Stand (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Stands is a power that features in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.
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Stardust Crusaders
Stands (Japanese: スタンド, Hepburn: Sutando?) was a mystical force that that tied to a select number of people able to wield this power who were referred to as Stand Users (スタンド使い Sutando Tsukai). According to one account, the existence of Stands were traced to a meteorite that crashed onto the surface of Earth around 50,000 years ago. It fell into an unpopulated region of Cape York in Greenland where it was said to had brought an unknown virus to the planet. Those that came upon the location tended to develop superhuman abilities that were the result of Stands with one person crafting Arrows from the meteorite that could gift abilities to some exposed by it as he came to believe it gave them the power of the gods. Sometime afterwards, an expedition came upon the site with many of their number dying though a few came to develop Stand powers. Among the earliest known instances of Stands was when Caravan Serai crafted a sword five centuries ago that contained a Stand power that possessed its users and was known as Anubis.
In 1986, an archaeological expedition came to find the Arrows but they were all stolen by Diavolo. Prior to 1989, five Bow and Arrows were brought to Egypt by Enya the Hag with one being used to pierce the flesh of her master Dio Brando who gained the ability to use Stands. These Arrows were later used to create numerous Stand users that were to be DIO's followers. At some point, one of the Bow and Arrows was provided to Yoshihiro Kira who took it back with him to Morioh Town in Japan. He later used it on his own son Yoshikage Kira when he turned 17 whereupon giving him a Stand power with the hope of using it to protect himself. Afterwards, the Bow and Arrow were kept in the Kira household even after Yoshikage's parents had died where it was kept a closely guarded secret whilst also being watched over by Yoshihiro's ghost. Meanwhile, in Italy, the Passione gang made use of Arrows that became part of their initiation rite to create new Stand users. A Capo named Golpo was entrusted with one such Arrow where he gave it to his Stand that was deployed as part of a test for new recruits. The recruit would face his Stand Black Sabbath who would pierce them with the Arrow with the person either dying from the encounter or their ability being activated. Thus, through this means, the Passione gang possessed a large number of Stand user. Jean Pierre Polnareff came to learn of the existence of the Arrow and attempted to confiscate it but was critically wounded by the mysterious Boss Diavolo.
In 1999, one of the Stand creating Bow and Arrows was recovered by Keicho Nijimura and brought to Morioh Town where he used it to create numerous Stand users. He ultimately desired to create a Stand user that had the ability to kill his father who had been infected by cells from DIO that turned him into an immortal creature unable to die. Thus, Keicho sought to find a user strong enough to end the misery of his father.
Whilst investigating Yoshikage's house, Josuke and his allies encountered the ghost of Yoshihiro Kira who resided in a photograph and was determined to protect his son. He attacked Josuke and Jotaro but Kujo managed to seal him in a picture despite Yoshiro's attempt at hiding the existence of a pair of Bow and Arrow in the house. However, Yoshiro managed to evade capture and snatched the Arrow where he escaped and became determined to protect his son from those that might do him harm. To achieve that, he determined that the only way to do so was by creating new Stand users that could possibly help his son against those pursuing him. As a result, he went throughout Morioh Town and was guided by the Arrow which he used to turn people into new Stand users.
Meanwhile, in Italy, the Passione Stand Arrow that was used as part of the recruitment process by the gang was destroyed by Giorno Giovanna. Afterwards, he came to ally with Bruno Bucciarati as they planned to turn against the Boss of the Passione gang. However, they were unable to defeat the mysterious power of the Boss's Stand namely King Crimson. They were contacted by the still living Jean Pierre Polnareff who had learnt that the Stand Arrow could be used to give one of them a Requiem power that would allow them to defeat Diavolo. Upon learning of this, Diavolo sought to stop them but despite his efforts he failed and Giorno gained the power of Gold Experience Requiem which he used to defeat King Crimson and thus become the new Boss of the Passione.
By 2011, Enrico Pucci was operating from the Green Dolphin Street Prison as a priest for the facility. In secret though, he used his Stand to help him achieve his goals. Among this included stealing the Stand abilities of others and placing them in discs which he implanted into prisoners that served as his agents. He then waited for an opportunity to steal the Stand of Jotaro Kujo along with his memories as he was the last person to read DIO's diary. This was necessary in order for Pucci to bring about DIO's goal which was to create 'heaven'. An opportunity emerged when Jotaro's daughter Jolyne Cujoh was arrested for the accidental murder of a man who was hit in a car she was in. Her lawyer was bribed to ensure she was sentenced to Green Dolphin Street Prison. Whilst there, her father arranged for a ring to be given to her that was actually a piece of the Arrow causing her to gain a Stand ability. In this time, she came to be attacked by numerous Stand Users in the prison until her father arrived to meet her. It was then that Pucci's Stand White Snake struck and managed to steal Star Platinum and Jotaro's memories leaving him comatose. Jolyne had her father smuggled to the Speedwagon Foundation whilst she remained in the prison to retrieve the stolen Stand and memories.
Steel Ball Run
In appearance, the form of a Stand varied depending on their user as they were the manifestation of their soul Thus, they operated on their psychological energy and was able to physically manifest into the world. This mental energy then manifested in the form of the Stand that could be activated depending on emotion as some wielders caused them to appear in anger or in the need to protect themselves. After becoming used to them, the wielder as able to manifest them upon command. In form, they could appear as humanoid in shape or in other forms such as animalistic or even as objects.
In general, a Stand could only be seen by its User and other Stand Users. As such, it was invisible to normal humans, though it could still interact with normal objects. This allows the User to use their Stand unnoticed by a large majority of the population. The mundane use of a Stand has been likened to a poltergeist phenomenon by normal people. Even a Stand's power was invisible for ordinary humans. A Stand was invulnerable to any harm except against another Stand or if their Stand User is harmed, as Stand damage and user damage are linked, and one will be hurt in the same way as the other with few exceptions. Stand powers like healing or aging affect both Stand user and Stand itself. Stands possess intangibility. It is uncommon but not unheard of for Stand Users to channel their Stands inside their bodies to protect themselves, using their Stand's superhuman durability to their advantage. It is even more uncommon for Stands to phase through objects, but the possibility exists. As psychic projections, Users can also communicate through their Stands. Barring rare exceptions, a Stand User typically shares their consciousness with their Stand and is able to see through its eyes. Moreover, a Stand User can also speak through their Stand, enabling a form of distant communication. However, the Stand must have a mouth or otherwise be able to speak to do so.
A user was able to manifest their Stand in moments where they manifested suddenly. Most Stand Users were able to access the enhanced senses of their Stand allowing them to hear or see with their abilities that were far beyond human. Stands could only be seem by another Stand user with normal people unable to see them. Typically, a Stand user had to be in close proximity to their Stand for it to operate. However, there were exceptions with some Stands able to operate over long distances. It was claimed that stronger Stands were more close-ranged whilst weaker ones were able to remotely operate far from their user. Most Stands display no personality, sometimes because they do not have a form with which to emote, but the majority of humanoid Stands simply hover behind and above the user awaiting a command. Some Stands display bits of personalities through facial expressions, but it is ambiguous whether the emotions come from the Stand or simply reflect the User's state of mind.
One of the defining rules about Stands was that someone may only have one Stand at a time. Although Stands may take different forms, or be split into several entities, no one was able to summon several Stands at once. Although exceptional circumstances may lead to someone wielding several Stands, only one will be the User's real Stand. A Stand generally remains attached to its User, but it can sometimes change Users. For instance, it can be stolen from its original User, or if the Stand's ability involves changing User. As non-Bound type Stands are invisible to non-Stand users, it is generally accepted that only Stand users can defeat Stand users. However, while Stands are shown capable of intangibility this is a matter of focus and intent, and when physically manifested Stands are vulnerable to corporeal objects that can overcome their defenses.
Stands varied in their abilities with these including:
- Close-Range Power Type (近距離パワー型 Kinkyori Pawā-gata) :
- Long-Distance Operation Type (遠隔操作型 Enkaku Sōsa-gata) :
- Automatic Type (自動型 Jidō-gata) :
- Range Irrelevant (射程距離無関係 Shatei Kyori Mukankei) :
However, there are instances when a Stand cannot be controlled by the User. It can be either automatic, like Super Fly, or the User can acquire a Stand, but not have the fighting spirit to control it. In both cases, a Stand can accidentally work against its user's interests through their unsupervised power. However, specifically in the second case, a Stand can go out of control and slowly kill its User like a disease. According to Muhammad Avdol, the User becomes ill, then falls into a coma only to never wake up again. Moreover, such occurrences were common enough for him to claim having witnessed many people succumbing to this
It was possible for a Stand to evolve into a more powerful state with this evolution occurring through the Stand Arrows. If a Stand was pierced by the Arrow, then the full potential of the Stand was unlocked with its nature being driven by the users state of mind and desires. Once transformed, they became a Requiem (レクイエム Rekuiemu) Stand with them possessing additional abilities thus making them much more powerful. Should a user lack the strength of mind to control their Requiem Stand than it went into a berserk state and operated independently .
Due to their nature, Stands were deeply connected to their users to the point that damage done to them was faced by their wielder. Thus, wounds on a Stands arm manifested as wounds on the users arm. As a result, fatal strikes against a Stand were capable of killing their user. It was said that Stand users were naturally drawn to one another without even being aware of it.
Most Stands displayed no personality, sometimes because they did not have a form with which to emote. As such, the majority of humanoid Stands simply hovered behind and above the user awaiting a command. Some Stands displayed bits of personalities through facial expressions, but it was often ambiguous whether the emotions come from the Stand or simply reflected the User's state of mind.
Known Stands
- Star Platinum (Jotaro Kujo) : A silver-skinned humanoid wearing Aztec garb (ironic, given that the Stone Mask that empowered Dio came from within Aztec lands). One of the strongest Stands in the JoJo universe. Star Platinum possesses superhuman senses, strength, stamina, accuracy and speed. At his peak, Jotaro can stop time for as long as 5 seconds with his Stand. Like other physically powerful Stands, Star Platinum suffers from a narrow range of activity. It can only be active within a 2-3 meter radius from Jotaro.
- Magician's Red (Mohammed Abdul) : Avdol's Stand takes the form of a man with an eagle's head. This fiery Stand can be remotely controlled and generates intense flames capable of melting steel within moments. Magician's Red can also produce a "heat radar", a cruciform mass of flame that indicates the location of heat sources.
- Hermit Purple (Joseph Joestar) : Hermit Purple appears as multiple thorny vines that spawn from Joseph's right hand. Apart from combat purposes, this versatile Stand can perform remarkable feats. It can produce psychic photographs and live psychic videos on a television, but at the expense of a camera and television, respectively. It can also conjure real-time maps (capable of tracking moving subjects) and (apparently) read minds. Joseph can also use the vines to swing himself around like Spider-Man. Joseph is also able to transmit hamon through Hermit Purple as an extension of his body.
- Hierophant Green (Noriaki Kakyoin) : This is another remote Stand with the ability to alter its form. It normally manifests as a green humanoid with web patterning and some beige plating on its surface. It is not a solid thing, but a compact mass of coils. It can stretch over impressive distances (in his fight with Dio, Kakyoin "webbed" an entire city district with Hierophant Green), and can reduce to microscopic sizes (as in the fight with Lovers). It can also shoot emeralds like bullets, and can possess people, if it uncoils itself inside a person. Kakyoin possessed this Stand since birth, but only he was able to see it.
- Silver Chariot (Jean Pierre Polnareff) : A Stand in a shiny suit of armor, wielding a rapier (incidentally, Polnareff is dedicated to the code of chivalry). Silver Chariot is a speedy remote Stand that deals lightning-fast strikes with his sword. It's also capable of shedding its armor to increase its speed, becoming fast enough to create the illusion that there are multiple Chariots. Damage done to the armor will not harm Polnareff, but he is unable to see through Silver Chariot's eyes.
