John Sheppard (Stargate)

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John Sheppard is a male television character who features in Stargate.



John Sheppard

He served as a pilot serving under General Jack O'Neill who via helicopter was visiting a research facility at the Antarctic. During the journey, their helicopter was nearly destroyed a by rogue drone weapon launched from the facility. Upon landing, they toured the site with Sheppard learning about the existence of a much older alien civilisation known as the Ancients and their creation of an intergalactic Stargate network. In this time, Sheppard demonstrated a natural use for Ancient technology due to possessing a gene that allowed him to use it. This led to Elizabeth Weir attempting to recruit him for a research expedition that she was heading which was to find the lost city of Atlantis. Sheppard at first refused as he had no interest in exploring other worlds but was convinced to take part in the expedition after a talk with General O'Neill. (ATL: Rising, Part 1)

Soon after arriving on Atlantis and discovering it underwater with the shield failing, Sheppard was assigned to a team that traveled to Athos in search of a Zero Point Module to power the city. Once through the Stargate, they came into contact with the Athosians, who were led by Teyla Emmagan. At sunrise, Teyla showed him the caves where her ancestors hid from the Wraith. Once inside, he found a necklace that she had lost years before. On the way back, three Wraith Darts came through the Stargate. Teyla and Colonel Marshall Sumner, and several others were beamed into one of the Darts and taken through the gate. He ordered Lt. Aiden Ford to memorize the address of the planet that the Darts gated to. After returning to Atlantis with the Athosian refugees, Atlantis' Failsafe mechanism released and the city surfaced. Eventually, Sheppard used a Puddle Jumper to led a team to rescue Sumner and the captured Athosians. He and Ford infiltrated the Hive ship and located the prisoners after planting C-4 throughout the ship. He ordered Ford to stay with the prisoners while he went to find Sumner. He was able to locate Sumner but was forced to shoot him in order to keep him from suffering further from the life-sucking power of the Wraith. He was then shot with a Wraith spear gun by a Wraith Commander and brought before the Wraith Keeper. He was questioned by the Keeper about how he acquired the Life signs detector but Ford, who followed Sheppard's boot trail, arrived saved him from being feed on. They then blew the C-4 and escaped back to the Puddle Jumper but with the unfortunate result of awakening the Wraith from their hibernation cycle fifty years prematurely. On the way back to the Spacegate, three Darts were blocking the way. He used drones to destroy one of them and lure the others away from the gate so Ford could dial and send his IDC before returning to Atlantis. With the loss of Colonel Sumner, Sheppard was left to command the military contingent of Atlantis. He also took up the command of the Atlantis Reconnaissance 1 with Ford, Teyla, and Dr. Rodney McKay, spearheading the expedition's efforts to explore the Pegasus galaxy. (ATL: Rising, Part 2)

Shortly after the arriving in Atlantis, he and Dr. Rodney McKay tested the Personal shield emitter by shooting McKay and shoving him off a balcony. That night, he told the Athosian children a scary story that was just the movie Friday the 13th and then showed Teyla Emmagan a recording of a football game. Later when Jinto went missing, Sheppard and Halling searched for him. They discovered the Atlantis transporter and found Jinto in a lab with the Containment vessel for the Shadow creature. Sheppard later tried to lure it back inside the vessel but it would not reenter. Sheppard also learnt of the Ascension process during a talk between himself, McKay and Weir. Eventually, they allowed the creature to go through the Stargate to M4X-337. (ATL: Hide and Seek) On a mission back to the Wraith homeworld, the team was attacked by Wraith warriors. He ordered a retreat but he was attacked by an Iratus bug and was fed upon. The rest of the team got him in the Puddle Jumper but on the way back to Atlantis the Jumper got lodged in the Stargate. After using salt and iodine to try to remove the Iratus bug, Dr. Carson Beckett suggested the use of a Defibrillator to stop his heart. After the bug released it's grip, he was then placed in the Event horizon until Dr. Rodney McKay freed the Jumper and he was revived on Atlantis. (ATL: Thirty-Eight Minutes) When his team encountered the Wraith for the fifth time in nine missions, Dr. Elizabeth Weir concluded there must be a spy in the city. Weir set up new security protocols that restricted the movement of the Athosians despite his objections. While on a Puddle Jumper exploration of Lantea with Lt. Aiden Ford, they discovered the mainland. After the Athosians relocated to the mainland, he and his team traveled to an unnamed planet. While deciphering ruins, he sent Teyla Emmagan and Ford to find the inhabitants to help with the translation. While they were away the Wraith attacked the ruins and he was shot with a Wraith stunner. Dr. Rodney McKay and Sgt. Stackhouse were able to drag him through the Stargate back to Atlantis but they were forced to leave Teyla and Ford behind. He became angry when Sgt. Bates accused Teyla of being the spy and was surprised when McKay found the Wraith relay device in her possession. It had been activated by Sheppard's Ancient Technology Activation gene gene when on Athos, and he had returned the lost 'necklace' to Teyla neither aware of what had occurred. He then used the device to lure the Wraith back to the planet and he and the team were able to capture a Wraith that he named Steve. (ATL: Suspicion)


Personality and attributes

He believed that anyone that did not want to fly was crazy. (ATL: Rising, Part 1)

Powers and abilities

His body contained the Ancient ATA gene that allowed him to naturally activate their technology once it registered his presence. (ATL: Rising, Part 1)


  • John Sheppard was created by Brad Wright and Robert C. Cooper where he was portrayed by actor Joe Flanigan and featured in the setting of the Stargate universe.


  • Stargate: Atlantis: "Rising"

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