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Korugar is a planet that features in DC Comics.




Korugar was an inhabitable world that was located in Space Sector 1417 in the universe.

Their planet was a peaceful place until its original Green Lantern, Sinestro, became corrupt. Wanting to ensure that Korugar would be a place of order, Sinestro set himself up as the planet's dictator, and ruled it with an iron fist. When the Guardians learned of Sinestro's crimes, they stripped him of his ring and exiled him to the Anti-Matter Universe of Qward.


Following the Crisis on Infinite Earths, a new version of reality was created with a different history of events. Korugar.

Korugar was slated to be the site of Sinestro's execution but was captured enroute by members of the Red Lantern Corps. (Final Crisis: Rage of the Red Lanterns v1 #1) The incident led to the Korugarians berating the Green Lantern Corps for allowing Sinestro the escape. (Green Lantern Corps v2 #35)

The planet was later invaded by the Mongul Corps who were a splinter faction of the Sinestro Corps that were taken over by the warlord Mongul. (Green Lantern Corps v2 #39)


Following the Flashpoint, a new version of reality was created with a different history of events. Korugar

Under the orders from Sinestro, his Corps was to re-group on his homeworld and protect it from harm. However, after their leader vanished, the Yellow Lanterns decided to enslave the planet and the Korugarians fell under their rule. (Green Lantern v5 #2) During this time, Sinestro was restored to being a member of the Green Lantern Corps with the Guardians offering him an opportunity at redemption and returned to his sector of space. He was observing to see the state of his planet only to see it under the Yellow Lanterns brutal control. Sinestro was discovered by a Yellow Lantern who he was forced to kill and destroyed their ring to prevent discovery. (Green Lantern v5 #1) He then went to Earth to recruit the fallen Hal Jordan who had been stripped of his membership in the Green Lantern Corps. Sinestro provided him with a duplicate Power Ring powered by his own and wanted Jordan's aid in freeing his homeworld of Korugar. (Green Lantern v5 #2) They arrived where Sinestro intended to launch a covert strike into initiating a failsafe in the Yellow Lantern Central Power Battery. Thus, he arrived on the planet in secret and came to witness the Sinestro Corps rounding up the inhabitants where Sinestro ultimately lashed out to save one of his people. This resulted in a fight with the Yellow Lanterns whilst Jordan was sent to trigger the failsafe. (Green Lantern v5 #3)


Locations on the planet included:

  • Korugar City :

The natives of Korugar are humanoid in appearance, with bright red skin.

The Rites of Death were considered sacred to the people of Korugar. (Green Lantern: Recharge v1 #3)


  • Thaal Sinestro :
  • Katmu Tui :
  • Soranik Natu :
  • Arsona :


  • Korugar was created by John Broome and Gil Kane where it made its first appearance in Green Lantern v2 #7 (August, 1961).

In other media

Video games

  • In Injustice: Gods Among Us, Korugar was mentioned by Sinestro during the story mode. He stated that the parallel universe's One Earth Regime resembled the government he established on this version of Korugar


  • Green Lantern v2: (1961)
  • Green Lantern: Recharge v1:
  • Green Lantern v5:

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