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The Wookiees are a species that feature in Star Wars.



The Wookiees were a race of large furred bipedal humanoids that were native to the planet Kashyyyk in the galaxy far, far away.

At the height of the conflict, Kashyyyk came to be a target of the Separatists whose Droid Army landed on the planet. General Tarrful commanded the defence of his world with him being aided by Jedi General Yoda who maintained good relation with the Wookiees. This saw both the Wookiee's and Clone Troopers working together in battling against the Battle Droids on the planet's surface. In the midst of this time, Order 66 was instituted and the Separatist forces were defeated whilst a command was given to all Clone Troopers to eliminate the Jedi. This period saw the rise of the Galactic Empire that replaced the Republic which began its tyrannical control over the galaxy. During this time, the Wookiees came to be enslaved by the Empire with many of the strong furred humanoids being shipped off-world.


In appearance, Wookiees were large furred humanoids that towered over humans and were noted for their great strength.

Despite their fearsome and savage countenance, Wookiees were noted for being intelligent, sophisticated, loyal and trusting beings. Loyalty and bravery were held as being near-sacred tenets in Wookiee society.

A traditional weapon used by the Wookiees was the bowcasters that were handcrafted on Kashyyyk according to ancient methods. They were able to fire a metal quarrel encased in plasma energy with the weapon having greater strength and accuracy than a blaster. Their designs were made through a mixture between traditional craftmanship and the use of galactic technology.

On Kashyyyk, a common craft used by them was the catamaran that were slim twin-hulled vehicles that similar combined Wookiee craftmanship with advanced technology. The carefully shaped wooden craft made use of powerful repulsorlifts and engines making them agile both in the water and in air.


  • Chewbacca :
  • Tarrful :
  • Gungi :


  • The Wookiees were created by George Lucas and featured in the setting of Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope.

Alternate Versions

In other media

Video games

  • In Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds, the Wookiees appeared as a playable faction in the setting of the strategy based video game.
  • In Star Wars: Republic Commando, the Wookiees appeared in the setting of the action video game. During the Clone Wars, it was revealed that Tarrful had fought Trandoshan slavers for years and fought against them when they had allied with the Separatists. Delta Squad was sent to aid him and free the captive Wookiee's from the forces of the CIS.
  • In Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Wookiees appeared in the setting of the RPG adventure video game. Among the Wookiees that appeared in the Old Republic era was Zaalbar.
  • In Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, the Wookiees and their homeworld appeared in the setting of the video game. The first mission was set during the Jedi Purge where Darth Vader and Imperial forces invaded the planet to bring it under control. The Sith Lord, however, was there on another assignment which was to track a Jedi leading to him massacring numerous Wookiees including their feared Berserkers before finding his quarry.
  • In Star Wars Battlefront II, Wookiees appeared in the setting of the 2017 video game shooter. They appeared as a playable reinforcement option for the Galactic Republic, Rebel Alliance and Resistance era factions.


  • Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope:
  • Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back:
  • Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi:
  • Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith:
  • Star Wars: The Clone Wars:
  • Rogue One:

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