Jango Fett

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Jango Fett is a male film character who features in Star Wars.




Jango Fett was a male human who lived in the galaxy far, far away in the latter years of the Old Republic. He came to be taken in by the Mandalorians where he was inducted as a foundling where he came to be a mercenary and bounty hunter who hired his services to others.

After the Invasion of Naboo, Fett was known to have participated and won a competition arranged by Dooku. As a result, Jango ventured to the moons of Bogden, where he was recruited by the Sith Lord Darth Tyranus—the Sith identity of Count Dooku—to be the genetic template for the clone army created by the cloners of the planet Kamino. Fett agreed and, in addition to his fee of twenty million credits, also requested an unaltered clone for himself, one who was not subjected to the typical growth acceleration and behavioral modifications given to the clone troopers. That boy would become the first clone produced from Jango's genetic material. Fett raised this clone as his son, whom he named Boba Fett, as he remained on Kamino to supervise the flash-training of the clone troopers. The only other known clone who was effectively an unaltered copy of Fett was an enhanced female clone named Omega. The Kaminoans did not question Tyranus' decision for the clone template, given that Fett was known as the best bounty hunter in the galaxy at the time. All of the training programs that his clones went through were designed with input from Fett. Despite providing the genetic template for and overseeing the training of the clones, Fett felt no particular pride in them and viewed them as the Kaminoans' achievement. By tampering with Fett's genetic samples, the Kaminoans ensured that his clones aged twice as fast while possessing less independence than their donor. Aside from these modifications to their genetic structure, the clones were otherwise physically identical to Fett. Jango's armor inspired that of the soldiers cloned from him. The first battalions consisted of two-hundred thousand units; in time Fett's clones numbered in the millions. Notwithstanding Fett's view of his clones as cannon fodder, Taun We and Prime Minister Lama Su considered them magnificent, calling them one of the finest armies ever grown on Kamino.

Fett was later involved in the assassination attempts against Senator Padmé Amidala, who was secretly being targeted by Dooku at the request of Nute Gunray of the Trade Federation. Fett had subcontracted Wesell to carry out these attempts. After Wesell failed to kill Amidala upon the Senator's arrival to Coruscant, Fett provided her with a pair of deadly kouhuns and tasked her to kill Amidala in her sleep. The plan was foiled by two Jedi that had been assigned to protect the Senator, Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Padawan Anakin Skywalker. Wesell fled, but was apprehended by the Jedi after a lengthy pursuit throughout Coruscant. However, before she was able to reveal the identity of her employer to the Jedi, Fett killed her at a substantial distance with a Kamino saberdart. As part of a Jedi investigation into the assassination attempts, Fett was tracked back to Kamino by Kenobi after the Jedi was able to determine the Kaminoan origins of the saberdart used to kill Wesell. There, the two met under civil circumstances at Fett's apartment in Tipoca City. Fett was questioned by Kenobi, who wished to know the details surrounding the creation of the clone army and Fett's knowledge of Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas. After speaking to Boba, the bounty hunter only told Kenobi that he had never heard of anyone named Sifo-Dyas, and that he was recruited by someone called Tyranus. After Kenobi left, Fett told Boba they were leaving. However, on the landing platform where Fett's ship, Slave I, was docked, they were ambushed by Kenobi. The two battled for a short time before Kenobi went over the edge of the landing platform, giving Fett an opportunity to escape. Fett was followed to the planet Geonosis by Kenobi, who had placed a homing beacon on Slave I's hull. Fett led Kenobi on a prolonged chase through Geonosis' asteroid field and eventually locked onto his ship with a missile, believing Kenobi to have perished. Fett later captured Skywalker and Amidala in the droid factory on Geonosis during their attempt to rescue Kenobi, who had been taken prisoner by the Separatists. In the Petranaki Arena, during the scheduled execution of Amidala, Kenobi, and Skywalker, Jedi Master Mace Windu led a Jedi assault team to rescue the three prisoners in what would be the first battle of the Clone Wars. Fett protected Dooku during the skirmish, killing Jedi Master Coleman Trebor before joining the melee in the arena and attacking Windu. Fett tried to take Windu's lightsaber, but was run over by a stampeding reek. The reek charged at Fett a second time, who dispatched it with one shot to the eye. Fett was then rushed by Windu and began firing at the Jedi, who deflected the bounty hunter's shots. Fett attempted to use his jetpack to get away, but the machine had been damaged earlier when the reek trampled him and failed to ignite. Windu destroyed his blaster and then cleaved his armored head from his shoulders with a single sweep of his purple blade, with his headless corpse falling to the ground seconds later. After the battle quieted down, Boba cradled his father's helmet and mourned his death.


Personality and attributes

He wore a Mandalorian helmet that helped conceal his scarred face.

Through his deal with the Kaminoans, he came have a clone of himself made to be his biological son who he named Boba Fett.

Powers and abilities

As a Mandalorian, he wore a sleek armour that protected him from weapons. It included a range of combat gear and an arsenal of weapons for use in combat. These included retractable wrist blades, a snare, dart launcher and a flame thrower.

