Damar (Star Trek)

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Damar is a male extraterrestrial television character who features in Star Trek.




Three years after Dukat was removed as Prefect of Bajor following the end of the Bajor, he was given command of the Cardassian freighter Groumall, and appointed Damar one of his officer; at that time Damar held the rank of Glinn. He had great respect for Dukat and quickly became one of his most loyal officers, aiding him in waging his private war against the Klingon Empire. Damar continued to serve under Dukat during the Dominion's occupation of Deep Space Nine.

Damar continued to serve as Dukat's adjutant as Dukat negotiated the entry of the Cardassian Union into the Dominion in 2373, a move Damar supported as he expected it would restore Cardassia to its rightful place as a major power. He participated in the assault force that captured the Federation starbase Deep Space 9 (renamed Terok Nor) at the end of that year, though he was disappointed that the Dominion's nonaggression pact with Bajor prevented them from going on to reclaim the planet. (DS9: Call to Arms)

Damar managed to regain Dukat's favor a few days later and was promoted to the rank of Gul for developing a way to neutralize the self-replicating mines blockading the Bajoran wormhole, using the station's deflector. However, he inadvertently disclosed this fact to station resistance elements during a moment of drunken camaraderie with Quark. Shortly after, he substituted for Odo in station security after the arrival of the Female Changeling on the station, and was responsible for arresting Rom for attempting to sabotage the station's deflector. Meanwhile, Damar continued to update Quark on the status of their efforts to deactivate the minefield. This information eventually reached Starfleet, where it hastened their launch of Operation Return. (DS9: Favor the Bold)

Later, the Federation fleet prepared to move against the station with Dukat ordered Damar to convince Ziyal to speak with him after the two had an argument. Damar's effort ended badly, since he already resented Ziyal for Dukat's continued concern for her in spite of her defiant attitude. When the Dominion reinforcements disappeared inside the wormhole and the station was in danger of being retaken by Starfleet and Klingon forces, Damar killed Ziyal after learning she had aided the station resistance in sabotaging Terok Nor's weapons array. However, this had the opposite effect than what he had hoped, since Dukat refused to leave his daughter's body. Damar ended up fleeing the station with the rest of the Dominion forces without him. (DS9: Sacrifice of Angels)

Following Dukat's nervous breakdown and subsequent capture, Damar became the de facto head of Cardassia under Dominion rule. However, whereas Dukat was able to assert himself on an equal standing with Weyoun, Damar possessed neither Dukat's force of character nor his military genius. As a result, in the aftermath of their recent defeat Damar became little more than a figurehead for Weyoun. Shortly after Operation Return, Weyoun compelled Damar to call for peace talks with the Federation. The talks were a ploy to gain possession to the Kabrel system, needed for their war efforts, but despite realizing this fact, the Federation chose to agree to their proposal in order to gain a respite. (DS9: Statistical Probabilities)

Even though he was promoted to Legate, Damar's authority within the Dominion diminished even further as the war dragged on into a stalemate and he found Weyoun increasingly blaming him and the Cardassians for their failure to achieve victory. As Damar found himself powerless while the Cardassians gradually became a subjugated people in their own land, he began turning to kanar and dalliances with women as a way of forgetting his troubles. Unexpectedly in late 2375, Damar was visited by Dukat, his old mentor and friend. Damar arranged for Dukat to be surgically altered into a Bajoran, though he was unaware of Dukat's plans. Before he left, Dukat reminded Damar that the man who had boldly fought the Klingons by his side was still there, and that Damar could be that man again. (DS9: 'Til Death Do Us Part)

Damar broke ranks with the Dominion when he helped prisoners of war Lieutenant Commander Worf and Lieutenant Ezri Dax escape from Cardassia Prime. Shortly thereafter, Damar made a broadcast denouncing the Dominion and announcing the creation of a Cardassian underground movement geared toward freeing the Cardassian Union from the Dominion's yoke. They had an initial victory by destroying the Vorta cloning facilities on Rondack III—the facility at which the Weyoun line of clones is created. After his break with the Dominion, he was succeeded by Legate Broca as the leader of the Cardassian Union. Starfleet recognised that the Damar resistance could play a part in ending the Dominion War and the resistance itself appealed for Starfleet assistance. Damar was forced to accept the help and knowledge of former Bajoran resistance fighter Kira Nerys and disgraced Obsidian Order operative Elim Garak. Initially, Damar and his men could not come to terms with taking orders from a Bajoran, but Damar quickly grew to look beyond Kira's race and saw the value in her knowledge and experience and chose to utilize her plans and tactics. With their help, Damar's group was able to continue to inflict damage on the Dominion, and Damar himself took part in a mission to capture a Jem'Hadar ship equipped with a Breen energy-draining weapon. Gul Revok's betrayal of the resistance helped lead to its virtual annihilation. While hidden on Cardassia Prime, Damar learned the Dominion had destroyed all of their bases. He learned, however, that the Cardassian people didn't believe that he and the resistance had been destroyed, leading Damar, Garak, and Kira to carry out an attack on Dominion resources on Cardassia Prime, and Damar imploring his fellow Cardassians to resist their occupiers. During the Battle of Cardassia, Damar led a small band attacking the Dominion's headquarters on Cardassia Prime. Although he was killed shortly after getting inside the facility, his last word was "keep...", and the assault was a success, leading to the Female Changeling's capture and facilitating the Dominion's surrender.


Personality and attributes

Damar came to be consumed with guilt over his murder of Ziyal and had trouble sleeping because of it. (DS9: Statistical Probabilities)

Powers and abilities

After Dukat's departure, Damar came to be once again promoted to the rank of Legate and became the leader of the Cardassian Union. (DS9: 'Til Death Do Us Part)


  • Damar was portrayed by actor Casey Biggs where he featured in the setting of the Star Trek universe.

In other media


  • In Star Trek: Deep Space 9: A Stitch in Time, Damar was referenced in the setting of the Pocket Books non-canon novel written by Andrew J. Robinson. It listed Damar's first name was given as Corat. The same novel mentions that Damar was buried in the capital city of Cardassia, in the Tarlak sector of the city. The name was also used in the Star Trek: Terok Nor novel miniseries.


  • Star Trek: Deep Space 9:

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