Orson Krennic

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Orson Krennic is a male character that features in Star Wars.



Orson Callan Krennic was a male human born a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. He came to serve as a Lieutenant Commander in the Galactic Republic in Special Weapons group where he had been responsible for rescuing his old friend Galen Erso who was a scientist that had been kidnapped with his family by Separatist agents.

Following the formation of the Galactic Empire, Krennic manipulated Galen to work on the Death Star project. Great strides in the project was made by Krennic's interrogation of Poggle the Lesser who held vital intelligence on the weapon.

Krennic was called by Tarkin to attend a summit at the Raven's Peak alongside Hurst Romodi, Barton Coburn, and Royce Hemlock on Tarkin's homeworld of Eriadu. After listening to Romodi and Hemlock discuss their projects, Krennic was asked by Tarkin for an update on Stardust which he was happy to oblige too. The facility was then attacked by Partisans as well as Clone Force 99, the latter whom were trying to trace Hemlock, though Tarkin ensured they were safe as the lockdown system was engaged in the meeting room. Nonetheless, the facility was left damaged much to Tarkin's anger.

Later on, Krennic discovered the Ersos on the remote planet Lah'mu, where they lived a simple farming life. Landing near their homestead in his personal Delta-class T-3c shuttle, Krennic approached from afar with his death troopers on either side. Alerted to the sudden Imperial presence, Galen sent his daughter into hiding, guided by his wife, while he confronted his old friend outside the homestead. When Krennic expressed surprise at Erso's choice of a lonely, agrarian lifestyle, the scientist agreed, claiming Lyra had passed away. Krennic, skeptical, ordered the house searched and turned to Erso to explain his visit. The Death Star, he revealed, was still unfinished, and the only hope for its completion lay in Erso's advanced research into crystallography. Erso protested on moral grounds, but they were interrupted by Lyra, who held the cloaked Imperial officer at gunpoint in an effort to prevent her husband's abduction. After failing to convince her to drop the weapon, Krennic ordered his troopers to execute Lyra, but not before taking a blaster bolt to the shoulder. Thereafter, Krennic was again rejoined with Galen, whilst Jyn concealed herself from the troopers.

When the Death Star was completed, Krennic met with the Grand Moff and other high-ranking members of the Empire and ordered the battle station into orbit over Jedha. However, the Director was disappointed to see that neither the Emperor, nor his favored emissary Darth Vader, were present for the occasion. Tarkin explained that their absence served as a protection for Krennic should another failure occur during the testing of the weapon. Intending to overcome this disappointment and showcase the full potential of the Death Star, Krennic readied the superlaser to destroy the entirety of the desert moon. Tarkin, on the other hand, ordered a weaker blast to avoid public exposure. Acquiescing, Krennic targeted Jedha City and, consummating decades' worth of work, smote the city with a single-reactor ignition of the superlaser. As he watched the shock waves of the blast radiate across the moon's surface, Krennic remarked on its beauty. The resulting explosion reduced the city, Saw Gerrera's fanatical rebel cell, and the last remnants of the Jedi all to ash. The blast exceeded Tarkin's expectations and put to rest the remaining doubts about the Death Star's viability as a weapon for the Empire. Impressed by its power, the Grand Moff announced that he would be immediately taking command of the battle station. An enraged Krennic openly challenged Tarkin, declaring the Death Star to be his achievement. Yet Tarkin, unfazed, held Krennic to be incompetent and revealed that the defecting pilot had originated from the Imperial facility on Eadu, all on the Director's watch. Still seething, Krennic left to deal with the defector personally.

At their laboratory on the stormy planet Eadu. Krennic, flanked by his squadron of death troopers, arrived and assembled Erso's research team. Gathering them on an open platform, the Director announced his knowledge of the conspiracy and instructed the traitor to expose himself. When no response came, Krennic concluded that the scientists conspired in a 'group effort' and readied his troopers for a firing squad execution. At this moment Erso intervened and confessed to the act, but the Director ordered the other scientists executed nonetheless. Krennic then knocked Erso to the ground, advising him of the successful discharge of the Death Star's superlaser upon Jedha City. Suddenly, the two were attacked by several Rebel Alliance T-65B X-wing starfighters in an ambush that killed Galen and led Krennic to flee, but not before observing Erso's daughter, Jyn, who had arrived on Eadu contemporaneously.

He was badly wounded when he witnessed as the Death Star was approaching the planet when Tarkin ordered a low intensity shot from the superlaser to destroy the Imperial base thus killing Krennic.


Personality and attributes

It was shown that he was a ruthless and power-hungry individual.

A cruel but brilliant man, Krennic had staked his reputation on the delivery of the functional battle station to the Emperor.

Krennic believed in leading from the front with his instinct being to order troops to follow him into danger rather than sending them to do his bidding.

He was also dismissive of the Force and its importance in the galaxy, speaking of having just destroyed the last remnants of the Jedi with undisguised pride. Krennic was willing to kill people who served him, such as when he ordered the execution of the scientists on Eadu despite Galen having just admitted to being the traitor among the development staff. He also showed at least some sadism, as after knocking Galen to the ground, Krennic gloated about his use of the Death Star in the destruction of Jedha City, specifically noting every element of Jedha City, including Saw's Partisans, being gone as a result.

He had a rivalry with Grand Moff Tarkin, who claimed to not share his optimism regarding Project Stardust. When Tarkin used the event of Galen Erso's defection to position himself at the helm of the newly minted battle station, Krennic was infuriated. Krennic would travel to Mustafar with the audacity to make a direct request of Darth Vader, asking if he could be put in charge of the Death Star, which led the irritated Sith Lord to Force-choke him.

Powers and abilities

Orson Krennic was born an ordinary human with no special inherent abilities.

Krennic was skilled in the use of DT-29 Heavy Blaster Pistol with it customised despite it being against Imperial regulations where it was fitted with a custom-fitted macroscope.

He was accompanied by his own personal guard that consisted of elite Death Troopers.


  • Orson Krennic was created by John Knoll where he was portrayed by actor Ben Mendelsohn with him featuring in the setting of the Star Wars universe.
  • He made his first appearance in the Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel.
  • In an interview with Collider, Mendelsohn said, "He's an outsider, essentially. He's an outsider in so far as he's not a born officer class guy, he's a guy that worked his way up and regards a lot of the officer class as just not really worth their salt. And he is a guy that as it were has come up through stuff, so he has a great force of will, he also very much believes in the Empire's agenda, he's very onboard with it. He's risen his way up to become the head of military intelligence and operations and he's going to build this Death Star."

In other media

Video games

  • In Star Wars: Battlefront, Orson Krennic was introduced as a playable villain hero character in the multiplayer mode of the video game.


  • Rogue One:
  • Star Wars: The Bad Batch: (2023)

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