Musarde River

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The Musarde River originally flowed south from the Sea of Sorrows in Lamordia, and continued south through eastern Dementlieu. It continued southeast into Falkovnia, where it joined with Lake Kriegvogel. From the lake it continued south through Richemulot, a small portion of western Borca, and right through the middle of Arkandale, Invidia and Sithicus. It continued to flow south through Valachan, and then entered the Mists from the east side of Valachan. The Musarde reappeared to pass through Bluetspur before ending in the eastern bank of mists. Tributaries of the Musarde entered numerous other domains.

After the Grand Conjunction, the Musarde still flowed from the Sea of Sorrows, and split from the Vuchar River in western Dementlieu. It still flowed through Falkovnia as before. From the lake it continued south through Richemulot, Verbrek and Invidia, turning east after entering Sithicus. From Sithicus the Musarde flowed east through Kartakass and Hazlan, before ending at the Mists.

The Musarde is a major trade route through the western Core, and one of its best-known traders is Nathan Timothy.

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