Severus Snape

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Severus Snape is a male literary character who features in Harry Potter.



Severus Snape was a male half-Wizard who was born on 9 January, 1960 as the son of a pure-blooded witch named Eileen Prince and a Muggle named Tobias Snape. It was noted that his father was abusive whilst his mother neglected leading to Severus being uncared for which shaped his future life. During those years, he grew up in Spinner's End that was a shabby suburb in Cokeworth where he often saw his parents fighting with one another. Severus was said to had been an awkward child who had poor social skills where he struggled to make a good impression to others. During this time, he met Lily Evans whose family lived in the same town where he came to see that she had magical potential. As such, Severus became friends with her where the two came to bond quickly where he came to fall in love with her though she only saw him as a good friend. In those years, he came to develop nothing but contempt for Lily's older sister Petunia Evans for her disparaging comments about him.

Later on, he was admitted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry where as a student he was Sorted into House Slytherin. During his first year, he was by Lily Evans side as they travelled to the school on the train. It was on the train that he met fellow students James Potter and Sirius Black. In that time, a disagreement erupted which Hogwart house was best with this resulting in a sense of antagonism between the three. Meanwhile, at school, he came to excel in the Dark Arts from an early age. At 11 years old, he knew more about curses and hexes than most of the 7th year students according to Sirius Black.


Personality and attributes

In his youth, he had a deep love to Muggle-born Lily Evans.

Powers and abilities

He secretly was a member of the Order of the Phoenix where he served as a double agent for Dumbledore.


  • Severus Snape was created by J. K. Rowling where he featured in the setting of the Harry Potter universe.
  • In an intervew on Dateline, Rowling commented on the characters redemption, "I knew from the beginning what Snape was. Do I think he's a hero? To a point, I do, but he's not an unequivocally good character. Snape is a complicated man. He's bitter. He's ... spiteful. He's a bully. All these things are still true of Snape, even at the end of this book. But was he brave? Yes, immensely. Was he capable of love? Very definitely. So he's-- he's a very-- he was a flawed human being, like all of us. Harry forgives him--- as we know, from the epilogue, Harry-- Harry really sees the good in Snape ultimately. I wanted there to be redemption and I wanted there to be forgiveness. And Harry forgives, even knowing that until the end Snape loathed him unjustifiably. It's totally, totally unfair that he loathes him so much but anyway."

In other media


  • In Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Severus Snape appeared in the setting of the live-action film where he was portrayed by actor Alan Rickman.

Video games


  • Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone: (1997)

External Links

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