Silver Sable

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Silver Sablinova in Silver Sable and the Wild Pack v1 #36.

Silver Sable is a female comic superhero who features in Marvel Comics.




Silver Sablinova was the daughter of Ernst Sablinova and Anatasia Sablinova with them living in the country of Symkaria. (Silver Sable and the Wild Pack v1 #9)

She had an uncle by the name of Morty who became an advisor to her. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #265) Silver also had a young niece by the name of Anna. (Silver Sable and the Wild Pack v1 #1)

Her first outing under her father's Wild Pack was a mission to London to hunt down escaped Nazi war criminal Wilhelm Schultz who was hiding amongst the National Front. (Silver Sable and the Wild Pack v1 #9)

Her father had founded the Wild Pack with the aid of the Symkarian government for the purpose of hunting down Nazi war criminals. However, Silver herself believed in changing with the times and under her leadership she had the group hunt anyone for a price. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #265) This led to her uncle Morty believing she perverted the original mission but Silver herself believed that they had to change with the times as there were not that many Nazi war criminals around to hunt anymore. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #279)


A major insurance company had hired her for the task of capturing the Black Fox and offered her a $200,000 reward to recover stolen jewels. A team were deployed on the operation to recover the target but they were stopped and defeated by Spider-Man. She deployed her men again where they were once again opposed by Spider-Man with the Black Fox escaping but the diamond jewels he had stolen were recovered. Spider-Man gave the jewels were given to her as recompense for the lost fee in capturing the Black Fox. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #265) Silver Sable International was then engaged to apprehend a professional terrorist namely the Jack O'Lantern. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #279) She placed an advert in the newspapers requesting a meeting with Spider-Man where he met her at the Symkarian embassy where she enlisted his help to capture Jack O'Lantern and offered him a financial reward. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #280) However, this proved to be a trap when the two were ambushed by the Sinister Six with her and Spider-Man being saved by the intervention of Sandman. After being impressed with him, Silver ended up taking Sandman as a freelance operative who she employed for missions. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #281)

At another time, Silver sent the Wild Pack to test out a security system at the behest of Mr. Jason Pruett, a businessman that built a new office complex that he wanted to be the safest in New York. Pruett was satisfied but his assistant, Frank Cruz, was not. He wanted Silver herself to run the gauntlet and she agreed to do it for $100,000. Spider-Man showed up at her New York apartment later, demanding to know why the Wild Pack had attacked him previously. It was simple: they had been hired to do it. Cruz and Pruett then arrived and Spider-Man left, his spider sense giving him a faint tingle when the two men showed up. That night Silver Sable began her challenge against the security system. While her team had faced non-lethal ammunition previously, little did Silver know but this time the weapons were fully armed. At the same time, Spider-Man went to Cruz's apartment, still bothered by the tingle from his spider sense. Upon searching, he found a secret room containing Nazi paraphernalia. Meanwhile, Silver Sable was dealing with what she thought was silent alarm light beams and managed to maneuver past them, not knowing that they were lasers. Going through the room, Spider-Man found papers showing that 'Frank Cruz' was really Franz Kraus, the son of a former Nazi that Silver had captured years ago. He caught up to her at the building, and stopped her from hitting the button that would shut the system down, out of suspicion that it was a trap. She believed that he must be her final challenge. He eventually convinced her that the button was really a bomb, after removing the paneling. The Wild Pack later disarmed the explosives and Cruz/Kraus fled. Mr. Pruett apologized and paid her the full sum owed, plus a bonus to capture Kraus. Spidey got to swing home by himself. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #301) The Wild Pack went after Kraus and his organization but only one of them managed to return with the ability to walk. Silver realized that the situation as much more dangerous than she expected and called in the Sandman to help her. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #302) Sable contacted Spider-Man via a newspaper ad and soon had him working with Sandman, despite his discomfort with the idea. Spider-Man was sent to Kraus's headquarters to perform surveillance and there found crates of heroin. He listened in on Kraus telling his co-hort his plan: to sell the drugs with help from the Kingpin and use the profits to buy land in Central America to establish a Nazi state. They also stolen military prototype weapons to provide security until their 'Fifth Reich' was established. Spidey reported back to Sable and Sandman, both who immediately went after Kraus. Sandman provided a distraction and Spidey and Sable apprehended the Nazi. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #303)

