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(Created page with "The '''Valkyrior''' is an organization that features in Marvel Comics. ==History== ==Overview== ==Members== *'''Danielle Moonstar''' : ==Notes== *The Valkyrior was cre...")
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[[File:KingInBlackReturnOfTheValkyriesV1-1Textless.jpg|thumb|right|260px|The Valkyrior in King in Black: Return of the Valkyries v1 #1.]]
The '''Valkyrior''' is an organization that features in [[Marvel Comics]].
The '''Valkyrior''' is an organization that features in [[Marvel Comics]].
The Valkyrior
Long ago, it was noted that King [[Bor (Marvel)|Bor]] of Asgard commanded a cadre of female warriors that served him with these being the [[Disir (Marvel)|Disir]]. These virgin maidens were to serve him alone but during a night of merrymaking they keep to sleep with the mercenary company headed by Sigurd. An angered Bor then cursed the Disir and banished them from his service where they became monstrous wretched begs that hunted [[Gods (Marvel)|gods]]. Afterwards, Odin would seek to create his own version of these Valkyries that would serve him. (Journey into Mystery v1 #638) One account claimed that they were first created long ago when All-Father Odin was forced to wage war against '''Asheim''' in order to stop the [[Serpent (Marvel)|Serpent]]. It was during this time that he decided that those slain in battle deserved a reward in '''Valhalla'''. Thus, he created the Valkyrior with the first of their number being [[Brunnhilde (Marvel)|Brunnhilde]] who wanted to take her love '''Sigismund''' to that paradise realm. As a result, she became one of the mythical [[Valkyrie (Marvel)|Valkyrie]] thus taking the slain to their honoured place in the afterlife. (Secret Avengers v1 #14) It was known that Odin's first attempt at creating a cadre of powerful female shieldmaidens occurred long ago where they served as messengers, spies and the most deadliest of warriors. However, in the depths of space, they were noted to had discovered something which changed and corrupted them leading to their transformation into the '''Doom Maidens'''. When they returned, they were turned into ghastly monstrosities that brought death in their wake against both mortals and gods until Odin defeated as well as imprisoned them. (Fearless Defenders v1 #2) Only Brunnhilde was spared this fate and she was reborn with no memory of her dark past so that she could continue to serve as his Valkyrie due to his love for her. (Fearless Defenders v1 #6)
Following the encounter with the [[Celestials (Marvel)|Celestials]], the various pantheons were forbidden from entering Midgard with this extending to the Valkyrior. Despite this, the Valkyries were still charged with their sacred duty of guiding fallen warriors to Valhalla. Thus, they came to focus their attention on the Asgardians that died in battle across the Nine Realms. (Fear Itself: The Fearless v1 #9)
Long ago, Thor rampaged across the Nine Realms in an effort to draw his father Odin into a confrontation. The All-Father then summoned Brunnhilde and the Valkyrior to keep his attention until he could enact his punishment on his son. (Thor: Man of War v1 #1)
All-Father Odin commanded his attendants among the Valkyries to aid his son Thor on Earth after he was injured and trapped beneath steel girders. They provide him with the belt of strength thus giving him the power to break free in order to battle the mystic Sandu. (Journey into Mystery v1 #91)
During [[World War II]], the Thule Society had attempted to use magic to summon and control the Valkyrior but the event was a failure with those involved in the event being killed by the enraged Valkyries. (Fear Itself: The Fearless v1 #9)
The Valkyrior were taken hostage by Malekith working for Hela, the death-goddess. He began by draining off their life-energies and unique Valkyrie-powers for Hela, but Brunnhilda escaped and imparted part of her life-force to Danielle Moonstar. A former Valkyrie herself, Moonstar brought Cable and X-Force composed now of former New Mutants to Asgard to defeat Malekith and restore the Valkyrior to full power. (X-Force/Cable v1 '97)
The Valkyrior aided the Defenders against Pluto and his army. (Defenders v2 #4) Three members of the Valkyrior known as the Fatal Sisters swooped down into a battle between Thor and Doop, a member of the fledgling group of heroes known as X-Statix. Believing Asgard to be under siege, the Fatal Sisters engaged the Avengers, Thor's comrades-in-arms, but when X-Statix arrived to stand by Doop, the Fatal Sisters stood down rather than be overwhelmed by the heroes and returned from whence they came. (X-Statix v1 #25) The Valkyrior appeared in Ymir-Krul in Nidavellir to honor the memory of Eitri, the leader of the dwarves who had lent a part in the creation of Mjolnir. (Thor v2 #80) Brunnhilde passed chiefdom of the Valkyrior to Sif to guide them against Loki's forces laying siege against Asgard. (Thor v2 #83) The Valkyrie rose up against Surtur in Vanaheim as Thor severed the threads woven by the Norns to put an end to the recurring incarnations of Asgard. The Valkyrior were struck down by Surtur just before Asgard's finally destruction. (Thor v2 #85)
