Asgard (Marvel)

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Thor departing Asgardia in Infinity Countdown v1 #1.

Asgard is a dimension that features in Marvel Comics.





Asgard in Tales of Asgard v1 #1.

Asgard was an other-dimensional realm that was home to the race of gods known as the Asgardians. In the beginning, there was nothing but the endless abyss where in time two worlds with one being in the south that was Muspelsheim that was a land of fire which sprang rivers and the other in the north that was Niffleheim one of clouds as well as shadows from whose centre surged the fountain of Hvergelmir which flowed twelve rivers of ice. When these two rivers met one another, they cataclysmic encounter began to solidify thus filling the abyss. The warm air began to melt the ice and from that half-frozen mixture stepped forth the first form of life that was the Frost Giant Ymir. (Thor Annual v1 #5) Long ago, at the beginning of creation the Well of Life formed in the world and from it the first creature Ymir emerged into the world following by a mystical giant cow. The pair wandered the frozen wastes where the cow found a person emerge from the ice itself. This individual was Buri who was the first of the Aesir and from whom future generation of Asgardians were born. In time, he took a wife and through her they had a son who was named Bor. (Journey into Mystery v1 #97) Bor later took a wife and had numerous children from their union. (Journey into Mystery v1 #97) Bor had married a giantess who in turn had three sons that became the first of the Aesir with these being Odin, Ve and Vili. Odin grew to hate his mothers race and eventually led a war against his ancestors with the first giant they attacked being Ymir himself. (Thor Annual v1 #5)

Following the death of King Bor, his eldest son Cul took the throne where he began to rule through fear and used his enforcers the Worthy to bring about his reign. In time, his brother Odin began to see the madness of his brother and sought wisdom from the World Tree Yggdrasil that cost him his eye. By his adulthood, King Cul ruled from his new fortress at the world of Asheim when his brothers Odin, Vi and Villi turned against him. Cul was defeated and Asheim was slaughtered as well as salted to prevent any Asgardian from claiming it again. In the aftermath, Asheim became known as Midgard when Odin became the new ruler of Asgard after dethroning his brother Cul. (Mighty Thor v1 #7)

At time's dawn, Asgard was gripped with war with the rival tribe of deities known as the Vanir. To end the conflict, a truce was achieved with hostages exchanged by both sides with Asgard surrendering Mimir to the Vanir. According to Mimir, for no good reason he was executed by the Vanir and his living tortured head was sent back to Odin. In this state of living death, Mimir was gifted with the power of prophecy whereupon Odin transformed him into fire and made him an advisor. For his actions, Mimir was said to hold hatred towards Odin for leaving him in this state. (Thor Annual v1 #7) Among the earliest conflicts fought by the Asgardians was the Aesir/Vanir War with the former being the victors. After that long war, a peace was made whereby King Bor's son, Odin of the Aesir would marry Freyja of the Vanir. The marriage was supposed to culminate in a child of both people that symbolized the unity of the two Asgardian races with this being a daughter who would become Angela with the newborn child being stolen by the Angels of Heven. (Angela: Asgard's Assassin v1 #2)

After Odin perished fighting Surtur, Frigga held his sceptre of power who called a Great Althing of all Asgardians to decide who would succeed the All-Father to the throne. (Thor v1 #364)

The throne of Asgard later passes to Thor after Odin is killed in battle by Surtur, when the demon invades Earth. (Thor v2 #40)


In the aftermath, Thor came to recreate the capital city of Asgard which came to reside on Earth. He came to specifically choose a piece of land outside Broxton, a small city west of Oklahoma City that he purchased for a flatbed truck of gold. Using the Odin-Force, Thor raised it up above the ground where it remained floating as Thor went to gather the other Asgardians. (Thor v3 #2)

Following an incident in Chicago involving Volstagg, Director Norman Osborn received intelligence stating that Asgard in Oklahoma had fallen under control of Loki and had become a rogue nation. With this information, he had the forces of his H.A.M.M.E.R. peacekeeping agency along with his Dark Avengers along with assorted supervillains launch an attack on the city along with the Asgardians. (Siege v1 #1)

Many were killed in the battle, and in the end it was destroyed by the Void, who sent it crashing down to the ground. In the aftermath, an alliance between the Avengers and Asgardians was made. Tony Stark made plans to rebuild Asgard. (Siege v1 #4)

In order to prepare the Asgardians for the battle against the Serpent, Odin remade the City of Asgard in the realm. (Fear Itself v1 #1)


