Tien Shinhan

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Tien Shinhan is a male anime and manga character who features in Dragon Ball.




Dragon Ball

Tien Shinhan (Japanese: 天津飯テンシンハン, Hepburn: Tenshinhan)

He came to be raised by Master Shen, Tien lost the ability to use the myriad powers of his third eye for good purposes. During the early years of his life, Tien entered Master Shen's Crane School. There, he learned powerful ki-based techniques such as the Solar Flare, the Dodon Ray and the Tri-Beam, and he was taught defensive techniques by Master Shen's younger brother, Mercenary Tao.

During the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament, he came to be introduced as one of the star pupils of the Crane School with Master Shen entering both him and Chiaotzu to defeat the students of his lifelong rival, the Turtle Hermit Master Roshi. In the preliminary rounds, Tien Shinhan leaves Nam unconscious and nearly dead after their match in order to send a clear message to Goku and his friends about what exactly they are up against.[13] Tien faces little in the way of a challenge during the preliminaries and easily makes his way into the finals. ‎Using Chiaotzu's mental powers to fix the ordering of the matches in the quarter-finals, Tien decides to first face off against Turtle student Yamcha, whom he had been exchanging hostile words with since the start of the tournament. Yamcha puts up a better fight than Tien expected, but was still not a significant threat to Tien, who not only defeated him, but went further and ended the match by needlessly breaking Yamcha's leg while he was unconscious. Soon after this fight, when Chiaotzu uses the Dodon Ray against Krillin during their battle, and Goku mentions that it is same move that Mercenary Tao used, he learns of the death of his role-model and martial arts teacher Tao by the hands of Turtle student Goku and the tournament becomes more about revenge than victory. Tien's next opponent is the winner of the 21st World Martial Arts Tournament, Jackie Chun and he faces his first true challenge. Jackie Chun challenges Tien not only in physical combat, but also begins to warn him about following an evil path. With the help of the Master Shen, Tien learns that Jackie Chun is actually Master Roshi in a disguise and proceeds to use Master Roshi's signature move, the Kamehameha against him. After this, despite having shown none of his true power, Roshi concedes the match and hops out the ring. Tien proceeds to track down Master Roshi shortly afterwards to find out why he forfeited, to which Master Roshi responds by telling Tien that it is time for younger fighters, Tien included, to take his place. Tien then proceeds to battle in the final round against Goku himself. Goku is a powerful opponent and the fight seems to be relatively even until Goku suddenly becomes unable to throw a punch or dodge an attack without becoming frozen in place. Tien quickly learns that Chiaotzu is rigging the fight under Master Shen's orders and he demands that Chiaotzu stop since he wants a fair match. Master Shen takes this as defiance and orders Tien to kill Goku, but Tien, thinking about his own desires for the first time, humbly refused. The now infuriated Master Shen orders Chiaotzu to kill both Tien and Goku, and when Chiaotzu refuses, Shen then threatens to kill him instead. Master Roshi puts an end to this by blasting Master Shen out of the stadium with a Kamehameha, allowing Tien and Goku to concentrate on their match.

After deliberately letting Goku give him a beating to make up for the beating he gave him while paralyzed, Tien and Goku continue to battle and Tien sprouts two extra arms to fight Goku. He grabs hold of Goku's arms and legs with his four arms, and then precedes to smash Goku's stomach into his head, which causes Goku a lot of pain. He does this for a couple of times, but then Goku frees himself by slapping Tien in the face with his tail. Goku counters it when he grabs Tien's legs and holds onto them, causing Tien pain. Tien manages to throw Goku off, and they continue the fight. Tien then decides to put an end to the match and use his ultimate attack, the Tri-Beam. He warns Goku to expect and dodge the blast planning to force him out of bounds instead. Tien proceeds to use the attack and destroys the entire arena. Because of his warning, Goku dodged by leaping incredibly high in the air. Tien is convinced he will win at this point, as he can fly and Goku cannot, but Goku uses one final Kamehameha to propel himself into Tien like a rocket. Both fighters then fall to the ground, Goku slightly ahead. Goku attempts to use another, smaller Kamehameha to slow himself down, but is hit by a truck and lands first. Tien lands an instant later, thus winning the tournament. After the match, Tien receives 500,000 Zeni and offers Goku half of the prize money as he recognizes that, it was mere luck that he was the one who landed second referring to the fact Goku would have won otherwise. He also apologizes to Yamcha for using such excessive force during their fight and the two agree to meet at the next tournament. Master Roshi offers to let Tien stay at the Kame House, but Tien declines, stating that he cannot follow the teachings of another, even if he has betrayed his master.

