Cabalis Nocturnum

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The Cabalis Nocturnum was an organization that featured in the TV show Sanctuary.


The Cabal as it was also known as a secret organization that was originally founded in 700 AD and was a secret society of collectors that sent its agents into the world to capture ancient beings of power which included unique species of Abnormals. Since those early years, they continued to operate into the modern age.

During the middle ages, the Cabal was responsible for sending its agents to capture the Morrigan who were sealed in a crypt for later use.

The organization was believed to have died out in the 19th century but had simply reformed and went underground whereupon it infiltrated various business organizations from biotech firms to companies to defense contractors. This turned into a global world spanning organization with a great deal of power.

Recently, the Morrigan were recovered by the inhabitants of the Sanctuary facility which led to the Cabal sendings its agents along with Keepers to retrieve them. After a standoff, the Morrigan willingly accepted to return to the Cabal.


The leaders of the Cabal were noted to have not been the forgiving type. They often placed rings on their property that bore their seal. Its lower ranking members consisted of Humans who made use of various Abnormal creatures that were collected to serve their tasks.

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