Xandar is a planet that features in Marvel Comics.
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Xandar was a world that was located in the Andromeda Galaxy with it being noted for a being a proud and peaceful world. (Fantastic Four v1 #204) At some point, it was said that they had a colonial period where they formed the Xandarian empire that sought to expand its reach with it being founded on much blood and pain. (Uncanny Origins v1 #4)
Many years ago, a Xandarian explorer ship assigned to probe the fringes of the Andromeda Galaxy encountered the craft that belonged to Galactus the World Devourer. The captain of the craft Commander Gabriel was teleported onto the spherical ship where he was transformed into one of the Heralds of Galactus with him becoming the Air-Walker. Sometime later, a further Xandarian ship captained by Gabriel's former first officer named Pyreus sought revenge against Galactus for the loss of his commander. However, he also was used by the World Devourer who turned the humanoid into a Herald where he became the Firelord. (Thor v1 #306)
One day, their world was visited by an alien invader whose vessel began to siphon Xandar's energy leaving it depleted of power. Most of their starships had been destroyed but a single craft was able to take their Prime Centurion Rhomann Dey after the invader where he was empowered by the Living Computers of Xandar for the task. Though their world's greatest hero, Dey failed to save his world though he was able to repel the invader. However, the energy stolen created stresses on Xandar that came to rip it asunder. The destruction came to be witnessed by one of the Watchers who saw the remains of Xandar being scattered across the stars. Miraculously though, four of their largest cities had survived the devastation and were encased in force fields that helped keep the atmosphere in those settlements. The Xandarians came to regroup where they were focused on simple survival where for 2 years they conducted works to connect their cities in a mesh of tunnels and architecture. Upon its completion, they had created an ideal environment for their civilisation. (Fantastic Four v1 #204)
Looking to return to Galador, Rom made use of a recovered Skrull saucer ship but failed to find his homeworld. Instead, he stumbled on Nova Richard Rider who initially mistook him for a Skrull. Once the misunderstanding was cleared, Nova offered to help Rom in his search for his world. Taking him to Xandar, Rom met with its ruler Queen Adora where she decided to use the Living Computers of Xandar to help the Spaceknight on his quest. Xandar then came under attack from the Skrulls who had disguised themselves as members of the Nova Corps. The Spaceknight Rom lent his aid to the defenders where they helped repel the Skrulls thus saving Xandar in the process. (Rom v1 #24)
After the destruction of their homeworld, the Xandarians rallied and created a mechanised self-sufficient planet. (New Warriors v1 #41) This consisted of four of the largest cities that survived the destruction of the world. The Xandarians rallied as these sections were surrounded by a protective barrier in order to rebuild their civilization. In time, they were attacked by another invading force that were the Skrulls. (Fantastic Four v1 #204)
Xandar was later attacked by the mercenaries headed by the pirate Nebula who managed to overwhelm its champions. This saw all its inhabitants being killed with a dying Queen Adora being left behind. Later on, Firelord came upon his former home to find the dying Queen Adora who revealed the culprits responsible for the recent attack. (Avengers v1 #260)
Sometime after Xandar's destruction, Garthan Saal was returned to the mainstream dimension leading to the Nova-Force being resynchronised in reality once more. This triggered a failsafe program in the Worldmind which caused it to activate the cloning baths that recreated the stored personalities within it allowing for Queen Adora to be reborn. However, at the time, the Nova-Force had caused Saal to be driven insane by its power and he attempted to forcibly recreate Xandar by sacrificing Richard Rider. Ultimately, he was defeated and Rider imparted the Nova-Force into Xandar thus restarting the Worldmind and bringing about the Xandarian people who began to rebuild. In gratitude, Rider was restored as Nova First Centurion and continued in his assignment as protector of the Terran sector. (New Warriors v1 #42)
On Annihilation Day, the Annihilation Wave emerged from their home dimension in the Negative Zone where they ravaged across space. Among their targets was the Xandarian cluster which was devastated and the majority of the Nova Corps being massacred by its hordes. One of the few survivors was Nova Corpsman Richard Rider who was contacted by the Xandarian Worldmind so that it could download itself into him to preserve itself along with the remaining aspects of Xandar's civilization within it. (Annihilation: Nova v1 #1)
The Worldmind later took control of Ego the Living Planet who was turned into a host body for its sentience. From there, he reconstituted the Nova Corps that was based on the living planetoid which was now called Nu-Xandar. (Nova v4 #21)
On the ruined world, a Dakkamite named Gron enslaved a population to strip valuable Nova Corp technology from the planet. Doc Green and Sam Alexander arrived on Xandar in order to find parts to repair a damaged Black Nova helmet. (Nova Annual v5 #1) In an effort to rebuild the Nova Corps, Robbie Rider travelled to the remains of Xandar in an effort to reboot the Nova Force. Whilst there, he was ambushed by several members of the Fraternity of Raptors that were looking to pillage the site of any signs of the Worldmind. They captured Rider and took him back to their order so that they could brainwash him into one of their number. Richard Rider came to Xandar in search for his brother after learning he was alive but found that he was long gone by this point. (All-New Guardians of the Galaxy v1 #11)
Locations on Xandar included:
- Xandarian Space Academy : a military institute that trained personnel for the space service. (Uncanny Origins v1 #4)
- Garden of Eternal Remembrance : a garden that possessed statues of centurions who gave their lives to build the Xandarian empire. (Uncanny Origins v1 #4)
- Orienta Shard : a domed part that was home to the Nova Corps and site of the Hub. (Annihilation: Nova v4 #1)
- Xandarian Spaceport : (Annihilation: Prologue v1)
The four shards of Xandar were protected by a barrier that kept the atmosphere but could be penetrated. Thus, the Xandarians constructed massive tunnels and thoroughfares between the floating cities. The different shards were devoted to set roles with one holding their cities, another used for mining, a further for farming and the last converted into factories. (Fantastic Four v1 #204)
Xandarians could regenerate damaged tissue allowing them to heal from injuries. They were able to adjust their language allowing them to quickly communicate with other species. (Fantastic Four v1 #204)
It was a world where science and ideals made it seem that anything was possible to its inhabitants. This led to them forming the Xandarian empire that was founded on the tenets of loyalty, friendship and courage. These were traits that were said to define the people of Xandar. (Uncanny Origins v1 #4)
A good luck piece used by Xandarian pilots were Framii Charms. (Nova v2 #17)
Their civilization was headed by a person holding the title of Suzerain and served as their leader. (Fantastic Four v1 #204)
Xandar's science was said to be far in advance of any in the cosmos. (Fantastic Four v1 #204) Xandarians had access to cloning bath technology that was used to create a copy of an existing individual by re-creating them from the basic building blocks of life. (New Warriors v1 #42)
One of their greatest creations were the Living Computers of Xandar that was the primary source of energy, knowledge and power for their world. For 10,000 years, the Xandarians had preserved the brains of their deceased that they linked together into a single massive computer unit. As such, it contained the collected knowledge of Xandar. (Fantastic Four v1 #205) The collective intelligence of all those that had lived on Xandar held a combined energy that was staggering to behold. (Fantastic Four v1 #208) The intelligence created from this system was known as the WorldMind.
