King Kong

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King Kong is a giant male gorilla that features in King Kong.



King Kong was an enormous gorilla that lived on Skull Island and dominated the prehistoric ecosystem there. His cavern lair was high atop Skull Mountain, and Kong's day-to-day life was a battle for survival against a variety of dinosaurs and other monstrous creatures. He was worshipped as a god by the Skull Island natives, who kept him (and the island's other creatures) out of their village with a giant stone wall built centuries ago. They regularly sacrificed women to Kong, staking them out between two pillars on the opposite side of the wall's gate for him to come and claim. Although it is unknown what became of Kong's other "brides," the giant ape took a particular liking to Ann Darrow when she was captured by the natives and given to him as a gift. Kong took her back to his Skull Mountain lair, defending her from hungry dinosaurs, including an allosaurus, and fighting off members of the rescue party led by Jack Driscoll and Carl Denham, tipping all but Jack and Denham off a log bridge to their deaths in a chasm.

While Kong was distracted fighting with a pteranodon, Jack was able to grab Ann and escape with her back to the wall. Enraged, Kong followed and began to rampage through the native village, biting and stomping on the hapless inhabitants, before Denham brought him down with a gas bomb. Chained and floated to the SS Venture on a hastily-constructed raft, Kong was taken back to New York City and billed by Denham as "the Eighth Wonder of the World." Kong was chained onstage in a theater and displayed to the public, but he soon escaped when he became enraged and disoriented by the flashbulbs of some pushy photographers - despite Denham's claims that he had tamed the beast-god. Kong ran amok through New York, smashing and biting citizens and destroying an elevated train before recapturing Ann Darrow and climbing to the top of the Empire State Building (but not before mistaking another woman for Ann and rather violently discarding her after realizing his mistake). With nowhere else to go once he'd reached the skyscraper's summit, Kong effectively trapped himself and was attacked by several military biplanes.

Although Kong managed to destroy at least one of the attacking biplanes, the remaining aircraft were able to bring the beast-god down because he was too distracted by Ann Darrow's beauty. Shot up by machine gun fire, Kong toppled off the Empire State Building and landed on the street below. Although dead, Kong did leave a son, Kiko, back on Skull Island, who was befriended by Denham and Hilda Peterson.


Personality and attributes

Upon his discovery, he was known referred to as the Eighth Wonder of the World.

Powers and abilities

King Kong was a gigantic prehistoric ape who had a somewhat gorilla-like in appearance yet a vaguely humanoid look and at times walked upright in an anthropomorphic manner. Like most simians, Kong possesses semi-human intelligence and great physical strength..

Kong resided on a mysterious remote island called Skull Island.


  • King Kong was created by Edgar Wallace and Merian C. Cooper where he featured in the setting of the King Kong universe.

In other media


  • In Kong: The Animated Series, King Kong appeared in the setting of the 2000 animated television series where he was voiced by actor Scott McNeil. After Kong's death in 1933, a scientist named Dr. Lorna Jenkins took DNA samples from him which she used to create a clone of him named Kong with the help of the DNA of her grandson Jason.


  • In King Kong, King Kong appeared in the setting of the 2005 live-action film remake.
In an [interview], Jackson described his iteration of the character, "We assumed that Kong is the last surviving member of his species. He had a mother and a father and maybe brothers and sisters, but they're dead. He's the last of the huge gorillas that live on Skull Island ... when he goes ... there will be no more. He's a very lonely creature, absolutely solitary. It must be one of the loneliest existences you could ever possibly imagine. Every day, he has to battle for his survival against very formidable dinosaurs on the island, and it's not easy for him. He's carrying the scars of many former encounters with dinosaurs. I'm imagining he's probably 100 to 120 years old by the time our story begins. And he has never felt a single bit of empathy for another living creature in his long life; it has been a brutal life that he's lived."
  • In the, King Kong made multiple appearances in the shared continuity setting.
    • In Kong: Skull Island, King Kong made his first appearance in the setting of the 2017 live-action film.
    • In Godzilla vs. Kong, King Kong appeared in the setting of the 2021 live-action crossover film.

Video games

  • In Call of Duty: Warzone, King Kong appeared in a special game mode for the FPS video game that was set in the MonsterVerse.


  • King Kong:

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