Following the Siege, the Valkyries came to participate in the rebuilding of Asgard. (Thor v1 #610)
With the Valkyrior gone, it was Brunhilde's sacred duty charged by the All-Mother in assembling a new host of Valkyries and restoring their ranks. However, she came to struggle in accomplishing her role and could not chose which mortals were worthy of the task among the denizens of Midgard. (Fearless Defenders v1 #2) The actions of '''Caroline le Fay''' were responsible for awakening the long dormant Doom Maidens who created havoc around the Earth. This forced Brunnhilde and others to form a team of Defenders to stop this threat. Ultimately, Valkyrie herself believed the Doom Maidens could not be stopped through ordinary means and unleashed the dormant corrupted aspect of her that fell to rage. The berserker fury was responsible for slaying the Doom Maidens but could not be quenched whereupon she turned her rage against her allies with Annabelle Riggs only stopping Brunnhilde but at the cost of her life. (Fearless Defenders v1 #6)
The War of the Realms later came to the land of Midgard with the forces of the Dark Council beginning their conquest of Earth. During this time, All-Father Odin arrived with reinforcements in the form of the Valkyries that battled the invaders. To protect the innocent, Doctor Strange used a powerful spell that took mortals away from the scene but this left the Valkyrior behind alone to fight the enemy. This saw their ranks being slaughtered by their foes with Malekith murdering Brunhilde. (War of the Realms v1 #2) A number of their flying steeds survived and aided a strike force of Avengers that journeyed to Jotunheim to rescue Thor from the Frost Giants. During their travels, the steeds were largely killed by the giants with the Avengers honouring and mourning their deaths. (War of the Realms Strikeforce: The Land of Giants v1 #1) In the aftermath, Dani Moonstar became one of the last of the Valkyries to remain behind but as her powers were fading she could not usher their souls to Valhalla. (War of the Realms: Uncanny X-Men v1 #3) [[Jane Foster (Marvel)|Jane Foster]] came to be chosen as the new Valkyrie in order to usher the dead to Valhalla as she adopted the new superhero identity. (War of the Realms Omega v1 #1)
Afterwards, the Earth came under attack from [[Knull (Marvel)|Knull]] the god of the [[Symbiotes (Marvel)|Symbiotes]] where he encased the entire planet in his creations. He also tapped into a number of dead souls that were trapped within the carcase of a slain [[Celestials (Marvel)|Celestial]]. To stop the King in Black, Brunnhilde convinced the Valkyrior to end their restful peace in Valhalla in order to aid their living Valkyrie kin. Thus, they arrived to assist Jane Foster and the other Valkyries in purging the corrupted Celestial of its captive souls allowing them to move to their respective afterlife. The Asgardian souls were taken so that they could finally enjoy the eternal reward within Valhalla. (King in Black: Return of the Valkyries v1 #4)
The Shieldmaidens were to be a symbol of the All-Fathers sacred promise of a paradise awaiting to those worthy of reaching it. However, they also served the role of Odin's warriors, scouts, envoys and even as spies that could be sent to the furthest reaches of the universe. (Fearless Defenders v1 #6) Texts came to refer to them as the '''Handmaidens of Death'''. (Fear Itself: The Fearless v1 #9)
All Valkyries were gifted with '''Deathsight''' that allowed them to see impending doom. (Fearless Defenders v1 #6)
The same power could be used to see potential Shieldmaidens that could join their ranks. (Fearless Defenders v1 #6)
Odin was said to had given them the ability to traverse the nine realms and be unhindered by physical boundary. (X-Force/Cable v1 '97)
One account claimed that the Valkyries had a greater purpose than simply guiding souls to the afterlife. It was said that they could potentially imprison powerful weapons such as the Serpent's Hammers within their very souls. (Fear Itself: The Fearless v1 #9)
It was said that many among the Valkyrior embraced a vow of chastity with this allowing them to gain a warrior's mind. (Avengers Academy v1 #3)
Their power to traverse the realms allowed them to ferry the souls of noble warriors into the Halls of Valhalla. (X-Force/Cable v1 '97) Surrounding Valhalla were hidden mists that surrounded it with a pocket dimension existing in this location. Such an area was noted for being dangerous place with only the Valkyrior able to navigate it. Thus, those that sought Valhalla without their guidance were doomed to be lost among the mists thus trapping them outside of paradise. The wandering dead here attacked travellers through here in the hope of finding a key to enter Valhalla. (Asgardians of the Galaxy v1 #9)
*'''Valtrauta''' :
*'''Rūna''' : one of the original nine Valkyries and the original wielder of Jarnbjorn.
*'''Brunhilde''' : a blonde haired former mortal from the Wrlstead Arms where she was a princess and the lover of a man named '''Sigmund''' who was killed in a war against Odin. Unwilling to leave his side, Odin came to be impressed with her and made her the first of the Valkyrie so that she could usher those that died in battle into the new paradise realm of Valhalla. (Secret Avengers v1 #14)