- Tower of Gray (Gray Fly) : The weapon of an old thief and murderer who likes to instigate disasters and pillage the dead victims of the same, it looks like a stag beetle with a sharp proboscis. Tower is so fast that even bullets wouldn't be able to touch it at point-blank range (if it were tangible anyway), and its proboscis can tear through a human spine (Gray Fly likes to harvest the tongues of his victims by having Tower tear through the backs of their necks). It is also interesting to note that the user has a silhouette of the Stand on his tongue.
- Dark Blue Moon (fake Captain Tennille) : It looks much like the Creature from the Black Lagoon, but with a four-eyed mask and some metallic plating. Strong enough to tear a shark in half with its claws, it can also create whirlpools, then shed its razor-sharp scales into them. On top of that, its touch can bind psychic barnacles to a victim, draining away his strength as they cover him.
- Strength (Forever) : One of the few tangible Stands, it binds itself to a shipwreck and transforms it into a massive freighter called "Big Daddy". Every part of the ship—decks, fire hoses, loading hooks, bulwarks, even shards of glass from the windows is under Forever's total control. Forever actually uses Strength to cross the oceans.
- Ebony Devil (Devo; Soul Sacrifice in the VIZ translation) : This Stand is in the form of a horned figure with a face like an oval mask, carrying a knife. Controlled by Devo, he waits for the enemy to attack first. Then, binding Devil to his grotesque, heavily armed doll, he exacts revenge upon the enemy. The damage done by the Stand is proportionate to the amount of hatred and scorn the attacker has inspired in the user. Devo is a hired killer, and supposedly originated from South America.
- Yellow Temperance (Rubber Soul) : Its "form" is actually a vile composite of the flesh it has consumed, transformed into an amorphous yellow goo. The Stand itself is impervious to everything, since Rubber Soul can alter its consistency, shape, and conductivity at will (the same can't be said for Rubber Soul himself, as Jotaro discovers). In addition to attack and defense, Yellow Temperance can be formed into a disguise.
- Hanged Man (J. Geil) : The man with two right hands, J. Geil can use his Stand to appear on any reflective surface, where it appears as an assassin with a bandage-wrapped head, bionic brain, and a blade attached to the inside of its right wrist. Like J. Geil himself, both of Hanged Man's hands have a right-hand shape. Although Polnareff at first thinks Hanged Man exists inside mirrors, he eventually discovered that it exists ON them, and attacks from the actual reflective surface - it acts like light. However, if the surface Hanged Man is on is covered or otherwise made unable to reflect light, it is forced to move to another reflective surface it can see, at which point it is vulnerable to attack.
- Emperor (Hol Horse) : As a Stand that is a gun, the ability of Emperor is bullets that change directions, or be called out of existence, long after being launched. It is wielded by Hol Horse, a cowboy who, at first, hesitated to work for Dio (at least in the anime). Despite its firearm nature, Emperor is actually a fairly weak Stand. Hol is aware of this, so he tries to fight with a partner whose Stand complements his own whenever possible. While commissioned to assassinate Jotaro's group, Hol Horse first worked with J. Geil (to allow for pincer attacks), and then with Boingo (to chart out where Hol should send his bullets). Avdol was felled by Hol Horse and the Stand, Emperor, albeit temporarily. It was supposed to be permanent, but tremendous fan feedback forced Avdol's return. It's interesting to note that Emperor and its bullets are oblivious to the normal person's eye, despite having the form of a real-world object (it isn't actually bound to one), and it was partly responsible for its own wielder's defeat twice.
- Empress (Nena) : When it begins its attack, Empress appears as a small drop of blood. Once it lands on a victim, it begins to grow, first looking like a vaguely face-like tumor, then, as it absorbs the victim's flesh and bone, becomes more humanoid. Eventually, it will completely devour its host. Apparently, its final form is a duplicate of the victim, since the Indian woman that Jotaro's group thought was Nena was actually a cloak of flesh for the real Stand user: a short, fat, white woman. The Indian woman was presumably Nena's most recent victim.
- Wheel of Fortune (ZZ) : Like Strength, Wheel of Fortune needs a vehicle (in this case, a car) for a substrate. While it usually resembles an ordinary, albeit very dusty, car, it can do things no other vehicle can (e.g. drive on sheer walls, compact itself through narrow crevices, bore through solid rock). When pressed, Wheel of Fortune can turn into a spiked, heavily armored juggernaut. Wheel of Fortune is also capable of shooting gasoline with such velocity it can cut through skin like a bullet.
- Justice (Enya Geil; called Enyaba Geil in VIZ version) : It manifests as a massive fog, with its "core" appearing as a crowned skull. Once a wound is inflicted upon Enya's adversary, she can call on Justice to thread its mists through the injury and drag the victim around by them, much like a marionette. Eventually, the victim will become a member of her army of zombie minions. This ability is used to great effect as she holds her own against Jotaro and Polnareff. When Enya was defeated by Jotaro, Justice was disabled, and both her army and her city (actually a solid projection of Justice, superimposed upon a graveyard) crumbled into nothingness.
- Lovers (Steely Dan; called Rubber Soul in VIZ version) : Steely Dan claims that although his Stand is the weakest of all in combat, it can still be one of the most dangerous. Lovers, which looks vaguely like a microscopic humanoid crayfish, operates by attaching itself to the brain of an individual other than Dan, where it receives all sensations he experiences. These sensations are then transferred to the victim, multiplied by ten times the intensity than Dan felt them. For example, when Jotaro punched Dan in the face, Joseph Joestar (to whom Lovers was attached) went flying several meters and was dazed. The only way to prevent its effects is to shrink down the party's other Stands, enter the host, and attack Lovers there; still, with the Stands so much smaller and weaker than usual, Lovers can actually cause damage to them in battle. Lovers's main way of defending itself involves taking dead cells and recrafting them into drones, usually resembling itself but sometimes mimicking other Stands attacking it. It has been known to control well over twenty drones at a time, and they can be distinguished from Lovers itself only by a Stand's touch sensing whether they are made of physical or psychic matter.
- Sun (Arabia Fats) : A very simple Stand, it acts and looks like the Sun, creating heat. In fact, as much heat as Arabia Fats wants. His tactic is just to increase the area's heat to a degree that his victims die of hyperthermia. Sun can also release powerful, amazingly accurate lasers if the targets actually pose a threat to it and/or the user. In order to keep himself from overheating or being discovered, Arabia Fats tracks his targets in a small jeep equipped with a cooling device and a mirror shield.
- Death 13 (Mannish Boy) : A Stand that appears as the Grim Reaper, but with the face of a clown instead of a skull. When someone falls asleep and Mannish Boy is within range, the victim's dream appears as a carnival in which Death 13 then attempts to kill them with its scythe, all the while terrorizing them with grotesque manipulations of unliving things in the dream (carnival rides, food, even hair). Any injury the victim suffers from in the dream world is carried over into the real world, and victims remember nothing of their encounter upon waking, allowing Mannish Boy to continue acting like a normal baby. A Stand user cannot call upon their Stands in the dream world unless they managed to summon them before being pulled into the dream world (although Mannish Boy is happy to let them think they did by generating replicas of those Stands in the dream, under Death 13's control). It is also worth noting that all that is under Death 13's robe is its head and arms, so all attacks directed at Death 13 are ineffective unless aimed at the head or arms.
- Judgment (Cameo) : Although it bills itself as a jinn, it has a very robot-like appearance. Cameo's tactic is to get his victim to request wishes, then use Judgment's real ability—animation of the earth to appear to grant those wishes. He then has the seeming fulfillments of those wishes (often to resurrect deceased loved ones) turn on and kill the victim. The earthen constructs get their power and form from the fervor and desperation of the wish maker's desire and memory, thus giving them access to memories that Cameo himself would otherwise know nothing of (e.g. when Sherry fed one of Polnareff's pet fish to her cat).
- High Priestess (Midler) : Previously, the appearance of Midler was unknown, beyond being a slender woman with long dark hair (she was only depicted twice, and at a distance). Only in the game made by Capcom was the space filled in, as a woman resembling a belly dancer (the design of which actually appeared as the garb of the victims Hol Horse found in Dio's mansion). High Priestess possesses the ability to possess mineral substances and reform them into any inorganic object (razor blades, valves, harpoon guns, etc.). It initially disguised itself as a mug, which caught Joseph off-guard. Its "default" form is that of a mask with vicious eyes and fangs, and thin arms growing out of its sides. It has been known to possess a portion of ocean floor large enough to imprison several human beings.
- The Fool (Iggy) : The Fool is among the most basic of Stands in its composition, yet it possesses a remarkable amount of power. It can levitate, appear, disappear or animate objects out of sand. Its normal form is like that of a winged car chassis, with the front portion replaced by a feathered mask and a dog's legs; still, the whole thing is made entirely of sand and dust.
- Geb (N'Dour) : Although named for an earth deity, Geb's form is actually that of a mass of water that breaks forth, usually in the form of a monstrous claw, whenever it senses sound that N'Dour thinks belongs to one of his targets. The claw is strong enough to cut flesh, and even rip a man's head off and pull it completely into a metal canteen. When not actively attacking, Geb can scatter sand or similar substances as a kind of sonar for N'Dour.
- Thoth (Boingo; called Mondatta in Viz translation) : Thoth takes the form of an American comic book (i.e. it reads left-to-right) with decidedly bizarre linework. It can be seen by normal people, even though it is not clear whether Thoth is actually bound to a physical object. The book is not complete, though many of the pages are blank. In fact, the pages fill up with visions of future events. However, it's not always easy to understand what Thoth is really forecasting, as Oingo found out when he tried to kill Jotaro's group. One possibility is that it creates a single image that forecasts the several possible futures; each interpretation of that one image signifies a possible way things can progress. For example, an image showed Jotaro's face being cut in two by a bomb disguised as an orange; in reality, the one cut (not fatally) was Oingo, who had adopted Jotaro's face to avoid detection. However, when Joseph and Polnareff reached Jotaro, he took an orange to eat. Presumably, if Oingo hadn't taken on Jotaro's visage, Jotaro would ultimately have taken the bomb-orange, and blown himself up when he began peeling it.
- Khnum (Oingo; called Zenyatta in Viz translation) : Khnum is bound to Oingo's body. As a result, he can alter his appearance in any way (height, contours, face, etc.) so long as the end result still looks like a human. He can even alter his scent in order to throw off dogs (e.g. Iggy). He cannot alter/generate clothes in this way, although he can alter his hair to resemble a hat.
- Bast (Mariah) : It looks just like an electrical socket. Touching it (even the outside, not just the openings) will shock the victim, which is only the beginning of the attack. The real power of Bast is to imbue the victim with an ever-strengthening magnetism, causing metallic objects of increasing size to propel themselves at him/her. Mariah herself carries a supply of kitchen knives, wires, nuts, and bolts to make sure there's always something that can be pulled towards her targets.
- Sethan (Alessi; Stand is called Set in Viz translation) : This Stand takes form as Alessi's shadow, although when in profile, it has a crest and beak. The ability of this Stand is to turn anyone whose shadow touches his own into children — an ability assisted by the fact that Sethan can lengthen itself. The actual amount of age lost depends on how long the victim is in contact with it—enough exposure can even make one regress into a fetus. It can also manifest on its hands a weapon that Alessi himself wields (e.g. an axe), and actually attack with it. Jotaro and Polnareff both fell prey to his stand in the series. Its name may be a conflation of Seth and Satan.