When the Serpent was defeated, he banished all others from the realm, remaining there alone with his dead brother. He appointed Idunn, Gaea and Frigga, collectively the All-Mother, to lead the fallen Asgard which was on Earth. (Fear Itself v1 #7) Under the leadership of the All-Mother, the city of Asgard was being rebuilt in Oklahoma with it being populated by the various races of the Nine Realms. (Mighty Thor v1 #8)

Thus, the Golden Realm was sealed off with an impenetrable barrier preventing any from reaching it. Loki later manipulated the Angels of Heven in order to open the passage from Midgard to Old Asgard thus finding the self-exiled Odin in the decrepit City of Agsard. (Original Sin v1 #5.4)

After investigating the appearance of this other Mjolnir and coming into conflict with the Collector, Thor used the hammer's teleportation power to teleport the City of Asgard away. (Unworthy Thor v1 #5)

Under orders from their gods, the Shi'ar mobilised their forces to capture Thor and struck at Asgardia until they acquired their target whereupon they returned back to the M'Kraan Palace. (Mighty Thor v2 #15)

In the battle with the Mangog, Asgardia was sent on a collision course with the sun leading to Jane Foster as Thor distracting her foe whilst the Asgardians evacuated. (Mighty Thor v1 #705) With its destruction, the people of the fallen city relocated back to Old Asgard which they sought to rebuild their great home. (Mighty Thor v1 #706) Among the places destroyed in the city was Odin's vault leading to a scattering of the various relics across the realms. (Thor v5 #1)

Old Asgard


It lay beyond mortal's segment of time and space whereby the citadel served as the home of the Norse gods. (Thor v1 349)

Locations at Asgard include:

  • Cosmic Well : situated in Asgard, this was the counterpart to the Twilight Well at the World's End. (Thor v1 #197)
  • Isle of Silence :
  • Avenue of Heroes : an exalted in the city of Asgard that contained numerous weapons from various wars fought by the Asgardians. (Thor v1 #312)
  • Hall of Fear : a chamber where a demon known as the Lurking Unknown was brought to test the fearlessness of young Asgardians and was where Jane Foster was tested to see her courage when Thor decided to marry her but she failed Odin's test. (Thor v1 #136)
  • Tower of Solitude : a lone tower that was used to confine prisoners and was where Odin entrapped the Vizier after being influenced by the wizard Igron with a Storm Giant guarding the prisoner. (Thor v1 #248)
  • Hall of Lost Souls : memorial in Asgard for the fallen whose bodies that were lost in battle. (Thor v2 #32)
  • Realm Below : a vast cavern beneath Asgard that was home to a number of Trolls and was where a dragon guarded the gates. (Thor v1 #252)
  • Heimdall's Observatory : it was re-erected atop Stark Tower as a sign of solidarity with Midgard and to appreciate the aid of the Avengers. (Siege v1 #4)
  • Sea of Nothingness : (Journey into Mystery v1 #85)
  • Sea of Marmora : (Thor Annual v1 #9)
  • Chamber of Silent Repose : (Thor v1 #136)
  • Cragmouth : home of the storms. (Thor: Godstorm v1 #1)
  • Valaskjalf : a great hall that belonged to Odin. (Thor v1 #349)
  • Doors of Dramir : doorway that led to the Imperial chamber of Odin. (Thor: Son of Asgard v1 #1)
  • Great Hall of Heroes : (Thor: Son of Asgard v1 #1)
  • Gundershelm : site of the Glade of Crystals. (Thor v1 #136)
  • Gymirsgard : a country within the realm of Asgard. (Thor Annual v1 #2)
  • Hall of Lost Souls : (Thor v2 #32)
  • Hlidskjalf : a mountain peak in Asgard. (Thor v1 #338)
  • Isle of Silence : (Avengers v1 #1)
  • Skornheim : (Thor v1 #320)
  • Lake of Lilitha : a long dried up lake whose sand could revive the dead with the tears of a loved one. (Thor: Son of Asgard v1 #5)
  • Cave of Ages : a mystical cave containing an Imperial seal from Odin that trapped the Mangog with legends speaking of it containing enchanti-stones that held Odin's seamless power. (Thor v1 #154)
  • Old Asgard :
  • Cragmouth : forbidden dwellings of the storms when they were not raging in the sky with the gods even shunning this area of dreaded labyrinths. (Thor: Godstorm v1 #1)
  • Nibelheim : a dark subterranean land that was the domain of the Gnomes. (Thor v1 #295)
  • Well of Centuries : a well tended to by a Norn and whose enchanted waters could witness any moment in time. (Journey into Mystery v1 #101)
  • Forbidden Forest : a dark, enchanted and mysterious forest in Asgard that was home to Oldar the Oracle. (Incredible Hulk v1 #102)
  • Sea of Fear :
  • Pillars of Utgard : seeming jagged rocks in the Sea of Fear that was a danger to any ship in the region. According to legend, the Pillars were merely the feet of the mighty Utgard Dragon who lay underneath the water and ready to swallow any ships that passed by its jaws. (Journey into Mystery v1 #121)
  • Utgardhall : the palace in the city of Utgard that was the abode of the giants and was home to Utgard himself. (Journey into Mystery v1 #121)

