Scorpion (Mortal Kombat)

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Scorpion is a male video game character who features in Mortal Kombat.




Original Timeline

Hanzo Hasashi (Japanese: 橋 半蔵, English: Hasashi Hanzo) was a male ninja who belonged to the Shirai Ryu clan of assassins. For many years, he and his kin shared a long-standing rivalry with the Chinese clan of assassins known as the Lin Kuei. At some point, he was hired by the necromancer Quan Chi with the task of recovering the Map of Elements. Unknown to him, he had a competitor in the form of the elder Sub-Zero of the Lin Kuei where the two battled one another. Despite his kill, he was killed by his foe and his soul was condemned to the Netherrealm where he came to learn that his clan had been massacred at the hands of Sub-Zero and his Lin Kuei kin. This consumed Hanzo Hasashi who had a desire for revenge where he met Quan Chi who helped transform him into a spectral warrior consumed with getting his vengeance against Sub-Zero.

After learning of Sub-Zero's return, Scorpion returned where he came to stalk the assassin once more with him following the warrior into the dark realm of Outworld to continue his unholy mission.

Around this time, Shao Kahn made a failed attempt at stealing the souls that occupied Earth's hell which allowed Scorpion to escape from the Nether region. He manifested on Earth where he was free to roam its service once more and held no allegiance to anyone making him independent in Earth's struggle against Outworld.

In the search for allies against the Elder Gods, the Quan Chi made a deal with the Scorpion where he offered him the return of his life in exchange for him serving as a warrior. Unknown to the sorcerer, the undead ninja had his own ulterior motivations in accepting this deal.

Ultimately, Scorpion came to learn that Sub-Zero was not responsible for killing his family and clan but rather the true murderer was Quan Chi. Upon revealing his treachery, the sorcerer attempted to banish Scorpion into the 5th plane of the Netherrealm but the undead warrior managed to grapple the sorcerer thus transporting them both into that forbidden realm. Once there, Quan Chi's powers diminished within that region whilst Scorpion's were at their peak the longer he resided there. Thus, he came to hunt the sorcerer and relentlessly hunted him across the Netherrealm where he mercilessly beat him upon each time he caught up with Quan Chi. To stave off pursuit, the sorcerer forged a deal with a pair of Oni that were tasked with protecting him from his undead pursuer. Quan Chi then found a strange and attempted escape with Scorpion in pursuit where they both emerged in Outworld but at different locations. However, Scorpion could sense his quarry's presence and began to track him as he intended to hunt him down.

During his confrontation with Quan Chi, Scorpion in his haste failed to notice the two Oni that guarded the sorcerer who ambushed him. They cast the undead spectre into a powerful soulnado where he would have torn apart by the souls inside had he not attempted an escape leading to him falling into the Voids. Whilst there, he came upon the fabled Elder Gods where he alongside them acme to witness the death of Raiden and the rise of the Dragon King Onaga. Upon sensing his presence, the Elder Gods decided to enlist Scorpion's aid in stopping the coming disaster from Onaga's return and transformed him into their servant giving him a new mission to stop the Dragon King from merging the realms together.

Reboot Timeline

During the Armageddon, Shao Kahn ultimately won where all of creation faced destruction but during the last moments of Raiden he managed to his past experiences back to his younger self. This created a change in the timeline as the younger Raiden was guided by the scattered visions of the future where he sought to avert this dark future.

To reach Kronika's Keep, Hanzo suggested that they seek out the immortal Kharon who commanded ferry ships and took the damned through the Netherrealm. Grandmaster Hasashi volunteered to seek him out where he came to find Kharon.


Personality and attributes

After being reborn as an undead sceptre, he came to take the name Scorpion (全蠍人, "Full Scorpion Man").

The distrust and hatred he showed towards Sub-Zero was an indicator of the fact that they were from opposing clans.

When he was alive, he was married to Harumi and had a son by the name of Satoshi.

Originally, he believed that his clan was lost as all its blood members were eliminated.

This changed after he redeemed himself where he reformed the Shirai Ryu.

Powers and abilities

Originally, Hasashi was a human that was born in Earthrealm where he was trained to be a ninja of the Shirai Ryu clan. Hanzo was trained in a number of martial arts that included Hapkido, Pi Gua and Moi Fah.

