Kira Nerys

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Kira Nerys is a female extraterrestrial character who features in Star Trek.



Kira Nerys

Kira often got into trouble as a child because of her interest in annoying the adults. However, the Cardassian Occupation of Bajor had affected every aspect of Kira's life and led her to join the battle for liberation. In 2369, Nerys told Kai Opaka that she had known nothing but violence since she was a child. (DS9: Battle Lines) When she was 12 years old, she was said to had begun her association with the Bajoran Resistance and came to ingratiate herself to Shakaar Edon and his resistance cell. (DS9: Duet)


Personality and attributes

According to herself, she had absolutely no artistic skills and as the worst finger painter at the 4-year old level. (DS9: The Circle)

She later came to express a wish to someday have children of her own after Odo commented on how good she was with Kirayoshi. (DS9: Time's Orphan)

Powers and abilities

As a young child, she came to join the Bajoran Resistance where she was part of one of its resistance cells who fought for the liberation of Bajor. (DS9: Duet)


  • Kira Nerys was portrayed by actress Nana Visitor where she appeared in the setting of Star Trek: Deep Space 9.
  • During Star Trek: Deep Space 9's production, it was originally intended that the role was for Ensign Ro Laren but Michelle Forbes declined the role leading to the creation of Kira Nerys.

Alternate Versions

  • In the Mirror Universe, an alternate version of Kira Nerys appeared in the setting of the other reality. Intendant Kira came to be a senior figure within the Klingon/Cardassian Alliance which was the dominant power of the quadrant after the fall of the Terran Empire.

In other media

Video games



  • Star Trek: Deep Space 9:

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