*'''Hildegarde''' :
*'''Krista''' :
*'''Gruenhilda''' : a female with short red hair who was one of the Valkyrior who was assigned to protect the Thunderstrike Kevin Masterson. (Thunderstrike v2 #2)
*'''Axe''' :
*'''Danielle Moonstar''' :
*'''Danielle Moonstar''' :
*'''Jane Foster''' : became the newest Valkyrie after the death of the Valkyrior following the War of the Realms. (War of the Realms Omega v1 #1)
*'''Arnleif''' : a former Valkyrie who became corrupted and became one of the Doom Maidens where she was the Maiden of Seduction. (Fearless Defenders v1 #3)
*'''Aldvi''' : a former Valkyrie who became corrupted and became one of the Doom Maidens where she was the Maiden of Deceit. (Fearless Defenders v1 #3)
*'''Balda''' : a former Valkyrie who became corrupted and became one of the Doom Maidens where she was the Maiden of Slaughter. (Fearless Defenders v1 #3)
*'''Daggaerdh''': a former Valkyrie who became corrupted and became one of the Doom Maidens where she was the Maiden of Torture. (Fearless Defenders v1 #3)
*'''Disthora''' : a former Valkyrie who became corrupted and became one of the Doom Maidens where she was the Maiden of Insanity. (Fearless Defenders v1 #3)
*'''Hermotha''' : a former Valkyrie who became corrupted and became one of the Doom Maidens where she was the Maiden of Filth. (Fearless Defenders v1 #3)
*'''Sigotta''' : a former Valkyrie who became corrupted and became one of the Doom Maidens where she was the Maiden of Vermin. (Fearless Defenders v1 #3)
*'''Nedra''' : a former Valkyrie who became corrupted and became one of the Doom Maidens where she was the Maiden of Carrion. (Fearless Defenders v1 #3)
*'''Alta''' : one of the original Valkyries who became lost within the corrupted Symbiote hive that resided on a slain Celestial. (King in Black: Return of the Valkyries v1 #2)
*'''Ivanir''' : an elderly female Valkyrie who came to reside in Valhalla. (King in Black: Return of the Valkyries v1 #4)
*The Valkyrior was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby where they made their first appearance in Thor v1 #133 (October, [[1966]]).
*The Valkyrior was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby where they made their first appearance in Thor v1 #133 (October, [[1966]]).
*They were based on the legends of the [[Valkyries]] from [[Norse Myth]].
*In a [[Newsarama]] [ interview], writer Cullen Bunn commented on his run of [[Fearless Defenders]], ''"The basic idea of the book is that Valkyrie is choosing a new team of Valkyrior, and she's been asked to choose all these women from the heroes of Midgard, instead of from Asgard. She has completely failed in this task. Valkyrie has been unable to choose anyone that she feels is worthy to be one of the hosts of the shield maidens. So she just hasn't done it. She's dropped the ball. Because she's not done what she said she would do, nature—or supernature, as it is—abhors a vacuum. The absence of the Valkyrior has opened the door to something terrible. Something awful is waking, and Valkyrie finds that it's really her fault that she's put everything at risk"''.
*In an [ interview] with writer [[Torunn Grønbekk]], it was said that the Valkyries did not require Iddun's Apples to sustain their youth, unlike the rest of the Norse Gods.
==In other media==
==In other media==
*In Hulk Vs. Thor, the '''Valkyries''' made an appearance in the animated film where they were shown to be female Asgardians that rode white skinned winged horses. When the Hulk was on a rampage in Asgard, the Valkyries were among the defenders that sought to stop the beasts journey towards Allfather Odin during his Odinsleep.
*In Thor: Tales of Asgard, the '''Valkyries''' were a group of Asgardian women that sought to live away from their male kin and be away from their interference. It was revealed that they had established a new training camp named '''Kona Lifandi''' in the branches of Yggdrasill with it situated west of Svartalfheim.
*In Thor: Ragnarok, the '''Valkyries''' appeared in the live-action film set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. They were the elite brigade of female warriors that served the throne of Asgard with them being armed with Dragonfang swords and riding winged steeds. Long ago, they were dispatched to apprehend Odin's firstborn daughter Hela when her thirst for bloodshed could not be stopped but their entire ranks except for one warrior were killed. The lone survivor was traumatised and abandoned Asgard where she arrived on Sakaar with her taking the role of a bounty hunter for the Grandmaster and taking the name '''Scrapper 142'''.
*''Thor v1'':
*''Thor v1'': (1966)
*''Defenders v1'':
*''X-Force/Cable v1'':
*''Thor: Man of War v1'': (2009)
*''Secret Avengers v1'':
*''Fear Itself: The Fearless v1'':
*''Fearless Defenders v1'':
*''War of the Realms v1'':
*''War of the Realms: Uncanny X-Men v1'':
*''War of the Realms Omega v1'':
*''Valkyrie: Jane Foster v1'': (2019)
*''King in Black: Return of the Valkyries v1'': (2021)
==External Links==
==External Links==
*[ Marvel Database Entry]
*[ Comicvine Entry]
*[ Wikipedia Entry]
*[ Wikipedia Entry]
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Latest revision as of 07:34, 25 December 2023