- Anubis (Caravan Serai, Chaka, Khan and Polnareff) : Called the Stand with no wielder, it existed without one because of the sword it was imbued in. When the swordsmith who crafted the sword died, the Stand lived on. Chaka unsheathed the sword accidentally, causing Anubis to take control of Chaka. When Chaka was defeated by Polnareff, he took the sword and entrusted it to a barber, named Khan, who was also possessed by it. Finally, after breaking the sword and attempting to sheathe it, Polnareff also got possessed, but was freed by Jotaro. The tip of the sword ended up in a river to rust. The ability of this Stand is to remember any attack of the enemy it encounters. It will not fall for the same attack twice, making whoever it is possessing a highly adaptible combatant. It can also make itself intangible to all but its opponent, phasing through any object in its path and only cutting them. Sometimes, to facilitate communication with another Stand user, Anubis will reveal its actual form, a vicious-looking version of the god it is named for.
- Osiris (Daniel J. D'Arby) : This statue-like Stand has the power to capture the souls of those defeated by D'Arby in gambling (specifically, it takes advantage of the momentary loss of willpower that accompanies the feeling of defeat), render them dormant, and turn them into (tangible) poker chips. Osiris can split the poker chips into sets of multiples without doing any harm to them. If D'Arby is slain, then all of the imprisoned souls will die as well.
- Horus (Pet Shop) : This Stand has the form of an ice-encrusted bone centipede with a pterodactyl's head. It can freeze the surrounding area, generate bolts of ice, and even create car-sized blocks of ice, given enough time.
- Atum (Terence Trent D'Arby) : It takes the form of a red-and-white robotic figure emblazoned with the letters T and D. It can steal souls in the same way as Osiris, although these souls are bound into dolls, and are not dormant (they constantly beg for Terence to play with them). Atum also allows Terence to mentally interrogate an opponent with yes-or-no questions, which will always be answered truthfully.
- Tenor Sax (Kenny G) : This Stand has the ability to generate illusions. Specifically, it created an illusory room for Terence to challenge Jotaro, Joseph, and Kakyoin in; a labyrinth to confuse Abdul, Polnareff, and Iggy, and generally cast other illusions to mask the true form of the interior of Dio's mansion. However, it could not mask Kenny G's scent, and so Iggy had little trouble in having The Fool strike him down and dispel the illusions. Tenor Sax has never been illustrated, only its illusions, so it is possible that it is bound to the air nearby, which Kenny G could then alter to generate the proper images (i.e. the illusion is in fact Tenor Sax itself).
- Cream (Vanilla Ice) : Cream takes the form of a gangly purple-and-white humanoid with a skull-like head when not attacking. In combat, it can turn itself into a void by swallowing itself and Vanilla Ice. In its void form, Cream can charge around, obliterating anything it comes into contact with; not even Vanilla Ice has any idea what becomes of the remains. There is a limitation, though: neither Vanilla Ice nor Cream can see during this, so he has to periodically partially disengage in order to see if he succeeded, or adjust Cream's trajectory to take advantage of the nature of his surroundings (e.g. moving in a spiral to guarantee destroying a slow-moving target). Polnareff suspected that the annihilating void was the spiritual manifestation of Vanilla Ice's unquestioning loyalty to Dio and his twisted "gospel" for the wicked.
- The World (DIO) : Very similar to Jotaro's Star Platinum, this Stand has phenomenal strength, senses and stamina —but faster and more accurate. It can also stop the time (for a longer duration as well). He also has at least a measure of Joseph's psychic abilities (specifically, the ability to create a vision on a photograph). Because it has the combined powers of Star Platinum and Hermit Purple (i.e. Joestar Stands), there is speculation that The World may originally have been the dormant Stand of Jonathan Joestar (whose body Dio stole), though this is most likely not the case, as Stands are linked to a person's soul, not their body.
- Crazy Diamond (Jōsuke Higashikata) : A melee Stand with short range (3m), Crazy Diamond has an ability of "restoration". It can repair damages and heal injuries (apart from Jōsuke's own injuries), although it can not resurrect the dead. It can, however, restore an item to its raw materials (eg. a table can be restored to timbers). This ability allows Crazy Diamond to perform a range of interesting feats, including trapping the enemy (by restoring pieces of a broken crate around the target) and tracking (eg. restoring a torn piece of clothing, and it will seek out and reattach to where it came from). Its restoration ability often "malfunctions" when Jōsuke is angry, causing the object to be improperly put back together. Its physical appearance is similar to that of The World.
- Aqua Necklace (Anjūrō "Angelo" Katagiri) : Like Geb, it's a Stand of liquid. It can't control as much water as Geb could at any one time, but in return, it can control any sort of liquid (e.g. milk, blood), and it can also possess the liquid if it's a mist. However, if all the liquid it controls is bound in something, such as a bottle, Aqua Necklace can't get out. Its normal shape is that of a humanoid with evil eyes set about its body, and pin-like teeth.
- The Hand (Okuyasu Nijimura) : A well-armored humanoid with large glass-like eyes, cylindrical plating about its head, and dollar and yen signs on its body armor. Its right arm is amazingly strong, and its right hand can actually erase the space it swipes through from all existence if Okuyasu so chooses. The spaces at the edge of the erased area then will instantly pull together. Okuyasu can use this ability to pull objects or people closer to The Hand by erasing an intervening area of air. No one knows where the erased objects go, not even Okuyasu himself. It's said if Okuyasu ever perfected his Stand ability, "The Hand" could be one of the most dangerous Stands in the world.
- Bad Company (Keichō Nijimura) : This is actually a multi-bodied Stand. It consists of sixty tiny U.S. style infantry (one could probably hold two or three of them in the palm of one's hand) with bandage-pattern faces, parachutes, M16 rifles, and mines; seven scaled-down-to-the-tiny-infantry tanks; four likewise-scaled missile-carrying gunships; and an unknown number of Navy SEALs. Despite how small Bad Company's components are, they can still inflict deadly damage, especially considering that they always follow Keichō's intricate strategies and commands perfectly. Perhaps because of the Stand's multi-part nature, killing one of the soldiers will not harm Keichō (in fact, Jōsuke killed three infantry, and Keichō was none the worse, except for being annoyed at the formation being compromised).
- Echoes (Kōichi Hirose) : Unlike most other Stands, Echoes has three distinct forms, or Acts (Kōichi can only call upon one at any given time). Act 1 resembles a flying (although wingless) turtle with a long tail and wheels surrounding its beak. Its power is to write a given sound effect in kana on a surface. The effect will then constantly sound with increasing volume, until Echoes dispels the writing. Until his confrontation with Yukako, this was the only Act that Kōichi could access. During that battle, he gained access to Act 2, which has a more humanoid form. Rather than just making sounds, Act 2's tail can create sound effect writings that actually invoke the associated quality when activated (e.g. if "whoosh" is written, activation will create an actual wind current). Finally, during his first confrontation with Kira, Kōichi discovered Act 3, a completely humanoid Stand with turtle shell-like bosses on its body (and a somewhat independent, foul-mouthed personality who quotes Bruce Willis from Die Hard). Unlike the first two Acts, Act 3 cannot fly, and has a much shorter active range. However, it is extremely fast, and can "freeze" any one thing within 2 meters by rapidly punching it, at which point the object will suddenly become extremely heavy (it even caused Sheer Heart Attack to sink into solid pavement).
- Red Hot Chili Pepper (Akira Otoishi) : Its basic form is a squat, beaked humanoid of rust-colored metal. However, that's only when it isn't charged — then it will have a nimbus of electricity surrounding it. Red Hot Chili Pepper can manipulate any amount of electricity it can directly touch, even the entire power grid of Morioh. It normally uses the electricity to increase its speed (and apparently strength) to phenomenal levels. It also has the power to instil itself into any electric device and travel through electrical wires, and is capable of pulling other objects with it (this is apparently fatal for any living thing it does this to, as seen with Keichō). As a Stand of electricity, it has an adverse reaction to water, dissolving when it comes in contact with it (strangely, this appears to have no affect on Akira).
- The Lock (Tamami Kobayashi) : The Lock manifests exactly as its namesake — a massive U-lock. In order to use his ability, Tamami must first instill some feeling of guilt in his victim. The Lock will then attach, and begin magnifying the guilt to increasing degrees (as it increases guilt, The Lock's size and weight also increase). Usually, Tamami disengages The Lock once he's gulled his victim into paying him the money he wants, but when pressed, he can try to magnify a victim's guilt to such a degree that he/she is compelled to commit suicide. He has been known to manifest Locks on two different people at once.
- Surface (Toshikazu Hazamada) : A tangible Stand, Surface is bound to a large artist's doll in Toshikazu's possession. If someone touches the doll that Surface is bound to, it can adopt the exact likeness of that person — the only distinction is that the screw in Surface's forehead can still be seen. Surface can compel whoever it mimics to perfectly mirror its motions if it can maintain eye contact (e.g. if it juts its right elbow back, the one mimicked must jut his left elbow likewise). It is not perfectly under Toshikazu's control, since it tends to also mimic the target's personality (a source of immense frustration to Toshikazu).
- Love Deluxe (Yukako Yamagishi) : Love Deluxe is bound to Yukako's hair. With her Stand's power, Yukako can lengthen her hair to any distance (even to completely surround a small house with hair), and control it with perfect precision. The effect even persists for a short time after she sheds any strands.
- Pearl Jam (Tonio Trussardi) : Pearl Jam is a multi-body Stand (at least three bodies; almost certainly far more), each body looking something like a cross between a head of garlic and a pearl onion with arms and a face. The bodies are extremely tiny, as they need to be ingested to do anything. First, Trussardi examines his customer's hands to see what ailments he/she suffers (apparently a granted power of Pearl Jam, though similar practices exist in Chinese traditional medicine). From this, he knows what foods to prepare. The meal is served one course at a time, with Pearl Jam's bodies inside. Once inside the "patient"'s body, Pearl Jam invokes a sense that whatever is being eaten is extremely delicious (even if the consumer dislikes the general taste, such as Okuyasu's aversion to spicy foods) to make sure that the food is continuously eaten. It then uses the incoming raw material to repair and replace damaged and diseased tissue, forcibly ejecting anything that falls under "replace", even opening up one's belly for a short while to eject replaced intestine. Unlike most other Stands that Jōsuke meets, Pearl Jam was not awakened by an Arrow, but by Tonio's zeal to perfect his culinary arts.
- Achtung Baby (Shizuka Joestar) : Achtung Baby is apparently bound to Shizuka's entire (six-month-old) body. She can use its power to generate an energy field that makes her, and anything touching her, completely invisible. If frightened, she may make the field larger than usual, extending to about a meter radius.
- Heaven's Door (Rohan Kishibe) : It appears as a humanoid wearing a suit and a brimmed hat with a checkerboard band (it was originally the appearance Rohan gave his manga's main character, before Keichō used the Arrow on him). Heaven's Door allows Rohan to write and draw with superhuman speed and precision, sufficient to let him work without assistants. His drawings have the power to hypnotize other people (or at least other Stand users), one of the ways he can get to them and use Heaven's Door's primary power - turning people into "books". A person affected by this power has his or her skin opened to reveal pages of newspaper, which contain all the information about the person (including his or her thoughts). Rohan can manipulate others by physically writing commands/new information into them; even allowing them to achieve things that are otherwise impossible. This can be seen in the fight with Highway Star, where Rohan helped Jōsuke to escape by writing into him the command: "leave this place at the speed of 60km/h". He can also remove memories after turning them into newspaper by simply tearing them out, and while someone is affected, they are just as vulnerable to fire as ordinary paper.
- Ratt (Bug Eye and other rat) : There are actually two Ratts (they were given to rats — possible twins, given the similar marks on their foreheads — by the same Arrow shot). Ratt somewhat resembles the front end of a steam locomotive, complete with cow catcher, that has four legs and a large eye. This is just the mobile form, however. The attack mode involves the front surface swinging up to reveal an artillery cannon (the eye is actually the scope that Bug Eye uses to aim). The ammunition takes the form of barbed darts that render anything they pierce into a semi-liquid state (living beings will not be killed immediately by this, unless a vital organ or artery/vein is affected).
- Harvest (Shigekiyo Yangū) : Harvest consists of fifty tiny, identical bodies — a hollow striped shell with eyes, six limbs, and a hornet-like abdomen. When Shigekiyo gives Harvest a description of something he wants, the bodies scatter out and search for anything that fits the description, placing found "treasure" in the hollow. If necessary, the abdomen can take captured fluids and inject them into another person. Although Harvest's individual bodies are very weak, together they can make for an appreciable offensive force, even utilizing rudimentary formations (limited more by Shigekiyo's weak intellect than Harvest's actual abilities). They also give Shigekiyo a way to quickly get away from danger, by collectively carrying him.
- Killer Queen (Yoshikage Kira) : A humanoid Stand with fox-skull emblems on its shoulders, waist, and knees, and a vaguely cat-like head. Also, the space behind its stomach is hollow, letting it contain small items or creatures there. Killer Queen's abilities revolve around causing explosions. Its primary bombs are actually booby traps — it touches a cohesive object (doorknobs, coins, even living bodies) and charges it. When someone touches it, the energy will be conducted in, and create an internal explosion. On occasion, he will charge an object not to conduct explosive energy, but to simply explode when he finds the time to be right. Killer Queen also has a secondary bomb called Sheer Heart Attack, normally contained within its left hand. It is a completely autonomous bomb, looking like a tank-treaded ball with a fox-skull face, with unlimited range. Its method is to seek out whatever the hottest thing in the vicinity is, then induce an explosion there. Sheer Heart Attack also has marvelously strong plates, which didn't even scratched at the attack of Star Platinum. Crazy Diamond, however, is said to be able to "repair" Sheer Heart Attack back to Killer Queen. Finally, late in the story, Yoshihiro's Arrow pierces Kira's body and thus grants Killer Queen a tertiary bomb, called Another One Bites the Dust. This bomb is actually a distinct, miniaturized form of Killer Queen, which normally stays with someone who knows Kira's secrets. If someone tries to interrogate that person about Kira, the tertiary bomb will enter their field of vision, get into their eye that way, and induce an explosion. Until Kira finds out who the bomb killed, he lets a brief temporal loop occur to one hour earlier. Even if the victim doesn't ask questions this time around, Another One Bites the Dust will still kill them. Only if Kira is confident about who died will he let time flow normally. Still, if he has to protect himself right away (he can't maintain more than one potential bomb at a time), he will dispel the bomb. In all three cases, internal explosions can potentially completely disintegrate the victim.
- Cinderella (Aya Tsuji) : A humanoid, female-shaped framework of what seems like wires, with eyes that look like flared sunglasses. When working on one of Aya's customers at her beauty parlor, Cinderella can slide out part of the person's exterior and implant an appearance that is more likely to gain the customer's desire. It also increases the customer's luck in gaining time with the man she desires, and even gaining his heart. The appearance can be made to last for any given number of half-hours. Nothing special needs to be done if the appearance is kept for just thirty minutes, but for any longer, a tube of lipstick generated by Cinderella must be used every half-hour for the duration. Otherwise, the affected areas will wither into featurelessness, and even the body will wither into nothingness. This can only be undone if Cinderella can be made to restore the customer's original appearance (easy enough, since Cinderella has a perfect memory of all the faces it has altered), or if Aya is killed (which is what happened after Kira made her change his appearance). Like Tonio, Aya's own zeal (in this case, to be a kind of faerie godmother to her customers) apparently awakened her Stand.
- Atom Heart Father (Yoshihiro Kira) : Atom Heart Father is bound to Yoshihiro's body...or rather, Yoshihiro's soul (it only manifested when he died). Yoshihiro can bind himself to cameras and trigger them, at which point he is bound to the resulting photo. He can imprison anyone else caught on the photo so that they can not leave the depicted area, and manipulate anything that is in the depicted area, even if it is otherwise hidden from view (e.g. a knife inside a drawer). If a shot is taken of his part of the photo, he will automatically be bound to the new photo instead. Even if he ends up being the only feature in the photo, though, he can extend anything he possesses (usually threads of his clothing) out of the picture in order to move around.
- Boy II Man (Ken Ōyanagi) : The first of the Stands that Yoshihiro awakened to protect Kira, it looks like a knight in battered armor and a conical helmet. In order to activate its power, Ken must first beat a Stand user in a best-of-five jan-ken-pon (rock-paper-scissors) match. For each individual game that Ken wins, Boy II Man takes control of a third of the opponent's Stand's power. After three wins, Ken will then permanently take total control of that Stand. However, if his opponent wins three times, Boy II Man can never affect him/her again.
- Earth Wind, and Fire (Mikitaka Hazekura) : Mikitaka claims to be an alien and possess the ability to assume any physical form he desires. Although he can take a form vastly smaller than his normal mass, and can separate himself into several components in the process, it is unknown if he can take on a much larger form. On the negative side, if exposed to a siren or similar sound, he suffers a painful rash until the sound stops. It was never revealed in the manga whether Mikitaka is a delusional Stand user activated by the Arrow or truly an extraterrestrial life-form (he gives his full name as Nu Mikitakazo Nshi). It is heavily implied that he is truly an alien, as he is apparently unable to see Stands (an ability every Stand user possesses).
- Highway Star (Yūya Fungami) : A humanoid covered entirely in a diagonal criss-cross on a black field, with glass-like eyes. Both Highway Star and Fungami have a powerful sense of smell, almost as good as a dog's. Highway Star can dissociate into many footprint-shaped components, which can chase something at speeds of up to 60 kilometers per hour. When not dissociated, it can leach nutrients from another person and transfer them to Fungami's own body immediately (the victim's flesh turns transparent in the process). Finally, Highway Star can create illusions to draw in potential victims. Its powers were all created around Fungami's desperate desire to restore his body after a motorcycle accident.
- Stray Cat (formerly Tama) : When the cat Tama was first shot by Yoshihiro, his Stand apparently did not awaken (possibly a heightened sense of awareness of danger, but that's it). However, when Tama was killed and buried, Stray Cat fully awoke and bound his soul into a plant, which rapidly grew and took on cat-like characteristics. In addition, when able to photosynthesize, Stray Cat can create more oxygen than usual and bind it into near-solid projectiles — usually balls, but occasionally shackles. He normally only attacks those whom he thinks are trying to cause him harm.
- Super Fly (Toyohiro Kanedaichi (alias)) : This Stand bound itself into Kanedaichi's rather unusual choice of a home - an abandoned telephone tower (he bought it some time ago, and has furnished it with an armchair, television, vegetable gardens, toilet, etc.). However, it backfired, perhaps because of his dread of being among many people — he can't leave the tower anymore, unless he can trick someone else into stepping in, at which point Super Fly imprisons them instead (the current "prisoner", if trying to leave, is instead stopped by a sheet of bolted metal that conforms to their body). If any sort of attack strikes the tower's structure, Super Fly will either generate a perfect replica of that attack, aimed at the attacker (if a non-ranged attack), or let the projectile ricochet around its beams. According to Kanedaichi, Super Fly will not die, even if he dies (rather like Anubis).
- Enigma (Terunosuke Miyamoto) : A jet-black humanoid with brocade on its body. Enigma can bind anything into a sheet of blank paper. Once the paper is unfolded, the object, up to then in stasis, re-emerges. If the paper is torn before unfolding, the object still comes out, but it will be shattered. In order to bind a human, Terunosuke must first find out the physical actions they unconsciously take when terrified (e.g. touching one's chin, closing an eye, biting one's lower lip). If they take that same action of fear again when Enigma is present, then it can bind them (the action is depicted as an M. C. Escher-like tessellation entwining pictures of Enigma and the victim).
- Cheap Trick (Masazō Kinoto) : In truth, Kinoto did not last long as the user of Cheap Trick (looking something like a large tree frog with vicious teeth and flat eyes). Whoever the user is will find Cheap Trick constantly murmuring commands to them. If they disobey, Cheap Trick will try to get them to let another person see their back, where Cheap Trick is anchored. When that happens (as when Rohan saw Kinoto's back), Cheap Trick will leap off, in the process killing the host by ripping off their back and stealing their life-force; the latter effect causing the victim's body to rapidly shrink to only a few centimeters long. It will then anchor itself to the viewer's own back. Cheap Trick can choose who hears it. Usually, only the hapless user can, but it can make its voice audible to others, if it's trying to get someone to look at its user's back.
- Gold Experience (Giorno Giovana) : A golden Stand capable of generating live organisms from inorganic objects. In the beginning of Part 5, Giorno frequently produces small life forms (frogs, snakes, flies) and plants which he apparently has control over. Giorno also discovers soon in the story that anyone who attacks his creations suffer a reverse attack dealt back to them (e.g. when Kōichi Hirose attacked Giorno on his created tree, Kōichi hit the tree and suffered the same attack he dealt on the tree). During his fight with Buccellati, it was discovered that Gold Experience's ability can be applied to live individuals, causing their thought process to greatly accelerate. This was employed in battles to cause enemies to lose temporal coordination of their bodies (the quickened thought does not extend to letting the body properly handle such an influx of information). Later on in the fight between Melone/Baby Face, Giorno developed (or discovered) Gold Experience's ability to produce organic components of the body (e.g. transforming bullets stuck in someone's body into the very blood vessels and organs they destroyed); evidently, these transformations are permanent. Giorno subsequently took up the healer role of the party. Another form of Gold Experience is Gold Experiece Requiem. This new incarnation was created when Gold Experience was pierced by the Arrow during Giorno's fight with Diavolo. Gold Experience Requiem is somewhat of an anti-thesis to King Crimson in that it has the power to negate consequences. The Stand stated itself in the series that before its influence, no process can reach completion, and performed actions/processes (such as a punch) will thus be forced to return to zero (whereas before King Crimson, actions will be forced to move as far from zero as possible). Gold Experience Requiem is one of the most powerful Stands in the JoJo universe, as the ability to return any attack against it to zero makes it virtually invincible.
- Sticky Fingers (Blono Buccellati) : A humanoid garbed with spiked pieces of blue leather, and adorned with zippers on its chest, wrists, and ankles. Sticky Fingers can generate zippers on any surface, creating an opening to whatever lies on the other side. If the zipper is created on a solid object, such as a stone pillar, the object becomes hollow as long as the zipper exists. Buccellati can even unzip a human body apart, and choose whether or not the circulatory system works properly (when he unzipped Zucchero's head off, he wasn't much worse, but when he unzipped his body apart to elude Pesci, he was at risk of his heart stopping). This may depend on how thoroughly the unzipped body is segmented.
- Black Sabbath (Polpo) : Black Sabbath looks like a humanoid with stitched-up eyes, and black garb like that of a Renaissance-era Italian nobleman. Polpo has bound an Arrow to Black Sabbath as its tongue. When testing a candidate for Passione for "reliability" (in reality, he wants to awaken their Stand), Polpo charges them to keep a cigarette lighter burning for twenty-four hours. Almost inevitably, the lighter will go out, and the candidate (or someone nearby) will reactivate it. In fact, when the flame died, Black Sabbath emerged into the nearest shadow. The relighting is the signal to "attack", which involves Black Sabbath catching the soul of the nearest person (usually the candidate; because it acts remotely, it has no idea who really relit the lighter, and so just assails everyone in the vicinity) and stabbing him/her with the Arrow. This either awakens the Stand if their spirit can handle the strain, or kills them. However, Black Sabbath cannot move away from shadow, and is destroyed if it is somehow forced to be in strong light. Since Polpo was not killed when Giorno defeated Black Sabbath, it is possible that what was defeated was a shadow of Black Sabbath that could conduct the Arrow's power.