The good mood is short-lived however, as Turtle student Krillin is unexpectedly killed while separated momentarily from the group. Along with his body there was a note with the character "demon" on it. Master Roshi tells everyone that it represents an incredibly powerful Demon King, King Piccolo, who was sealed away centuries ago by Master Roshi's old master using the suicidal Evil Containment Wave technique but is now apparently free again. On hearing this, Goku, still not fully recovered from his battle with Tien, rushes off in a rage to seek his revenge. Realizing the gravity of the situation, Tien volunteers to help in any way he can. He is informed of the seven Dragon Balls, which when collected summon the dragon that can grant any wish and, along with Chiaotzu and Master Roshi, is soon on a quest to retrieve them in order to have the Dragon eradicate King Piccolo. After finding several of them though, their radar which informs them of the Dragon Balls locations shows them that the remaining ones are actually coming to them, meaning King Piccolo is also seeking the Dragon Balls and is coming for theirs. Before King Piccolo can confront them, Master Roshi unexpectedly knocks Tien out and hides him in a cave. Master Roshi plans on using the Evil Containment Wave against King Piccolo and, since Goku is thought to have already been killed, Master Roshi considers Tien to be the last line of defense for the planet in case he fails. Semi-conscious, Tien can do nothing but witnesses Master Roshi's ultimately unsuccessful stand against the powerful Demon King and watches him die. King Piccolo wastes no time joining the Dragon Balls together to summon the Dragon and Tien, in desperation, orders Chiaotzu to quickly make a wish to destroy King Piccolo before the Demon King can make one himself. Chiaotzu tries but is quickly killed mid-sentence from a blast by King Piccolo, an act Tien can only watch in horror. King Piccolo continues to make his wish and then destroys the Dragon, knowing it is the only thing that can stop him.

After regaining his mobility, and King Piccolo has long gone, Tien practices the Evil Containment Wave, having learned it from watching Master Roshi perform it. After many attempts, Tien has fully mastered the Evil Containment Wave and heads off to King Piccolo's location in Central City to confront the demon. After he arrives and challenges King Piccolo, he is horrified on discovering that the vessel to be King Piccolo's prison is cracked and useless from his practicing. Knowing that he will not be able to use the Evil Containment Wave, Tien decides to confront King Piccolo regardless. King Piccolo, not seeing Tien as being worth fighting, spawns a new minion, Drum, his most powerful son yet, to take care of him. Drum quickly dominates the battle, but Tien is able to knock him down giving him the opportunity to use the Evil Containment Wave on King Piccolo. However, Drum gets in the way of the blast and before Tien can seal Drum in the Electric Rice Cooker, King Piccolo destroys it. Drum is about to finish Tien off when Goku intervenes and saves him, killing Drum with a single kick. Tien, amazed at Goku's new power, can only watch as Goku and King Piccolo then battle it out, using the last of his strength part way through their match to quickly fly in and levitate Goku out of the path of a powerful attack by King Piccolo. When the battle seems to be turning against King Piccolo, the Demon King decides to take Tien hostage in order to force Goku to allow himself to be crippled. Piccolo says that if Goku does not do what he orders, he will crush Tien's head. After King Piccolo severely damages Goku, Tien is discarded by King Piccolo, but Goku is more resilient than King Piccolo thought and uses one final attack to kill the Demon King. With the battle over, Tien now heads back to the Kame House with Goku's friends Launch, Yamcha and Bulma. Tien gets all of his wounds treated by Launch, which he thanks her for. After hearing the huge news that Goku is getting trained by Kami up in the sky for three years, he vows to train harder than ever before in order to for sure bridge the now massive gap between himself and Goku.

Dragon Ball Z

Five years later, he came to learn that Goku had died in battle against a powerful alien warrior named Raditz who was his older brother. They also came to learn that two more Saiyans even stronger than Raditz were heading towards Earth where they were to arrive in a year's time. Thus, this gave the greatest warriors on Earth a limited time in order to prepare for their foe. Tien came to accept the offer to train where he joined Yamcha, Chiaotzu, Yajirobe and Krillin, as they went to the Lookout as they prepared under the supervision of Kami. Meanwhile, preparations were being made to bring Goku back to life with the Dragon Balls and in the spirit world he was training under King Kai. Tien and Chiaotzu eventually find the Saiyans with Piccolo, Gohan, and Krillin's location, and joining them where they were soon followed by Yamcha. The leader of the Saiyans namely Vegeta decided to toy with his opponents and had Nappa grow several Saibamen in the soil so that he can hold a small challenge. Knowing that they have to buy time, the Z-Fighters agreed to this, and Tien volunteers to go first. He managed to quickly defeat the vicious creature, which caused Vegeta to destroy it for its severe incompetence. After all the Saibamen are killed, Nappa decides to enter the fray himself, taking on Tien as his first opponent. Tien is no match for the giant Saiyan warrior, and has his left arm ripped off in a single hit. Immediately, Tien tries to use levitation to escape, but is quickly smashed to the floor hard with the second hit. Seeing this, Chiaotzu sacrifices himself with a a self-destruction attack against Nappa, but it was in vain as Nappa remains completely unharmed and starts to fight with the now ally Piccolo and Goku's son, Gohan though even altogether they prove to still be no match for him. Tien, enraged by the death of Chiaotzu, puts all his remaining strength into one final Tri-beam through his remaining right hand, killing himself from exhaustion in the process. The attack manages to do serious damage to Nappa's armor, but does not seriously damage the Saiyan warrior. In the anime however, Nappa goes as far as to praise Tien's efforts, claiming that had his aim been better, it would have seriously injured him. The attempt also shocked Vegeta, as he was the one to warn Nappa of its power and stating that if he had not warned Nappa, it could have killed him.