The Valkyrior in King in Black: Return of the Valkyries v1 #1.

The Valkyrior is an organization that features in Marvel Comics.



The Valkyrior

Long ago, it was noted that King Bor of Asgard commanded a cadre of female warriors that served him with these being the Disir. These virgin maidens were to serve him alone but during a night of merrymaking they keep to sleep with the mercenary company headed by Sigurd. An angered Bor then cursed the Disir and banished them from his service where they became monstrous wretched begs that hunted gods. Afterwards, Odin would seek to create his own version of these Valkyries that would serve him. (Journey into Mystery v1 #638) One account claimed that they were first created long ago when All-Father Odin was forced to wage war against Asheim in order to stop the Serpent. It was during this time that he decided that those slain in battle deserved a reward in Valhalla. Thus, he created the Valkyrior with the first of their number being Brunnhilde who wanted to take her love Sigismund to that paradise realm. As a result, she became one of the mythical Valkyrie thus taking the slain to their honoured place in the afterlife. (Secret Avengers v1 #14) It was known that Odin's first attempt at creating a cadre of powerful female shieldmaidens occurred long ago where they served as messengers, spies and the most deadliest of warriors. However, in the depths of space, they were noted to had discovered something which changed and corrupted them leading to their transformation into the Doom Maidens. When they returned, they were turned into ghastly monstrosities that brought death in their wake against both mortals and gods until Odin defeated as well as imprisoned them. (Fearless Defenders v1 #2) Only Brunnhilde was spared this fate and she was reborn with no memory of her dark past so that she could continue to serve as his Valkyrie due to his love for her. (Fearless Defenders v1 #6)

