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Adamantium in Astonishing X-Men v3 #1.

Adamantium was a virtually indestructible metal alloy created by Dr. Myron MacLain in the U.S. government's most successful attempt to duplicate the unique alloy of which Captain America's shield was made. Adamantium almost precisely matches the material in the shield, save that it lacks vibranium. Adamantium can only be shaped in a molten state- once allowed to cool, only direct molecular rearrangement or cosmic-level power can alter it.

However, adamantium is also very expensive and difficult to produce. As a result, a slightly weaker, slightly easier-to-create variant known as secondary adamantium was invented, which can be damaged by beings with incredible superhuman strength or bizarre powers. However, for all intents and purposes, it's just as good as "true" adamantium. A Russian attempt to duplicate adamantium resulted in carbonadium.





Japanese scientist Lord Dark Wind studied Adamantium in the years after World War II where he discovered the process of bonding this virtually indestructible metal to human bone. He intended to use this procedure to create an entire army of super-soldier for Japan. (Alpha Flight v1 #34) The nationalist Tomo Yoshida learnt of Lord Dark Wind's research and intended to steal it so that he could use it to many an army with which he intended to strike at the United States. This saw him hiring Mystique, Rogue and Blindspot with the intention of them to work alongside his nephew Sunfire to strike at Dark Wind's research facility in the Tokyo Bay. During their attack, they clashed with Lord Dark Wind's followers who delayed them long enough allowing for their master to escape with the hard drives containing his research data. (Rogue v3 #10) However, his notes on the process were stolen by unknown parties which took him years to rediscover. (Daredevil v1 #199)

Dr. Myron MacLain later called for he Avengers for an experiment on the effects of Adamantium where the super-powered heroes were unable to break the metal. At this time, the Vision betrayed his team-mates where he stole the Adamantium cylinder which he used to fulfil his creators commands by building a new body made of the material for Ultron-6. (Avengers v1 #66)

In America, among the nation's leading manufacturer of Adamantium was a company called Adametco. (Captain America Annual v1 #8)

At some point, Professor Paxton Pentecost was responsible for developing the Fully Automated Unit of Structural Technology (F.A.U.S.T.) that was a fully-automated factory constructed from Adamantium. Its unique construction meant that it never required repair with this being a notable achievement. However, other parties were responsible for taking F.A.U.S.T. away with this infuriating Professor Pentecost who decided that he would rather see his creation destroyed than be in someone else's hands. To achieve that goal, he revived the Negative Zone alien Blastaar and had the warlord under his control where he tasked the villain with destroying the factory. The attack was thwarted by the intervention of the Human Torch who battled Blastaar. (Marvel Team-Up v1 #18)

Elements in the Canadian government offered a number of soldiers wounded overseas to be shipped back home where they were promised to be taken to a clinic to receive the latest cutting edge medical treatment. However, this proved to be a trick as the individuals were all taken for experiments in bonding Adamantium to their bodies with the metal slowly killing the subjects. Only a single successful development was made in a subject named Citadel who was given a code-cipher designation of Weapon Y. (Wolverine: First Class v1 #5)

At the ruined Slorenia, the Avengers battled Ultron who had built a new body made of Adamantium making him invulnerable to their combined attacks. This was until Vance Astrovik brought Antarctic Vibranium which Hank Pym used to bludgeon the robotic supervillain and seemingly destroyed him. (Avengers v3 #22)

A brain trust in the Hague was given a sample of liquid Adamantium for research purposes. The reborn Cyber intended to steal it and provide the material to the Tinkerer in order to re-forge his Adamantium arms. (Wolverine: Origins v1 #12)


It was able to resist incredible force from physical blows and even energy blasts with the molecules remaining in an ultra-stable state. (Avengers v1 #66)

Only a molecular rearranger was capable of altering the shape or form of the metal. (Avengers v1 #66)

It was noted for being a toxic metal in the bloodstream where it slowly destroyed the nervous system in a manner similar to lead poisoning. The synthetic metal when grafted onto bodies were responsible for slowly killing subjects as a result of Adamantium poisoning. (Wolverine: First Class v1 #5)

Adamantium was said to have thirteen allotropic forms that were unstable and short-lived but virulently poisonous. (X-Men v2 #191)

Antarctic Vibranium was known to be able to break and dissolve Adamantium as it did to other metals. (Avengers v3 #22)


  • Wolverine :
  • Bullseye :
  • Citadel :
  • Ultron :
  • Solem : a male inhabitant of Arrako whose skin was composed of micro-porous Adamantium making him invulnerable to harm. (X-Force v6 #13)


  • Adamantium was created by Roy Thomas and Barry Windsor-Smith where it made its first appearance in Avengers v1 #66 (July, 1969).
  • Due to its connection with Wolverine, adamantium has found its way into many of the Marvel media spin-offs.

