Ogun (Marvel)

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Ogun in Death of Wolverine: The Weapon X Program v1 #5.

Ogun is a male comic supervillain who features in Marvel Comics.




Battling Logan in Kitty Pryde and Wolverine v1 #2.


Long ago, Ogun was a member in the Japanese Imperial Army that held a presence in Shanghai where he along with several soldiers were chasing an old man and his charge with a mysterious box. During this time, he encountered Logan where he challenged the foreigner and became impressed at his skill. The Japanese officer made an offer to Logan to come to the Ogun Ryu Dojo in Kanazawa with him offering to better train his soul, mind and body. (Wolverine v2 #113) In time, he would acquire his fair share of enemies with him forming a blood feud against Lord Ugama Hana. After encountering Lord Ogun, Logan went under his tutelage with the old master serving as his sensei. hree weeks later, Lord Hana arrived at Ogun's residence to settle their blood feud where Wolverine initially attempted to intervene but his sensei told him to stand down as it was a matter between samurai. Ogun easily dispatched his opponents ninjas before fighting Lord Hana himself where in the midst of the fight he dropped his sword and dared his opponent to kill him. Hana complied and stabbed him with his honor sword but Ogun simply laughed and pulled out the blade which he used to kill Hana by cutting off his head. (Wolverine v2 #169) Whilst training under Ogun, Logan's sensei had sent him to meet with Bando Suboro when he was ready and it was during this time he met first wife Itsu. (Wolverine v3 #40)

In the modern day, he came to take the role of being a Yakuza where he served as an agent for the 'main office' in Japan. (Kitty Pryde and Wolverine v1 #1) He came to serve in Shigematsu's gang but despite that he did not serve as a bodyguard or subordinate to the crime lord. (Kitty Pryde and Wolverine v1 #2) He was dispatched with his associates to the U.S. in order to get Carmen Pryde to meet his boss as the Japanese gang looked to launder money through the American bank. (Kitty Pryde and Wolverine v1 #1)

At some point, a cult formed around him known as the Path of Destiny. (X-Men: Kitty Pryde: Shadow & Flame v1 #2) Ogun was responsible for adopting the two Mutant orphans Karasu-Tengo and Sojobo-Tengo into his clan where they were seen as heirs by his followers. (X-Men: Legacy v2 #3)

For the 'death' of their master, the Path of Destiny sought revenge against Kitty Pryde who they called the Daughter of Demon. (X-Men: Kitty Pryde: Shadow & Flame v1 #2)

He came to find his mind within the body of Helen Bach which he found to be an inadequate vessel for a warrior of his calibre. Thus, he began a quest to find a better body to house his mind and jumped from host to host to find the best candidate. Eventually, he came to find a potential candidate in Mister X but his telepathy allowed him to drive Ogun out from his body. This led to him finding the next available body which happened to Mister X's henchman Blok. He remained dormant within his body as he waited for an opportunity to claim Mister X's form for his own as he felt that his telepathic powers were an invaluable weapon for him. He came to witness Mister X later seek a challenge by fighting Wolverine where he witnessed their fight. Afterwards, Mister X attended the blood tournament at Madripoor with Ogun moving around to claim the body of one of Ophelia Sarkissian's henchmen. After learning that the Weapon X brainwashing was removed from Wolverine, he intended to claim Logan's body for his own as was his intention long ago when he first took him as an apprentice. Viper came to learn of Ogun's return and warned Wolverine but his former sensei started shifting through the bodies on the island to draw out his student. He then took over Ophelia's body where he drew Logan into an ambush where he intended to claim his body then kill Viper whereupon he planned to make himself a new lord in Madripoor's criminal underworld. However, upon entering Logan's body, he found his mind too beastial to the point that it drove him out where he had no choice but to enter Viper's body again. Logan then gutted Ophelia leaving her badly injured thus forcing Ogun out of her body but with no host nearby his psychic presence seemingly dissipated in the air. (Wolverine v2 #169)