She was later hired by J. Jonah Jameson who wanted the Wild Pack to capture Spider-Man where he had to a million dollars for her to agree to the contract though the squad she sent were easily defeated. (Spectacular Spider-Man v1 #128)


After the Symkarian revolution, Sable personally bought the then-abandoned Symkarian embassy in New York City with the intent to return it to her people when the time came and used it as her base of operations in the meantime. (Shadowland: Blood on the Streets v1 #3) At the time, Sable was bringing international mobsters in alive to the Interpol for questioning. Unfortunately for her, her prey was murdered by the time she arrived at the scene, baring the insignia of the ninja clan known as the Hand as a result of Daredevil having assumed leadership and directing forces across Hell's Kitchen. Outraged at having her mission compromised, Silver personally investigated the murder, eventually bringing her into contact with bionic private investigator Misty Knight, Darkforce-wielding vigilante Shroud, and mercenary Paladin, all of whom were investigating similar murders throughout the city. (Heroes for Hire v3 #2)

Ends of the Earth

She was invited to New York for the opening of the first ever Symkarian Pride Parade that was being hosted by Mayor Jameson. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #678)

Sable later aided Spider-Man when Doctor Octopus had orchestrated an event that ransomed the entire world unless they complied with his demands. Using new stealth technology, she was able to rescue Spider-Man and the Black Widow though the rest of the Avengers were taken by the Sinister Six. Together, they targeted one of Octavius's factories only for it to be a trap with the Sandman there who they defeated by working together. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #684)

Working in the Shadows

Madame Web later revealed to Spider-Man that Silver Sable did not perish in the fight within Doctor Octopus' underwater base. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #690) Though she survived, Sable was badly burnt and wounded with her only being found by a tracking device placed on her person by her former love the Foreigner. He came to recover her and tried to aid in her recovery though her injuries were severe. The Foreigner decided to use an L.M.D. android duplicate of her that she could pilot remotely to continue her operations and give the public image that the Silver Sable was still working for her country. (Amazing Spider-Man v5 #33)

Vulpes Communication came to hire Silver Sable's protective services when the company's headquarters came under attack from Symbiotes. Among them was a Miles Morales corrupted Symbiote that had targeted J. Jonah Jameson with Sable attempting to protect him but unable to match the mind controlled hero's strength. (Absolute Carnage: Miles Morales v1 #2) Despite their efforts, Sable's condition began to worsen to the point that she faced the prospect of dying. Furthermore, tensions were rife in Symkaria as her rival the Countess Karkov though detained under house arrest still had considerable influence over the country. Karkov intended to take control over the nation again due to the growing strife with Sable's condition weakening her ability to combat the Countess's power. Thus, the Foreigner made a deal with the Chameleon to acquire a sample of the Infinity Formula in the hope that this could be used to help heal Sable. Spider-Man and Teresa Parker intervened with the latter hunting the Chameleon for the death of her lover where they uncovered the true reason for Silver Sable's part in the exchange. (Amazing Spider-Man v5 #33)


Personality and attributes

In appearance, Silver Sable was a woman with white hair and was noted for her breath-taking beauty. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #280) She was also known as Silvija with this being the name referred to her by Anna. (Shadowland: Blood on the Streets v1 #3)

Silver was said to be determined to the point that nothing prevented her from achieving her objectives. This came as a result of witnessing her mother's death which became the source of her determination to help hunt down criminals. (Silver Sable and the Wild Pack v1 #1)

She was noted as a woman who demanded nothing less than perfection in the operations from her employees. (Silver Sable and the Wild Pack v1 #1)

Silver enjoyed walking alone but did not get to experience that often. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #279)

