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Urzkartaga in Wonder Woman v5 #7.

Urzkartaga is a comic deity who features in DC Comics.





Bride of Urzkartaga in Wonder Woman v2 #29.

At some point, the Temple of Urzkartaga was built in Boatenga that stood for centuries before memory. For many years, the cat deity known as the Cheetahs killed trespassers and fed their blood to Urzkartaga. Long ago, a maiden from the village who honored Urzkartaga above all others underwent the sacred ritual where she gave herself to him. Thus, she became the first bride of Urzkartaga where she dined on her first kill and had shared herself with the Great God. Thus, the marriage was consumated where she became the Bride of the Vine with the Cheetah being both its champion and servant. However, she had done her duty so well that none dared travel into the jungle. As such, Urzkartaga was not given his feast of blood. Thus, his worshippers moved to appease their gid as they were sworn to sustain the favoured of the vine. They began to journey out of the jungle where they began luring the infirm, drunk, and others into the woods where the Cheetah could feast on them. For years, this remained the case until the other tribes learnt of the Boatengan's clandestine raids. They responded by vowing to destroy the cult of the vine with some organising into bands of armed assassins. The cults enemies succeeded in capturing many of the cultists who were tortured horribly. All remained loyal to their god except for a single member who broke under torment and betrayed the cult. This was until it fell into ruin and by the modern age it was desecrated by the grenades of barbarians. (Wonder Woman v2 #29)

In the modern world, some were aware of the legends surrounding Urzkartaga. (Wonder Woman v2 #29)

Argentinan businessman Sebastian Ballesteros in his bid for greater power sought to claim the strength of the Cheetah. Thus, he performed a sacrifice in order to communicate with Urzkartaga where he made a case to be the plant gods champion. Urzkartaga accepted and transformed Ballesteros into the first male Cheetah. (Wonder Woman v2 #171)


The plant god Urzkartaga in Wonder Woman v5 #5.

Following the Flashpoint, a new version of history was created with a different series of events. Urzkartaga

Eons ago, Urzkartaga was trapped within the jungles deep in Africa where the unfaithful imprisoned him and sought to steal his power. (Wonder Woman v5 #5) Women had actually served as his wardens and had imprisoned him. (Wonder Woman v5 #7) In present days, Colonel Andres Cadulo planned to free the god from his prison, raise an army and conquer the world. He should become the avatar of Urzkartaga, while Colonel Steve Trevor, who would be sacrificed by Cadulo to the god, would be the vessel of his transformation. (Wonder Woman v5 #5) Barbara Ann-Minerva sought the existence of other gods in the world twelve months after Wonder Woman came from Themyscira. She charted an expedition to Africa to find clues about Urzkartaga and received funding from Doctor Veronica Cale of Empire Industries. During the expedition, she was forcibly transformed into the Cheetah who was the Bride of Urzkartaga. (Wonder Woman v5 #18) With the help of the Cheetah, Wonder Woman thwarted Cadulo's plans, freeing the girls who would attend Urzkartaga and also Steve Trevor and his friends of Echo Team. One of these girls would be chosen to become the new Cheetah, the bride and the protector of Urzkartaga, blessed with long life and power. The woman had to be a virgin, otherwise she would be cursed, as he did to Barbara Ann Minerva, his current wife. (Wonder Woman v5 #7)

Even with defeated Cadulo, Urzkartaga woke up and attacked Wonder Woman, demanding that Cheetah help him defeat her, but Diana made Barbara realize that Urzkartaga is afraid of the women, that they were never his worshippers, but his wardens, handing her Lasso of Truth so she and the other girls would wrap the god around with it, causing Urzkartaga to be destroyed, leaving only one seedling left in his place. With the defeat of Urzkartaga, Barbara Ann was freed from the curse of the Cheetah, returning to be the woman who was before the ritual wedding. The aid of the women allowed Wonder Woman to defeat Urzkartaga who crumbled to dust with Barbara Ann Minvervas curse lifted thus turning her back human. (Wonder Woman v5 #7) Survivors of the sacrifice remained behind to prevent the god's return and Master Chief Steve Trevor completed his assignment that brought the a bottled plant that held the Urzkartaga to Director Sasha Bordeaux. (Wonder Woman v5 #9)


Personality and attributes

In appearance, Urzkartaga was said to be a male deity that was potent and ageless. (Wonder Woman v5 #5) To worshippers, as the Plant God he was often presented as a large plant that rested on an altar. (Wonder Woman v2 #29)

It was said that the deity desired blood with which he could walk free in order to take new brides and spread his roots to grow. (Wonder Woman v5 #5) The ceremony that turned his brides into the Cheetah required the woman to be a virgin. This was because Urzkartaga the Plant God was very jealous and spiteful in nature. Thus, he cursed a woman that was not a virgin causing her body to deteriorate when in human form. (Wonder Woman v2 #29)

To some of his worshippers, he was considered a great and merciful deity. (Wonder Woman v2 #29)

Powers and abilities

For ages, it was said that he was attended to by women that were drawn to his potency. Those that were unfaithful were cursed whilst those that were true were rewarded. (Wonder Woman v5 #5) Such select were Urzkartaga favoured who became a child of the vine by becoming the Cheetah god who protected the great god. Urzkartaga's power was tied to the feasts of the Cheetah with he himself dying if his champion starved to death. (Wonder Woman v2 #29)


  • Urzkartaga was created by George Pérez and Chris Marrinan where he was first referenced in Wonder Woman v2 #28 (March, 1989).

In other media


  • In Batman: The Brave and the Bold, the Amulet of Urzkartaga featured in the episode "Triumvirate of Terror!". It was a cat head mystical amulet that amplified the Cheetahs power to her namesake allowing her to be strong enough to fight against Superman who was vulnerable to magic.

Video games

  • In Injustice 2, Urzkartaga was referenced in numerous gear items available for Cheetah in the fighting video game.
  • In DC Legends, Urzkartaga was referenced in the background for Cheetah in the mobile video game where it was said that Barbara Ann Minerva sought out the Urzkartaga tribe to gain the power of the Cheetah spirit but the god demanded a blood sacrifice whereupon he transformed her into the avatar of the hunt.


  • Wonder Woman v2: (1989)
  • Wonder Woman v5:

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