It was connected to the realm of Earth through the Rainbow Bridge which was also known as the Bifrost. (Journey into Mystery v1 #85)

Races native to Asgard and its sister realms:

  • Asgardians :
  • Storms : sentient living storms that were noted for their rage with them dwelling in Cragmouth when not in the skies. (Thor: Godstorm v1 #1)
  • Dragons : large dragonic beings that had enchanted breaths. (Journey into Mystery v1 #101)
  • Vanna : a small sprite-like race of with wings and antennae who were creatures of air that could be summoned through spells and make themselves into a silent breeze to spy on people. (Journey into Mystery v1 #105)
  • Gnomes : also known as the Nibelungs to the gods who were diminutive beings. (Thor v1 #295)

Creatures native to the realms include:

  • Spiders of Hel : large demonic appearing spiders some of whom resided in Niffleheim at the Shore of Corpses. (Mighty Thor v2 #14)

During times of turbulence, the Althing was called that was an assembly consisting of Asgardians who decided the position of lawgiver. (Thor v1 #364) An ancient Asgardian law stated that no god may depart the realm eternal without first presenting a petition to do so that explained their reasons. Once given, it required gaining majority approval from the other gods of Asgard. The law further stated that the offending god should be escorted back to Asgard by the god of war or his charges. (Thor v1 #312)

Within Asgard, organizations that operated within the realm included:

  • All-Mother of Asgardia :
  • Norns :
  • Valkyrior :
  • Einherjar :
  • Thunder Guard :
  • Berserkers :
  • Warriors Three :
  • League of Realms :
  • Worthy :
  • Enchanters :

A military unit in the forces of Asgard was the Worldburner Legion. (Fear Itself v1 #6)

In Asgard, there resided the Elixir of Wisdom that was fatal to mortals who died after consuming it. (Thor v2 #62)

Tarnhelm was a crown that when worn allowed the wearer to change their shape into any form. Another was the Ring of the Nibelungs that was linked to the Rhinegold and caused all to lust after it but never knowing happiness. (Thor v1 #295) Another artifact stored by the Asgardians was the Gem of Infinite Suns forged from the heart of a star and held great power. (Thor v2 #32)

Other relics stored in the vaults of Asgard or linked to it included the:

  • Loom of the Fates :
  • Eternal Flame : a large cup containing the Eternal Flame of Destruction that belonged to Surtur which was where he would ignite his mighty sword in order to bring about Ragnarok but was taken by Odin alongside his brothers to prevent that appointed twilight of Asgard. (Thor v1 #349)
  • Blood of Ymir : an oval shaped icy crystal that contained the cold blood of the ice colossi Ymir with it able to generate incredible cold and was sealed deep under the vaults of Asgard where the power of its effects could freeze those that approached it. (Avengers v8 #4)
  • Naglfar Beacon : a horn constructed in the future but yet into the past by Loki where it had the power to summon the Naglfar Armada that contained dead gods that were under the control of the user. (Asgardians of the Galaxy v1 #2)
  • Book of Kings : a tome that could only be read by the King of Asgard with text manifesting on its blank pages where it shared their history and even their future. (Thor v6 #8)
  • Golden Apples of Idunn :
  • Gjallerhorn :
  • Gleipnir :
  • Beacon of the Brave :

In times of danger, the Eternity Alarm was sound to warn the people of Asgard of a great threat that escaped the hidden Cave of Ages. (Thor v1 #154) One legendary item was a horn that was able to summon the Naglfar Armada that held numerous Ships of the Dead holding the soulless corpses of Asgardians and other beings. For the gods, they faced countless cycles of death and rebirth leading to them being reborn in new bodies whilst their former bodies remained in the ships where they knew only emptiness and pain. With the horn, they could be summoned and commanded by the bearer with them seeking to make mortal races suffer as they had suffered. (Asgardians of the Galaxy v1 #1)


