Monitors (DC)

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The Monitors are a powerful group of beings from DC Comics.




The Monitors were a race of powerful multiversal beings that were charged with the task of the protection of the Multiverse. Their existence was traced to the first Multiverse where only two such beings existed that were known as the Monitor of the Positive Matter Universe and the Anti-Monitor who was formed from the Anti-Matter Universe. Both these beings were involved in a multiversal war that became known as the Crisis of the Infinite Earth's where both were killed.


According to the Book of Limbo, the primal origins of the Monitors race were traced to the time of creation itself when there was only a single Monitor. This was a being that was so immense that it was bigger than entire universes and thus beyond comprehension by even superpowered beings. It was an abstract intelligence and among the biggest lifeforms ever encountered that acted as a living conscious void. At that point, a flaw was discovered at the heart of Monitor perfection and a concept was created in order to contain this flaw. An examination later revealed that within this flaw were terrifying unforseen complexities and complications. Further magnification revealed a structure of infinissmal rippling manifolds that contained germ-like processes that thrived and multiplied. These were in fact the various universes within the muliverse that were growing inside the Monitor. As a result, a probe was sent that was designed to blend with its surroundings and investigate. It managed to make contact and lead to the Monitor discovering something it had never encountered before which was a chaotic mass of events within the flaw that consisted of stories of the lives as well as deaths of heroes along with villains. There existed no precedent for this encounter of stories and there was no understanding of how much damage they could cause to an immense awareness without any limits or definition. Lacking any defense, the Monitor was blinded and the probe split into two before withdrawing after which the flaw was sealed with divine metals. Though seemingly safe, the effects leads to the remains of that first contact leads to the Overmonitor being overwhelmed at the thought of a story which spread as if it were a contagion. This led to the emergence of a race of hyper-gods that were descended directly from the first immense unknowable Monitor. (Final Crisis: Superman Beyond v1 #1)

Despite their death, Alexander Luthor worked to restore the original Multiverse through the use of a tower he had constructed. However, this was destroyed which activated a seed programming that created a Monitor for each of the 52 Earth's that were born in that time. As a result, a new race of 52 different Monitors were formed and worked to protect the Multiverse from corruption by working as a unified community. Each member was assigned their own world and only differed slightly in appearance.

In the Earth-48 reality, the Monitors were responsible for cultivating the existence of the Forerunners. This reality consisted of the Nine Houses that populated the worlds of the Sol system that warred with one another as part of a combat treaty on a devastated Earth. The survivors of these skirmishes later interbred and led to the emergence of a new hybrid race called the Forerunners. Initially, the Nine Houses intended to eliminate the Forerunners but were stopped by the Monitors who took them under their care and intended to use them as their agents. Unknown to the Forerunners, their genetic makeup prevent any member of their race from harming a Monitor though they willingly provided their best to serve their masters in their goals of policing the Multiverse.


Ultimately, the existence of the Monitors ended during the events of the Final Crisis when Superman used the Miracle Machine. This act restored the Multiverse to a state before the interference of Darkseid. During their final moments, Nix Uotan condemned his fellow Monitors and claimed that the Multiverse deserved to be free from their interference. Afterwards, the Monitors simply faded from existence though Nix Uotan returned to his Human form. (Final Crisis v1 #7)

At some point Zillo Valla began collecting various incarnations of Superman from throughout the universe in order to deal with the threat of Mandrakk. Among these included Superman, Captain Marvel, Ultraman, Overman and Allen Adams from their respective Earth's where she promised them their hearts desire. (Final Crisis: Superman Beyond v1 #1)


Once the 52 universes were formed, each of the Monitors created were all identical in appearance. However, it was believed that the events following their creation led to each evolving as well as acquiring increasingly divergent identities, physicality and disposition.

As a collective group, the Monitors had a vast range of resources available at their disposal. This ranged from individual agents of destruction such as the Dark Angel or Viza'Aziv who were dispatched to eliminate anomalies in the Multiverse. Their greatest weapon was the capacity to control the hordes of Shadow Demons which they were able to use to obliterate an entire reality if such a need arose.

The Monitors of Nil were considered masters of the overvoid. (Final Crisis: Superman Beyond v1 #1) They had knowledge of both anti-life and the Bleed but the formers true understanding was still elusive to them whilst the latter bedeviled them as they did not know when intrusions from it would appear. (Countdown v1 #39) In their culture, it was given a different name amongst their kind as they called it Ultramenstruum which they did consider the Bleed to be a universal medicine and the secret substance of life itself. A single drop of it was akin to holding ultimate power either for healing or annihilation. However, it was incapable of being touched, held or bottled by anyone except the Monitors. (Final Crisis: Superman Beyond v1 #1)

The Monitors observed the multiverse from a multiversal nexus that was in a unique adjunct within the timestream which existed everywhere and everywhere at once. It acted as the hub of a wheel from which their kind could observe all of the multiverse except for the Bleed. (Countdown v1 #39) Their classification system involved giving each universe a number and its own coordinates. (Final Crisis: Superman Beyond v1 #1)

Their advanced technology allowed individual Monitors to craft items such as a chrono paralyzer that was able to freeze time in select locations yet leave its wearer and those they deigned to be immune to its effects. Its power allowed it to effect a single world in the Multiverse whilst the rest remained unaffected. (Final Crisis: Superman Beyond v1 #1)

They held a variety of vessels at their disposal which included Carriers, Destroyers, Tankers and Explorers. Though from humanoid's perspective, these were all considered aspects of Monitor nanotechnology. (Final Crisis: Superman Beyond v1 #1)

A spacecraft of their kind was capable of moving through Bleedstorm space and between universes with only fourth dimensional vision comprehending the travel. Their vessels capabilities allowed them to even cast an overshadow onto a designate universe from the outside. The personal transport of a Monitor such as the "Ultima Thule" held an artificial intelligence with it holding 10 yottabytes of data on multiversal navigation alone. The glowing power that allowed these vessels to move through the overvoid was a Monitors own heart. Thus, a damaged vessel held only one way of replenishing its reserves which was by tapping into its Monitor. (Final Crisis: Superman Beyond v1 #1)

One noted Destroyer was known as the "Echo of Midnight" and were massive compared to a Carrier with them being 70 miles long. At high speeds, an impact by them onto a planet was capable of splitting the core and mantle with the resultant act eliminating 98% of terrestrial life. (Final Crisis: Superman Beyond v1 #1)


  • Monitor
  • Tahoteh
  • Bob
  • Solomon
  • Rox Ogama
  • Zip Hermuz
  • Weeja Dell
  • Zillo Valla
  • Dax Novu : male Monitor known as the Radiant One and the first son of the Monitor who was considered the bravest of the science gods. He held a brilliant yet rebellious intellect that probed the flaw in the Multiverse and had mapped its horrors as well as brought both the knowledge along with the riches of the Bleed to his kind. Novu eventually became an outcast amongst this brethren by being the dark Monitor known as Mandrakk. (Final Crisis: Superman Beyond v1 #1)
  • Nix Uotan
  • Mandrakk


  • According to Grant Morrison, each of the Monitors are named after the writer gods from different cultures. Uotan is named after Odin, Ogama on Ogma from Celtic gods, Hermuz after Hermes of the Greek pantheon and Tahoteh on Thoth of the Egyptian gods whilst Novu was after Nabu from Babylonian myth. The female names of Weeja Dell and Zillo Valla were inspired from Shalla-Bal from Stan Lee's Silver Surfer.[1]


  • Countdown v1 #39
  • Final Crisis: Superman Beyond v1 #1-2

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