Gotham City

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[[File:BatmanV1-404Textless.jpg|thumb|left|200px|Crime Alley in Batman v1 #404.]]
[[File:BatmanV1-404Textless.jpg|thumb|left|200px|Crime Alley in Batman v1 #404.]]
Gotham City was a human city that was located in North America. A thousand years ago, the lands that became Gotham were inhabited by a Native American tribe known as the '''Miagani'''. During their time, a figure by the name of [[Deacon Blackfire|Shaman Blackfire]] emerged who was accused of being evil by the tribe. After he killed their Chief, the Miagani wounded and captured him where they entombed Blackfire within a cave to ensure his evil did not escape with a totem erected to warn others of him. In time, their crops and harvests began to die along with any animals for food forcing them to abandon the area in search for a new home. During their travel, it was held that the Miagani encountered another tribe who slaughtered them. Thus, the land in the area remained abandoned until the Dutch landed in [[1609]]. They established a colony by the shore whilst another was being sought deeper in-land where they came upon the former Miagani territory with them being surprised to find new inhabitants. Thus, they decided to make the site their new home and in time discovered the cave that contained Blackfire where they ended up releasing him unaware of the warnings left behind thus freeing him into the world once more after he dealt with the Dutch. (Batman: The Cult v1 #1)
Gotham City was a human city that was located in North America.  
During the Civil War era, a central figure in the city was Judge '''Solomon E. Wayne''' who came from Boston with him being a strict man in applying both the law and Biblical law on the people. During these years, he encountered a young brilliant architect named '''Cyrus Pinkney''' with him looking at his designs as being visionary whilst examining his portfolio. Wayne sold many of his assets to sponsor Pinkney's career in the creation of the new structures in his design that were largely successful with them shaping Gotham City in the future despite universal vilification from the architectural community. (Batman: Legend of the Dark Knight v1 #27)
Following the [[Crisis on Infinite Earths]], a new version of reality was created with a different history of events. Gotham City
Around 40 millennia ago, the lands were uninhabited where in this time a powerful and evil warlock was escaping those that sought his destruction. It was his aide '''Strega''' that he was brought to this barren land where he was buried alive on the central island with the intention that he would spend the centuries regaining his strength. In time, his evil essence came to seep into the soil and poison the ground where it was said that he became responsible for the evils that would come to this land. (Shadowpact v1 #5) A thousand years ago, the lands that became Gotham were inhabited by a Native American tribe known as the '''Miagani'''. During their time, a figure by the name of [[Deacon Blackfire|Shaman Blackfire]] emerged who was accused of being evil by the tribe. After he killed their Chief, the Miagani wounded and captured him where they entombed Blackfire within a cave to ensure his evil did not escape with a totem erected to warn others of him. In time, their crops and harvests began to die along with any animals for food forcing them to abandon the area in search for a new home. During their travel, it was held that the Miagani encountered another tribe who slaughtered them. Thus, the land in the area remained abandoned until the Dutch landed in [[1609]]. They established a colony by the shore whilst another was being sought deeper in-land where they came upon the former Miagani territory with them being surprised to find new inhabitants. Thus, they decided to make the site their new home and in time discovered the cave that contained Blackfire where they ended up releasing him unaware of the warnings left behind thus freeing him into the world once more after he dealt with the Dutch. (Batman: The Cult v1 #1)
On January 1st, [[1800]], the frontiersman known as [[Tomahawk (DC)|Tomahawk]] became embroiled in a fight with a British spy named Lord '''Gerald Shilling'''. Shilling had disguised himself as Tomahawk's close ally Stovepipe in order to get in close enough to procure a piece of mystical amber that Tomahawk had acquired from occultist Jason Blood years earlier. The two fought one another inside of an immense, bat-filled cavern not far from the Wayne estate. During the fight, the piece of amber fell into a stream of molten fluid. Shilling reached to retrieve it, and the amber fused itself to his hand, mummifying his entire arm. Tomahawk severed the arm and returned with it to Gotham Town. The arm and amber later became known as the '''Claw of Aelkhünd'''. The cavern in which the two fought one another in later come to be known as the [[Batcave]]. (Swamp Thing v2 #86)