  • Odin :
  • Thor :
  • Toag : male elder of the council supreme. (Thor v1 #154)
  • Whitemane : an older male Asgardian warrior who stood among Odin's oldest friends. (Thor v1 #195)
  • Bulwar : an older male Asgardian warrior who stood among Odin's oldest friends. (Thor v1 #195)
  • Khan : an older male Asgardian warrior who stood among Odin's oldest friends. (Thor v1 #195)
  • Rongor : an older male Asgardian warrior who stood among Odin's oldest friends. (Thor v1 #195)
  • Laussa : the youngest daughter of Odin and Freyja. (Angela: Asgard's Assassin v1 #6)
  • Oldar : a spellcaster, Oldar the Oracle lived in the Forbidden Forest where she appeared as an old crone but her magic could make herself appear young and beautiful with people seeking her out for her prophecies. (Incredible Hulk v1 #102)
  • Magrat : a male Asgardian who was known by the epithet of the Schemer. (Journey into Mystery v1 #119)
  • Kroda : a male Asgardian who was known by the epithet of the Duellist. (Journey into Mystery v1 #119)
  • Kartag : a large male who came to serve as the Keeper of the Twilight Well and servant to the Norns. (Thor v1 #197)
  • Satrina : a black haired red clothed female skilled in the use of magic who was a servant and aid to Kartag the Keeper of the Twilight Well. (Thor v1 #196)
  • Jane Foster :
  • Durok : the Demolisher was a humanoid constructed through the magic of Karnilla and given life by Loki using the Odinring to create a servant stronger than Thor. (Thor v1 #191)
  • Lurking Unknown : a four-armed fear demon who was summoned to test a persons courage. (Thor v1 #136)



  • Asgard was created by Stan Lee, Larry Lieber and Jack Kirby where it made its first appearance in Journey into Mystery v1 #83 (October, 1962).
  • It was based on the mythological Asgard in Norse legends and adapted for Marvel Comics.
  • According to the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z v1 12 (2010), Asgard resided amongst the God Realms which was located in the Inner Planes.

Alternate Versions

  • In Thor v2 #67 (2003), an alternate version of Asgard appeared in the possible future timeline of Thor: The Reigning designated as Earth-3515 in the Multiverse. In this reality, Allfather Odin died and the Odinson ascended to the throne where Lord Thor became corrupted by power whereupon he brought Asgard to Earth only for it to be attacked by the Consortium of Nations. As a result, he forced the integration of Asgard and Midgard after killing his human self Jake Olson. After conquering Earth, he made New Asgard after merging his home with New York City. New Asgard was ruled by Lord Thor with his wife Queen Amora along with their son Magni.
  • In Ultimate Comics: Thor v1 (2010), an alternate version of Asgard appeared in the Ultimate Marvel reality designated as Earth-1610 in the Multiverse. A chamber within the World Tree was shown known as the Room With No Doors that could be used as a prison.
  • In What If? Thor v1 #1 (2018), an alternate version of history was shown in a What If where Laufey had killed Odin long ago. This saw Asgard invaded by the Frost Giants who devastated the city and left it in ruins as the young Prince Thor was taken to be adopted by the Frost Giant King Laufey.
  • In Avengers v8 #50 (2021), an alternate version of Asgard was shown to had existed in an unidentified reality in the Multiverse. It was shown to had been conquered by King Killmonger.