Following his defeat, he was left weak and fled his last vessel in search for a new one where he looked for a strong host. He came to believe that Logan would become his new host body and looked to track him down. Ogun knew that his former student was on the trail of Dr. Abraham Cornelius and planned to wait there in ambush. (Death of Wolverine: The Weapon X Program v1 #4)

With Logan denied him, Ogun came to find an alternative in a comatose soldier who he possessed where the two of them became Shogun. (Death of Wolverine: The Weapon X Program v1 #4)


Personality and attributes

When operating as himself, he came to wear a monstrous red faced demon mask. (Kitty Pryde and Wolverine v1 #2)

It was said that he had a presence about him where some people's instinct urged them to run away and hide. This was something he came to share with Wolverine. (Kitty Pryde and Wolverine v1 #1)

He considered himself to be a warrior and had known nothing else. Ogun ha said that he did not fight for a country nor honor or love but rather for himself. (Death of Wolverine: The Weapon X Program v1 #4)

As a master, he was respected by Logan but Ogun later admitted that the student had surpassed him. He came to believe that he had strayed from the path of righteousness. (Kitty Pryde: Agent of SHIELD v1 #3)

Ogun saw himself as being beyond mortal concepts such as death which was simply a state of mind for him. (Wolverine v2 #169) He was said to had lived many lives where he claimed he would never die as he was eternal. (Death of Wolverine: The Weapon X Program v1 #4)

He was known to had mocked the Four Winds, the Moon, the stars and even the gods themselves. (Wolverine v2 #169)

Logan was thus his old comrade where he had intended to brainwash him into becoming his loyal disciple. (Kitty Pryde and Wolverine v1 #2) Ogun was noted to had served as Logan's sensei and taught him everything he knew about martial arts and sword fighting. (Kitty Pryde and Wolverine v1 #4)

Ogun came to brainwash Kitty Pryde where he used his powers to make her devoted to him. She came to see him as her devoted sensei and a father figure to her where she loyally followed him for a time. As his disciple, she came to be referred to as the Daughter of the Demon. (Kitty Pryde and Wolverine v1 #2) This was until Logan worked to help break the conditioning and remove the psychic imprint Ogun had left in Kitty's mind. (Kitty Pryde and Wolverine v1 #4)

Powers and abilities

Through some means, he was regarded as being an immortal having lived for over a century. (Kitty Pryde and Wolverine v1 #4)

Through magic or psi-powers, Ogun was able to imprint his psyche onto the mind of another person. This effectively created a psychic clone of himself that existed in the person's mind that remained there until it eventually overwhelmed the host personality entirely. The process was said to be forbidden knowledge where only the most gifted or cursed ninja masters were capable of achieving such a feat according to legend. (Kitty Pryde and Wolverine v1 #4)

It was shown that he had considerable skill using a sword. (Kitty Pryde and Wolverine v1 #2)

To knock out a person, he had dust that he could blow on his quarry to leave them paralysed and make them easy to capture. (Kitty Pryde and Wolverine v1 #2) He had access to drugs that could disorient and weaken a foe which included those with Mutant powers. (Kitty Pryde and Wolverine v1 #5)

At some point, he was noted to had formed a cult known as the Path of Destiny. (X-Men: Kitty Pryde: Shadow & Flame v1 #2)


  • Ogun was created by Chris Claremont and Al Milgrom where he made his first appearance in Kitty Pryde & Wolverine v1 #1 (November, 1984).

In other media

Video game

  • In Marvel Heroes, Master Ogun's Sword was an item available in the MMORPG video game.
  • In X-Men: Battle of the Atom, Ogun appeared as a card in the iOS video card game.


  • Kitty Pryde and Wolverine v1: (1984)
  • Kitty Pryde: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. v1:
  • Death of Wolverine v1:
  • X-Men: Legacy v2:
  • Wolverines v1:

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