- Moody Blues (Leone Abbacchio) : This Stand seems to be wearing a purple-and-blue jumpsuit, and has a cassette player and timer for a face. Moody Blues can take on the appearance of any person (except that the timer is still there) and perfectly imitate their actions and words for any fixed-duration period (usually five minutes) in the past. Once the playback begins, it can only be stopped by outside force. More importantly, Abbacchio can't have Moody Blues protect him until the playback stops. He can also give Moody Blues someone's appearance without having to perform a playback.
- Soft Machine (Mario Zucchero) : A gaunt Stand armed with a rapier. Anything pierced by the rapier "deflates" like an unstoppered beach ball, eventually becoming a flat, flexible object. It's possible to overlay a deflated object on a similar whole object, and be able to switch between the two (as when Zucchero deflated his own boat and overlaid it on Buccellati's). Because Soft Machine isn't very agile, Zucchero tries to confront living targets in a narrow space.
- Sex Pistols (Guido Mista) : There are actually six Sex Pistols (numbered 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7; because of a childhood incident, Mista associates the number 4 with general misfortune, much like the Japanese association of that number with death — they can both be pronounced "shi"), tiny sprites with teardrop-shaped heads, large teeth, gem-like eyes, and distinct personalities. They ride the bullets of Mista's revolver, and can kick at and away from the bullets to alter their course. Their personalities mean that they can act independently of Mista if he so chooses. This Stand was not awakened by Black Sabbath, but by Mista's determination to stop a street gang from raping a woman.
- Craft Work (Sale) : Another humanoid Stand, with head armor that makes its mouth look like a skull's grin, and one spike on each side of its head. Craft Work has perfect control over kinetic vectors. It can force an object to stick to a particular surface, or be motionless with respect to something, whether it be a road, a moving truck, or Sale himself. It can also make moving objects suddenly stop (e.g. stopping a bullet before it penetrates Sale's skull), and impart kinetic force to stopped objects (this being why Sale will sometimes make an object match his velocity perfectly, so he'll have weapons of his own).
- Little Feet (Formaggio) : A short humanoid whose entire head is somewhat skull-like, and has long, thin blades for index fingers. When Little Feet cuts someone with one of those blades, the victim and all the clothing he/she was wearing when cut will steadily shrink in size. Likewise, their Stand will lose power as size is lost. Formaggio can also use this ability on himself, and halt or undo the effect on any given person at will.
- Aerosmith (Narancia Ghirga) : This is a small propeller plane (its wingspan is the same length as both of Narancia's outstretched arms) with a face emblazoned on its nose. Aerosmith is armed with twin machine guns that, while powerful, have little accuracy, meaning that it must fire many rounds (and often do plenty of collateral damage) to do even moderate damage to a target. When moving far away from Narancia, it generates an eyepiece extension that displays its radar to him. Instead of sound, the radar detects carbon dioxide, usually exhaled by animals (the target included).
- Man in the Mirror (Illuso) : It appears to be wearing spiked biker's gear. Man in the Mirror creates an extradimensional space in a given area, using mirrored surfaces as the gates. Illuso has perfect control over who or what can enter the space — he can even exclude someone's Stand while Man in the Mirror is pulling him/her into the space. However, this exclusion property can backfire if he doesn't realize the true nature of what he's pulling in (e.g. he thought he was pulling Abbacchio in, but it was really Moody Blues in Abbacchio's guise).
- Purple Haze (Pannacotta Fugo) : A humanoid with a violet-and-white diamond pattern skin and a glass-like gladiator's helmet. It also has three globes on each of its hands, each containing a powerful virus. The globes will break when it strikes something, or if its strike is not stopped properly (i.e. if the globe detaches from the stopped fist). Once this happens, the virus will spread and rapidly devour animal matter — a human body will be annihilated in about thirty seconds. However, the virus is constrained and slain by sunlight. Purple Haze is difficult for Fugo to control in even the best of situations, since it shares his hair-trigger temper (and mania for cleanliness; these two traits' conflation may explain the virus's nature).
- Mr. President (Coco Jumbo) : Mr. President can be thought of as replacing part of its user (a turtle) - namely, the topmost plate of its shell. Mr. President is in fact an extradimensional space that can comfortably contain 5-7 people, and is equipped with furniture, reading material, and even a refrigerator and television (which somehow receive power and broadcasts). Also, spirits that are within Mr. President cannot be forcibly removed so long as Coco Jumbo lives. In order to enter or exit Mr. President, a gem-like key must be placed in the opening in Coco Jumbo's shell.
- Beach Boy (Pesci) : This Stand takes the form of a fishing rod with a skull-shaped reel. The line can phase through any non-living thing, and sense living things in the immediate vicinity. The lure can also be affixed to a single place to await a victim. When a victim touches that area, Beach Boy will hook them, and begin burrowing into their body, usually aiming for the heart (Beach Boy is sensitive enough that Pesci can tell precisely where in the body the hook is). Any attack on the line is simply reflected back to the attacker.
- The Grateful Dead (Prosciutto) : A massive humanoid Stand with no legs. Instead, it trails wires from its "waist", and its entire surface is covered with evil eyes. The eyes exude a vapor that rapidly accelerates living beings' aging. However, the aging is staved off by cold, meaning that women (who have a somewhat lower body temperature on average than men) age less rapidly, and that one can completely avoid the effect by holding ice. The aging process accelerates even further if The Grateful Dead actually makes physical contact with a victim. Prosciutto can choose whether he is affected; if so, his touch has the same effect as The Grateful Dead, and will reverse his own aging.
- Baby Face (Melone) : Baby Face is bound to Melone's laptop computer — it manifests as a slightly puffy, nearly featureless humanoid with the computer attached to its back. Melone can analyze a woman's history and nature to check for compatibility with a target, as long as he has a sample of the target's blood (in the case of his attack on Giorno's group, he sought a woman for whom attempts at romance with Buccellati would be an unmitigated disaster). Once a suitable woman is found, he instills some of the blood on her nape and uses Baby Face's power to create a homonculus. The homonculus is not bound by distance, can act independently (and sometimes may disobey Melone's orders, depending on the kind of personality it received from the blood and the "mother"), and can reshape people or objects by dissociating them into tiny cubes, then reassembling them into a new form. This is not fatal unless the homonculus binds the cubes into itself (usually involving the homonculus dissociating the "mother" into its sustenance).
- White Album (Ghiaccio) : In its most basic form, it appears as a simple sheath of ice on Ghiaccio's body, but can "upgrade" into a suit of armor with ice skates on its feet. White Album can lower the surrounding area's temperature to almost absolute zero, although Ghiaccio probably doesn't have to go so far in most cases — it's enough to just freeze and imprison his foes. Also, White Album is impenetrable; attacks (e.g. bullets) just bounce off. The only weak point is a tiny air vent at the back of White Album's neck. No matter how cold White Album makes the surrounding area, the interior is always comfortably warm (and, therefore, so is Ghiaccio).
- King Crimson (Diavolo / Vinegar Doppio) : A light red humanoid whose face appears to have a smaller copy of itself in its forehead, perhaps to mirror Diavolo's psyche. King Crimson has the power to negate processes, leaving only their consequences. Activating this power causes a "time skip", where everything except itself and Diavolo is suddenly changed to be in the state they would have been a short time later (usually 3–10 seconds later). Time still flows normally for Diavolo, who can interact with the time-skipped objects for the amount of time that would have normally intervened (to Diavolo this appears in the form of the would-have-been intervening objects' states being superimposed on each other, in a fashion akin to Nude Descending a Staircase). The nature of the time skip is such that, for example, a bullet that would have hit Diavolo will suddenly be shifted to be on his other side. Essentially, King Crimson establishes two intangible points on the timeline, then proceeds to erase what occurred between those two points, giving others the feeling that time has suddenly skipped forward without their knowledge; the people act "normally" (similar to fate), but "have no memory" of what occurred during the erased portion of time, since it doesn't even exist. Diavolo himself is able to predict what will happen during the timeskip and use this advantage to dodge bullets or attacks. One of the key weaknesses of King Crimson, as shown in his fight with Blono Buccellati, is that King Crimson is susceptible to past events, such as prepared traps and the like; King Crimson cannot erase the past or present, only the immediate future. Diavolo can give part of his Stand power to his alternate personality, Doppio, enabling him to see several seconds into the future.
- Clash (Squalo) : Appropriately for the user's name (Italian for "shark"), Clash's form is a metal-plated shark with three eyes. Clash can teleport between any kinds of fluid bodies sufficiently close to each other and still fit, even if the fluid body is no bigger than a wine goblet (the largest it's been known to get is that of a real-life shark). If large enough, Clash can attack and grab someone, drag them into the fluid, and take them on its teleporting trips, even to the wine goblet-sized liquids.
- Talking Head (Tizziano) : Talking Head resembles a small mask with four tendrils, whose entire underside is studded with octopus-style suckers. To take effect, Talking Head must latch onto the victim's tongue. While Talking Head is attached, the victim is rendered incapable of telling the truth, whether speaking, writing, or gesticulating. The drawback is that if the victim realizes this, he can will himself to (try to) speak about something, in a situation where Tizziano would expect him to speak of something else entirely, thus rendering him and Squalo off-guard (i.e. the "lie" isn't about what Squalo and Tizziano think it is).
- Notorious B.I.G. (Carne) : At first, it appears to be a humanoid with striped armor and a comma-shaped flare on the right side of its head. This is really its dormant state, however, and is truly activated when the user is killed. Empowered by the user's contempt and indignation over the death, Notorious B.I.G. can possess and manipulate most matter (e.g. possessing Giorno's arm to write out "warnings" of its approach). At first, it will be an amorphous blob of dead matter, but will later develop the helmet and hand armor of the dormant phase. Since the user is dead, Notorious B.I.G. cannot die either, not so long as it has matter to possess — in fact, it can continue accruing solid matter as long as it wants. However, since it has no user, it reacts entirely by instinct, lashing out at any sudden movement (whether the movement belongs to a target or not). Since Secco and Cioccolatta knew about how Notorious B.I.G. acted, it is possible that Carne was not the original user, and B.I.G. can adopt a new user under specific circumstances.
- Spice Girl (Trish Una) : Spice Girl is a female-form humanoid whose body and garb are decorated with arithmetic signs. Its touch can render an object infinitely elastic — no matter how hard it is hit, the object will simply bend, not break. With repeated strikes, Spice Girl can also cleanly break an object in two. Once an object becomes elasticized, Trish can at will make the object regain normal hardness instantly.
- Metallica (Risotto Nero) : Metallica appears in the form of hundreds of tiny bodies, each resembling a small metal strip with vestigial arms, one or two scars, and featureless faces. Metallica is normally bound to Nero's blood, from which it can project magnetic auras. These auras allow Nero to reshape blood into any form by manipulation of the iron in hemoglobin. More specifically, he can manifest such sharp and deadly objects as razor blades, nails, and scissors directly inside his foe (apparently from memory, since the razor blades come with brand label etchings), and manipulate his own blood to create iron stitchings for any wounds he receives. One of Metallica's most dangerous qualities is that even if its target isn't killed by being slashed and pierced by the created objects, the immense iron deficit created in the victim's blood will probably be fatal in and of itself.
- Green Day (Cioccolata) : Green Day is a dark green humanoid that exudes spores from its head and hands. Once the spores latch onto a living thing, they will germinate if they ever experience lower altitude (e.g. if an infected arm is lowered), in a manner that is the reverse of certain insect-infecting fungi (which compel the host to fly as high as possible). Once this happens, they turn into a flesh-devouring mold that seems to be almost as rapid as Purple Haze's virus. Although Green Day must stay near Cioccolatta, the spores can be scattered over an area about the size of a village and still be able to kill. Cioccolatta can use the spores on himself in such a way that he is not eaten, but rather so that the spores can block off cut areas' blood flow and prevent death from blood loss. It is this combined with Cioccolata's own knowledge of where to cut people without hitting anything vital that allows him to divide up his body into at least four pieces (torso with head and one arm, waist with one leg, and the remaining arm and leg), retain control over them, and later reconnect everything with no side effects.
