Horde (Warcraft)
The Horde was a nation that features in Warcraft.
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The Horde were a nation that consisted of clans of Orcs and formed on their homeworld of Draenor. Their existence was dated back to many years ago when originally they were scattered clans that lived on their own planet. During those years, a shaman named Ner'zhul was contacted by a entity known as Kil'jaeden who came to believe was a spirit but unknown to him was actually a demon of the Burning Legion. The creature offered power to the shaman in exchange for him abandoning the peaceful teachings of the shamans in favour for the infernal path of the warlock. Upon learning the basics of infernal magic, Ner'zhul's fame began to grow and led to others following this new path of magic as it was seen as a quicker along with easier means of manipulating the world. It was years later before Ner'zhul came to realise that he had been tricked and that his kinsmen had been made to wage war against the Draenei that lived on their world. During this time, Ner'zhul aided in the initial efforts in unifying the clans into the Horde but after seeing the path Kil'jaeden had set them on he decided to deny the demon. By this point, Kil'jaeden had attempted to trick the Orcs into drinking demon blood but upon being rejected the furious archdemon looked to finding a new pawn to accomplish his machinations. He found a willing pawn in the form of Gul'dan who was Ner'zhul's strongest apprentice and had none of his masters regard for honor or compassion. Thus, he was not held back by any feelings of guilt or regret but was rather greedy and ambitious to grow more powerful as well as cruel when compared to his former master. As such, Gul'dan became instrumental in turning the newly formed Horde into a force of brutality that Draenor in its entire history had never known. This saw him aiding in deceiving his people into drinking the demonic blood of the Pit Lord Mannoroth the Destructor which tainted the Orcs with a bloodlust that slowly consumed them.
They first invaded the world of Azeroth from their home world of Draenor through the Dark Portal (created by the human wizard Medivh and orcish shaman Ner'zhul). They had periods of internal strife, but generally remained united, allying with goblins, forest trolls, & ogres in their efforts to conquer the entire world. They were eventually shattered by the Alliance of Loraeron.
After their defeat at the hands of the Alliance, the Orcish Horde was put into internment camps. For years they stayed in the camps due to withdrawal from the demons' arcane magics. The new war chief of the horde- Thrall, son of Durotan- received the title after the old war chief- Orgrim Doomhammer- was assassinated by the Alliance and passed the mantle on to Thrall. One of the first things he did as warchief was to gather all the orcish clans willing to come and leave on the advice of an odd stranger (Medivh, who had returned from the dead) and head west across the ocean to the forgotten lands of Kalimdor.
The Orcs (now returned to their shamanistic roots) met the jungle trolls and the Tauren, eventually meeting up with the Alliance and night elves, then coming in contact with the Burning Legion once again. The Alliance, night elf Sentinels and Horde helped to defend Mount Hyjal. After the battle, the Horde and remnants of the alliance of the three left and went to other areas in Kalimdor. In the aftermath, the Horde established their own country in southern Kalimdor with this being known as Durotar. The Horde then looked to keep up the non-aggression pact with the Alliance.
In appearance, the Horde was a government that was originally founded by the Orcs of Draenor. At first, they were a war-like expansionist power driven by the Orcs and consisted of a number of races such as Ogres and Trolls. On Azeroth, the Horde reformed and became a more peaceful power that admitted more races into their ranks.
Leadership of the Horde was held by an Orc who held the title of War Chief.
Disputes with the War Chief were settled by enacting the Mak'gora that was a prearranged duel with deadly weapons between two people following a formal procedure in the presence of witnesses and traditionally fought until one party yields or killed which usually settled a quarrel involving a point of honor.
Later on, a new body called the Horde Council was formed to help curtail the absolute power of the War Chief.
An elite fighting force within the Horde were the Kor'kron who served as the personal bodyguards of the Warchief and enforcers of their command.
It was divided into numerous clans that included:
- Black Tooth Grin clan :
- Blackrock clan :
- Bleeding Hollow clan :
- Bonechewer clan :
- Burning Blade clan :
- Dragonmaw clan :
- Frostwolf clan :
- Laughing Skull clan :
- Mok'Nathal clan :
- Shadowmoon clan :
- Shattered Hand clan :
- Stormreaver clan :
- Thunderlord clan :
- Lightning's Blade clan :
- Twilight's Hammer clan :
- Warsong clan :
- Blackhand :
- Orgrim Doomhammer :
- Gul’dan :
- Ner'zhul :
- Grom Hellscream :
- Cho’gall :
- Kilrogg Deadeye :
- Kargath Bladefist :
- Dentarg :
- Teron Gorefiend :
- The Horde were created by Blizzard Entertainment where they featured in the setting of the Warcraft universe.
Alternate Versions
- Warcraft:
- Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness:
- Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos:
- Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne:
- World of Warcraft: