Camelot (DC)

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Camelot is a place that features in DC Comics.





It then came under siege from Morgaine le Fey and her forces bringing its fall with Merlin summoning the Demon Etrigan to help defend it. As the castle fell, Merlin entrusted the Eternity Book to Etrigan for safekeeping who departed as the kingdom fell to the enemy as he came to change into his mortal form of Jason Blood. (Demon v1 #1)

Camelot came to reside in the realm of Magic-Land which was a duplicate that resided in the magic dimension. (Justice League of America v1 #2)

Camelot and the Magic-Lands began to suffer from lack of rain with the great magician Merlin tasked with crafting a spell so that crops would grow in the lands. Despite his efforts, he was unable to make it rain due to magic being dispelled from the realm due to the spell cast by the kingdoms enemies namely the evil magician Simon Magus, Saturna the Lord of Misrule and the Troll King. The trio had discovered the existence of Earth through a golden doorway they had called forth allowing travel to that world. They then cast a spell that switched the Magic-Land with Earth resulting in their resultant laws of magic and science to be swapped. The result was that magic could no longer be used in the realm allowing the three villains to use their acquisition of science to conquer the kingdom. After plundering Camelot, they fled to their respective lands which was when Merlin was transported to Earth by a summoning spell made by the depowered Justice League. They came to learn the source for the disasters affecting Earth and went to Magic-Land to assist Camelot in defeating the three villainous sorcerers. (Justice League of America v1 #2)


Following the Crisis of the Infinite Earths, a new version of reality was created with a different history of events.

Over 10,000 years ago, an unknown proto-age of Camelot had begun ruled by a King Arthur. During his reign, disease was practically unknown to the people with humans being at an optimum level. At its zenith, even the microscopic races owed their allegiance to Camelot and did not harm to man. (Seven Soldiers: Shining Knight v1 #3)

One threat that emerged in the era of Camelot was that of the Thirst who sought to destroy the world. Merlin himself came and battled the creature to a standstill where he eventually succeeded in imprisoning the entity. Despite this being the case, the damage the Thirst had caused to Camelot was irreparable thus preventing the kingdom from bringing about a golden age to the world. (Aquaman v6 #5) It later came under attack from the forces of the Sheeda who under Queen Gloriana Tenebrae began the Harrowing of Avalon. The Knights of the Round Table gathered to oppose them but ultimately fell alongside King Arthur as the denizens from Summer's End return to their world under the vampire sun. (Seven Soldiers: Shining Knight v1 #1) Thirty years later, the dawn of a terrible new age became as the lands were ruled by Mordredd the Dead with terrible mercy. From lost Ysse under the waves, the survivors of Arthur's Table came forth from the chariot of Sea-Green Mananann who was the master of the ocean deeps. They travelled to the City of the North Wind where the Darrow-Men had constructed a capital in order to use their anvils to forge a weapon. With it, they waged the war to end the world thus leading to the bright Age of Avalon beginning where each of Arthur's knights came to succumb to the evils of the new millennium. (Seven Soldiers: Shining Knight v1 #3)


Following the Flashpoint, a new version of reality was created with a different history of events.

It was said that the rise and fall of Camelot had occurred many times in history. (Demon Knights v1 #1)

Thus, four centuries ago, King Arthur was mortally wounded and those closest to him took him outside time to Avalon so that he might recover and return one day. Excalibur which was the sword of power was entrusted to the Lady of the Lake whilst Merlin bound the demon Etrigan to his apprentice Jason Blood. In addition, Madame Xanadu decided to not travel to Avalon but remain in the ruined lands of Camelot. (Demon Knights v1 #1)

In the time that followed, the lands fell into a Dark Age after the loss of Camelot and its people to lead them. At some point, the warlord known as the Questing Queen arose with her Horde looking to conquer the land alongside her love Mordru. (Demon Knights v1 #1)


Locations by the kingdom of Camelot included:

  • Alba Sarum :
  • Little Spring : a town located on the outskirts of the city of Alba Sarum. (Demon Knights v1 #2)

Outside Castle Greystone, there was the woodland of the Forest Perilous. (Brave and the Bold v1 #1) Camelot was noted to have had ties to the magical kingdom known as Otherworld. (Seven Soldiers: Shining Knight v1 #3)

Creatures that were known to prowl the region included True Dragons that was the name given to Dinosaurs that survived and still prowled the area. These beasts were noted to be incredibly rare and differed from Heraldic Dragons. (Demon Knights v1 #2)

One of the inhabitants that resided by the lands of Camelot were the Elder Folk. They were noted for being long-lived and possessing secrets related to anti-aging. (Madame Xanadu v1 #1)

Tied to Camelot through the Lady of the Lake was a great reservoir known as the Secret Sea. This was not a locale but rather an ocean of commonly shared ideas with those swimming through it experiencing everything that everyone had ever imagined in the world. It was said to consisted of the pure essence of life energy with all beings Earth contributing to it though only a few were aware of its existence. In ancient times, it was more integrated into the everyday lives of peoples existence but over time it moved apart and was forgotten. (Aquaman v6 #5)

Relics linked to the lands were the Seven Imperishable Treasures of the ancient world. (Seven Soldiers: Shining Knight v1 #3)


  • King Arthur :
  • Queen Guinevere :
  • Merlin :
  • Sir Lancelot :
  • Sir Galahad :
  • Sir Justin :
  • Sir Bors :
  • Sir Gawain :
  • Sir Bedivere :
  • Sir Percival :
  • Morgaine le Fey :
  • Nimue Inwudu :
  • Vivienne :
  • Etrigan :
  • Sir Justin :
  • Ystin :
  • Brian Kent :
  • Al Jabr :
  • Exoristos :
  • Horsewoman :
  • Lady of the Lake :
  • Questing Queen :


  • Camelot was created by Rafael Astarita where it made its first appearance in New Comics v1 #3 (February, 1936).
  • It was based on the mythical Camelot of Arthurian Legends.

Alternate Versions

In other media




  • New Comics v1: (1936)
  • Brave and the Bold v1:
  • Demon v1:
  • Aquaman v6:
  • Seven Soldiers v1:
  • Madame Xanadu v1:
  • Demon Knights v1:

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