Android 18

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Android 18 is a female anime and manga character who features in Dragon Ball.




Dragon Ball Z

Lazuli (Japanese: ラズリ, Hepburn: Razuri) was a female human who had a twin brother both of whom were captured by the mad scientist Dr. Gero who converted them into androids. The two were transformed into powerful fighters that were tasked by Gero to get his revenge against Goku. However, the pair had rebellious tendencies and as a result he placed them in stasis along with the older robotic Android 16. Meanwhile, Dr. Gero converted himself into an android and was accompanied by Android 19 as they decided to find and eliminate Son Goku as part of his long awaited revenge. This saw them confronting the Z Warriors where initially they had an advantage over their foes until the arrival of Vegeta who had attained the powers of a Super Saiyan. This resulted in the destruction of Android 19 and a damaged Gero was forced to retreat to his laboratory whilst in pursuit by the Z Warriors. Entering his lab, he managed to activate the two androids where he attempted to control them by threatening to trigger their self-destruct if they disobeyed him. However, in the chaos, Android 17 managed to get the self-destruct control and destroyed it whereupon they killed their creator. They then re-activated Android 16 as they battled the Z Warriors where they demonstrated abilities beyond their opponents. This included a fight against the Super Saiyan Vegeta where Android 18 easily defeated him and broke his arm. The three androids then set forth to find and kill Goku though Android 18 had a brief detour to get some new clothes after her previous ones were partly destroyed in a fight.

As they fly over a snowy area in the north, the androids spot a Lucky Foods van parked along the road next to a rest stop, while two Lucky Foods workers are drinking coffee. The trio land to check it out. The workers notice and attempt to stop the Androids but are frightened when Android 16 lifts the van and dumps out its cargo. The androids then drive off, and Android 17 plans to head to Goku's House. Android 18 reminds him that she wants new clothes first, and 17 agrees to take care of that first. As they drive, Android 18 asks Android 17 if he even knows where Goku's house is, and 17 says that he does not and has been driving on pure instinct. Android 16 then chimes in with the house's coordinates and says they can be there in a few minutes if they fly. 18 agrees with flying there, but 17 says that small things in life are what make it fun. 17 informs 18 that they are about to enter a town and he will stop to get her some clothes. Suddenly, two police officers follow them and order them to stop. The androids exit the vehicle and are promptly arrested for stealing the van. The androids are handcuffed by the officers, but 16 easily breaks them off of his wrist and 18 throws the police car into a nearby mountain. 17 and 18 remove their cuffs and the trio continues on their way, leaving the terrified officers behind. Once they reach the town, Android 18 goes into a store to get more some clothes. She chooses a Western cowgirl outfit, which she says looks hideous but is the best she can expect from a backwater place. She leaves without paying, and the androids drive off as the store owner bangs on their van. He then calls the police, and soon police cars begin to pursue the androids' van. Android 18 flew out and punched the cars, causing them to crash into each other.

As the trio drives to Goku's home, Android 17 suddenly comes to a stop. He and Android 18 get out, and Android 17 asks if she felt a change in the atmospheric pressure. Android 18 confirmed she felt it as well and Android 16 said that it came from the outskirts of West City. He then says that two organics with powerful ki are fighting. Android 17 says that he never told them he was equipped with a Power Radar, but Android 16 replied that he never asked. Android 17 asks who is fighting, but Android 16 says neither are in his databanks, although one of them rivals Android 17 in power. Android 17 says that his Power Radar is malfunctioning, as no one rivals him in power. The androids then decide to continue onwards, unaware that the combatants are Piccolo, who recently fused with Kami, and Cell, the ultimate creation of Dr. Gero created from the genes of the most powerful warriors to walk the Earth. As they ride, Android 16 tells 17 and 18 that one of the powers he felt earlier was losing energy and the fight seems to have reached a conclusion. Android 17 gets cocky and again says that 16's sensors need to be re-calibrated because no one can match their power. Later, 18 tells 17 that she did not like her new outfit and when they reach another town, she wants to stop to find more clothes, which 17 reluctantly agrees to, while 16 curiously observes a nearby river. Eventually, the Androids arrive at Mount Paozu, where they are forced to drive through the dense, forest area to reach Goku's house. Android 18 makes it clear that she is uncomfortable driving through the forest's bumpy terrain, while Android 17 seems to enjoy the ride. 18 asks Android 16 how close Goku's house is, which he says is directly ahead. 18, tired of driving through the bumpy terrain, opens her window and unleashes an energy blast that obliterates the entire forest in front of them and makes the ground more even. 17 is disappointed by 18's actions and says that he just wanted to have some fun and enjoy the ride. 18 says that fun is for humans, and they aren't human anymore, which causes 16 and 17 to sadly stay silent.

After Cell absorbed 17 and transformed into his second stage, 18 threatened to self-destruct rather than be absorbed; however, at Tien and 16's urging, she went into hiding. Krillin found her; he had been given a device that could deactivate her, but refused to do so. Cell managed to absorb her when given allowance to do so by Vegeta, and ascended to his Perfect form.

18 was freed from Cell's body by a devastating blow from Super Saiyan 2 Gohan, and Krillin later had Shenron remove her and 17's self-destruct devices. Touched, 18 later married Krillin, and they had a daughter, Marron.