Following the encounter with the Celestials, the various pantheons were forbidden from entering Midgard with this extending to the Valkyrior. Despite this, the Valkyries were still charged with their sacred duty of guiding fallen warriors to Valhalla. Thus, they came to focus their attention on the Asgardians that died in battle across the Nine Realms. (Fear Itself: The Fearless v1 #9)

Long ago, Thor rampaged across the Nine Realms in an effort to draw his father Odin into a confrontation. The All-Father then summoned Brunnhilde and the Valkyrior to keep his attention until he could enact his punishment on his son. (Thor: Man of War v1 #1)

All-Father Odin commanded his attendants among the Valkyries to aid his son Thor on Earth after he was injured and trapped beneath steel girders. They provide him with the belt of strength thus giving him the power to break free in order to battle the mystic Sandu. (Journey into Mystery v1 #91)

During World War II, the Thule Society had attempted to use magic to summon and control the Valkyrior but the event was a failure with those involved in the event being killed by the enraged Valkyries. (Fear Itself: The Fearless v1 #9)

The Valkyrior were taken hostage by Malekith working for Hela, the death-goddess. He began by draining off their life-energies and unique Valkyrie-powers for Hela, but Brunnhilda escaped and imparted part of her life-force to Danielle Moonstar. A former Valkyrie herself, Moonstar brought Cable and X-Force composed now of former New Mutants to Asgard to defeat Malekith and restore the Valkyrior to full power. (X-Force/Cable v1 '97)

The Valkyrior aided the Defenders against Pluto and his army. (Defenders v2 #4) Three members of the Valkyrior known as the Fatal Sisters swooped down into a battle between Thor and Doop, a member of the fledgling group of heroes known as X-Statix. Believing Asgard to be under siege, the Fatal Sisters engaged the Avengers, Thor's comrades-in-arms, but when X-Statix arrived to stand by Doop, the Fatal Sisters stood down rather than be overwhelmed by the heroes and returned from whence they came. (X-Statix v1 #25) The Valkyrior appeared in Ymir-Krul in Nidavellir to honor the memory of Eitri, the leader of the dwarves who had lent a part in the creation of Mjolnir. (Thor v2 #80) Brunnhilde passed chiefdom of the Valkyrior to Sif to guide them against Loki's forces laying siege against Asgard. (Thor v2 #83) The Valkyrie rose up against Surtur in Vanaheim as Thor severed the threads woven by the Norns to put an end to the recurring incarnations of Asgard. The Valkyrior were struck down by Surtur just before Asgard's finally destruction. (Thor v2 #85)

Following the Siege, the Valkyries came to participate in the rebuilding of Asgard. (Thor v1 #610)

With the Valkyrior gone, it was Brunhilde's sacred duty charged by the All-Mother in assembling a new host of Valkyries and restoring their ranks. However, she came to struggle in accomplishing her role and could not chose which mortals were worthy of the task among the denizens of Midgard. (Fearless Defenders v1 #2) The actions of Caroline le Fay were responsible for awakening the long dormant Doom Maidens who created havoc around the Earth. This forced Brunnhilde and others to form a team of Defenders to stop this threat. Ultimately, Valkyrie herself believed the Doom Maidens could not be stopped through ordinary means and unleashed the dormant corrupted aspect of her that fell to rage. The berserker fury was responsible for slaying the Doom Maidens but could not be quenched whereupon she turned her rage against her allies with Annabelle Riggs only stopping Brunnhilde but at the cost of her life. (Fearless Defenders v1 #6)

