Ahsoka Tano

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Ahsoka Tano is a female extraterrestrial characters who features in Star Wars.



Clone Wars

Ahsoka Tano was a female Togruta born a Force-sensitive in the galaxy far, far away. She lived during the era of the Galactic Republic where at the age of 3 years old she was discovered by Jedi Master Plo Koon. As was practice, the young Ahsoka was taken by the Jedi Order in order to be trained in the ways of the Force.

Early in her life, Tano was taken on a journey by her mother, who taught her about life and death. During that period, the young girl had an encounter with a sabertooth feline, which she reached out to without fear. She proceeded to ride atop the animal to return home. Upon her return, the elder Togruta Gantika realized the infant was Force-sensitive and declared that she would be a Jedi.

When she was 14 years old, Tano was assigned to Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker to learn the ways of the Force as his apprentice on the orders of Yoda during the start of the Clone Wars. The Jedi Council finally sent Tano on her first mission to the planet Christophsis in order to meet her new mentor and inform Kenobi and him that they were needed back at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. However, after arriving on the planet moments after a wave of Separatist forces pulled back and giving that message to the two, she learned that the Republic had in fact failed to take the planet as the Jedi on Coruscant had believed, leaving the generals and their forces trapped and outnumbered as the battle dragged on. Kenobi introduced himself, presuming that she was his new Padawan learner. She corrected him, insisting that Master Yoda specifically assigned her to Skywalker, who was shocked to hear the news due to the fact that he had spoken adamantly against the idea of taking on a Padawan learner. Despite Kenobi's confusion, he accepted that having a Padawan would be good for Skywalker, who vehemently disagreed. Meanwhile, the droid army set up a deflector shield that would block the Republic artillery bombardment that earlier halted their advancements. Skywalker took Tano to check on Clone Captain CT-7567 "Rex," who was also confused by Tano's presence, referencing Skywalker's earlier affirmation against taking on a Padawan learner. Tano stood up for herself, saying that Yoda believed she was capable and that she would prove it. As Skywalker went on ahead, Tano asked Rex if she outranked him, to which Rex responded that experience outranked any kind of designated command. However, Tano just responded that she was eager to get some. Skywalker and Tano eventually made a plan to infiltrate the enemy lines while Kenobi and his troops held off the enemy forces in order to buy them time. The two Jedi hid inside a box while the droid tanks moved around them. As they made their way to the source of the shield, Tano tripped on a sensor antenna, accidentally activating a batch of Separatist retail droids. While Skywalker was occupied with the droids, Tano began to place charges around the generator. As she was planting charges, a battle droid snuck up behind her, but Tano noticed it and sliced it in half. The battle droid's body rolled over more sensors and activated additional retail droids. With her master pinned down by the horde, Tano noticed a piece of wall behind him with a convenient hole right where Skywalker was positioned. She used the Force to push the wall down, crushing the droids around her master. Meanwhile, in the city, Kenobi tricked Separatist General Whorm Loathsom, stalling for time until the shield blew up. Then, Kenobi took the Separatist General hostage. When the battle was over, Skywalker noted how reckless his new Padawan was, saying that she might not have made it as Kenobi's Padawan. Tano felt disappointment until her master reaffirmed himself, thanking Tano for her help on their mission and noting that her recklessness might serve her well as his student. As Tano and Skywalker found themselves settled, Yoda wondered if having a Padawan would calm Skywalker's wild ways.

After the Battle of Christophsis, Skywalker and his new apprentice were dispatched to find and rescue Jabba the Hutt's missing son Rotta, who was captured by Separatist forces and brought to the planet Teth. Rescuing Rotta was critical to ensure trade and shipping routes for the Republic through Hutt Space in the Outer Rim Territories. As Skywalker communicated with the scouts who had been sent to Teth, Tano quickly became friendly with the clones, telling them about her rescue of Skywalker on Christophsis. Skywalker approached them and told them that it would be impossible to land at the B'omarr Order Monastery. As Rex sent the men to their positions, Skywalker told Tano to remain humble, who replied that she was trying to keep the men inspired. Republic forces were forced to land below the monastery, with Tano riding in a LAAT/i gunship with Skywalker, Rex, and several other troopers. After landing, their forces began to scale the mountain with AT-TE walkers and ascension cables where the building was located. Skywalker led the charge and Tano stood on top of a walker and deflected oncoming laser fire. The climb proved to be a challenge, but the Jedi and clones eventually reached the top of the mountain. After securing the outer perimeter, they discovered a caretaker droid called 4-A7, who revealed the location of the captured Hutt. Skywalker and Tano went to look for him and were forced to fight several enemy battle droids, but eventually found the cell where the Hutt was located. Rotta turned out to be just a Huttlet. Meanwhile, 4-A7, who actually served the Separatists and Dark Acolyte Asajj Ventress, recorded the Jedi's speech. Ventress transmitted the recording to her master, Count Dooku, who gave the "evidence" to Jabba that the Jedi were behind the kidnapping. Dooku assured Jabba that he would sent his army to "rescue" Rotta, intending to gain Jabba's favor for safe passage through the system. With the incoming droid army on their way and the little Huttlet sick, the Jedi had to look for another way out to bring the kidnapped Hutt back to Tatooine. On their way out, Ventress had arrived and eventually located the two and engaged them in battle. After a brief duel, they escaped on a can-cell to a nearby hangar, followed by Skywalker's astromech droid, R2-D2, to where a ship, the Twilight, was berthed. Once on the other platform, they encountered 4-A7 once again. However, it became obvious the droid was a spy when three battle droids came out of the ship. The Jedi destroyed the droids and hijacked the ship.