Android 18 (who received some limited training from Krillin, although she didn't need it) participated in the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament, and "lost" to Hercule Satan (after securing a substantial payoff). 18 was turned into chocolate and eaten by Buu, but she was resurrected by the Namekian Dragon Balls.

Dragon Ball Super

Later on, the Z Warriors came to learn that Frieza had been resurrected and that he along with his army were coming to Earth. Upon finding out, Krillin decided to confront the alien warlord though Android 18 believed that perhaps she should go to fight as she was stronger than her husband. However, Krillin said that he wanted her strength to be placed in defending their daughter whereupon he went to join his comrades to prepare for the coming attack.


Personality and attributes

In appearance, Android 18 was seemingly a beautiful human woman with shoulder length blonde hair and slanted eyes. Originally, she wore denim jacket and skirt, dark blue leggings, brown boots and a black shirt with black and white sleeves.

Like her brother, she developed hatred towards Dr. Gero for modifying them against their will, though interestingly, she still uses the name No. 18 instead of her original name Lazuli and in the dub even sarcastically refers to Dr. Gero as her father when asked about her name during the World Tournament. It was this shared hatred of Gero that convinced 18 that Cell was only imitating 17's voice to trick her. Though she lacks her future counterpart's sociopathic and murderous personality, she does share her counterpart's love of shopping and interest in fashion, as well as taking care in maintaining her appearance and dislikes having her clothing or hair damaged in battle.

Android 18 expressed a bit of affection towards Krillin which he later came to reciprocate strongly. After marrying Krillin, the pair came to have a daughter together who they named Marron.

Powers and abilities

Android 18 was converted into a superhuman cyborg where she gained increased strength, durability, speed and reflexes along with the power of flight. An added aspect of her transformation that she attained eternal youth and never seemingly aged. Her body was also powered by an energy that was not detectable by a Ki sense that meant that she could not be found by typical means with a warrior unable to determine her level of strength. A further aspect of her form was that she had a continuous and virtually unlimited supply of energy that meant that she did not exhausted during fights and which she used to augment her attacks. Her power at her onset was shown to greater than that of a standard Super Saiyan where she was able to overpower them with ease. Her raw strength was able to casually break free from confines like handcuffs and just as effortlessly lift and toss large vehicles. Her most noteworthy and beneficial trait in battle is her continuous and virtually infinite energy supply, which prevents her from becoming exhausted while also augmenting her attacks.

Among the techniques known to her included:

  • Power Blitz (パワーブリッツ, Pawā Burittsu) :
  • Infiniti Bullet (インフィニティバレット, Infiniti Barrette) :
  • High-Pressure Energy Wave (高圧縮エネルギー波, Koasshuku Enerugī-Ha) :
  • Photon Strike (フォトンストライク, Foton Sutorīku)
  • Kienzan (気円斬, lit. "Energy Disc Razor", renamed "Destructo Disc") :
  • Accel Dance (アクセルダンス, Akuseru Dansu) :

It was known that she originally was equipped with a self-destruct sequence that she could trigger to kill herself and enemies around her. However, this system and the bomb were later removed from her body.


  • Android 18 was created by Akira Toriyama where she featured in the setting of the Dragon Ball Z universe.
  • In 2014, Toriyama revealed that the characters real name was Lazuli (ラズリ, Razuri).

Alternate Versions

  • In an alternate future timeline, Android 18 and Android 17 were created in a prior timeline where Goku died from an illness. Upon being release, the pair were a scourge on the planet where they killed many of the planet's protectors and left the landscape devastated. Among the only survivors was a grown up Gohan who were ultimately killed in the fight against the androids. Afterwards, his student Trunks travelled into the past in the hope of averting this timeline by providing medication that would allow Goku to survive his illness. Upon returning to his time, he used the powers of a Super Saiyan to destroy Android 18 and her brother thus ending their tyranny on the world.
  • In Dragon Ball GT, Android 18 appeared in the alternate continuity setting that was set after the Majin Buu Saga. She came to settle down with Krilin where the pair had a daughter named Marron. Android 18 was one among many Planet Earth inhabitants that fell under the control of Baby when he took over the planet until he was defeated by Goku. Afterwards, she was forced to battle her brother Android 17 after he fell under the influence of Artificial 17 who had been created in Hell. The two later merged into a powerful warrior called Super 17 where Android 18 regretfully helped Goku destroy her brother before he could kill everyone on the planet.

In other media


  • In Dragon Ball GT, Android 18 appeared in the setting of the anime television series where she was voiced once again by Japanese actress Miki Itō and English actress Meredith McCoy in the dub.


  • In Dragon Ball Z: Bio-Broly, Android 18 appeared in the setting of the non-canon anime film where she was voiced by Japanese actress Miki Itō and English actress Meredith McCoy in the dub. During the course of the story, she was shown to be attempting to collect the money owed her by Hercule when she was pulled into battling Bio Broly.

Video games

  • In Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2, Android 18 appeared in the setting of the 2010 fighting video game sequel. Her profile within the game stated that she was not as strong as her brother Android 17.
  • In Dragon Ball FighterZ, Android 18 appeared as a playable character in the fighting video game where she was voiced by Japanese actor Miki Ito and English actor Meredith McCoy in the Dub.


  • Dragon Ball Z:
  • Dragon Ball GT:
  • Dragon Bal Super:

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