Wade Eiling

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The General in Suicide Squad v3 #4.

Wade Eiling is a male comic character who features in DC Comics.




Eiling becomes the General in JLA v1 #26.

Wade Eiling

Colonel Eiling then witnessed as the Captain Atom Project was put into action in 1968 with Nathaniel Adam was made to participate after being found guilty of treason. Part of the experiment involved the detonation of a thermonuclear bomb on the site with this being overseen by Dr. Megala. Upon detonation, both Captain Adams and the UFO alloy had disappeared where the incident leading to the project getting some flak over what was deemed a failure. (Captain Atom v2 #1)

Eighteen years later, General Eiling received word of an incident at the Winslow Air Force Base and went to the scene. Personnel had managed to capture a mysterious figure that arrived on the scene covered in a metallic skin. At first, it was believed that this was an alien invader but it was quickly discovered that this was in fact a time-displaced Nathaniel Adams. Captain Adams had not only survived the Captain Atom Project but was displaced to the present where he had bonded to the metal that became an exo-shell surrounding him. Upon being confronted with the truth, Adams reacted violently leading to him being rendered unconscious. General Eiling then consulted with Dr. Megala whereupon he looked to institute his own plans now that the Captain Atom Project was seen as a success. (Captain Atom v2 #1)

During the Invasion, Eiling came to serve as a liaison with the Earth's superheroes as they prepared strategy in combating the Dominators and their allies in the Alien Alliance attacking the planet. (Invasion! v1 #2)

The General

At some point, Eiling was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour with him looking to taking over the country. This caused him to seek to conduct an initiative against the superhero community in the world which he orchestrated as a carefully conducted military operation. This included having a team of scientists artificially imbue the Metagene on a team of recruits to turn them into supersoldiers who formed the International Ultramarine Corps who were given a fake background. (JLA v1 #25) General Eiling later attended a briefing where he revealed to the media and the public the existence of the International Ultramarine Corps. He dispatched them to recover the body of the second Shaggy Man from the Pacific Ocean where its body was shaved. Aquaman and Green Lantern attempted to prevent the Ultramarine Corps from retrieving the body but were thwarted. (JLA v1 #24) General Eiling meanwhile returned to his base of operations known as Threshold where he orchestrated military assaults against the Justice League. The League answered a call for aid in Phoenix, Arizona where they were ambushed by the American military with the Ultramarine Corps spearheading the attack. (JLA v1 #25) Whilst they attacked the Justice League, several of their heroes confronted Eiling who had now transferred his mind into the Shaggy Man's body where he took the name of the General. His new form managed to survive any attack made against him but whilst he was fighting them his Ultramarines were shown the deception Eiling had made against them leading to them allying with the Justice League. All the superhumans gathered together to fight the General but his body was impervious to such attacks. However, the League responded by using a bulk teleporter to send the synthetic body of the General into deep space where he was left on 433 Eros. The small rocky needle deep in the asteroid belt served as a prison for the General who was trapped there with no way of escaping. (JLA v1 #26) Whilst trapped there, he felt like millions of years had passed and thought of a number of ways to get his revenge on the Justice League. After several months, he was found by Queen Bee who took him to join the new incarnation of the Injustice Gang who targeted the Watchtower in a surprise attack on the Justice League. (JLA v1 #36) Eiling was part of the forces that attacked the Justice League headquarters. (JLA v1 #37) He battled Superman where he revealed that he was being influenced by another force that told him to kill everyone. During his retreat, he encountered Orion and was attacked by the New God's warhound Sturmer. (JLA v1 #38)

Afterwards, he was shown to had become one of the supervillains recruited into the Society. (Infinite Crisis v1 #3) It was shown that he was one of the participants in the Battle for Metropolis. (Infinite Crisis v1 #7) The General later came into the custody of King Faraday where Amanda Waller made arrangements to have Eiling transferred to the Suicide Squad. (Suicide Squad v3 #4) This saw him being fitted with explosives in his body to ensure his compliance. (Suicide Squad v3 #5) Eiling eventually tried to betray Waller and the members of the Squad who were loyal to her. However, his plan was foiled when Rick Flag managed to activate the explosive chip inside Eiling's brain. Due to the powers of the Shaggy Man, Eiling survived the death but suffered from slight amnesia as a result. (Suicide Squad v3 #8)


Following the Flashpoint, a new version of reality was created with a different history of events.