While on the escape, Master Kenobi and Republic reinforcements had arrived with Kenobi engaging in a duel with Ventress. Now on the ship, Skywalker and Tano attempted to land on a Republic Star Destroyer, but the cruiser's hangar was destroyed, forcing the Jedi to make their way to Tatooine on their own. As the two jumped to hyperspace, Ventress and Kenobi sensed their withdrawal. Kenobi, knowing that Ventress had failed her mission and that her master would be displeased to learn that, managed to gain the upper hand over Ventress until she boarded a Vulture droid to escape capture. Meanwhile, Tano and Skywalker found medicine for the Huttlet, which saved his life as they made their way back to Jabba's palace on Tatooine. However, as they approached Tatooine, they came under attack by two MagnaGuards in Rogue-class Porax-38 starfighters. Despite destroying the fighters, their ship was forced to crash-land in the Dune Sea. Tano, Skywalker, and R2 then took Rotta across the Dune Sea to reach his father's palace. However, she and Skywalker sensed Dooku's presence. While Skywalker distracted Dooku, Tano and R2 took Rotta to Jabba's palace. However, they came under attack by several MagnaGuards. Tano fought the MagnaGuards, destroying them all and meeting up with her master at Jabba's palace. However, Jabba ordered their execution until he was contacted by his uncle, Ziro. Senator Padmé Amidala then revealed to Jabba that his uncle was working with Dooku and was the one who arranged Rotta's kidnapping. Jabba then spared their lives, and Tano and her master were picked up by Master Kenobi and Yoda.

At some point, Kenobi told Tano about how his own master, Qui-Gon Jinn, found Skywalker because of his quick reflexes. During the hunt for the Confederacy's new warship, the Malevolence, which was a Subjugator-class heavy cruiser armed with two mega-ion cannons powerful enough to disable the power systems of an entire fleet of warships, Tano, along with her master, were sent to protect the staging area in the Bith system. She and Skywalker were contacted by Master Plo Koon, who had tracked the Confederacy's secret weapon to the Abregado system. When Koon's transmission was lost, Tano urged her master to send support to Koon, but he required the Chancellor's and Jedi Council's permission. During the meeting, Skywalker and the Council believed that there were no survivors and Skywalker was ordered to protect the Republic's convoys. Tano then spoke up and urged them to search for survivors, but she was rebuffed by the Council and the Supreme Chancellor for her outburst. Skywalker had Admiral Yularen deploy their fleet while Skywalker and Tano took the Twilight to 'scout ahead'. Despite Tano's outburst, her master agreed with her that they must search for survivors. At first, they were unsuccessful and were ordered by both Kenobi and Palpatine to give up their search. However, as Skywalker piloted the Twilight away, Tano sensed Koon and took the controls, piloting the Twilight to his escape pod's location. Tano and Skywalker found Koon with the clones Commander Wolffe, Sergeant Sinker, and trooper Boost. They learned from Koon that the Malevolence's weapon was an ion cannon mounted on an enormous ship that could disable ships. Tano then detected the Malevolence approaching them and hurried to disable power so they could blend into the debris field. At first, the ship passed, but it then detected the Twilight's medical droid TB-2, who was caring for the injured Wolffe, and fired the mega-ion cannon. Skywalker was able to outmaneuver debris and jump to hyperspace before the blast wave reached them.

Following their return to the Republic fleet and the Resolute, Skywalker and Tano were given command of Shadow Squadron and dispatched on their next mission: to destroy both General Grievous and the Malevolence. Tano and Koon were both skeptical of the plan, knowing that Grievous would be well protected by his ship's defenses. Tano and Skywalker were then informed Grievous had attacked a medical convoy in the Ryndellia system. Skywalker deduced that Grievous's next target was the Republic's secret Outer Rim medical center near the Kaliida Nebula. Tano served as Skywalker's gunner aboard his BTL-B Y-wing starfighter/bomber as Shadow Squadron flew to intercept Grievous. Tano, along with her master, Koon, and Shadow Squadron, took a shortcut through the nebula. During the journey, Tano detected several Neebray mantas. Despite damage to one of the bombers and an astromech, Tano, Skywalker, Koon, and Shadow Squadron reached the medical station. The Malevolence then arrived, and Tano shot down several of the vulture droids despite her master's fancy flying. When Shadow Squadron started to lose more ships, Tano convinced her master to target the ion cannon instead of the bridge. This strategy succeeded in disabling both the Malevolence's ion cannons and its hyperdrive. Tano, Skywalker, and Koon then rejoined Kenobi aboard the Resolute as he continued attacking the Malevolence. However, Tano detected a Naboo ship approaching the battlefield. Tano then picked up a comm signal from the ship's pilot, Senator Padmé Amidala. When Amidala was captured by a tractor beam, Skywalker decided to rescue the senator. Tano remained on the bridge of the Resolute with Koon and Admiral Yularen and guided both her master and Kenobi through the ship to find Amidala and her protocol droid, C-3PO, until Grievous jammed their transmissions. Tano watched as Skywalker, Kenobi, and Amidala made their escape, and the the Malevolence crashed into the Dead Moon of Antar.