In other media


  • In The Marvel Super Heroes, Asgard made an appearance in the Thor segments of the animated cartoons. It was an extradimensional realm that was accessed through the Rainbow Bridge.
  • In Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends, Asgard was mentioned and shown in the episode "The Vengeance of Loki". Thor would show the realm-eternal to Spider-Man, Firetar and Iceman when they believed he was an ordinary superhero. Among the locations within Asgard included the Forest of Thorns, the Desert of Despair and the Sea of Flames.
  • In The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, Asgard featured in a number of episodes in the animated series starting with the micro-episodes featuring Thor. It was one of the worlds in the Nine Realms and was home to the race of Asgardians who were ruled by the All-Father Odin. Asgard faced a number of attacks from the Frost Giants who had attacked the Realm Eternals due to the treachery of Loki. The Asgardian kingdom was conquered by Loki and his allies while Thor remains on Midgard (Earth) because of Loki's releasing captured supervillians from their prisons just to distract him. The Asgardians who were captured or remained hidden rebelled against Loki's rule thanks to the unlikely arrival of the band mortal heroes from Midgard known as the Avengers. Together, they defeated Loki and trust was achieved between mortal heroes and Asgardians. Asgard was somehow visited by Beta Ray Bill by accident as Odin summoned the wielder of Mjolnir.
  • In Ultimate Spider-Man, Asgard made an appearance in the animated series starting in the episode "Field Trip". After Thor was turned into a frog, he took Spider-Man and his team to the realm eternal to stop Loki's plans. When they arrived, they saw Asgard frozen in ice by the Frost Giants that had allied with Loki. It was freed by the aid of the heroes that managed to defeat Loki.
  • In Avengers Assemble, Asgard made a number of appearances in the animated series. The episode "Back to the Learning Hall" established the Hall of Learning as a place where Asgardians received training in various arts with Loki attaining the highest scores. Participants were involved in groups of three hence the Warriors Three where they engaged in various trials that included combat. In the episode "Downgraded", the realm of Vanaheim was shown to hold Shadow Nyxes that were quadpedal cyclops beasts that fed on electricity and grew in size as well as power but were kept at bay by the Great Light that destroyed them. In "All Things Must End", it was shown that among the most dangerous artifacts in Asgard was the Casket of Darkness that contained the mystical All Dark that ended life exposed to it with only Asgardian magic able to block its effects as it consumed everything it touched.
  • In Guardian of the Galaxy, Asgard was referenced in the animated television series where it was mentioned in the episode "Stuck in the Metal With You". It was stated to had formed a pact with Spartax to end hostilities with a memorial to commemorate this event placed on the planet Retsemaw. Loki attempted to orchestrate events to bring about hostilities between Asgard and Spartax. In "We Are the World Tree", it was revealed that the conflict between Asgard and Spartax came as a result of J-Son's attempt at taking the Cosmic Seed that that had emerged from the World Tree Yggdrassil in Asgard.
  • In What If...?, Asgard appeared in several episodes of the animated television series set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In an alternate universe, the entirety of Asgard, including Asgardians living throughout the galaxy, was invited to Thor's Party on Midgard. In an alternate 2015, Asgard was targeted by Ultron, an android who was created for peace but went rogue and deemed life itself to be the ultimate threat to peace itself. Using the newly acquired Infinity Stones, Ultron used the Power Stone to obliterate Asgard and kill all of its population. In an alternate 1988, Asgard was targeted by Peter Quill, the offspring of the celestial Ego, who wanted to make the entire universe an extension of himself by planting seedlings in each and every planet. Quill completely destroyed Asgard, leaving Thor as the sole survivor of the tragedy. In an alternate universe, Surtur unleashed Ragnarök upon Asgard. Odin attempted to use the Tesseract against Surtur but was unable to prevent Asgard's destruction. Only the Tesseract survived as it was hurled towards Earth.
  • In Loki, Asgard was referenced in the setting of the live-action television series set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Sylvie Laufeydottir lived in an alternate reality Asgard during her childhood. As she sat playing in the palace one day, the TVA appeared and arrested her for being a Variant. The TVA then set down a Reset Charge to prune the timeline