Photon-beam guns were one form of armament that was present onboard Xandarian ships. (Nova v2 #15)
- Adora : the Suzerain (Queen) of Xandar and Prime Commandant of the Nova Corps, she was killed in Nebula's attack on her homeworld but was later cloned. (Fantastic Four v1 #204)
- Thoran Rul :
- Xar : male Master Xar who was the head scientist on Xandar. (Fantastic Four v1 #204)
- Gabriel Lan : male Commander of a Xandarian explorer ship who was transformed into Air-Walker, a Herald of Galactus. (Thor v1 #306)
- Pyreus Kril : a male officer that served under Gabriel that sought revenge for his friend but was transformed into Firelord who served as a Herald of Galactus. (Thor v1 #306)
- Cortellia : a black-haired female who was the daughter of an admiral where she entered into the space service and came to serve as navigator on the Way-Opener. During her three years on the ship, she came to enter into a romantic relationship with Pyreus Kril. (Fantastic Four v1 #204)
- Rieg Davan :
- Tanak Valt :
- Xandar was created by Marv Wolfman where it made its first appearance in Nova v1 #1 (September, 1976).
Alternate Versions
- In Infinity Gauntlet v2 (2015), a New Xandar appeared as a realm on Battleworld. It held a Nova Corps that was decimated by the Annihilation Wave which had overrun that region.
In other media
- In Guardians of the Galaxy, Xandar made regular appearances in the animated television series. In the episode "Undercover Angle" where the Guardians infiltrate the Nova Corps facility to recover a Pandorian Crystal. In "It's Tricky", it was shown that once a year the planet's three moons formed crescent shapes when light hit their surface. This gave them appearance of them being grins which led to the event leading to the Festival of the Three Grinning Moons which was a time for pranks on Xandar.
- In Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Xandar was referenced in the live-action television series starting in the episode "Fun & Games". Gaius Ponarian came to the Lighthouse where he offered Kasius a Xandarian Slug as a delicacy for his dinner for all the guests on the station.
- In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Xandar made multiple appearances in the shared continuity setting.
- In the Guardians of the Galaxy, Xandar appeared in the live-action film where it was shown as home to the Nova Empire and Nova Corps with the Nova Prime in charge of its defense. It was noted to had once fought the Kree until a peace treaty was established. However, a Kree fanatic known as Ronan went renegade where he sought to eliminate Xandar. Peter Quill acquired an orb which had an Infinity Stone within it and sought to sell it on Xandar but the buyer refused when he learnt that Ronan was seeking the relic. This saw him getting into a fight with Gamora, Rocket Raccoon and Groot with the four apprehended by the Nova Corps. After Ronan acquired the Infinity Stone, he used its power to amplify himself and sought to use it to destroy Xandar. However, the Guardians of the Galaxy formed where they sought to defeat Ronan and ended his threat when he landed on Xandar.
- In Thor: Ragnarok, Xandar was mentioned in the live-action film where Valkyrie intended to use one of the portals on Sakaar to go there in a return journey to Asgard.
- In Avengers: Infinity War, Xandar was referenced in the live-action film where it was said that Thanos had decimated the planet in order to acquire the Power Stone that was in the care of the Nova Corps.
Video games
- In Marvel Heroes, Xandar was referenced in Nova's background and in various relics present in the MMORPG video game.
- In Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2, Xandar appeared in the setting of the action adventure video game. Serving as the first level, the Guardians of the Galaxy attempted to fight off Kang the Conqueror's forces. When Eson the Searcher was defeated, Kang stole a part of Xandar to incorporate into Chronopolis.
- In Marvel: Future Revolution, Xandar appeared in the setting of the mobile video game. It was said to had been destroyed by Thanos leading to the survivors relocating to Earth which they settled and named Xandearth.
- Nova v1: (1976)
- Fantastic Four v1:
- New Warriors v1:
- Uncanny Origins v1:
- Nova:
- Annihilation: Nova v1:
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