During the Civil War era, a central figure in the city was Judge '''Solomon E. Wayne''' who came from Boston with him being a strict man in applying both the law and Biblical law on the people. During these years, he encountered a young brilliant architect named '''Cyrus Pinkney''' with him looking at his designs as being visionary whilst examining his portfolio. Wayne sold many of his assets to sponsor Pinkney's career in the creation of the new structures in his design that were largely successful with them shaping Gotham City in the future despite universal vilification from the architectural community. (Batman: Legend of the Dark Knight v1 #27) Thus, in [[1840]], Pinkney began to construct a series of buildings based on his drawings. (Batman: Gates of Gotham v1 #2) Pinkney saw his designs as an organic whole, almost a living being that would itself fight against evil. Gargoyles to frighten people onto the path of righteousness; rounded edges to confuse malevolent beings; thick walls to lock in virtue. It also had many elevated walkways, with some buildings connected to each other in such a way as they could not stand alone. Although vehemently criticized by Wayne's fellow Gothamites, the edifice pleased the judge and, in fact, was highly successful in that it attracted others to locate their ventures nearby - which in fact became the focal point for a thriving commercial center in Gotham's financial district. Together Wayne and Pinkney raised no fewer than a dozen other similar buildings. Pinkney's 'Gotham Style' structure, for a time, was widely imitated, both in Gotham and elsewhere despite universal vilification in the architectural world. (Batman Secret Files and Origins v1 #1)
At the legendary '''Battle of Gotham Heights''', a Union Army's Colonel named '''Nathan Cobblepot''' was noted to had admirably defended the city thus securing the Cobblepot's a place among the elite of Gotham.(Gotham Underground v1 #9)
In [[1929]], members of the '''Jade Compass Society''' had secretly brought the '''Mask of the Beholder''' to Gotham. (Batman v1 #706)
In [[1929]], members of the '''Jade Compass Society''' had secretly brought the '''Mask of the Beholder''' to Gotham. (Batman v1 #706)
During the [[1950]]s, Gotham evolved with the changing times, particularly in light of the paranoia perpetuated by the Cold War. Various bomb shelters were erected all throughout the city. By the [[1960]]s, Gotham City planners began an ambitious project called the '''Underground Highway'''. Beginning at Fourth Avenue, they began building an actual subterranean thoroughfare designed to link with the subway system. They only managed to complete two hundred yards worth of tunnel before budget cuts forced them to abandon the project. In later years, the unfinished highway became a haven for the homeless and even a few criminals such as Killer Croc. (Batman v1 #471)
A massive earthquake later struck Gotham leading to untold levels of devastation across the city. (Batman: Shadow of the Bat v1 #73)
Shortly following Ra's al Ghul's attempt to contaminate Gotham with a deadly virus, the city suffered an magnitude 7.6 earthquake in an event commonly referred to as the "Cataclysm". With hopes for rehabilitating the broken city, the United States government declared it a "No Man's Land," which effectively quarantined the entire island city. Eventually, thanks in no small part to the financial and political machinations of Lex Luthor — dipping his hands, as ever, in both legitimate and illegal means to achieve his goals — Gotham City was released and rebuilt, and rejoined the United States.
when Jeremiah Arkham left the city, he released all of the prisoners from the asylum, and since then they have divided the city amongst their gangs, tagging their territories like animals. (Batman: No Man's Land v1 #1)
Gotham later fell into a massive gang war between many of the city's major criminal groups following a botched contingency plan that Stephanie Brown implemented. The end results allowed the crime lord Black Mask to single-handedly rule over the city's organized crime until he was shot by Catwoman and a temporary police arrest warrant on vigilantes until being revoked by Police Commissioner James Gordon.
Gotham was once again victim of chaos when Batman allegedly died. Criminals all over the city tried to claim their own territory while the heroes and vigilantes tried to keep the situation under control, with much more success than the GCPD. However, chaos and violence were rampant in Gotham in which the National Guard was forced to intervene and create a citywide curfew.
The '''Gotham Shield Committee''' formed that held Commissioner Gordon, D.A. Spencer, Mayor Hady and Bruce Wayne that arranged a gala in order to discuss new ideas for the future stability of the city. (Batman v1 #693)  
The '''Gotham Shield Committee''' formed that held Commissioner Gordon, D.A. Spencer, Mayor Hady and Bruce Wayne that arranged a gala in order to discuss new ideas for the future stability of the city. (Batman v1 #693)  
Following the Flashpoint, a new version of history was created with a different series of events.
[[File:BatmanV3-125MeoTextless.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Gotham City in Batman v3 #125.]]
