Evan McCulloch

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Mirror Master in Checkmate v2 #6.

Evan McCulloch is a male comic supervillain who features in DC Comics.





Evan McCulloch in Animal Man v1 #8.

Evan McCulloch was a male human born in the modern age as the son of Louis Erikson and Carol Erikson. The couple had him when they were too young to have children leading to them deciding to abandon the child. He was left at the doorsteps at the orphanage in Kirkcaldy where he was wrapped in a blanket with a picture of his parents slipped inside of it. Miss McCulloch was the one who found him at the door where she took in the young child and raised him just as she did so with the other children. When he was 16 years old, he left Kirkcaldy where he took the picture of his parents and the McCulloch family name. He then made his way to Glasgow where he spent a year getting to grips with the realities of life. In this time, he tried to get a job where he thought he would become a writer or end up in construction. However, he was not getting anywhere leading to him starting to drink and get into fights. McCulloch then started to rob properties and setting up protection rackets whereupon he ended up becoming a professional hitman. In time, he came to be considered among the best killers to come from the United Kingdom with him having a talent for finishing the job before disappearing. One day, he was hired for a job in London where he took a a vantage point in a building but ended in a fight with the occupant who scratched him across the eye. Despite that, he was ready for his assignment and faxed a picture of the target where he used a sniper rifle to fire. It was after the shot that he realised too late the target was his biological father Louis Erikson with the hit being made by one of his competitors looking to claim his territory in the real estate industry. Afterwards, Evan killed his contractor for the peace of mind and watched the funeral from the side lines as he saw his mother Carol Erikson grieve the death of her husband. He watched her for weeks as she was in her home at Knightsbridge as he worked the courage the approach her. McCulloch knocked the door of the house but there was no answer leading to him breaking in where he found Carol Erikson dead as she slashed her wrists and left a note saying that she could not live without her husband. (The Flash v2 #212)

He was ready to give himself up to the authorities when he was arrested by U.S. authorities. They were impressed with Evan McCulloch's work and wanted him for missions though could not hire a mercenary. Instead, they decided to have him style himself as a supervillain that would be sent on covert assignments. He was then supplied with the gear of the Mirror Master after the death of Sam Scudder with his equipment having been collected by the FBI. (The Flash v2 #212)

At some point, he came to meet a woman named Emelia where he became infatuated with her. The two began dating but within a week he showed his psychopathic tendencies where he became possessive of her. McCulloch eventually revealed himself as a superpowered criminal named the Mirror Master and promised to always be by her side. However, she could not stand being involved with a psychopathic felon and she informed the authorities leading to his arrest. She came to be placed in a Witness Protection Program and took the name Mary Andrews where she went off the grid and into hiding as she avoided any mirrors in order to escape Mirror Master from finding her. (The Flash v2 #105)

McCulloch was then hired for the task of eliminating Animal Man where he attacked Buddy Baker at his home. (Animal Man v1 #8)

Under government orders Mirror Master traveled to Seattle and killed the superhero Scarlet Letter. (The Flash v2 #212)

During Underworld Unleashed, the Rogues came to accept him as Scudder's successor. After being betrayed by Neron, McCulloch and four of the other Rogues die and go to Hell, only to return after a confrontation between Neron and the Flash. (The Flash v2 #129)

While Flash was off fighting the Suit, Mirror Master broke into Linda Park's home and sent her to a mirror dimension where time ran backwards. He knew she'd soon disappear from Flash's life, and when Flash returned he led him on a chase that resulted in Flash running into a giant prism at lightspeed and being split in seven. Mirror Master used the distraction to rob a bank vault, but Flash pulled himself together and destroyed Mirror Master's mirror gun. Mirror Master told him he could not save Linda without his gun, so Flash ran to Singapore to get replacement parts. He asked Mirror Master why he committed crime when he had technology that could change the world. Mirror Master told him he needed lots of money to create more expensive tech to commit bigger crimes. Mirror Master returned Linda from the mirror dimension and tried to escape, but Flash caught up with him and sent him to jail. (The Flash v2 #133)

Mirror Master and the Rogues attended Linda Park's funeral and paid their respects after she was apparently killed by the Black Flash. (The Flash v2 #140)

(Flash II #176) - Mirror Master joined Blacksmith’s Rogues. After Flash defeated Weather Wizard, Mirror Master appeared to them in a mirror and yelled at Wizard because Blacksmith told him it was too early to go after the Flash. He then told Flash he’d be seeing him soon. (The Flash v2 #176) Mirror Master recruited Plunder for the Rogues. He contacted Captain Cold and offered him a position in the New Rogues. Cold said he had other business to attend to first, but would consider it in the future. Mirror Master told him he might want to stay away from Keystone City for a while because the Rogues were going to be causing some chaos there. (The Flash v2 #177)

