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Synth-Kinetic Interfacing Nano-fluid is a technology that features in Marvel Comics.




Synth-Kinetic Interfacing Nano-fluid (S.K.I.N.) was a range of liquid digital technology developed by Askew-tronics though they worked in conjunction with Stark Solutions. This allowed Tony Stark to co-work on the project and helped showcase it at the Miami Convention Center during Tek2k. The presentation allowed for the public unveiling of the Askew & Stark's S.K.I.N. technology where it was used to coat a basket ball to demonstrate its flexibility along with other feats. During the demonstration, he used the basket ball to end a conversation between Rumiko Fujikawa and some business men who were flirting with her. (Iron Man v3 #26)

The revived Ultron was noted to had taken control of S.K.I.N. technology for his own purposes and thanked Tony Stark's creation of the substance. He used the material to coat his followers in the Sons of Yinsen and manipulated it to cause those under his control to fight for him or even kill themselves. The development led to Ultron to make plans to create an army of S.K.I.N. implanted soldiers at his disposal. Ultron began converting the populace into more S.K.I.N. coated soldiers which Iron Man and Sun Tao attempted to defeat with the use of a disruptor to affect the polymer. (Iron Man v3 #48)


This form of liquid digital technology was cutting edge in polymer based nano-tech smart alloy design. Its nature allowed a small sophisticated delivery to be employed in deploying the material and was able to take the form of a small unassuming cap-like device. Any material was able to encased in S.K.I.N. yet allowing the coated substance to retain all of its inherent asethetic as well as interior physical properties. An example being that of a basket ball coated in S.K.I.N. which retained its elasticity. The physical characteristic of the nano-tech polymer made it almost as strong as Adamantium but still remain supple. This allowed it to break through obstacles yet bounce on the field without causing any damage. Other capabilities that were capable of working with the technology was the capacity to interface S.K.I.N. with thousands of micro GPS circuits. Thus, the likes of a camera or a digital locater were capable of being used with the material to allow to visually observe its surroundings remotely or track its location. Control worked through a small keypad and required only a little bit of energy to accomplish the task. On top of that, further augmentations can allow anti-grav units to be attached in order to remotely move the S.K.I.N. coated substance across its environment. (Iron Man v3 #26)

A S.K.I.N. disruptor was capable of manipulating the affects of the polymer and the change of frequency did hold the capacity to affect the material on other coated substances. (Iron Man v3 #48)


  • S.K.I.N. was created by Joe Quesada and Sean Chen where it made its first appearance in Iron Man v3 #26 (March, 2000).

Alternate Versions

  • In Marvel Adventures: Iron Man v1 #1 (2005), an alternate universe setting was shown that had S.K.I.N. that was a product of Stark International. It was created by metal affinity bacteria microorganisms that naturally secreted a low-density incredibly impact-resistant neo-alloy. Dozen of years and billions of dollars were spent in R&D led to Stark creating an exclusive process that turned this into the S.K.I.N. Brand flexi-iron that was the lightest and sturdiest substance known to humanity.


  • Iron Man v3 #26
  • Iron Man v3 #48
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