Ginyu Force
The Ginyu Force are a team that features in Dragon Ball Z.
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The Ginyu Force (Japanese: ギニュー特とく戦せん隊たい, Hepburn: Ginyū Tokusentai, lit. "Ginyu Special Squadron") were a team of highly-skilled, powerful warriors led by Captain Ginyu that did special favors for Frieza and were characterized by crazy dances and silly poses. The Ginyu Force were aboard King Cold's Spaceship as it heads to Planet Vegeta with the rest of the Cold Force's elites during their announcement of King Cold's retirement and the passing of the control over the Saiyans to Frieza and his newly branded Frieza Force. Bonyu was removed from the force due to not being able to keep up with the posing and for lacking charisma. Despite leaving the Ginyu Force, Bonyu's combat data record was kept on file in the Ginyu Force's Attack Balls.[
Later on, they were summoned to Planet Namek on Frieza’s order to kill Vegeta and obtain the Dragon Balls after his regular forces failed to do so. After 5 days of traveling at full speed in space they arrive to Planet Namek, they delivered Frieza his requested new model Scouters. Upon arriving, they seemed to easily outclass the joined force of Vegeta, Gohan and Krillin.
Vegeta eventually killed Guldo and Jeice, and finished off Recoome and Burter after they'd already been beaten by Goku. Ginyu survived, but switched bodies with a frog. In the Other World, the dead members of the Ginyu Force worked for Frieza, but Ginyu spent the rest of his days as a frog on Earth.
The dead members of the Ginyu Force namely Recoome, Burter, Jeice, and Guldo later arrived on King Kai's planet where they battled the similarly deceased Z Warriors. The Ginyu Force team up with Frieza, King Cold, and Cell, but are all beaten by Goku, falling into the Bloody Pond, and are later impaled on spikes by Pikkon, and are locked up. Later on, they along with the other dead villain's were watching Goku's fight with Kid Buu on a huge Crystal Ball. Ginyu has a few cameo appearances as a frog on Earth throughout the series, until Kid Buu kills him by blowing up the Earth. However, he is unknowingly revived.
Ginyu later saw Frieza's remaining soldiers, Sorbet and Tagoma picking up his master's remains after being wished back by the Earth's Dragon Balls. They are later seen as silhouettes in Sorbet's vision of the Frieza Force elites who were defeated on Namek whose downfall led to the collapse of the Frieza Force internally and externally. After Tagoma killed Shisami and upon him challenging the Dragon Team, Sorbet scans Tagoma with his scouter and expresses amazement that the latter surpassed the entire Ginyu Force, to which Tagoma replies without any excitement that he does remember them, but added as sort of a mockery about their strength that 'they belong to the old time'. Ginyu would later switch bodies with Tagoma with trickery and challenge the Z Fighters, but after Vegeta arrived, Ginyu was killed instantly. In the Funimation Dub Ginyu makes a statement towards Frieza that he understands his master's anger at Goku 'for what he did to his proud Ginyu Force'.
In appearance, the Ginyu Force were an elite force of mercenaries all of whom could manipulate ki to achieve various feats. They were designated as an all special troops of High-Level Executive Class within the larger Frieza Force. Every member of the Ginyu Force was a mutant member of their species. At their height, the Ginyu Force were regarded as the fiercest and deadliest fighting team in the galaxy. King Kai considered them to be most fearsome group in the universe, and at least five times stronger than Goku prior to training for Planet Namek, placing them according to King Kai's statement at a power level of 40,000 or above. Their might has enabled them to overcome challenges to Frieza's expansion and universal domination that no others could handle. Captain Ginyu is the strongest among them, with a power level of 120,000 at maximum.
At the time, they were regarded as the fiercest and deadliest fighting team in the galaxy. King Kai had considered them to be most fearsome group in the universe. Such was their enormous evil powers that they could be felt from outer space by those with the ability to detect ki energy. It was said that their enormous evil aura could be sensed by those skilled in sensing ki energy. Unlike any others who serve the galactic empire, they are merely freelancers greatly favored by the tyrant rather than forcefully subdued slaves or servants. Despite being evil, ruthless and cold-hearted similarly to their master, the Ginyu Force follows an independent mentality forged from within the group and have a code of honor and fairness of their own. These are features that set them apart from the rest of the Galactic Frieza Army, and they are the only ones not threatened or disrespected by Frieza.