- Oasis (Secco) : Oasis resembles a crudely-stitched leather bodysuit that Secco always wears. It allows Secco to turn any stone that he touches into mud (given enough time, he can turn living beings to mud as well). Once the mud is no longer touching him or Oasis, it instantly reverts back to stone. His usual routine is to swim through stone with Oasis's help, and pull down targets who have been infected with Green Day's spores (thus ensuring their germination). Alone, he likes to fill his mouth with mud created by Oasis, then spit it out, at which point the mud globules immediately become deadly rock projectiles. Oasis also seems to grant Secco superhuman accuracy, much like Star Platinum and The World.
- Requiem (Jean Pierre Polnareff) : While this would normally just have been an upgrade of Chariot, Polnareff's body was killed, leaving Requiem without a user, wild and uncontrollable. The Requiem effect turned Chariot's form into that of a black-garbed swordsman. Because of its connection to the Arrow, Chariot shares some of its latent spirit-controlling abilities. It can force other living beings to fall asleep, during which time their souls (and Stands) will transpose with whomever is nearest. In addition, as a distillate of the Arrow's potential-drawing power, Requiem's existence accelerates evolution — Stands become stronger, and living creatures begin to transform into new entities. Requiem itself is a congealing of the shadow of all souls. Therefore, to attack it (or, for that matter, to try to take the Arrow, whose protection is its main purpose), is to attack one's own self. This manifests in the form of the attacker's Stand briefly turning upon its user. If Requiem is destroyed, then all transposed souls will return to their former bodies (or die and go on to the afterlife if the original body is dead), and all induced mutations will reverse.
- Rolling Stones (Scolippi): Rolling Stones initially takes the form of a smooth sphere of rock with a symbol, resembling a topless box with an X inside. This symbol, 凶 in Chinese character, has a meaning of "unfortunate". It can sense that someone is due to die soon, at which point it will begin following them around and gradually change form to their posture at the moment of death. If that person touches Rolling Stones, it will tell them of the upcoming manner of their death. If the person accepts that they will not live for much longer, then Rolling Stones will tell them a way to achieve a painless death, in lieu of the one it foresaw. Others who become aware of Rolling Stones' existence, on the other hand, will not die as long as its latest detected one lives. It will also crumble away from these other people and reform somewhere closer to the detected one.
- Stone Free (Jolyne Kujo) : Stone Free initially manifests itself in form of wires coming out of the tip of Jolyne's finger. The wires can be controlled freely and also be used to listen to faraway conversations. If this string is cut, Jolyne suffers intense pain. She can completely unravel her entire body into a string and quickly reassemble herself. She can also "cut" her string form and make it independent from her body. Later on, the wires turn into a human-shaped, goggled Stand, which Jolyne calls Stone Free. As she discovers her powers, Jolyne learns to turn her own body into wires and reassemble herself. Her Stand isn't very strong compared to others, but it's very fast and versatile. Like Star Platinum, Stone Free also cries, "Ora, Ora!" while pummeling with her fists.
- Goo Goo Dolls (Guess) : Guess' Stand appears as a little, needle-studded humanoid which can decrease the size of the person it is in contact with. Guess's usual tactic is to first shrink down a person then use a skinned corpse from a small animal, such as rats and parrots, for the person to wear. She does this because she thinks it's cute and she likes to have command over someone weaker than her. The effect of the Stand gradually decreases as the person gets farther away from Guess, and she cannot affect herself with it. Goo Goo Dolls itself hides within the skins worn by its victims. If a victim tries to disobey Guess, Goo Goo Dolls will immediately attempt to kill him/her.
- Manhattan Transfer (Jongalli A) : Manhattan Transfer resembles a satellite made from cloth, with two keys hanging from it. It is apparently very slow and weak, but is excellent in terms of range, even though it can only move along a straight line from Jongalli (i.e. the trajectory his bullets would take). Since Jongalli A is blind, this Stand is a great help to him, giving him information on the target's location and other properties of said target, such as height. In addition, when one of Jongalli's bullets reaches Manhattan Transfer, it can make the bullet instantly change its vector. Because of Manhattan Transfer's very long range, Jongalli A is able to use this Stand from a window in the men's prison to attack Jolyne.
- White Snake (Enrico Pucci) : White Snake takes the form of a long-limbed, white humanoid with the letters C, T, G, and ∆[sic] covering its skin, and some leather garb and helmet. It can steal and give Stands, senses, and memories as CD-like discs to people. In lieu of extracting memories from someone, it can create memory discs from nothing that impart specific instructions to others that they will follow, even if they could not otherwise do such (e.g. instructing a poison dart frog to burst asunder after flying a given distance). It can also produce a mist that slowly digests objects like stomach acid, and impersonate other people for a limited time. The discs created by White Snake are physical objects, so they can be carried by anyone and continue to exist in spite of White Snake's later upgrades. White Snake is also quite strong and seems to have longer range than most remote controlled Stands. White Snake also seems to have a personality of its own as it is often seen questioning its owner's actions, although it always carries out the orders in the end.
- Kiss (Hermes Costello) : A humanoid-like Stand covered in stickers depicting a woman's lips, and with hair like thick pins. It releases stickers that will duplicate an item perfectly for as long as the sticker is on it. When the sticker is no longer attached, the original item and the duplicate will smash together, merging back into a single object but suffering damage in the process. Objects that are able to duplicate also include body parts and people. Hermes receives this Stand after she is cut by Jolyne's amulet after recovering it.
- Highway To Hell (Xander McQueen) : Highway To Hell does not have a definite shape, but appears as sort of growth on the victim's body, depending on where Xander McQueen is hurt; the growths will have tiny propellors on them, apparently the actual form of Highway to Hell. This Stand is able to give the victim pain that McQueen is feeling, and attempt to kill him/her in the same way he is trying to kill himself (similar to Steely Dan's 'The Lovers'); for example, when he tried to hang himself, Hermes Costello — the person McQueen wanted to take with him to death — began feeling the same pressure on her neck as McQueen was inflicting on himself. As McQueen is extremely depressed and suicidal, and determined to wound the world as much as he can in his death, Enrico Pucci considers him a dangerous person, since he will always go to great lengths to give himself pain that will be reflected on their enemies.
- Burning Down the House (Emporio Alnino) : Burning Down the House has no form of its own, but allows Emporio to manifest the "spirits" of objects, recreating objects that have been destroyed. While it can be used to manifest a variety of object spirits, the nature in which certain objects can be interacted with varies. For example, Emporio could manifest the spirit of a glass of orange juice and pick the glass up, but even though he could taste it, the juice passed through the bottom of his mouth when trying to drink it. He also once manifested the spirit of a garbage can to hide in, and when it was safe, he folded the can up as if it was paper. While Burning Down the House is mainly used to manifest the spirits of singular objects, it can also be used on a much larger scale, allowing Emporio access to spirits of entire rooms that have long since been destroyed. It also seems to allow Emporio to make himself a spirit, as he once made himself visible to Jolyne and not to Jotaro. The entry/exit rifts also allow Emporio a kind of limited teleportation.
- Foo Fighters (F.F) : Allows plankton to exist in a humanoid form. Interestingly, the plankton adopt the same name as the Stand. Technically, Foo Fighters has two forms: one where she is in a body and one where she is not. While not in a body, Foo Fighters has the ability to travel across bodies of water at super speed, spreading her plankton to faraway areas to manipulate whatever she chooses. In a body, she retains this ability by forming a pistol on her forefinger, shooting parts of herself at her enemies. The downside is that she has to be constantly hydrated and can't fight for extended periods of time. Alternatively, F.F. can heal people by using her plankton to microscopically sew wounds quickly together. Some of the most fatal wounds can be healed in a matter of seconds.
- Marilyn Manson (Mirashon) : A Stand with a visored mask and strange, tong-like hands. When Mirashon makes an offer for a bet, Marilyn Manson comes into effect the moment the rules are settled and the bet begins. If the other party loses or breaks the rules set down, the sense of loss or breach causes Marilyn Manson to manifest, with the amount of money wagered displayed on its visor, and forcefully gathers the money from the person who lost, the amount of money it displays decreasing in synch with the amount of money it collects. However, it will also take anything that can be sold for money, from taking jewelry and gold teeth to going as far as tearing out a person's organs to be sold to the Black Market. However, the Stand also displays a degree of consciousness, and can be reasoned with to trade objects it collected with others, and it can even be persuaded to make another bet. While it is in the process of collecting the debt, any attacks made against it harmlessly pass through it. Once it has the proper amount of money wagered (or enough objects that can match its monetary value), it will cease its attack. It senses all breaches on both sides of the bet; thus, Mirashon tries to keep her distance, so Marilyn Manson will sense the enemy's sense of breach more readily than any Mirashon feels from her own cheating.
- Weather Report (Wes Bluemarines) : A versatile Stand which can control weather that normally assumes a humanoid shape made out of clouds. It can quickly change the cloud's composition to stop or distort enemies' attacks, rivaling Star Platinum's speed in bullet catching. As when it protected Jolyne against Pucci, Weather Report can use unlikely elements of weather, raining poisonous frogs in this case. Similar to White Album, it can freeze liquids instantly. When Wes recovers his memories, Weather Report regains several abilities it had forgotten. In addition to the above, it could now alter the atmosphere and hence the projection of light, creating various rainbows to fill an area. If a living creature were to touch and see the projected light, their bodies would morph into a snail due to subliminal messages in the light, rendering them weak to salt and practically immobile. It can also cause snails to spontaneously materialize in various places where the rainbows are, and in all cases, the snails can cause people they touch to suffer the same effect, apparently by reinforcing the subliminal messages. Only the blind are immune to the effect, since they cannot receive the refracted light. Because it is a large, static-charged cloud, Weather Report can electrocute anyone who touches it. Lastly, it can fill a room with pure oxygen, paralyzing an opponent indefinitely.
- Jumpin' Jack Flash (Lang Wrangler) : Jumpin' Jack Flash appears as a humanoid with a vaguely skull-like hood and cannon cylinders on its wrists. Its attack begins when it spits on a foe. That foe is afflicted with a state of zero gravity, and anything the victim touches will also be in a zero-gravity state as long as it's within about twenty meters of him/her. Unless that thing is unable to move (like a wall or anything bolted down), it will begin to drift around aimlessly, and people inside become disoriented by the change in environment. Lang himself is not immune to the fields effects, and wears a suit with suction cups on his fingers and toes to keep himself rooted. However, the biggest threat of this is that air is also affected by contact with the victim. No longer held close to the ground by the Earth's gravity, it drifts away, lessening air pressure and content around the victim, to the point that a near-vacuum results. For example, blood was being sucked out of Jolyne and Weather Report's bodies before Weather Report formed spacesuits out of clouds to protect them, and one of Lang's eyes was almost sucked out when he was pulled into the field. Additionally, Jumpin' Jack Flash can translate its cannons to Lang's own wrists, and when loaded with small objects (like nuts and bolts), the spheres rotate with extreme centrifugal force and rapidly fire the objects like bullets. The force imparted to the projectiles lets them remain accurate even when in the zero-gravity field.
- Limp Bizkit (Sports Max) : Limp Bizkit binds itself to and raises the spirits of corpses who are near the user; even the user can be restored this way. Only the spirit is raised; the body remains dead. The spirits are completely invisible, but this can be overcome if the proper measures are taken, such as setting up traps to reveal their locations or coating them with something like ink to show their forms. Nonetheless, Limp Bizkit's power lets the persisting souls perform physical actions, and cause physical harm. The spirits are also capable of moving in ways their original bodies wouldn't have been able to, such as walking on walls and ceilings. The power doesn't extend to controlling the spirits' actions, beyond increasing their aggression. When the spirits are attacked, their corpses take damage in their stead, and the spirits fade once the corpse suffers enough damage. It is possible that the Stand truly begins to act when the user dies (as Notorious B.I.G in the fifth part). Sports Max's hobby, taxidermy, enhanced the efficacy of his Stand by allowing him to raise the spirits of the stuffed animals. While it is unknown if there is a limit to the number of spirits Sports Max can raise, he was able to raise all of the spirits of the prison cemetery. Given the nature of the abilities and weaknesses of the risen spirits, it seems likely that Limp Bizkit binds those spirits to the air, and gives that air a solid quality.
- Diver Down (Narciso Anasui) : A humanoid Stand encased in tube-festooned armor. As its name implies, Diver Down is able to "dive" into objects by phasing itself into them. Once inside the object, it is capable of manipulating the object to Anasui's liking. Such examples include rearranging the muscles and bones in Kenzo's legs to turn them into springs, and making Yoyoma act like a frog by wiring a frogs brain to its own. Diver Down is also capable of lying dormant inside of an object, and can spring into action once the object has been disturbed. By "diving" inside other people, it can communicate with them mentally, can lends its limbs to other people by phasing itself inside them, and can also take damage in their stead. It is never clearly stated how or when Anasui received Diver Down, but it is assumed that he had his Stand before his prison sentence.
- Survivor (Guccio) : Survivor appears as a flat, squid-like creature that can attach itself to other people through weak electric conduction. When it does this, it can manipulate a person's emotions, making them go berserk. The victim will take out their rage on anything in the vicinity and has no regard for its own well-being any more. In addition, it lets the host know where his or her foe's vital points are, and which portions of their bodies can no longer be used to fight. It has almost zero strength and speed of its own, but it can duplicate itself as many times as Guccio wants and manipulate more people at the same time.
- Planet Waves (Viviano Westwood) : A humanoid Stand that appears to have no skin; its outermost layer appears as musculature. It can attract to itself the tiny meteorites that fall to Earth daily, at least those that reach the atmosphere directly above it, and let them travel without first burning away in the upper atmosphere. The meteorites are so fast that opponents have almost no time to see them coming and are just harmed without understanding what struck them. The weakness of Planet Waves is that it can't move far away from Viviano, and the meteorites head directly for it. Therefore, Viviano has to put his target between him and the oncoming meteorites in some way. The meteorites can never hurt Viviano; if one of them comes close enough to him, the power of Planet Waves will simply disintegrate them instantly, before they can do any harm.
- Dragon's Dream (Kenzo) : Dragon's Dream looks like a dragon attached to a compass encased in a bubble. The compass uses Feng Shui principles to point towards the direction of both lucky and unlucky areas. He is capable of taking advantage of this by staying in lucky areas to avoid attacks, and attacking from another person's unlucky areas to inflict the most damage possible. When going for a killing blow, people are capable of placing their limbs in Dragon's Dream's bubble, causing the limb to detach from the person, jettison at the opponent to deliver the blow, then return to the attacker with no harm done. Despite all this, Dragon's Dream is neutral and has a will of its own, and anybody is capable of taking advantage of where the lucky/unlucky areas are. Dragon's Dream is also known to explain exactly how its powers work, as he thinks that both opponents should have equal odds and doesn't think it's fair that Kenzo tries to keeps the mechanics of its power secret. Unlike most of Pucci's other conscripts, Kenzo uses his own Stand, not one imbued by White Snake's discs.
- Yoyoma (D & G) : A rotund Stand with scales and a spike jutting out of the top of its head. Yoyoma is an automatic Stand, and is programmed to force itself into serving its enemies as D & G designates, doing polite and generous things seemingly on impulse, and even acting in a masochistic manner. However, it attacks when nobody is watching it. Once nobody is watching it, it begins to salivate an extremely potent acid that is capable of painlessly eating through human beings. The acid can also be mixed with other things to attack in very stealthy ways, such as mixing it with churning water or injecting it inside a mosquito. The most threatening aspect of Yoyoma is that since it only attacks when nobody is watching it, it is very difficult for others to guess how it attacks until it is too late. Furthermore, Yoyoma is indestructible; only if D & G himself dies will Yoyoma be slain.
- The green baby's Stand (the Dio homonculus) : The homonculus's Stand appears as a bizarre-looking masked creature with jet turbines growing from the sides of its head and an eye in its mouth. As people halve the distance between them and the homonculus, they are shrunk down to half of their normal size. As such, the homonculus always looks like it is the same distance away while their surroundings get larger. Since their size has been halved, the amount of time it takes for them to reach the baby is doubled. Once they halve the new distance, their size is once again cut in half, repeating the cycle and making it utterly impossible to reach the baby. Once they are small enough, the Stand (whose size is unaffected) attempts to kill them. The only way to revert to normal size is to allow the baby to get far enough away, or the homonculus can willingly deactivate its power if it wants to investigate something it is curious about.
- Jail House Lock (Miumiu) : A humanoid Stand apparently wearing inverted coveralls (the stitching is visible), with a head consisting of a brain and blank, round eyes. Jail House Lock binds itself to other surfaces like walls and prison bars, and those that touch these surfaces succumb to its attack. It alters the victim's short term memory, where they can only remember three new facts, the fourth replacing the first. This renders its victims completely unable to lead a normal life, often having to write down important facts so as not to forget (however, they are prone to forgetting they wrote anything down). This does not seem to affect any knowledge the victim may have had before the attack. Miumiu takes pleasure in humiliating those under the effects of her Stand, and is quick to impose four facts about herself on someone to avoid being attacked. She also uses it effectively when attacking, often firing four shots from a gun so that even if they block the last three bullets, they forget about the first bullet upon the fourth shot and are extremely likely to get hit by it. Apparently the only way to disable Jail House Lock's effects is if Miumiu wills it to stop.
- Bohemian Rhapsody (Ungaro) : Bohemian Rhapsody binds itself to drawn and animated characters, be they from paintings or from cartoons, causing them to separate from the surface they were drawn on and come to life. Should a person come into contact with a character from a story that they like, their soul will be separated from their bodies and be transformed into one of the characters. All drawings of that character are siphoned away from the rest of the world, since the victim now manifests the total energy that went into the character's creation. Once transformed, they are forced into a reenactment of the story, and are forced into fulfilling the role their designated character serves in the story, which is lethal if the character dies. While the victims of Bohemian Rhapsody can try to resist, the story will ultimately be carried out and they will meet their characters' fates. Every attempt to stop the finishing of the story will cause rifts resembling book pages to form (possibly Bohemian Rhapsody's actual form), with the would-have-been obstructed characters emerging. The most threatening aspect of Bohemian Rhapsody is that like The World and Requiem, its range is infinite, and its effect takes place over the entire world.
- Sky High (Rykiel) : Sky High appears as a rhinoceros beetle perched on Rykiel's right hand, with a second face on the horn. Sky High's ability is to manipulate rods, cylindrical creatures descended from anomalocarids that feed on heat. Rykiel's usual tactic is to make the rods suck the heat out various parts of the body, rendering organs more succeptible to disease and making a variety of effects possible (e.g., the kidneys to make others urinate blood, the hypothalamus to distort visual perception, etc.). Once the opponent is inevitably paralyzed by the number of ailments afflicting them simultaneously, he has the rods target the neck of the opponent. Since the neck is the closest to the brain, the heat that the rods suck out will cause the brain to cool down and stop functioning, killing them. The rods also fly at speeds of over 200 km/h and appear in large swarms, making it almost impossible to take them all out.
- Underworld (Donatello Versace) : Underworld is an armored humanoid, with various emblems on its armor, and its eyes replaced with cables that connect to its neck and back. It is able to literally excavate memories of events and people from the earth; everything including car crashes, shootings, plane crashes that hit the ground, NFL football games, minerals, and individuals can be excavated. Its range is also quite extensive, able to excavate any memories over an area as large as the city of Orlando, Florida. Memories of individuals can be interrogated for information, and there is a method of stealing objects off of one's person by stealing the memory's possessions. These memories are also composed of the earth and can be seen by non-Stand users. Similar to Bohemian Rhapsody, if an individual becomes caught in an event, they will experience what occurred in the memory (i.e. caught in an impending plane crash, you die). Once caught, one must find a loophole in the memory to escape death, such as a certain area where nobody dies or is injured. Memories of people who don't die in the original event will not die no matter what during the replayed event, and can be used as a type of cover. This method of loopholes can only be utilized effectively if the victim has thorough knowledge of the event. Replayed events can also indirectly attack victims without catching them in an event, such as a stray bullet or speeding car. However, in the power of Underworld also lies its weakness: it is unable to replay a memory unless it is able to literally dig one from the ground.
- C-Moon (Enrico Pucci) : A Stand with the ability to manipulate gravity within a 3 km radius of Pucci. It distorts gravity in that anything above Pucci "falls" upward, and anything beside Pucci "falls" parallel to the ground, as such it appears that Pucci is always above you. Once something exits the affected radius, they will be under normal gravity again. C-Moon's gravity manipulation is dependent on where Pucci's feet are, so if he were to point his feet upwards, objects previously above him would fall downwards. While C-Moon has very little physical strength, its touch is still extremely lethal: upon striking something, it is able to cause it to collapse on its own center of gravity, resulting in the object imploding and turning inside-out. The only thing that can stand up to this is a Möbius Strip, since it only has one surface and is already turned inside-out. The Stand was created when Pucci fused his original Stand Whitesnake with the homonculus that grew from Dio's bone. As a result, it resembles White Snake, but with arrowhead-like studs on its arms, the homonculus's eyes, and far less ATCG lettering (only on its chest and head).
- Star Platinum: The World (Jotaro Kujo) : Star Platinum: The World is identical in appearance to the original Star Platinum, and retains all of its previous abilities, namely its incredible strength, machine-like accuracy, and its time-stopping powers. However, while the original Star Platinum could only stop time for one or two seconds, Star Platinum: The World is able to stop time for a maximum limit of five seconds. Jotaro first used this Stand during the final battle with Enrico Pucci at Cape Canaveral, so it was presumabely created once his memory disc was returned to him.
- Stairway to Heaven / Made in Heaven (Enrico Pucci) : The ultimate Stand, evolved from C-Moon, that has the ability to control the gravitational forces of the earth, moon and possibly the entire universe. As gravity changes, Made in Heaven is able to gradually speed up the flow of time. However, this time acceleration does not affect plants or animals, leaving them to try and deal with everything speeding up around them. The only one who can take advantage of the accelerated time is Pucci, who gains additional speed proportionate to the acceleration of time. Because of the effects of Made in Heaven's influence, all manner of non-living things are accelerated: for example, cars move faster, watch hands rotate quicker, and even the sun itself rises and sets within a couple of hours. The non-living move with greater speed as time accelerates further, reaching the point where cloth and paper disintegrate in seconds, people decay to the bone moments after dying, and the sun moves so fast it appears as nothing but a ribbon of light in the sky. Inevitably, time accelerates to the point where the celestial bodies themselves are destroyed, leaving all living things floating in the void as the universe accelerates to the point where even God cannot catch up, resulting in the universe hitting its singularity point. At this point, the acceleration of time ends, and begins again at a point of Pucci's choosing. Once the universe hits its singularity point, events will proceed as before, except that the spirits of living things will remember all that happened in the last progression of events, giving them a subconscious precognition; Pucci's hope is that the resultant sense of fate will result in greater happiness and peace of mind for humanity. Also, anyone who died while Made in Heaven was accelerating time is excluded from the reborn world, as their spirits are no longer present. Until time reaches the point where acceleration began, Pucci can stop time for any duration. If Pucci dies before the time of commencement is reached again, then time will essentially snap back to its previous point, except that dead spirits will not be excluded, save for Pucci himself; time and causality will adjust to his absence. The Stand resembles a man's upper body attached to the back of a horse's forward body, with many clocks attached to its body and a helmet covering half of its face.
- Scan/Steel Ball (Gyro Zeppeli) : Gyro's Stand appears as a set of steel balls which he always carries around. The ability of these is connected to the spin they make. By spinning them Gyro can carve into rocks as well as using the spin to harden or numb the muscles of living things. The steel balls are a very verastile power (Gyro uses the spin to conure up sandstorms or harden his muscles to protect himself from bullets). The steel balls have a throwing range of 20 to 30 meters. It's also said that his power got stronger after passing through the "Devils Palm". After getting one of the eyes of the saints' corpse an eye appears on both of Gyro's steel balls. Gyro can see and view through these eyes akin to a surveillance camera. Also, by using the vibrations of the steel balls Gyro can see through people and objects similar to x-ray vision.
- Tusk (Johnny Joestar) : Johnny can spin the nails on his hand and feet, and can cut with them as well as shoot them like bullets. The nails always grow back no matter how many are shot. The range of the nails are about 10 meters. He can also move around and perform various feats using the friction caused by the spin. Tusk's appearance evolves as Johnny's proficiency in using it increases. Its first form appears as a small animal with two arms and no legs. Its second form is a mechanical being that has little resemblance to the first. Its third form is mechanical like the second, and is now a full humanoid with a pair of legs. All three forms have stars dotting their bodies, similar to Johnny's clothing.
- In A Silent Way (Sandman/Soundman) : In a Silent Way manifests as a skull-faced humanoid with a half-mask and a wide feathered headdress. The Stand's ability allows Sandman/Soundman to mold sounds towards his victims. When the victim is touched by a certain sound such as cutting, burning, and stabbing, they will get destroyed accordingly. Sandman/Soundman also has mastered how to use his ability effectively by sending the sound through Dio's (Diego Brando) dinosaurs or through water.
- Buckethead (Pocoloco) : Buckethead appears to be some sort of bizarre metal gremlin with a bucket-shaped head. The ability of this Stand gives Pocoloco superhuman luck, turning potentially harmful situations into beneficial ones. The Stand also speaks to him, giving him the advice to take advantage of these events. For example, a branch that knocked Pocoloco off his horse allowed it to pass through a space which Pocoloco would not have been able to squeeze through otherwise. Despite it's amazing luck and useful advice, it is not infallible. During the first stretch of the race, Gyro Zeppelli takes advantage of a headwind that neither Pocoloco nor Buckethead could have accounted for.
- Andre's Stand (Andre Boomboom) : Andre, along with his father and brother, has a long-tongued, multi-legged Stand that allows him to magnetically control iron. Their Stands "curse" iron object with magnetic energy that, once touched, transfers into the opponents body and turns them into powerful magnets. Iron objects become attracted to them and burrow into their flesh, and even the iron in their blood lumps together and does damage. If multiple people inflicted with the magnetic curse are close to each other, they fly together and are torn apart by the magnetic force. Andre's Stand is unique from his family's Stands in that, in conjunction with poison removal techniques, it accelerates the time in which the body takes to cleanse itself of poison.
- L.A.'s Stand (L.A. Boomboom) : L.A., along with his father and brother, has a long-tongued, multi-legged Stand that allows him to magnetically control iron. Their Stands "curse" iron object with magnetic energy that, once touched, transfers into the opponents body and turns them into powerful magnets. Iron objects become attracted to them and burrow into their flesh, and even the iron in their blood lumps together and does damage. If multiple people inflicted with the magnetic curse are close to each other, they fly together and are torn apart by the magnetic force. L.A.'s Stand is unique from his family's Stands in that his magnetic control is seemingly more refined, as he is even able to control the tiny iron traces in grains of sand, and can even pull the blood right out of an opponents body.
- Benjamin's Stand (Benjamin Boomboom) : Benjamin, along with his sons, has a long-tongued, multi-legged Stand that allows him to magnetically control iron. Their Stands "curse" iron object with magnetic energy that, once touched, transfers into the opponents body and turns them into powerful magnets. Iron objects become attracted to them and burrow into their flesh, and even the iron in their blood lumps together and does damage. If multiple people inflicted with the magnetic curse are close to each other, they fly together and are torn apart by the magnetic force. Benjamin's Stand is unique from his family's Stands in that it allows him to reshape iron objects into other forms, and he can shred iron projectiles directed at him in mid-flight. The most notable power of his Stand is his ability to merge iron into his skin and use it to alter his appearance, allowing him to look like anybody he wants.
- Oh! Lonesome Me (Mountain Tim) : Mountain Tim discovered after passing through the "Devil's Palm" that he could transport his body parts along a rope, similar to water beads moving along a string. He easily retains full control of his body in this state, no matter how thoroughly segmented the body is. The length of his movement is only limited by the length of the rope used.
- Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds (Oyecomova) : Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds appears as a ghostly, crow-headed humanoid with sand dollar-like ears and a tattered cape. It allows Oyecomova to plant tiny 'pins' on whatever he touches. The pins act like tiny, albeit powerful landmines, and have a small watch face built into them. Once disturbed, the clock will begin to count down, and will explode once it reaches zero. However, they can be temporarily disarmed by replacing the pin in its original position. Oyecomova uses this Stand to great effect, as he is able to plant hundreds of pins into a river, a wasp nest (including the wasps living inside of it), and even the smoke from a cigarette.
- Wired (Pork Pie Hat Kid) : Pork Pie Hat's Stand looks like a winch which can wind up its twin hooked wires with tremendous power, attached to Pork Pie Hat's mouth. He seems to be able to at least lift about one horse. Through a plate with water Pork Pie Hat can lower his hooks through a dimensional rift to catch his prey. If he uses a "bait" such as a feather, an insect, or even another human, he can hook up his prey from the bait itself. Wired acts somewhat similar to Pesci's Beach Boy.
- Scary Monster (Diego Brando) : At first, Diego was a victim of Dr. Ferdinand's Stand, Scary Monsters, which forcibly transformed him into a utahraptor. However, once Diego received one of the Saint's eyes, and Dr. Ferdinand died, he retained the power as his own Stand, bound to his own body. He is able to transform into a bipedal dinosaur which bears his name as the patterns on its tail, and has increased speed and ability. Later on, he is able to use Scary Monster to instead shift into a humanoid dinosaur while retaining his usual consciousness. In addition he has retained the ability to turn other creatures into dinosaurs (as of yet he hasnt used the transformation on humans). Unlike actual raptor-style theropods, Diego's utahraptor form has no feathers.
- Scary Monsters (Dr. Ferdinand) : Ferdinand's Stand allows him to turn other people into dinosaurs. The ability is not limited to only humans as we see wild animals such as cougars turned into dinosaurs. Ferdinand can't transform himself, however the dinosaurs listen to Ferdinand's orders and they are often used to do different tasks for him. The dinosaurs can also turn more people into dinosaurs by wounding them with their claws.
- Cream Starter (Hot Pants) : The Stand manifest itself as a spray can that Hot Pants is always holding. Hot Pants can absorb any opponent's flesh with the can. Once the flesh has been absorbed it turns into a foam that Hot Pants can spray onto the victim. Hot Pants can also heal injured flesh by spraying a new coat of "meat foam" on the injured flesh.
- Mandom (Ringo Roadagain) : The Stand manifests itself as a featureless webbed oval with various tubes sticking out of it. With his Stand Ringo can turn back time six seconds by use of his wristwatch. Once time is turned back everyone will be doing the same thing they were doing 6 seconds ago, however they can still remember what will happen in the next six seconds. The Stand can only turn back time in the current minute. Once a minute has passed by Ringo will have to wait for at least six seconds to pass by in the current minute in order for him to turn back time again.
- Catch the Rainbow (Blackmore) : The Stand manifests itself as skull-like mask that has a rainbow pattern adorned across it. With his Stand Blackmore can freeze raindrops in space and walk and jump on the raindrops using them as platforms. Blackmore can also use the raindrops as bullets and create weapons such as razors, blades or even protective shields. Finally, Blackmore can patch up critical wounds by using the raindrops. However once the rain stops everything Blackmore created with the raindrops will disappear and he can't use his Stand at all when it's not raining.
- Tattoo You! (The Eleven Men) : This Stand is shared by 11 men. All of the 11 people have a drawing of a porcelain doll's face on backs of their necks and a swirling humanoid silhouette on their backs, and what seems like writing written on their hair. The users can go inside their comrades' bodies and merge with them by going through the drawing on their backs. The Stand can be used even after one or more of the users have died and the ones alive can still go inside their comrades' dead bodies and move the corpses around.
- Tubular Bells (Mike O.) : Tubular Bells is bound to Mike O.'s breath. He can blow Tubular Bells into pieces of metal and inflate them like balloons. After that, Mike O. usually makes a balloon animal out of the inflated metal which then comes to life. The animals will have properties of the actual animal they emulate (e.g. a dog's sense of smell and tracking, a swan's power of flight). To attack, the animal reverts back to its original form. While in balloon form, the animals have the elasticity of rubber, allowing them to slip through crevices, and even into wounds; this latter property allows them to cause severe internal damage when reverting. However, if Mike O. is somehow prevented from exhaling Tubular Bells, it will backfire and cause parts of his flesh to inflate instead.
- Wrecking Ball (Wekapipo) : Wrecking Ball is not a Stand, despite having the power of one. It works because of Wekapipo's own steel balls, which are significantly different to those of the Zeppeli family in terms of technique and abilities. Embedded in their surface are fourteen smaller steel balls called 'satellites', which themselves come loose and fire themselves at a target. Being hit by the satellites will do damage, but their real threat is that they give their targets 'left-half ataxia'. This completely disables a targets ability to see, hear, or feel anything to the left side of them, giving them the feeling that everything to their left has disappeared. The effect is similar to split-brain. The effect only lasts for a few seconds, and it can be countered by turning their right side to see what was on their left.
- 20th Century Boy (Magenta Magenta) : Magenta wears this Stand on his back, where it takes the form of strapped vambraces, pauldrons, and a horned helmet. The Stand is activated once Magenta has all his limbs touching the ground. While wearing the Stand Magenta cannot move his body at all, however any attack that is made towards Magenta will not harm him in any way. Physical attacks will have their force redirected by the armor towards the ground where the force will dissipate and ranged or projectile attacks will either bounce off or be redirected.
- Civil War (Axl RO) : A gaunt, skeleton-portioned metallic Stand with a padded vest and a mask of vertical slats. Civil War has the ability to call forth anything the victim has lost (be it an object or a person) and feels guilt about, (e.g. throwing away a prized possession) then has them attack the victim. If said objects or people touch the victim, it creates a membrane which surrounds their body and crushes it, but the effects of the killer membrane can be negated with water and the human mind's association of it with purification. Civil War itself can split its body apart into multiple pieces. If Axl is killed, he will revive and his "sins" can be passed upon his killer. If this were to happen, when Axl kills his killer he would inherit the "sins" and the killer would be revived.
- Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (D4C) (Funny Valentine) : Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap allows parallel worlds, as in slightly different versions of the present, to coexist simultaneously, and allows Funny Valentine to interact with these parallel universes. While the exact specifics and limitations of this ability are yet to be revealed this Stand seems extremely powerful, even letting Valentine selectively phase himself or other people through solid matter. D4C can also transfer itself to a parallel Valentine if its current one is about to die. If this happens, the "new" Valentine will be made to have the memories and mentality of the previous Valentine.
- Soft & Wet (Josuke Higashikata) :
- Wonder of U (Toru) :
- Stands were created by Hirohiko Araki and were introduced into the setting of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure universe starting with Stardust Crusaders.
In other media
Video games
- In JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle, the Stands of various characters made an appearance in the fighting video game.
- In JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven, the Stands of various characters made an appearance in the fighting video game. During dialogue sequences, Jotaro Kujo referred to Stands as being Spirit Harmon.
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders:
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable:
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind:
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