The War of the Realms later came to the land of Midgard with the forces of the Dark Council beginning their conquest of Earth. During this time, All-Father Odin arrived with reinforcements in the form of the Valkyries that battled the invaders. To protect the innocent, Doctor Strange used a powerful spell that took mortals away from the scene but this left the Valkyrior behind alone to fight the enemy. This saw their ranks being slaughtered by their foes with Malekith murdering Brunhilde. (War of the Realms v1 #2) A number of their flying steeds survived and aided a strike force of Avengers that journeyed to Jotunheim to rescue Thor from the Frost Giants. During their travels, the steeds were largely killed by the giants with the Avengers honouring and mourning their deaths. (War of the Realms Strikeforce: The Land of Giants v1 #1) In the aftermath, Dani Moonstar became one of the last of the Valkyries to remain behind but as her powers were fading she could not usher their souls to Valhalla. (War of the Realms: Uncanny X-Men v1 #3) Jane Foster came to be chosen as the new Valkyrie in order to usher the dead to Valhalla as she adopted the new superhero identity. (War of the Realms Omega v1 #1)

Afterwards, the Earth came under attack from Knull the god of the Symbiotes where he encased the entire planet in his creations. He also tapped into a number of dead souls that were trapped within the carcase of a slain Celestial. To stop the King in Black, Brunnhilde convinced the Valkyrior to end their restful peace in Valhalla in order to aid their living Valkyrie kin. Thus, they arrived to assist Jane Foster and the other Valkyries in purging the corrupted Celestial of its captive souls allowing them to move to their respective afterlife. The Asgardian souls were taken so that they could finally enjoy the eternal reward within Valhalla. (King in Black: Return of the Valkyries v1 #4)


The Shieldmaidens were to be a symbol of the All-Fathers sacred promise of a paradise awaiting to those worthy of reaching it. However, they also served the role of Odin's warriors, scouts, envoys and even as spies that could be sent to the furthest reaches of the universe. (Fearless Defenders v1 #6) Texts came to refer to them as the Handmaidens of Death. (Fear Itself: The Fearless v1 #9)

All Valkyries were gifted with Deathsight that allowed them to see impending doom. (Fearless Defenders v1 #6)

The same power could be used to see potential Shieldmaidens that could join their ranks. (Fearless Defenders v1 #6)

Odin was said to had given them the ability to traverse the nine realms and be unhindered by physical boundary. (X-Force/Cable v1 '97)

One account claimed that the Valkyries had a greater purpose than simply guiding souls to the afterlife. It was said that they could potentially imprison powerful weapons such as the Serpent's Hammers within their very souls. (Fear Itself: The Fearless v1 #9)

It was said that many among the Valkyrior embraced a vow of chastity with this allowing them to gain a warrior's mind. (Avengers Academy v1 #3)

Their power to traverse the realms allowed them to ferry the souls of noble warriors into the Halls of Valhalla. (X-Force/Cable v1 '97) Surrounding Valhalla were hidden mists that surrounded it with a pocket dimension existing in this location. Such an area was noted for being dangerous place with only the Valkyrior able to navigate it. Thus, those that sought Valhalla without their guidance were doomed to be lost among the mists thus trapping them outside of paradise. The wandering dead here attacked travellers through here in the hope of finding a key to enter Valhalla. (Asgardians of the Galaxy v1 #9)