Though physically some of the strongest in the universe, the Ginyu Force's arrogant members delight in coming up with strange poses, betting candy on fights, and playing Rock-Paper-Scissors to decide the order they should fight in.
As members of the Frieza Force, they were shown to be equipped with the standard battle armor worn by warriors. They were also equipped with Scouters that could scan a person's power level. For space travel, they were known to be deployed across the universe from Attack Balls that travelled across space to target worlds. Each pod was able to hold a single occupant with the Ginyu Force being deployed from a group of them.
- Captain Ginyu : the leader and the strongest among them with a power level of 120,000 at maximum.
- Burter :
- Guldo :
- Jeice :
- Recoome :
- Bonyu :
- The Ginyu Force were created by Akira Toriyama who appeared as antagonists in Dragon Ball Z where they first appeared during the Namek Saga.
In other media
- In Dragon Ball Z, the Ginyu Force appeared in the setting of the anime television series adaptation.
- In Dragon Ball GT, the Ginyu Force appeared in the setting of the anime television series.
- In Dragon Ball Super: Broly, the Ginyu Force made a small appearance in the setting of the 2018 anime film. The Ginyu Force appeared on King Cold's Spaceship as it heads to Planet Vegeta with the rest of the Cold Force's elites during their announcement of King Cold's retirement and the passing of the control over the Saiyans to Frieza and his newly branded 'Frieza Force'. It seemed that King Cold and not Frieza had assembled them unlike what was stated in all previous materials. They are wearing the first generation scouters, which are blue in color.
Video games
- In Dragon Ball Xenoverse, the Ginyu Force appeared in the setting of the video game. Due to the Time Breakers causing damage to history, the events of Namek in Age 762 are altered and leading to Ginyu taking over Vegeta's body instead. Being referred to as Venyu, the Ginyu Force all attacked Goku together and similarly began altering their name to become the Venyu Force. The Venyu Force attacked Goku as a distraction, so Venyu could performs another Body Change on Goku, then successfully steals Goku's body and causing the bewildered Goku to find himself trapped in Vegeta's body. Having obtained Goku's body, Dark Ginyu finishes off Goku with a Kamehameha and celebrates his triumph by performing the Ginyu Force Fighting Pose with the rest of his team. To restore the timeline, the Future Warrior arrives at the point before Ginyu steals Vegeta's body, back when Krillin, Gohan, and Vegeta first encountered the Ginyu Force. It revealed that Demigra's Dark Magic had taken hold of Vegeta and Ginyu, which was why Ginyu chose to steal Vegeta's body, creating Venyu. Dark Ginyu orders Guldo to take the Dragon Balls back to the ship while he deals with Vegeta, leaving Recoome, Burter, & Jeice to decide who will take on the Future Warrior, Krillin, and Gohan through a game of rock-paper-scissors. Guldo & Jeice protest this order as unfair, but Ginyu tells them to be quiet and do as they are told (by ordering Guldo to protect the Dragon Ball he prevents Guldo's death at the hands of Vegeta, allowing Ginyu to be on scene when Goku arrives, and so he may steal Vegeta's body and then Goku's body). Burter thinks their Captain is just in a bad mood unaware it is actually due to the Dark Magic's influence. Dark Ginyu faces off against Dark Vegeta who is stronger than he was at this point historically due to the Dark Magic's increasing his power level, but Ginyu is prevented from stealing his body by interference from the Future Warrior, who he discovers was not as weak as he originally thought.
- In Dragon Ball Fighterz, the Ginyu Force appeared in the setting of the fighting video game. Only Captain Ginyu was a playable character but he made use of the team as part of his power set and fighting moves.
- In Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, the Ginyu Force appeared in the setting of the video game adaptation. A new member was shown named Bonyu who was a red-skinned female with long white hair.
- Dragon Ball Z: