Bergen Advanced Robotics Technology

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Bergen Advanced Robotics Technology is a corporation that features in Binary Domain.


Bergen Advanced Robotics Technology was an American company founded in the mid-21st century following a period on Earth where rising sea levels and climate changes began to affect the planet. This led to the construction of buildings on top of previous structures and moving upwards to escape the rising water levels. Construction of such structures was ultimately achieved through the use of newly developed robotic laborers with the Bergen corporation rising to the top in this market. Eventually, it gained a 95% share in the global robotics industry though this led to problems with rival companies. Amongst the most famous of these incidents was when the Japanese Amada Corporation sued Bergen where they claimed that the American corporation had stolen their technology. However, by this point, Bergen Advanced Robotics Technology was a massive corporation and Amada lost the case thus allowing them to gaining global power. With Bergen's aid, the United States of America became a global superpower and the New Geneva Convention was signed in 2040. This also placed a restriction in Bergen's robotic research and prevented them from creating robots that looked completely Human as this violated Clause 21 of the Convention.

In 2080, the headquarters of the Bergen corporation came under attack from one of the Hollow Children thus revealing the existence of these robots. This led to the company being consulted by the United States government in order to deal with this new threat and saw the deployment of the International Robotics Technology Association to investigate Amada as it was believed that Yoji Amada was the only one capable of developing such robots.

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