Alternate Versions

  • In Savage She-Hulk v2 (2009), it was shown to inhabit an alternate universe that was designated as Earth-8009. The last samples of Adamantium were noted to reside in military bases in the Great White Wastes and could be used to fashion weapons. In the 23rd century, the inhabitants of the United Sisterhood Republic of Milago were known to fashion it into bladed weapons.

In other media


  • In The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, Adamantium appeared in the animated television series where it was shown in the episode "Behold...The Vision!". Ultron dispatched the Vision to attack a hidden Weapon X facility in order to steal their supply of the metal. It was then used to fashion a new Adamantium-based body for Ultron who intended to take over the planet.
  • In Avengers Assemble, Adamantium was mentioned in the animated television series episode "The Doomstroyer" where it was said the gates of Doctor Dooms Latverian castle were made of the metal.
  • In The Gifted, Adamantium appeared in the live-action television series starting in the episode "exploited". It was described as an extremely rare metallic alloy that was indestructible. Trask Industries managed to acquire it though it took sometime with them finding some of it at a defunct military installation in British Columbia. Roderick Campbell had a specially created tested room at the company's headquarters where he wanted to test the powers of Andy and Lauren Strucker. Creed Financial had a vault that was made of Adamantium which they used to store their financial records and money with the Inner Circle targeting it in order to plunder it of its wealth.


  • In X2: X-Men United, its revealed that William Stryker was responsible for the procedure that bonded Adamantium to Wolverine's skeleton. Strkyer commented that the most difficult thing about Adamantium was getting it into its raw liquid state as it was required to keep it heated in order for it to remain that way. This was because once it cooled the metal was indestructible and thus it was unable to change from that state. Wolverine injects a supply of raw Adamantium into Yuriko Oyama in order to defeat her.
  • In X-Men: Origins - Wolverine, Adamantium appeared in the setting of the live-action film prequel. It was developed for Weapon X after using an unknown element found in a meteorite discovered somewhere in Nigeria by William Stryker and Team X. Sabretooth wanted to be in the experiment that his brother was in. Stryker, however, said that he couldn't survive the procedure and rejected the deal after Sabretooth did what was asked. Stryker and the Weapon X team then proceeded to inject the adamantium into the skeleton and bone claws of Wolverine, making him nigh-indestructible. He was later shot in the head with a bullet made of the compound where he sustained severe intra-cranial trauma that induced extensive amnesia.
  • In The Wolverine, Adamantium appeared in the setting of the live-action film sequel. When Ichirō Yashida became ill and on the verge of death, he began stockpiling adamantium reserves at his facility in the north of Japan to construct the Silver Samurai armor as a life support system in the interim period before Wolverine was captured. He ordained the capture of Wolverine so that he could cut through Logan's adamantium claws using a heated adamantium blade and distill Logan's healing powers into his own body in order to live forever.
  • In Logan, Adamantium was mentioned in the setting of the live-action film. At some point during the Transigen Project, X-23 was grafted with adamantium claws. Logan was shown to had made bullet made of it for use by himself. X-24, designed to be a perfect replica of Wolverine, minus the morality and consciousness, was also infused with an adamantium skeleton by Alkali-Transigen head Zander Rice. He was later killed by Laura who blew off part of his head with an adamantium bullet kept by Wolverine for years.

Video games

  • In X-Men: Legends II, Adamantium was featured as part of the backstory of the video game. The brainwashed Beast had those captured Mutants with Harmonic DNA locked into containment pods and held in place by Adamantium restraints.
  • In Marvel Heroes, Adamantium Alloy appeared in the setting of the MMORPG where it could be used as part of a core costume for various characters.


  • Avengers v1: (1969)
  • Wolverine:
  • Avengers v3:
  • X-Force v6:


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