Her father had taught her never to show emotions and appear strict. As a result, she appeared to be cold and uncaring with her claiming that her father had died as a result of caring with her not seeking to repeat his mistakes. In reality, she felt a great deal of emotions as her past tragedy was the source of her determination but she projected a different appearance. (Silver Sable and the Wild Pack v1 #1) However, she was shown to keep her calm and give orders even upon seeing the massacre of one of her combat teams. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #279) She stated that she did not let pleasure take precedence over business. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #280) Orders were expected to be obeyed without question to insure the safety of the entire pack. (Silver Sable and the Wild Pack v1 #9)

Sablinova stated that she detested unfounded arrogance and did not like people calling her baby. (Silver Sable and the Wild Pack v1 #1)

Her uncle Morty believed that she had perverted the original mission of their company which was the apprehension of criminals over profit. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #279)

She retained a scar from a knife wound when she first started in the Wild Pack with this being a reminder that even the most helpless of enemies could be deadly. (Silver Sable and the Wild Pack v1 #9)

On Spider-Man, she came to see value in him though she found his need for independence and personal integrity to be foolish. However, she had sought to recruit him and worked with him on missions. (Spectacular Spider-Man v1 #128) She found him to be a very resourceful individual who was not given half the credit that he deserved. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #684) Underneath these layers, she was shown to be romantically attracted to Spider-Man but backed away when he stated that he was returning to a person that he loved. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #685) She resumed her relationship with the Foreigner when he rescued her after she was badly wounded and he stood by her side where he dedicated his resources into her recovery. (Amazing Spider-Man v5 #33)

Powers and abilities

She began to operate as a mercenary with her developing an international reputation in law enforcement circles. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #280) Her father was responsible for teaching her everything that she knew. (Silver Sable and the Wild Pack v1 #1)

She often engaged in a daily workout. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #265) Her martial arts skills made her movements appear as coiled lightning with her being noted for being fast. (Spectacular Spider-Man v1 #128)

For short range, she made use of Chai that were half-moon projectiles of her own design that she threw with accuracy at her targets. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #265) These weapons of her own invention were noted for their efficiency. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #279)

Sable later came to make use of new Symkarian stealth technology that made her invisible. She could drop a cloak of it on others to impart this quality in them to escape detection or harm. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #684)

Silver Sable came to make use of a personal jet named the Swan that was outfitted with stealth technology making it invisible. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #684)

She managed her own company named Silver Sable International that had its employees including medical staff and armed mercenaries. Medical insurance was available to the employees in order to treat for injuries in service. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #265) The organization was the cornerstone of Symkaria's revenue with its well-being completely reliant on Silver Sable. (Silver Sable and the Wild Pack v1 #1) The company was called 'the most efficient detective agency on Earth' that made its business by apprehending international criminals. Their clients ranged from major insurance companies to the governments of small nations. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #279)

Her family's base of operations was Castle Sable that saved as a headquarters for her which stored numerous arms and equipment including stealthcraft. (Silver Sable and the Wild Pack v1 #1) It was gifted to her father Ernst Sablinova by King Phillip for their efforts in hunting down Nazi war criminals. (Silver Sable and the Wild Pack v1 #9)


  • Silver Sable was created by Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz where she made her first appearance in Amazing Spider-Man v1 #265 (June, 1985).

Alternate Versions

  • In Ultimate Spider-Man v1 #86 (2005), an alternate version of Silver Sable was shown to exist in the Ultimate Marvel reality set on Earth-1610 in the Multiverse. A mercenary from Symkaria, she had a troubled childhood, apparently ignored by her father and abused by her alcoholic mother. In reality, her father hunted Nazis and she forgave him at his deathbed, deciding to follow his footsteps. While an antagonist to Spider-Man, she is not actually a villain so much as a bounty hunter, and she holds no particular ill-will towards Spider-Man. Silver Sable was hired by Donald Roxxon to capture Spider-Man for questioning. After weeks of tracking, Sable's mercenaries mistakenly captured Flash Thompson. As they discussed whether to murder Thompson to prevent him from identifying them, Flash escaped. Sable's Wild Pack later captured and brought Spider-Man to Roxxon, who wanted to know why Spider-Man had been defending his company from super villain attacks. Not believing Spider-Man's explanation that he was only in a position to defend the company through sheer chance, Sable and Roxxon ran a background check on him, but this caused a high level S.H.I.E.L.D. alert. While listening to Roxxon's argument for protection, Sable's Wild Pack were attacked by the Vulture. After escaping the chaos, Sable threateningly demanded Roxxon to pay the reward money and swore she will kill Roxxon if their names were told to the authorities.
  • In Amazing Spider-Man v3 #10 (2014), an alternate version of Silver Sable was shown to be an inhabitant of Earth-001 in the Multiverse. This version came to be a member of the Hounds who work for Verna of the Inheritors. She and the other Hounds accompany Verna to Earth-1610 to hunt Miles Morales. This Sable was later killed by the Superior Spider-Man, and his allies Spider-Punk and Assassin Spider-Man.

In other media


  • In Spider-Man, Silver Sable appeared in the 1990 animated television series in the five-part episode "Six Forgotten Warriors" where she was voiced by actress Mira Furlan. This version was recruited by Rheinholt Kragor who came to operate as Electro where she alongside the rest of the Wild Pack were sent to gather information about the Red Skull's Doomsday device, capture two scientists to help operate it, and keep it from falling into the Kingpin's hands. Sable later kidnapped Spider-Man, Kingpin, and the Insidious Six for Rheinholt, but she and the Wild Pack eventually betray Rheinholt and joined forces with Spider-Man, Captain America, the Forgotten Warriors, and the Insidious Six to fight Rheinholt, the Red Skull, and the Chameleon.
  • In Spider-Man: The New Animated Series, Silver Sable appeared in the animated television series in the episode "Spider-Man Dis-Sabled" where she was voiced by actress Virginia Madsen. Named Silver Sablinovia, this version was from Russia instead of Symkaria. On assignment, she and her unit are hired to go undercover at the mayor's office as Jane Perkins in order to assassinate known terrorist called the Piranha whose real name was Harlan Tremain. She was defeated by Spider-Man whilst Tremain was exposed and arrested by the NYPD.
  • In The Spectacular Spider-Man, the character appeared as Sable Manfredi in the animated television series where she was voiced by actress Nikki Cox.
  • In Spider-Man, Silver Sable appeared in the 2017 animated television series where she was voiced by actress April Stewart

Video games

  • In Marvel Heroes, Silver Sable appeared as NPC vendor on the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier in the setting of the MMORPG video game.
  • In Marvel's Spider-Man, Silver Sable appeared in the setting of the video game where she was voiced by actress Nichole Elise. She was the leader of Sable International, a private military firm hired by Mayor Norman Osborn to stop Mister Negative and the Inner Demons following a terrorist attack at one of his rallies. Heavy-handed and willing to violate civil liberties in pursuit of their mission, the city quickly turns against Sable International and Spider-Man shuts down several outposts being used to unjustly incarcerate civilians. Furious, Sable tries to capture Spider-Man, but winds up saving his life when Otto Octavius nearly beats him to death. Disillusioned, she returns to Symkaria to rethink her approach while leaving her agents behind to fulfill their contract. In the "Silver Lining" DLC, Sable returned to New York and joins forces with Spider-Man to reclaim her stolen technology from the crime boss Hammerhead so it can be used to fight the oppressive regime controlling Symkaria. Together, they eventually defeat Hammerhead before Sable returns to Symkaria, inspired by Spider-Man to be more heroic.


  • Amazing Spider-Man v1: (1985)
  • Silver Sable and the Wild Pack v1:
  • Heroes for Hire v1:
  • Shadowland: Blood on the Streets v1:
  • Absolute Carnage: Miles Morales v1: (2019)
  • Amazing Spider-Man v5: (2019)

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