Mirror Master and the Rogues helped Murmur, Girder and Weather Wizard escaped from Iron Heights, and welcomed them as new members of the team. (Flash: Iron Heights v1 #1) The Rogues sent Murmur to slaughter his enemies at radio stations KKEY and KKSS, using this as a cover to have Mirror Master set up mirror devices that would be activated by the radio stations. The mirrors would, when the time was right, set up a mirror around Keystone City that would cut it off from the outside world. (Flash Secret Files v1 #3)

McCulloch and the Rogues orchestrated Flash Jay Garrick’s wife Joan being exposed to radiation from Fallout. (The Flash v2 #181) Mirror Master and the Rogues supervised one of Blacksmith’s Network sales of black-market merchandise. Mirror Master eliminated Flash’s ally Fred Chyre, trapping him inside a mirror. (The Flash v2 #183)

He later joined the criminal Network of the Blacksmith where he was part of a new incarnation of the Rogues. (The Flash v2 #183) Mirror Master was involved in the plot to frame the Pied Piper where he posted as Rathaway and killed his parents with this act being recorded by security cameras. Afterwards, he was responsible for capturing Piper and hypnotising him to make Hartley believe he had killed his own parents. (The Flash v2 #189) They intended to take over the city by trapping it behind the Reflection and also using this opportunity to attack the Flash. Their attack saw Murmur infect the speedster with the Frenzy virus but their onslaught came at a time when the Thinker was making his own plan for the city. (The Flash v2 #185)

He along with Trickster and Weather Wizard managed to escape being captured where they fled the scene. Attempting to regroup, they were found by Captain Cold who came to reclaim leadership of the Rogues as the three rallied under his leadership. (The Flash v2 #188)

Mirror Master and the Rogues watched a news broadcast of Flash promising to take down every at-large Rogue, and they got a good laugh out of that. (The Flash v2 #195) Mirror Master and a number of other supervillains attempted to collect the billion dollar bounty President Luthor placed on Superman’s head but failed. (Superman/Batman v1 #3)

He and the Rogues had a sit-down with Dr. Alchemy. Alchemy agreed to help the Rogues in future predicaments, mainly because Captain Cold killed the man who was masquerading as Alchemy’s old persona Mr. Element. (The Flash v2 #207) The Top asked Cold for a spot on the Rogues. Cold thought Top had become far too unstable, so he turned him down and ha Mirror Master throw him out of their headquarters. (The Flash v2 #210)

Evan McCulloch and the Rogues discussed the brutal murder of Elongated Man’s wife while robbing a bank vault. Cold left the bank, not having the stomach for a crime at the moment, and told the Rogues to send flowers to the Elongated Man. (The Flash v2 #214)

Later, Inertia reunited Mirror Master and the rest of the Rogues, claiming that he could build a device that could stop time, allowing them to do whatever they wanted. (The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive v1 #11) However, the machine's actual use was to transfer the Speed Force from the new Flash to himself. The powerless Flash was then killed, shot in the back. (The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive v1 #13)

Some time later, Mirror Master was seen on a planet known as Salvation as part of a mass exile of Earth's worst supervillains. He later returned to Earth with them when they found an escape. (Salvation Run v1 #7)


Following the Flashpoint, a new version of reality was created with a different history of events. Evan McCulloch


Personality and attributes

His surname McCulloch was actually taken from the woman who headed the orphanage where he grew up. (The Flash v2 #212) Upon becoming a costumed supervillain he began to operate under the name of Mirror Master. (Animal Man v1 #8)

He was the son of Louis Erikson who had been a big real estate developer in London whilst his mother was Carol Erikson. For much of his life, Evan had studied the pictures of his parents and later attempted to learn more about them. (The Flash v2 #212)

At one point, he met a blonde haired woman named Emelia where the two became involved with one another. However, within a week of dating, he began to become possessive of her and showed himself to be psychotic where he eventually revealed himself to be a criminal to her. He cam to profess his love to her and said that he would never leave her side but Emelia did not want to spend her youth dating a psychopathic felon. Despite this, he was still obsessed and spent much time trying to track her down again. (The Flash v2 #105)

Powers and abilities

The second Mirror Master in The Flash v1 #212.