Upon meeting Bo-Katan, she was informed that Maul was still loose and had in fact taken over Mandalore where he ruled her people in secret. Unable to remove him with her forces, the Mandalorian required aid in order to lay siege to Sundari long enough for Maul to be captured. Ahsoka then suggested that they seek out the Republic for aid with Bo-Katan believing this to be a futile endeavour but ultimately did so on Tano's advice.

Whilst in hyperspace, Tano became uneasy as she felt a change in the Force and that something terrible had happened to Anakin. She then approached Captain Rex who had received orders under Order 66 to terminate the Jedi as traitors to the Republic. Before succumbing to his programming, he hinted at a file for Ahsoka to examine after which he along with the other Clone Troopers moved to try and eliminate her. Tano managed to escape into the vents where she made her way into the prison cells where she freed Maul from the Mandalorian vault so that he could serve as a distraction on the cruiser. Ahsoka managed to get the aid of a number of astromech droids where they helped her uncover the file surrounding the clone inhibitor chips along with a grievance report from Rex that they contained a secret programming. She then was determined to free him from the chip's control and planned an ambush that separated Rex from his troopers where she took him to surgery for the chip to be removed. Rex was then instrumental in helping Ahsoka make her way to the flight deck in order to secure a ship to escape as all escape pods had been destroyed where he revealed that the entire Grand Army of the Republic had orders to eliminate the Jedi. In this time, the Star Destroyer's hyperdrive core was destroyed by Maul and the cruiser was set tumbling into the gravitational pull of a moon. Ahsoka attempted to take a shuttle but the fighting with the Clone Troopers stopped her from getting to the transport which Maul stole and which he used to escape. Rex managed to find an operational Y-Wing as the cruise had hit the atmosphere of the moon where he managed to save Ahsoka as the cruiser began to break apart. The two then reached the surface in the Y-Wing where they inspected the cruisers remains after all the crew had been killed. They conducted a burial of their comrades before departing into the galaxy which had greatly changed as the Republic had been re-formed into the first Galactic Empire.


New Republic

Seeking information on Grand Admiral Thrawn, she journeyed to the remote world of Corvus where Magistrate Morgan Elsbeth had set up a base of operations. Ahsoka came to disrupt her activities on the planet but was unable to reach the Magistrate herself to interrogate her. Meanwhile, Elsbeth was unable to kill the former Jedi no matter how many troops were sent against her foe. This changed when she hired a Mandalorian bounty hunter who tracked Ahsoka to her territory where the two briefly battled. However, the Mandalorian had simply sought her out as he had a Jedi youngling named Grogu with him who he wanted to return to his kind.


Personality and attributes

After joining the Rebel Alliance, she decided to take the code name of Fulcrum that was to denote a top intelligence operative within their ranks.

By the time of the Clone Wars, she came to be apprenticed to Anakin Skywalker where she served as his Padawan learner. At first, he bristled at the idea of having to train an apprentice but over time the two gained a friendship with their early interactions being playfully contentious. This saw Master Skywalker refer to her as Snips on account of her witty retorts whilst she called him Skyguy.

Powers and abilities

As a Force-sensitive, she had the ability to manipulate the Force and thus achieve a number of feats.

At the beginning of her apprenticeship, Tano was capable of telekinetic feats as evidenced during the Battle of Christophsis, where she pulled down a large wall in order to save Skywalker from a group of retail droids. In another instance, Tano strongly pushed Ventress and flung her back some distance in order to save the life of Luminara Unduli.

As a Jedi, she came to construct her own lightsabre which she used for much of her life.

As a citizen in the Old Republic, the Force-sensitive nature of Ahsoka meant that she was recruited into the Jedi Order. This saw her formal training as a Jedi where she started as a Padawan. In that time, she was apprenticed under Anakin Skywalker until she became a Jedi Knight.


  • Ahsoka Tano was created by George Lucas for the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series where she was voiced by actor Ashley Eckstein.

Alternate Versions

In other media


  • In The Mandalorian, Ahsoka Tano made her first live-action appearance in the setting of the television series where she was portrayed by actress Rosario Dawson.

Video games

  • In Star Wars: The Clone Wars – Republic Heroes, Ahsoka Tano appeared in the video game where she was voiced by actor Ashley Eckstein.



  • Star Wars: The Clone Wars:
  • Star Wars: Rebels:
  • The Mandalorian:
  • Ahsoka:

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