Darkling Lords

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The Darkling Lords are a group that features in Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light.



The Darkling Lords were a group of ruthless knights that formed after the Age of Magic came upon the world of Prysmos which stopped the use of all forms of technology. Capitalizing upon the devastation, the Darkling Lords were formed by Lord Darkstorm who formed his fortress at Castle Darkstorm with the intention of conquering the world.

At first, his soldiers consisted of Mordred and Reekon who did his tasks while he worked to conquer New Valarak but suffered repeated failures. He would receive a calling by Merklynn to enter into his chambers within the Iron Mountains in order to receive a great prize which he hoped would give him the power to defeat his enemies. On his quest, he conscripted numerous other evil Knights who formed the Darkling Lords who were given their magical powers.

The newly formed Darkling Knights were all subservient to Lord Darkstorm and their base of operations were his castle. From there, they took upon numerous quests given by Merklynn as well as fought their enemies the Spectral Knights for the domination of the planet.



  • Lord Darkstorm :
  • Mortdred : Darkstorm's sycophantic underling who gained the totem of the beetle.
  • Reekon : a male mercenary regularly employed by Darkstorm where he gained the totem of the lizard.
  • Virulina : formerly a female TV newsreader who gained the totem of the shark.
  • Lexor : a cowardly male knight who gained the totem of the armadillo along with the staff power of invulnerability.
  • Cindarr : a kind hearted male brute who gained the totem of the gorilla with the staff power of destruction.
  • Cravex : a short tempered scavenger who gained the totem of the phylot and the staff power of fear.


  • The Darkling Lords were created by Flint Dille where they featured in the setting of Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light.


  • Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light:

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