Arriving at Winslow Air Force Base, General Eiling demanded that Captain Atom fall inline as an officer and follow the chain of command, telling him that he was a super weapon that would keep America on top. (Captain Atom v3 #4)


Personality and attributes

Eiling had said that he did not share the humour shown by Captain Nathaniel Adams. (Captain Atom v2 #1)

He came to believe that the Earth would not need any superhuman protectors once he became its commanding officer. (JLA v1 #25)

It was shown that he came to marry the widowed Angela Adams after she spent 3 years mourning her husband. As a result, she came Wade' wife and took his name as Angela Eiling where she spent 11 years with him until she died. Wade had claimed that he had loved Angela and that she had come to love him in turn during their time together. He also was the father of her two children with these being a daughter named Margaret Eiling and a son named Randall Eiling. (Captain Atom v2 #1)

Powers and abilities

At first, he came to be a Colonel but rose to the position of a Two-Star General in the U.S. military. He was shown to use disinformation and fake cover stories to help mask the truth about his operatives. (Captain Atom v2 #6)

When he was dying, he decided to transfer his consciousness into the mindless body of the Shaggy Man and had the entity's form shaved. In this form, he came to be a superhuman being and took the name of the General. This body had enhanced senses allowing him to smell adrenaline in a person's sweat effectively to smell fear in it. He possessed genetically enhanced salamander tissue giving him regenerative abilities allowing him to survive any attack, felt no pain and even regrow limbs. (JLA v1 #26) In theory, he was capable of re-growing another brain if his head was destroyed though retaining his memories was an issue. (Suicide Squad v3 #5)

One of his bases of operation was Threshold Station that was used as a site for studies in the Metagene and made to provide cover stories for his operatives. (JLA v1 #24)

He had been in charge of the Captain Atom Project that looked to create a superhero that would serve the nation. (Captain Atom v2 #6)


  • Wade Eiling was created by Cary Bates, Pat Broderick and Greg Weisman where he made his first appearance in Captain Atom v2 #1 (March, 1987).

Alternate Versions

  • In Avengers/JLA v1 #4 (2004), Wade Eiling appeared in the setting of the crossover comic between DC Comics and Marvel Comics. The General was among the mind-controlled villains defending Krona's stronghold when the heroes assaulted it where he was defeated by Iron Man and Vision.

In other media


  • In Justice League Unlimited, General Wade Eiling appeared as an antagonist in the animated television series set in the DC Animated Universe where he was voiced by actor J.K. Simmons. This version was a USAF General and a member of Project Cadmus who regarded metahumans as a threat to humanity. After the Atom shuts down the Dark Heart, Eiling and his soldiers confiscated the alien device. Eiling later sent a nuclear warhead to kill Doomsday regardless of innocent casualties and was reprimanded by Amanda Waller. Eiling would attempt to stop Batman from confronting Waller but failed to defeat him. Following Project Cadmus' disbandment, Eiling was said to had been relegated to being a 'pencil pusher'.
  • In Young Justice, General Wade Eiling appeared in the animated television series where he was voiced by actor Jeff Bennett.
  • In The Flash, General Wade Eiling appeared in the 2014 live-action television series set in the Arrowverse where he was portrayed by actor Clancy Brown.

Video games

  • In Justice League Heroes, the General appeared in the setting of the Nintendo DS version of the video game.


  • Captain Atom v2: (1987)
  • JLA v1:
  • Infinite Crisis v1:
  • Suicide Squad v3:
  • Captain Atom v3:
  • The Fall and Rise of Captain Atom v1:

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