Ivan Brackman

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Ivan Brackman was a male human character that featured in the Supreme Commander universe.




Ivan Brackman was a Symbiont that was born in the years after the Infinite War and the defeat of the Seraphim. In the years when the Cybran Nation formed the Colonial Defense Coalition alongside the Aeon Illuminate and the United Earth Federation, the Cybran scientist known as Dr. Gustaf Brackman began his new experiments in Proto-Brain technology. His first act was to create a biological son that was a test tube baby that was brought to term in an exowomb. The female donor of the child was not known though some believed that it was from the deceased Elite Commander Ivanna Dostya who had died in the conflict revolving around the Seraphim. Dr. Brackman named the child Ivan Brackman who was the first successful Proto-Cybran Commander that was a fully grown hybrid of not only human features but advanced cyberntics. After his birth, the young Brackman was raised at the Haven node where he was closely supervised by his "father" though there were some fears that Gustaf Brackman's condition of being a disembodied brain might had a disturbing effect on a young child.

Over the years, Ivan was closely monitored and watched before he was eventually allowed to join Cybran society. Once fully accepted, he began to show promise as well as stability at a young age. The success in Ivan later allowed Dr. Brackman to create dozens of other Cybrans with Proto-Brains. These "siblings" of Ivan were involved in working in private research for Dr. Brackman or joined the military. Due to Ivan's great military skills, Dr. Brackman later enrolled his son on the Altair II Coalition Commander School where he graduated at the first in his class and proved to be one of the top students at the academy. Whilst a number of the other students mocked Ivan or kept their distance from him, he managed to make friends in a young UEF commander known as Dominic Maddox. However, during their friendship, he became somewhat jealous of Maddox's close relationship with a promising Illuminate commander called Thalia Kael. Despite this being the case, he never brought the matter up with either of the two. After leaving the academy, Ivan joined his father's personal protection staff. Whilst he has achieved great things at a young age, Dr. Brackman keeps his son on a tight leash.


Personality and attributes

Powers and abilities

Though the 3.11 version of Dr. Brackman's Proto- technology used on Ivan is still in its infancy, he exhibits more creativity and independent thought than other Cybrans.

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