Zeus (DC)

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Zeus is a male comic character who features in DC Comics.






Reigning from New Olympus, Zeus held on to his old ways while his fellow deities began changing to match modern times.


Following the Crisis on Infinite Earths, a new version of reality was created with a different history of events. Zeus

With Ares plot defeated, Zeus declared a time of celebration for the gods of Olympus after they were saved from destruction. In this time, Zeus came to take an interest in the Amazons and in particular Diana of Themyscira. He came to have Diana healed from her injuries and returned to her mother Hippolyta. (Wonder Woman v2 #7) Afterwards, he looked to make the Amazons his plaything and became fixated on Diana. Appearing before her, he offered her godhood and wanted her to be his new lover but she would reject his advances. This saw him punishing her for her defiance with Hippolyta intervening to save her daughter. Both were nearly killed but Hera intervened thus forcing her husband back to Olympus. (Wonder Woman v2 #10)

Zeus' manipulations of his followers finally come to a head with the creation of the Gargareans, a race of warriors intended as male counterparts of the Amazons. Zeus murders the Hawaiian god Kāne Milohai, a patron of Wonder Woman, and uses his heart to resurrect Achilles Warkiller, whom he appoints as leader of the Gargareans. Zeus also instates Achilles as the new ruler of Themyscira. When Wonder Woman learns of this and of the murder of Kāne, she becomes enraged and physically assaults Zeus. This blasphemy shocks her mother Hippolyta and leads Diana to enter self-exile, forsaking her former.


Following the Flashpoint, a new version of reality was created with a different history of events. Zeus

To prevent Diana from returning to Themyscira, Zeus had the sons of Ares namely Deimos and Phobos implant a false set of memories in the Amazon's mind. (Wonder Woman v5 #23)

To save his children, he confronted Darkseid and unleashed his power with him battling the evil New God. During the fight, he realised that the confrontation was a lure by Darkseid who wanted to draw out the Greek old god. This was because the New God knew he could not get enough power from Zeus's other children. As such, his true target was Zeus himself and he drained his essence leaving the Olympian god dead with his remains turned into cracking stone as Darkseid was restored to his true power. Though restored, Darkseid departed rather than continue any battle as he had other goals to accomplish with him leaving with his daughter Grail. (Wonder Woman v5 #37)


Personality and attributes

A child of Zeus in Young Justice v3 #19.

Mortals and even the Amazons were said to be seen merely as pets to Zeus. (Wonder Woman v2 #10)

Powers and abilities

It was known that he could turn into any object at will. (Superboy v1 #173) Among the forms he had taken included an eagle and a mortal lawyer. (Wonder Woman v5 #36)


  • Zeus was created by Jerry Siegel and Ira Yarbrough where he made his first appearance in Superman v1 #28 (May, 1944).
  • The character had first appeared in Fawcett Comics America's Greatest Comics v1 #5 (December, 1942).

Alternate Versions

  • In America's Greatest Comics v1 #5 (1942), Zeus appeared in the reality of Earth-S where he came to be among the deities that empowered Billy Batson when he became Captain Marvel. During World War II, German bombers came to destroy the home of the gods on Mount Olympus. Thus, a search of a new home began leading to Mercury taking his kin to an isolated land he discovered long ago only for them to learn learn that in the time since his visit this land has become the United States of America. Arriving there, the gods of Olympus were offended by all the noise and confusion of modern cities with this being to an extent that Zeus the King of the Gods refused to give his magic lightning to Captain Marvel. Billy Batson would end up taking Zeus and the gods of Olympus to the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens which were enough like their former home to satisfy them for the time being. By this point, Captain Marvel's many enemies would realise that he was weakened and staged a grand attack on the U.S. where Billy would once again call upon the magic lightning but Zeus would refuse. However, the other gods convinced him that peace would never exist for them as long as the forces of evil remained leading to the god reluctantly deciding to lend his magic to Captain Marvel. Their powers helped repel the attacker thus saving the day whereupon the gods of Olympus departed in search of a new place to call home.
  • In Kingdom Come, Zeus was a member of the Quintessence.

In other media


  • In Challenge of the Super Friends, Zeus appeared in the animated television series in the episode "Battle of the Gods" where he was voiced by actor Bob Holt.
  • In Shazam!, Zeus appeared in the 1974 live-action series as among the elders that Captain Marvel spoke to directly for guidance.


  • In Wonder Woman, Zeus appeared in the 2009 animated film where he did not appear but was a powerful voice with him being voiced by actor David McCallum. He intervened in the Amazons battle against Ares where he stayed the hand of Hippolyta from killing his son the god of war despite his crimes. Instead, the Olympian Gods decided to punish Ares with Hera having him chained in magic that stripped him of his godhood whilst he was taken as a prisoner of the Amazons.
  • In Wonder Woman, Zeus had a minor appearance in the 2017 DC Extended Universe live-action film where he was shown in flashbacks with no dialogue. He was the leader of the Olympian Gods who was said to had helped bring about the emergence of man. His son Ares, however, saw humanity as being corrupt and unworthy of love with him orchestrating a revolt against the gods with him killing them. Zeus was the only one to remain and he mated with the Amazon Queen Hippolyta leading to the birth of her daughter Diana who was to be the godkiller to serve as a weapon against Ares. Afterwards, he confronted his son Ares where he wounded him causing his fall from Olympus though the war-god survived whereupon Zeus died from his wounds.
  • In Justice League, Zeus appeared briefly in a flashback scene in the 2017 live-action film where he was portrayed by actor Sergi Constance.

Video games


  • Superman v1: (1944)
  • Wonder Woman v2:
  • Wonder Woman v3:
  • Wonder Woman v4:
  • Young Justice v3:


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