McCulloch had a serious cocaine addiction. (The Flash v2 #212)

It was known that he came to find an old laboratory of Sam Scudder where he was able to read up on his research. This allowed him to learn about his work on anti-tachyons and allowed him to gain access to the Mirror Dimension. (The Flash v2 #105) As such, much of his equipment came from the first Mirror Master which included the mirror-gun, holographic generators, and refraction teleportation lenses. (The Flash v2 #212)

He could use some mirrors to generate holograms of people to serve as pictures. (The Flash v2 #105)

Through use of his peculiar gun and a mirror, he could see past events by using "reflective surfaces to take photon impressions and expand them into the visible spectrum". (The Flash v2 #168) He could hypnotize other people through his illusions. (The Flash v2 #133)

He had created a number of gadgets and equipment that included:

  • The Reflection : a device that was linked to open mirrors placed at key antennae's whereby it could generate a dome that encompassed a city. Anyone within the vicinity that attempted to leave the dome were simply 'reflected' back in thus trapping everyone inside. Those that passed the 'mirror reflection' returned with a false set of memories courtesy of mirror hypnotism that made them believe that they had left the area and returned. Similarly, any communication received a seemingly real automatic reply with this being produced by silver liquid tech. Thus, a city with a Reflection was cut off from the wider world without anyone both in and out aware of this fact. (The Flash v2 #185)

He was able to gain access to the Mirror Dimension that was the flip side of every reflective surface on the planet. From there, he could spy on people though to locate a particular person required the mirrors to be programmed to observe them as finding them through the sheer number of reflections there would take a life time. (The Flash v2 #105)

When in total darkness, McCulloch's technology was rendered completely useless. (The Flash v2 #133)


  • The Evan McCulloch Mirror Master was created by Grant Morrison and Chaz Truog where he made his first appearance in Animal Man v1 #8 (February, 1989).

Alternate Versions

  • In Last Days of Animal Man v1 #2 (2009), an alternate version of Evan McCulloch appeared in a different reality setting where it was shown that he had a daughter that became a supervillain called Prismatik.
  • In Flashpoint: Citizen Cold v1 #1 (2011), an alternate version of Evan McCulloch appeared in the alternate timeline of the Flashpoint reality. He was imprisoned in the mirrors in a place called the Mirrorverse. It was mostly assumed Captain Cold killed him, and he cannot leave the Mirrorverse or he will die. Anyone else entering the Mirrorverse will die also. Mirror Master assembled the Rogues members Weather Wizard, Tar Pit, and Fallout. Mirror Master then escaped from Iron Heights and pursued revenge against Captain Cold for imprisoning him. Captain Cold killed the Rogues and then entered Mirror Master's Mirrorverse without warning. Mirror Master attempted to kill him, but Captain Cold pushed him out of the Mirrorverse and he died.
  • In Injustice: Gods Among Us v1 #3 (2013), an alternate version of Evan McCulloch appeared in the Injustice reality based on the video game. He first appeared as the leader of a U.S. government-backed strike team, they are hired to kidnap Jonathan and Martha Kent in an attempt to make the increasingly hostile Superman stand down and to stop meddling in government affairs or else they will kill the Kents and send him pieces of them. In response, the Justice League launch a manhunt for Mirror Master, interrogating several supervillains and the Rogues until Captain Cold gives up his location. Wonder Woman, the Flash, and Raven interrogate Mirror Master, eventually gleaning the Kents' location from him and using his technology to save them. Years later, Plastic Man breaks Mirror Master, among other supervillains, out of prison to help Batman's Insurgency cripple Superman's Regime. Mirror Master leads the Rogues in destroying several Regime bases around the world until they are attacked by Bizarro, who kills Heat Wave and Weather Wizard before the Trickster distracts him, allowing Mirror Master and his girlfriend Golden Glider to escape. The surviving Rogues later hold an informal memorial service for their fallen teammates and allow the Flash to join them after he promises not to turn them into Superman.

In other media


  • In Batman: The Brave and the Bold, the Evan McCulloch Mirror Master appeared in the animated television series where he was voiced by actor Tom Kenny.
  • In The Flash, a variation of the character appeared in the live-action television series set in the Arrowverse in its sixth season where she was portrayed by actor Efrat Dor. This version was Eva McCulloch who was a quantum engineer and co-founder of McCulloch Technologies alongside her husband who was CEO Joseph Carver.

Video games

  • In DC Universe Online, the Evan McCulloch Mirror Master appeared in the MMORPG video game where he was voiced by actor Brandon Young.
  • In DC: Legends, the Evan McCulloch Mirror Master appeared as a playable character in the setting of the mobile video game.


  • Animal Man v1: (1989)
  • The Flash v2:
  • The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive v1:
  • Checkmate v2:
  • Teen Titans: Cold Case v1: (2011)

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