  • In Hulk Vs. Thor, Asgard featured heavily in the animated film as part of the setting where it was described as the realm eternal and home to the Asgardians.
  • In Thor: Tales of Asgard, Asgard featured in the plotline of the animated film setting.
  • In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Asgard appeared in the shared continuity setting.
    • In Thor, Asgard made its first appearance in the live-action film where it was an extradimensional world referred to as the realm eternal and home to the Asgardians. A war erupted between the Asgardians and the Frost Giants over Midgard and the Casket of Ancient Winters during the 10th century A.D. The Tesseract was also left on Earth by Odin hundreds of years ago. However centuries later, the reckless actions of Odin's son Thor nearly disrupted the peace between the Asgardians and the Frost Giants, almost causing another war by attacking Jotunheim, home to the Frost Giants.
    • In Thor: The Dark World, Asgard once again made an appearance as part of the live-action film sequel. Asgardians have a reputation as peacekeepers throughout the Nine Realms. The first known instance of Asgard's maintenance of intergalactic peace was the First Dark Elf Conflict during the Convergence of the Realms. Asgard's king, Bor, fought to prevent the Dark Elves, led by their king Malekith, from using the Aether to revert the universe to its previous state of darkness. The Asgardian army successfully put a stop to Malekith's campaign, with the surviving Dark Elf army retreating into suspended animation for 5,000 years. After detecting the Aether in Jane Foster, Malekith led his Dark Elves in a stealth attack against Asgard. Their lightning strike led to the death of many Asgardians including Queen Freya as the Aether was retrieved.
    • In Thor: Ragnarok, Asgard appeared again in the live-action film. It was said that long ago Odin along with his daughter Hela led Asgard where they went on a path of conquest leading to their empire dominating nine realms. Countless people were killed in the process and the gold were used to increase Asgard's splendour. However, Hela's blood thirst could not be contained forcing Odin to banish her and he decided to rule as a more benevolent king with him hiding the war-like past of Asgard. According to prophecy, the fire giant Surtur was set to destroy Asgard during the time of Ragnarok. When Odin died, Hela was freed from her imprisonment with her conquering Asgard but she was trapped there when the key to the Bifrost was missing. Thor and his allies attempted to stop her but were unable to defeat the goddess of death until the Odinson decided to free Surtur. By this point, all the surviving Asgardians were evacuated whilst Surtur destroyed Asgard and killed Hela.
    • In Avengers: Infinity War, Asgard was referenced in the setting of the live-action film. The survivors of Asgard came to be ambushed by Thanos who attacked them and brutalised the survivors in an effort to find Space Stone. Taking it from Loki, the trickster came to be murdered whilst Thor was left barely alive.
    • In Avengers: Endgame, Asgard appeared in the setting of the live-action film. It was revealed that the survivors of Asgard came to settle in Tønsberg, Norway by the survivors of Thanos' attack on the Statesman. In addition to the remaining Asgardians, it was also home to Korg and Miek. A time travelling Thor went back to an earlier period in Asgard prior to the Dark Elf invasion in an effort to get the Reality Stone.

Video games

  • In Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, Asgard served as one of the playable levels in the game that the player visited after the Masters of Evil's forces invaded it. One of the locations within it included the Raven's Spire where Doctor Doom and Loki took the captive Odin.
  • In Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Asgard appeared as a playable arena in the fighting video game.
  • In Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite, Asgard appeared in the setting where it was merged with Abel City to make Xgard. This was the result of the Convergence caused by Ultron Sigma. Xgard was used as Ultron Sigma's main base of operations for some time, and many of its citizens were augmented with the Sigma Virus, becoming known as "Xgardians". The city was eventually freed after the destruction of Ultron Sigma at the hands of the resistance. However, due to the cracking of the Reality Stone by Thanos during a battle with Ultron Sigma, the two universes could not be separated, leaving Asgard fused with Abel City permanently. Two of the Infinity Stones were kept on Asgard afterwards, so their power could not be used again unless completely necessary.
  • In Thor: God of Thunder, Asgard featured as among the settings in the video game tie-in to the movie Thor. Among the locations within the realm of the Asgardians was the arena known as the Althing
  • In Marvel: Contest of Champions, numerous locations in Asgard were shown in the iOS video game with these including the Asgard Power Station, Asgard Throne Room and Asgard Vault.
  • In Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order, Asgard appeared in the setting of the Wii video game. Loki conspired to take over the throne where he lured All-Father Odin away from Asgard thus allowing Hela and Red Skull with his Hydra forces to invade. Earth's heroes managed to thwart them until Odin arrived who helped finally defeat the villains thus freeing Asgard from their control.
  • In Marvel: Realm of Champions, Asgard appeared in the setting of the mobile video game. This version sought to defend itself from the invasions of the Maestro and his armies forcing Odin to shatter the Bifrost to separate the realm from the villain. The act killed the All-Father but Asgard came to be incorporated into the Battlerealm where they formed the Asgardian Republic who were one of the factions dominating this land outside the Multiverse.
  • In Marvel: Future Revolution, Asgard appeared in the setting of the mobile video game. After Ragnarok, Asgard was destroyed with the surviving Asgardians settling on Earth which they named Midgardia whereupon they cooperated with the mortal humans in order to restore civilisation despite the threat of the Convergence.


  • Journey into Mystery v1: (1963)
  • Thor v1:
  • Mighty Thor v1:
  • Siege v1:
  • Thor: God of Thunder v1:
  • Angela: Asgard's Assassin v1:
  • Thor:
  • Mighty Thor v2:
  • Thor v5:
  • Asgardians of the Galaxy v1:
  • King Thor v1:
  • Thor v6:

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