In the aftermath, Tien came to join the similarly deceased Yamcha, Chaozu, and Piccolo as they arrived on Kaiō-sama's planet to train under him in the afterlife. It was Kami's influence that allowed to train on King Kai's Planet in the Other World as Goku did earlier. Joining him were the other warriors who also perished in the battle against the Saiyans, Chiaotzu, Piccolo and Yamcha. On King Kai's planet, King Kai contacts Goku and tells him that his friends all crossed Snake Way in a far shorter time than he did, and that they all requested for tougher training than what Goku had received. Tien, along with Chiaotzu and Yamcha, remains on King Kai's planet and learns of everyone's mighty struggle with the evil tyrant Frieza on Namek. While there, in a filler scenario, King Kai calls upon the deceased Ginyu Force to challenge Tien, Yamcha and Chiaotzu. Tien takes on both Jeice and Burter, and disposes of them rather quickly and easily, showing off how much stronger he had gotten. Knowing the Ginyu Force at one time defeated Vegeta, gave them all a sense of pride. Tien is eventually wished back to life along with Chiaotzu by a wish made to Porunga, as they willingly agreed on getting revived 4 months after Yamcha, in order to not get separated. Once back on Earth, Tien and Chiaotzu go into solitude, training in the mountains. A year later, both Tien and Chiaotzu were training in the mountains when they sensed the presence of two powerful energy signatures heading towards Earth. Looking to investigate, they came to find the reformed Vegeta alongside the other Z Warriors where they had determined that this presence was that of Frieza. The villainous warlord had survived the destruction of Namek and was in the company of his father King Cold as he looked to get his revenge against Goku. The two aliens were quickly dispatched by a mysterious traveller called Trunks who told the Z Warriors that Goku would be returning to Earth shortly afterwards. He then spoke privately to Goku which Piccolo overheard the private conversation where he learnt that Trunks was from the future. He then told everyone the warning from Trunks that two incredibly powerful Androids will attack in three years time and defeat everyone with the exception of Gohan. During the three years of training, Tien trains intensively and uninterruptedly alongside Chiaotzu across the Earth and his power increased.

Dragon Ball Super

Four years later, he along with Chiaotzu attended Bulma's birthday party when an incident erupted after a fight broke out between the reformed Majin Buu and the mysterious guest known as Beerus.


Personality and attributes

In appearance, Tien Shinhan was a all and very muscular bald-headed human whose most prominent feature was his third eye. According to Master Shen, Tien was not naturally bald but rather regularly shaved his head.

Even afterwards, he still strove to become a powerful warrior and had hoped to surpass Goku one day. However, Tien came to despise staying on the side lines whilst his more powerful friends and allies fought opponents far stronger than him. As such, he always attempted to assist even if he knew that it will most likely lead to his death.

Powers and abilities

Tien Shinhan was a human though one through training had the ability to manipulate ki to achieve a number of feats.

In time, he could sense Ki allowing him to sense the energy of other beings.

He came to receive martial arts training from Master Shen when he became a student at the Crane School (鶴仙流, Tsurusenryū). His strength came to increase following his training at Kami's Lookout for a year in preparation for the coming Saiyans. Though greatly improving, he proved to be unable to defeat members of the Saiyan elite.

On Earth, he was among the earlier users of the art of Flight (舞空術 Bukūjutsu, lit. "Dancing Sky Art"). He came to be among the most powerful humans on Planet Earth.

Among the techniques known to him included:

  • Four Witches Technique (四妖拳 Shiyōken, lit. "Four Supernatural Fists") : a technique of the Triclopses that allowed him to temporarily grow two extra arms from the back which gave him to fight with twice the amount of intensity.
  • Multi-Form Technique (四身の拳 Shishin no Ken, lit. "Fist of Four Bodies") : allowed him to produce multiple tangible copies of himself with him able to make four such clones though his power was divided evenly among them meaning that individually each contained only a fraction of his power.
  • Solar Flare (太陽拳 Taiyōken, lit. "Sun Fist" or "Solar Fist") :
  • Dodon Ray (どどん波ぱ Dodonpa, lit. "Dodon Wave") : the signature finger beam technique of the Crane School invented by Master Shen.
  • Tri-Beam (気き功こう砲ほう Kikōhō, lit. "Spirit Cultivation Gun") :


  • Tien Shinhan was created by Akira Toriyama and featured in the setting of Dragon Ball.

Alternate Versions

  • In Dragon Ball GT, Tien Shinhan appeared in the alternate world setting set many years after the Majin Buu Saga.

In other media



Video games

  • In Dragon Ball FightersZ, Tien Shinhan appeared as a playable character in the setting of the fighting video game where he was voiced by Japanese voice actor Hikaru Midorikawa and English actor John Burgmeier in the dub.


  • Dragon Ball:
  • Dragon Ball Z:
  • Dragon Ball Super:

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