Polaris (Marvel)

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Polaris in X-Men: Blue v1 #9.

Polaris is a female comic superhero who features in Marvel Comics.




Lorna Dane was a female human Mutant born the daughter of Suzanna having an affair with Magneto. She returned to her husband Arnold where she tried to hide the fact that she had cheated on him. Suzanna came to be pregnant though with Magneto's child who was named Lorna Dane with Arnold initially believing the child was his own. This was until one day when he discovered the truth and as a pilot he convinced his wife to bring their daughter on a journey. Whilst on the plane, he confronted her about the truth about her infidelity and that Lorna was not his child. At the time, the young Lorna was sleeping when she woke up to a fight between her parents and asked them to stop. This caused her Mutant powers of magnetism to first manifest where she unwittingly created a magnetic pulse that caused the plane to explode thus killing her mother and 'father'. Lorna herself survived where her powers drew the attention of her biological father Magneto but he felt that she was still too young and needed a normal life. Thus, he had Mastermind Jason Wyngarde used his powers to alter her memories making her think that Magneto had destroyed the plane and killed her parents which spared her the memory of being responsible for their deaths. (X-Factor v1 #243)


House of X

After the establishment of the nation of Krakoa, she was one of many Mutants that came to reside on the living island that was the home of their people.

Unknown to her, Saturnyne imprinted a set of information into the Earth's electromagnetic spectrum that could only be accessed by Polaris's magnetic powers. She returned to Krakoa where she requested the use of the Resurrection Protocols to bring back Rockslide as she felt responsible for his death. This was agreed with the Five attempting to bring Santos back but instead it brought someone else who was both Rockslide and yet was not him at the same time. A seeming corruption occurred that shorted out the Resurrection Protocols thus forcing them to sever the system and destroy the affected eggs. It was then discovered that the multiversal nature of Otherworld meant that it overwrrote the saved mental patterns of Rockslide thus making the Five bring a new entity in the form of Rockslide with the Santos they knew being dead. A distraught Polaris blamed herself for Rockslide's death as a result and during a meeting with the Quiet Council the imprinted information from Saturnyne activated causing her to reveal the prophecy regarding information hinting at the identity of the ten sword bearers to be chosen from Krakoa for the upcoming fight against Arrako. Meanwhile, Polaris used the dead remains of the old Rockslide to create a sanctum on Krakoa that contained 10 spots where each of the sword bearers was to gather where they would be transported to Otherworld for the tournament. (X-Factor v4 #4)


Personality and attributes

Her mother was a woman named Suzanna whilst her biological father was Magneto after a brief affair between them. Lorna's mother was actually married and she had cheated on her husband Arnold but returned to him. At the time, she was pregnant with Lorna but made Arnold believe that the child was his daughter though he eventually came to learn the truth. (X-Factor v1 #243)

Powers and abilities

Mistress of Magnetism in X-Men: Kingbreaker v1 #3.

As a Mutant, Polaris came to inherit her powers from her biological father Magneto where she had the power to manipulate magnetic fields. Her powers first manifested far earlier than normal where she generated a magnetic pulse that destroyed a plane and all its occupants except for herself. Lorna's powers activating at such an early age was said to had been unusual but not an unprecedented occurrence. (X-Factor v1 #243)


  • Polaris was created by Arnold Drake and Jim Steranko where she made her first appearance in X-Men v1 #49 (October, 1968).

Alternate Versions

In other media


  • In X-Men, Polaris guest starred in the 1990s animated television series in the episode "Cold Comfort" where she was voiced by actress Terri Hawkes.
  • In Wolverine and the X-Men, Polaris appeared in the animated television series where she was voiced by actress Liza del Mundo. This version was shown as being the youngest daughter of Magneto who was fond of her father and lived with her sister Scarlet Witch on Genosha.
  • In The Gifted, Polaris featured in the live-action television series where she was portrayed by actress Emma Dumont.

Video games


  • X-Men v1: (1968)
  • X-Factor v1:
  • X-Men: Kingbreakers v1:
  • All-New X-Factor v1:
  • X-Men Blue v1:
  • Uncanny X-Men v1:
  • House of X v1:
  • X-Factor v4:
  • X of Swords: Creation v1: (2020)
  • Hellions v1: (2021)

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