger between the Riddler and the Kingpin called Edward Fisk who went by the name of Big Question.
  • In Trinity, an alternate version of the character was shown to be an inhabitant of the Anti-Matter Universe version of Earth with this one being known as Enigma.
  • In Batman: Earth One v1 #1 (2012), an alternate version of the Riddle appeared as an inhabitant of Earth-1 in the restored Multiverse. This version of the character is a nameless serial killer who puts people in life-threatening situations, all while questioning them in riddles, claiming that if they get it right, he will spare them; in fact, this is all a ruse, as he kills them regardless of whether they answer the riddles he proposes or not. Even though he was not obsessed with finding answers to most riddles, the Riddler does have an obsession with learning the Batman's identity, which he considers to be the 'ultimate riddle'. Six months after the death of Mayor Oswald Cobblepot, the Riddler goes on a killing spree in Gotham City, hoping to get Batman's attention. After a bombing, Batman chases the Riddler, but falls off a roof in the process of attempting to catch him. Though Batman finds the Riddler's sewer-based hideout, he fails to stop him from bombing a rapid transit train. Using discovered clues, Batman deduces that these killings were not random; they were actually targeted, specifically that the Riddler is targeting the people who are trying to take over the remains of Cobblepot's criminal network. Bruce was later accused of being the Riddler after the real Riddler frames him in an attempt to divert James Gordon's investigation, but Jessica Dent was able to provide Bruce an alibi so he is not arrested. In the middle of a riot at the police precinct caused by the Riddler, Batman pursues the villain in a car chase and eventually subdues him with Waylon Jones' help. The Riddler is subsequently arrested by the Gotham City Police Department and brought up on 43 charges of murder.
  • In DC Comics Bombshells v1 #8 (2016), an alternate version of the Riddler appeared in the DC Bombshells reality that was designated as Earth-24 in the new Multiverse. Edward Nygma was the butler of Samuel Whitmore, the biological father of Stargirl. But unbeknownst to his employer, Nygma is actually working for Baroness Paula von Gunther and is using Whitmore technology to make weapons for the German armies. He threatens Stargirl's life in the hopes that her step-sister Supergirl will come to rescue her. But Stargirl proves that she is not as helpless as she appears to be. During the Battle of Britain, Nygma goes down into the sewers to activate the naval mines in the River Thames when he is suddenly interrupted by Batwoman. After trying to escape, Batwoman hands him over the British refugees. Big Barda flings Nygma out of the sewers and he ends up landing in the River Thames, where he meets up with the Baroness. After the battle is lost, the Baroness escapes with Nygma. Nygma is sent by Baroness von Gunther to the depths of the sea in order to secretly offer up Tenebrus the Binder and his crew of Nazis to the King Beneath the Black in exchange for a new servant. But before the offer can be made, Nygma's submarine is attacked by the Suicide Squad, who stow aboard the ship in order to rescue the sub's engineer, Luc Fuchs. During the attack, Tenebrus is set free and attacks Nygma, but Nygma is able to catch the King Beneath the Black's attention with a musical recording of Zatanna. The King destroys Tenebrus and offers Rhakontys the Bringer as his new champion in helping the Nazis.

In other media


  • In Batman, the Riddler appeared in the 1960s live-action television series where he was initially portrayed by actor Frank Gorshin and later by later John Astin.
  • In Challenge of the Super Friends, the Riddler appeared in the animated Hanna-Barbara television series where he was voiced by actor Michael Bell.
  • In The Batman, the Riddler appeared in the animated television series in the episode "Riddled" where he was voiced by actor Robert Englund.
  • In Batman: The Brave and the Bold, Riddler appeared in the setting of the animated television series where he was voiced by actor John Michael Higgins.
  • In Young Justice, the Riddler appeared in the animated television series where he was voiced by actor Dave Franco.
  • In Justice League Action, the Riddler appeared in the animated television series where he was voiced by actor Brent Spiner.
  • In Harley Quinn, the Riddler appeared in the animated television series where he was voiced by actor Jim Rash.


  • In Batman Forever, the Riddler appeared in the 1995 live-action film where he was portrayed by actor Jim Carrey. Edward Nygma was a scientist working for Wayne Enterprises who wanted to show its owner Bruce Wayne his latest invention: a device capable of generating realistic images from television signals into a person's brain. The device in its prototype form strangely looks like it was made with an electric food blender -- the shape that the final version of the product ends up taking later on. Wayne notices that Nygma says the device manipulates brain waves, which makes him say he cannot fund its development because it raises too many questions. Nygma fumes at the rejection and decides he will press on with working on the device with or without Wayne's support. During Nygma's off-hours still working at his station at Wayne Enterprises on his invention, his superior Fred Stickley catches him and threatens to have security remove him. Nygma ties Fred up and makes him the test subject of his invention, causing him to be mesmerized by the incredible realistic images pumped into his brain. Then Nygma gives his invention more power, and suddenly he finds himself flooded with information his invention has sapped from Fred's brain, making him incredibly smarter. Stickley realizes that Wayne was right about the invention being mind manipulation and threatens to have Nygma incarcerated, put into a mental institution, and ultimately fired. Nygma pushes Fred in the chair he is tied to toward the main window overlooking the Gotham River, where he dangles as he is still tethered to Nygma's invention. He removes it from Fred's head and watches him plunge into the river, mocking his demise. The next day, the police come on the scene to find a suicide note supposedly written by Nygma's superior Fred, and Wayne watches a security video recording where he supposedly went insane and purposely walked his way through the window to drown himself. Nygma feigns a mournful attitude and decides he will no longer work for Wayne Enterprises as the demise of Fred is too much for him to bear. Back at his apartment, Nygma goes to work to create all sorts of puzzling messages for Bruce Wayne to receive. He also watches as Harvey Dent, now known as Two-Face, causes chaos and murder at the circus, realizing that this was one man he wants to be like and one he has to meet. On deciding an identity for himself, Nygma looks at the green-suited man in the machine pointing his finger toward the question mark, and inspiration hits him. Two-Face at his secret hideout with his two girlfriends Sugar and Spice gets an unexpected and unwelcome visit from Nygma, who now shows up wearing a green suit with question marks on it and a cane with a question mark on it, calling himself the Riddler. Two-Face threatens to kill the intruder unless he tells him how he managed to find out where he lived. Nygma shows him with an advanced version of his invention, which he now calls the Box, setting up two of them on top of television sets that Sugar and Spice each sit before, and then puts a handheld device toward his forehead to activate them, drawing from their brains everything they know. Nygma gives Two-Face a taste of what it does, but says the only way he can get more is if he helps Nygma steal enough money so he could manufacture and distribute Boxes all over Gotham, and from that he will help Two-Face know who Batman really is. Not liking intruders but intrigued by Nygma's invention, Two-Face flips his coin to decide whether to keep Riddler alive or to kill him.
  • In Batman: Under the Red Hood, the Riddler made a cameo appearance in the animated film where his vocal effects were provided by actor Bruce Timm.
  • In Batman: Hush, the Riddler appeared in the setting of the animated film where he was voiced by actor Geoffrey Arend.

Video games

  • In DC Universe Online, the Riddler appeared in the setting of the MMORPG video game where he was voiced by actor Shannon McCormick.
  • In Young Justice: Legacy, the Riddler appeared as a boss level character in the video game adaptation of the animated series where he was voiced by actor Jason Spisak.


  • Detective Comics v1: (1948)
  • Batman v1:
  • Batman v2:
  • Secret Six:
  • Batman v3:
  • Catwoman v5:

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