He was noted being a proficient marksman who wielded a pair of blasters.

Jango also made use of a harnessed jetpack that he could use to manoeuvre and fly across the battlefield. The top of the jetpack had a rocket launcher that he could fire at targets.

For travel, he made use of a starship known as Slave I.


  • Jango Fett was created by George Lucas and was portrayed by actor Temuera Morrison where he featured in the setting of the Star Wars universe.
  • The character was confirmed as being a Mandalorian in The Mandalorian television series.

Alternate Versions

  • In Star Wars Legends, Jango Fett appeared in the setting of the former Star Wars Expanded Universe reality setting. Born to a family of farmers, Fett grew up alongside his older sister Arla on the world of Concord Dawn, an agricultural planet in the Mandalore sector, known for being long associated with the Mandalorians. Fett's father served as a Journeyman Protector, a civilian lawman on Concord Dawn, having taken over the role when the former Protector, Jaster Mereel, was exiled and joined the Mandalorians. At some point during his youth, Fett was inoculated against the Karatos Plague, a disease native to his homeworld. Fett was just a young boy when the Mandalorian Civil War began between the True Mandalorians, led by Mand'alor Jaster Mereel, and a traitorous scion of their ranks, Tor Vizsla—leader of the violent Mandalorian splinter faction, the Death Watch. When the war spilled on to Fett's homeworld, his father granted Jaster Mereel and his men refuge at their homestead. Curious about footprints he found in the field, Fett questioned his father who merely remarked that there were beggars he was feeding and told Fett to get back to his chores. The Death Watch caught up with the True Mandalorians at the homestead and Tor Vizsla captured Fett while he was fixing the family's harvester, using him in an attempt to root Mereel and his men out of hiding. Vizsla savagely beat Fett's father in front of the boy while he demanded the location of the hidden Mandalorians, even going so far as threatening to shoot him in the head right in front of his son. However, Fett's mother intervened, shooting one of the Death Watch in the face with a blaster rifle and in the ensuing chaos, Fett's father ordered his son to run. Fleeing into the nearby crop field, Fett was rescued by Mereel and his soldiers while his parents were murdered and his sister taken by the Death Watch. As the Death Watch set fire to the fields, Fett led the True Mandalorians to an irrigation tube that allowed them to escape the blaze.They took Fett with them as they fled the homestead, the Death Watch burning the crop fields they took cover in. With his family dead and his home in ruins, Fett joined the Mandalorians as they regrouped in a nearby town in order to stage an ambush on the Death Watch. Believing their enemies dead, Vizsla and his men moved into the town on a celebratory raid, only to come under fire from the Mandalorians, attacking from street alleys and high windows. Using the firefight as a distraction, Fett planted an explosive charge beneath the Death Watch's armored tank, destroying it. He was attacked moments later by the Death Watch soldier responsible for the deaths of his parents and although the rogue Mandalorian slashed him with his gauntlet's vibroblade, Fett was able to snatch up a blaster, shooting and killing his parents' murderer. Having proven himself in Mereel's eyes, after the fighting was over Fett was taken in by the Mand'alor, who raised the boy as he would be his own son. Unbeknownst to Fett, his sister Arla also survived the battle, taken prisoner by the Death Watch and later held for years in a mental institution on Coruscant until 19 BBY. Now a Mandalorian, Jango Fett would continue to fight alongside Mereel and his forces into his teenage years and until the Battle of Korda Six. His first time as a squad commander, the mission promised to be little more than a basic extraction operation. Employed by the Korda Defense Force, the Mandalorians were to recover a team of rookie security personnel pinned down under fire by a group of local hostiles, supposedly poorly armed and with no formal army. Placed in charge of the group humorously referred to as "Jango's Grunts", Fett and his team were in charge of providing cover fire and ensuring that the extraction point remained clear of danger. However, the intelligence reports turned out to be inaccurate and the claims of "minimal resistance" turned out to be a much heavier force. When Mereel's second-in-command, Montross, refused to retreat and was injured in a grenade strike, it was up to Mereel to save him. At the same time, Fett used Montross' ill-guided attack as a diversion to move on their original objective. But when he reached the site, the expected team of security personnel in need turned out to be a Death Watch ambush. While Fett fought back the Death Watch soldiers, Mereel and Montross came under attack by Vizsla himself.

In other media

Video games

  • In Star Wars: Bounty Hunter, Jango Fett appeared as a playable character in the video game's story mode set before Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones with actor Temuera Morrison reprising the role. He was said to had been an orphan that was adopted by the Mandalorian soldier Jaster Mareel who cared for the child until his death. After Jaster's death, his ship was passed to Jango Fett who wore Mandalorian armor and took the life of a bounty hunter.
  • In Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter, Jango Fett appeared as a playable character in the video game.
  • In Star Wars: Battlefront II, Jango Fett appeared as a playable hero character in the video game.


  • Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones:

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