Kristin Wells

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Kristin Wells is a female superhero who features in DC Comics.



Kristin Wells was a female human born on Earth in the 29th century where she was the daughter of Jimmy Olsen IV. By adulthood, she grew up to become an attractive, freckle-faced red-headed, college professor at the Columbia University with specialty in Early American History - the period from 1763 to 2100. At the age of 19 or 20 when she was still a graduate history student at Columbia University she made a journey into the past on a foundation grant to solve the mystery of the secret of the interplanetary holiday, Miracle Monday. Not only does she uncover the secret of the holiday she finds that she has a large part in the origin of the holiday herself. When she eventually the twentieth century and went back to her own time the memory of her presence in that time was wiped from the minds of everyone on Earth except for Superman. Years later in September 2862, Wells had become a professor she and her students were discussing Superwoman, "quite possibly the greatest heroine of the 20th Century" and the only super-hero whose secret identity has never been unearthed. The students offered suggestions about how Superwoman performed her feats and a handy chart is displayed showing her powers and the 29th Century tech that could duplicate them. One of the students proposed Wells took a research trip back to the day Superwoman first appeared and learn her identity and Wells decided to take another trip back in time.

Back in 1983, Wells took a job as a typist working on Lois Lane's new book and got hit on by Jimmy Olsen. Wells discovered Superwoman's costume in a closet in Lois' office. It was red and blue with the familiar S-shield, blue gloves and boots, a blue cap and a blue hood. Shortly after Wells discovered the costume, King Kosmos, a time and space-faring tyrant from an alternative future, arrived and threatened to conquer Earth. Knowing that Superwoman was supposed to aid Superman against Kosmos, Wells found Lois and confronted her with the costume. Lois explained that the outfit was for Clark Kent's cousin, Supergirl Kara Zor-El who was operating as Linda Danvers wearing her costume to Morgan Edge's costume party. Wells then tried and failed to enlist the aid of Linda, as she in an effort to see how the other half lived, was flying to Metropolis from Chicago via jet and was unreachable. Kosmos blasted Superman back to the 6th Century, then withdrew to make new plans. Superman flew back to the present under his own power in time for the party. At the party, Wells was shocked that Linda chose to wear something that did not conceal her face instead of the Superwoman garb. Kosmos attacked again, incapacitating Superman and the Justice League and leaving Wells no choice but to don the Superwoman costume herself. Joined by a recovering Superman, Superwoman took her battle against Kosmos to present-day Dallas, then to Washington, D.C., April 14, 1865, and finally to the timestream. There, Superwoman blasted Kosmos' navigational controller from his hand and when he tried to evade Superman, he tumbled "out of control, in and out of the folds in time and space." He will return, however, Superwoman warned. Her task completed, Wells returned to the future to reveal that she was Superwoman. First, however, she discouraged Jimmy once and for all by kissing Clark. After all, it would not do for him to fall for the great-great-granddaughter of Jimmy Olsen IV.


Personality and attributes

Powers and abilities


  • Kristin Wells as Superwoman was created by Elliot S! Maggin where she made her first appearance in DC Comics Presents Annual v1 #2 (1983).
  • In the Post-Crisis continuity, the character was re-invented in Superman v1 #669 (2007) as a Kryptonian named Karsta Wor-Ul who had escaped Krypton prior to their world's destruction and been hiding on Earth.


  • Superman: Miracle Monday v1:

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