A common weapon that he used as the Spear that was a kunai attached to a sturdy rope which he threw at his targets. Upon piercing a person, he used force to pull them towards him allowing him to bring them to close range and perform further attacks against them. He was also armed with a Tanto that was a short sword carried for close combat.

After his death, he was turned into a Spectre and thus an undead being consumed only by his need for vengeance. In this form, he was a skeletal being beneath his mask and could command hellfire. This allowed him to summon flames and could breath it could from his skull which he used to burn his enemies to death. Scorpion also had the power of teleportation that he could use to suddenly appeared behind his enemies to strike them unaware.

As a spectre, he was immune to death as his soul was bound by a need for revenge which meant that he relentlessly chased his foe until they had been killed and his vengeance sated. For a time, he came to be empowered by the Elder Gods to serve as their champion to avert a threat to the realms.

After his redemption, he came to re-form the Shirai Ryu and served as its Grandmaster with him rebuilding the Fire Garden.


  • Scorpion was created by John Tobias and Richard Divizio where he featured in the setting of the Mortal Kombat universe.

In other media


  • In Mortal Kombat: Defenders of the Realm, Scorpion appeared briefly in the animated television series where he was voiced by actor Ron Perlman. His rivalry with Sub-Zero is vaguely explored as no explicit mention is ever made of Sub-Zero having killed him. Scorpion instead serves as an independent entity of evil, while his spear was depicted as a green snake-like head attached to a length of chain.
  • In Mortal Kombat: Conquest, Scorpion appeared in the live-action television series where he was voiced by actor Chris Casamassa.


  • In Mortal Kombat, Scorpion appeared in the 1995 live-action film where he was portrayed by actor Chris Casamassa. He was noted for being the mortal enemy of Sub-Zero. Despite that, he came to work with his arch-foe as they became slaves to Shang Tsung. The pair came to be involved in the Mortal Kombat Tournament that was being held on Shang Tsung's island. Ultimately, he came to be killed by Johnny Cage in the Mortal Kombat tournament.
  • In Mortal Kombat Annihilation, Scorpion appeared in the setting of the 1997 live-action sequel where he was portrayed by actor J. J. Perry. He came to work for a higher power which in this case was Shao Kahn. Following a failed assassination attempt on Liu Kang and Kitana by Kahn's extermination squads, he then proceeded to kidnap Kitana.
  • In Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge, Scorpion appeared in the setting of the 2020 animated film where he was voiced by actor Patrick Seitz. Hanzo Hasashi was a Japanese ninja who came to be the grandmaster of the Shirai Ryu where by this point he was married to Harumi Hasashi and they had a son together named Satoshi.
  • In Mortal Kombat, Scorpion appeared in the setting of the 2021 live-action film where he was portrayed by actor Hiroyuki Sanada. Hanzo Hasashi was a Japanese assassin of the Shira Ryu who lived in the 17th century in his homeland where he had a wife named Harumi and a son named Satoshi. His wife came to have another child who was a newborn infant when their enclave was attacked by the Lin Kuei. Hasashi, his wife and son were all killed by the Chinese assassin Bi-Han though the Lin Kuei did not find Hanzo's daughter. After his death, the thunder god Raiden took her to safety and left her in the care of the monks in the Order of Light thus continuing the Hanzo Hasashi's bloodline into the modern day in he form of a descendant named Cole Young. Meanwhile, Hanzo's soul swore revenge against Bi-Han and was reborn as Scorpion but he remained trapped until Cole Young freed him from the Netherrealm where he manifested in a fight against Sub-Zero where he was instrumental in killing the Lin Kuei warrior.

Video games

Comic Books

  • In Mortal Kombat: Blood and Thunder v1 (1994), Scorpion appeared in the setting of the non-canon comics published by Malibu Comics. This version was a specter consumed by revenge against Sub-Zero, whilst his spear is changed to a spiked morning star attached to a length of chain or rope. He was among those seeking to solve all the riddles inside Shang Tsung's mystical tome, the Tao Te Zhan, in order to gain absolute power. In the follow-up Battlewave miniseries (1995), Scorpion was returned to the living world by Outworld emperor Shao Kahn with a mystical gem called the Deathstone, and was put in command of an army of undead soldiers.


  • Mortal Kombat: (1992)
  • Mortal Kombat: Deception:
  • Mortal Kombat: Armageddon:
  • Mortal Kombat 9:
  • Mortal Kombat X:
  • Mortal Kombat 11:

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