  • Valtrauta :
  • Rūna : one of the original nine Valkyries and the original wielder of Jarnbjorn.
  • Brunhilde : a blonde haired former mortal from the Wrlstead Arms where she was a princess and the lover of a man named Sigmund who was killed in a war against Odin. Unwilling to leave his side, Odin came to be impressed with her and made her the first of the Valkyrie so that she could usher those that died in battle into the new paradise realm of Valhalla. (Secret Avengers v1 #14)
  • Hildegarde :
  • Krista :
  • Gruenhilda : a female with short red hair who was one of the Valkyrior who was assigned to protect the Thunderstrike Kevin Masterson. (Thunderstrike v2 #2)
  • Axe :
  • Danielle Moonstar :
  • Jane Foster : became the newest Valkyrie after the death of the Valkyrior following the War of the Realms. (War of the Realms Omega v1 #1)
  • Arnleif : a former Valkyrie who became corrupted and became one of the Doom Maidens where she was the Maiden of Seduction. (Fearless Defenders v1 #3)
  • Aldvi : a former Valkyrie who became corrupted and became one of the Doom Maidens where she was the Maiden of Deceit. (Fearless Defenders v1 #3)
  • Balda : a former Valkyrie who became corrupted and became one of the Doom Maidens where she was the Maiden of Slaughter. (Fearless Defenders v1 #3)
  • Daggaerdh: a former Valkyrie who became corrupted and became one of the Doom Maidens where she was the Maiden of Torture. (Fearless Defenders v1 #3)
  • Disthora : a former Valkyrie who became corrupted and became one of the Doom Maidens where she was the Maiden of Insanity. (Fearless Defenders v1 #3)
  • Hermotha : a former Valkyrie who became corrupted and became one of the Doom Maidens where she was the Maiden of Filth. (Fearless Defenders v1 #3)
  • Sigotta : a former Valkyrie who became corrupted and became one of the Doom Maidens where she was the Maiden of Vermin. (Fearless Defenders v1 #3)
  • Nedra : a former Valkyrie who became corrupted and became one of the Doom Maidens where she was the Maiden of Carrion. (Fearless Defenders v1 #3)
  • Alta : one of the original Valkyries who became lost within the corrupted Symbiote hive that resided on a slain Celestial. (King in Black: Return of the Valkyries v1 #2)
  • Ivanir : an elderly female Valkyrie who came to reside in Valhalla. (King in Black: Return of the Valkyries v1 #4)


  • The Valkyrior was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby where they made their first appearance in Thor v1 #133 (October, 1966).
  • They were based on the legends of the Valkyries from Norse Myth.
  • In a Newsarama interview, writer Cullen Bunn commented on his run of Fearless Defenders, "The basic idea of the book is that Valkyrie is choosing a new team of Valkyrior, and she's been asked to choose all these women from the heroes of Midgard, instead of from Asgard. She has completely failed in this task. Valkyrie has been unable to choose anyone that she feels is worthy to be one of the hosts of the shield maidens. So she just hasn't done it. She's dropped the ball. Because she's not done what she said she would do, nature—or supernature, as it is—abhors a vacuum. The absence of the Valkyrior has opened the door to something terrible. Something awful is waking, and Valkyrie finds that it's really her fault that she's put everything at risk".
  • In an interview with writer Torunn Grønbekk, it was said that the Valkyries did not require Iddun's Apples to sustain their youth, unlike the rest of the Norse Gods.

In other media


  • In Hulk Vs. Thor, the Valkyries made an appearance in the animated film where they were shown to be female Asgardians that rode white skinned winged horses. When the Hulk was on a rampage in Asgard, the Valkyries were among the defenders that sought to stop the beasts journey towards Allfather Odin during his Odinsleep.
  • In Thor: Tales of Asgard, the Valkyries were a group of Asgardian women that sought to live away from their male kin and be away from their interference. It was revealed that they had established a new training camp named Kona Lifandi in the branches of Yggdrasill with it situated west of Svartalfheim.
  • In Thor: Ragnarok, the Valkyries appeared in the live-action film set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. They were the elite brigade of female warriors that served the throne of Asgard with them being armed with Dragonfang swords and riding winged steeds. Long ago, they were dispatched to apprehend Odin's firstborn daughter Hela when her thirst for bloodshed could not be stopped but their entire ranks except for one warrior were killed. The lone survivor was traumatised and abandoned Asgard where she arrived on Sakaar with her taking the role of a bounty hunter for the Grandmaster and taking the name Scrapper 142.


  • Thor v1: (1966)
  • Defenders v1:
  • X-Force/Cable v1:
  • Thor: Man of War v1: (2009)
  • Secret Avengers v1:
  • Fear Itself: The Fearless v1:
  • Fearless Defenders v1:
  • War of the Realms v1:
  • War of the Realms: Uncanny X-Men v1:
  • War of the Realms Omega v1:
  • Valkyrie: Jane Foster v1: (2019)
  • King in Black: Return of the Valkyries v1: (2021)

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