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The Underbase as it traveled through space.

The Undervase was a vast repository of information and power once stored on Cybertron, maintained by Circuitmaster Boltax and his Disciples. It was said that to attempt to use the power of the Underbase would bring madness, or death.

When Megatron attempted to gain the power of the Underbase, Optimus Prime- who bathed in its light long enough to gain the wisdom he became known for in the millennia to come- launched the Underbase into the depths of space, to keep it out of Decepticon hands for, he hoped, all time. Unfortunately, he could not have predicted that the Underbase would instead cross the galaxy, destroying all life on the planets in its path. Somewhere around the 16th to 18th centuries on Earth, the Autobots on Cybertron discovered that the Underbase's trajectory would take it dangerously near that world. They sent two Autobots, Raindance and Grandslam, to warn the dormant Transformers in the Ark, but they were damaged and instead wound up in a pirate's treasure chest.

The Autobots were retrieved by the Decepticons in 1988, and Ratbat's contingent learned of the Underbase's threat. Starscream decided to take the power of the Underbase for his own, and the Autobots and Decepticons had to cooperate to stop him. However, he managed to absorb enough Underbase power to become a mighty being, and left the Transformers to die in space while he wreaked havoc on Earth. The combined Autobot-Decepticon force managed to return to Earth, and confronted Starscream, who slaughtered many members of both factions. In the meantime, Optimus Prime diverted the Underbase's path to more directly head for Earth, and then used trickery to lure Starscream to it, whereupon he absorbed the entire Underbase. For a brief second, Starscream was as a god- and then the power destroyed him, as Optimus predicted it would.

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