Shadow Demons (DC)

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Shadow Demons were entities that feature in DC Comics.



The Shadow Demons were the servants of the Anti-Monitor, created from the most evil of his Thunderers.

As the Anti-Monitor started consuming the Multiverse, his Shadow Demons were dispatched across it to watch the actions of his positive-matter counterpart. Some of these witnessed Harbinger traveling across the universes to recruit heroes and had divided her essence into duplicates that went about this task. One of these duplicates was ambushed by a Shadow Demon that took over her form. Afterwards, Shadow Demons struck at the Monitor's satellite where a gathering of champions had been chosen to help protect the Multiverse. Despite their powers, they were unable to stop the relentless onslaught of the Shadow Demons until the Monitor intervened whose light drove them away from the satellite. (Crisis on Infinite Earths v1 #1)


In appearance, Shadow Demons resembled living shadows but with substance to their forms. Regular attacks were shown to be ineffective against them with even energy strikes simply blasting through them like shadows. Instead, attacks were only shown to be capable of stunning them temporarily. (Crisis on Infinite Earths v1 #1)

They resembled the silhouette of the Monitor, were invulnerable to most standard attacks (sonic, magnetic, gravitic, and magical attacks are the few exceptions), and could disintegrate anything they touched. After the Anti-Monitor's defeat, all the Shadow Demons ceased to exist.


  • Shadow Demons were created by Marv Wolfman and George Pérez where they made their first appearance in Crisis on Infinite Earths v1 #1 (April, 1985).

In other media


  • In Supergirl, Shadow Demons appeared in the live-action television series set in the Arrowverse where they were shown in the Crisis of Infinite Earth's crossover. They were shown as being the Anti-Monitor's army where they were sent to attack Earth-38 in order to destroy the Monitor's Quantum Tower that protected the planet from the anti-matter wave. These shadow-based beings faced opposition from heroes gathered by the Monitor to protect the tower who only managed to stem the tide to allow the populace of the planet to evacuate to Earth-1. Oliver Queen remained behind to hold them off where he was grievously injured and seemingly died as a result of the wounds he sustained from the Shadow Demons.


  • In Green Lantern: Emerald Knights, Shadow Demons were shown to be denizens of the Anti-Matter universe that became servants of Krona after he was banished into their realm by his fellow Guardians. They were used as his warriors in battling the Green Lantern Corps as Krona sought to destroy Oa and the positive matter universe.


  • Crisis on Infinite Earths v1 #1: "The Summoning"

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