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The Q-Society is a secret society that featured in DC Comics.



The Brotherhood of Quetzacoatl was ancient secret society founded long ago as servants of the god of light Quetzacoatl. They were given the mask of their god where they protected it and trained countless warriors to battle the shadow god Tezcatlipoca. (Aztek: The Ultimate Man v1 #5)

Many years ago, the 'Q-Group' was noted to have had some dealings with Thomas Wayne. They informed him of their machine and petitioned for his financial support (Aztek: The Ultimate Man v1 #7)

Twenty years ago, the Society dispatched the reigning champion Emilio and his second to the city of Vanity that was the prophesised site said to be the place where the shadow god would return to Earth. Thus, the city was made and prepared for the coming battle. However, events fell apart when Emilio fell in love with a woman who became pregnant with his child leading to the Q-Society taking notice of this event where they saw this development as a threat to their mission. This led to the Society ordering his second to kill him but the man refused and as a result he was psychically maimed for his defiance. Emilio was believed killed and his child was forcibly taken by the Q-Society who raised him to be their next champion. (Aztek: The Ultimate Man v1 #5)

Across the long centuries, they were noted to had formed an elaborate network of influential individuals across the world which included the criminal mastermind and businessman Lex Luthor though he joined the Society to achieve his own agendas namely the destruction of the Justice League.

Following his injuries, the Q-Society recovered Uno and conducted an operation to aid in his recovery though there were doubts on his effectiveness as a champion. (Aztek: The Ultimate Man v1 #8) Lex Luthor steered the Q-Society in sending opponents to challnge the champion under the belief that this would better prepare him for the true enemy. Among these was Doc Parasite who fought against Aztek when the champion went to Metropolis. After defeating the villain, the champion's popularity grew and he even came to meet Superman with this heralding his entry into he Justice League. (Aztek: The Ultimate Man v1 #9)

By the modern age, the last of the Society's champions was the superhero known as Aztek who sacrificed himself life to destroy the Anti-Sun called Mageddon. It was believed that this powerful entity was seemingly the Tezcatlipoca that the Q-Society had long awaited. With the destruction of Mageddon, the Society's purpose was seemingly fulfilled and its fate following this event remained unknown.


In appearance, the Q-Society was a secret society that was devoted to the ancient god of light Quetzalcoatl who was the feathered serpent of myth. Over the years, they had taken a variety of names that included the Q-Brotherhood, the Q-Gang, the Q-Foundation and so on. Ultimately, any identity they adopted had the word 'Q' in it that denoted their allegiance to their god. (Aztek: The Ultimate Man v1 #5)

They were custodians of a mask that was said to had belonged to the god of light Quetzacoatl. For generations, they had kept it safe whilst they trained countless warriors in their god's name with them being prepared in advance for the return of the shadow god. Each were made to be the ultimate man that were product of rigorous training from birth with them holding the peak of intellectual and physical development. The helmet contained the stored experiences of all the warriors who had ever worn it with it holding dozens of minds. Wearers experienced the thoughts, feelings, memories, ideas, knowledge and information from the former champions. Part of the final initiation ordeal was the champion learning a mental game that was a post-hypnotic puzzle codeword designed to keep the minds within the helmet occupied. This allowed the champion of Quetzalcoatl to wear the helmet without short circuiting their brain that was overwhelmed by the feedback from the minds within it. Thus, those who had not passed the final initiation were unprepared as they were bombarded with information until they were killed as a result of wearing the helmet. The chosen champion was noted to had a replacement second waiting in the shadows ready to take their place if they failed in their duty. If the champion strayed from their path then the Society was known to order them eliminated and they punished any defiance severely from their subordinates. (Aztek: The Ultimate Man v1 #5)


  • Emilio : the former champion of Quetzalcoatl who was sent to Vanity where he fell with an American woman who became pregnant with his son Uno. (Aztek: The Ultimate Man v1 #5) This was seen as a transgression against the Society's mission and he was killed with the boy being raised by the organization to serve as his replacement. (Aztek: The Ultimate Man v1 #8)
  • Lizard King : a man whose original name was unknown though he was a former member of the Q-Society and trained to be Emilio's replacement. After arriving in Vanity, he was ordered to eliminate Emilio when the champion fell in love with a woman. However, he refused and in response the Society had him psychically maimed and he departed their ranks where he sought to usurp control over them as he felt that they had grown dangerous and incompetent in their mission. (Aztek: The Ultimate Man v1 #5)
  • Uno : the son of Emilio and a woman from Vanity where he was taken by the Q-Society to be their next champion. By adulthood, he was dispatched to Vanity where he took the name of Curt Falconer and was hailed as the hero 'Aztek'. (Aztek: The Ultimate Man v1 #5)
  • Lex Luthor :
  • Frostick : a doctor within the Society who could help treat serious injuries. (Aztek: The Ultimate Man v1 #8)


  • The Q-Society was created by Grant Morrison, Mark Millar and N. Steven Harris where they made their first appearance in Aztek: The Ultimate Man v1 #1 (August, 1996).


  • Aztek: The Ultimate Man #1 (1996)

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