Following the Flashpoint, a new version of history was created with a different series of events. Gotham City
In [[1776]], the settlement had grown into a shepherding town known as '''Gathome'''. It was home to a number of prominent families, including the Wainrights, but had no church, atypical for a town of this size and age. Its outskirts were also a home to a medicine woman by the name of Aiyanna. One evening, Tim and Moira Wainright were murdered in front of their son. The son fell into the care of Aldridge Pearce, a drifter who had fought alongside Tim Wainright. Ichabod Craine, an itinerant preacher, used the tragedy as an excuse to further spread his word amongst the gathered townspeople before being rebuked by a prominent citizen, Garrett Jardin, for targeting Aiyanna as the subject of his hateful sermons. Craine retorted that the town was changing, and that his benefactor, Ethaniel Orgham, had arrived in town, bringing with him funding to build a Church for the town. Inspired by his preaching, a mob later attacked Aiyanna's home before being violently turned away by Pearce. The Orghams and their conspirators had darker intentions than anyone knew; using the deaths of the Wainrights as a trigger, they intended to orchestrate a series of symbolic tragedies capped by beheading of Jardin on the footsteps of the new church and the burial of a device known as a 'Reality Engine', setting a pattern for Gotham that would echo out into time. They would have succeeded, if not for unexpected intervention of a mysterious stranger going by the name of Mordecai. This stranger turned Pearce, who intended to leave the town, back towards the city, giving him a bat-shaped cowl to hide his identity. Pearce, clothed as a bat, intervened, saving Jardin and thwarting the plans of the [[Orgham Family]]. As a result of his interference in the intended pattern, the narrative ideal of the caped crusader garbed as Bat and born from tragedy echoed forward in time. (Detective Comics 2022 Annual v1 #1)
In [[1780]], the city was struck by a plague that killed a third of the population with the founding families fearing that the heart of Gotham would be infected by disease and thus instituted measures to ensure that nothing like this would occur again. (The Batman Who Laughs v2 #2) It was still a developing city during the [[1880]]'s during the time of Mayor Cobblepot. (All-Star Western v3 #1) For nearly three centuries, '''Powers International''' corporation was one of the most prominent corporate citizens of the city and the nation. (Divergence v1 #1)
In [[1780]], the city was struck by a plague that killed a third of the population with the founding families fearing that the heart of Gotham would be infected by disease and thus instituted measures to ensure that nothing like this would occur again. (The Batman Who Laughs v2 #2) It was still a developing city during the [[1880]]'s during the time of Mayor Cobblepot. (All-Star Western v3 #1) For nearly three centuries, '''Powers International''' corporation was one of the most prominent corporate citizens of the city and the nation. (Divergence v1 #1)
Batman encountered the Riddler, who sought to exploit his supposed superiority over Gotham by reverting it to a primal state, forcing its citizens to fight for survival. During a massive hurricane, the Riddler destroyed the city's entire power grid and covered Gotham with Dr. Pamela Isley's rapid plant growth serum, turning the city into a technologically-stunted jungle ruin that he could rule. Due to some coordination between the new hero Batman and Jim Gordon, the Bat was able to depose Riddler from power and initiate plans to restore the city to its original condition.
During Batman's second year, a war erupted between the Joker and the Riddler with the two forming factions from the city's villains as they battled one another. (Batman v3 #26)
Years ago, the Joker, Riddler, Penguin and Catwoman received a mysterious call from an infamous masked criminal called the '''Designer''' who offered them a means of defeating the Batman. To accomplish this, he aimed to support them financially and plan the perfect scheme for each of them so that they could be the ultimate criminals in Gotham. However, after meeting with the Joker, the Designer turned on the villains where he ordered them terminated but he was seemingly killed by the Joker. In the aftermath, the four villains decided to pretend the incident never occurred and let the Designer appear as a myth in the criminal underworld. (Batman v3 #90)
Years ago, the Joker, Riddler, Penguin and Catwoman received a mysterious call from an infamous masked criminal called the '''Designer''' who offered them a means of defeating the Batman. To accomplish this, he aimed to support them financially and plan the perfect scheme for each of them so that they could be the ultimate criminals in Gotham. However, after meeting with the Joker, the Designer turned on the villains where he ordered them terminated but he was seemingly killed by the Joker. In the aftermath, the four villains decided to pretend the incident never occurred and let the Designer appear as a myth in the criminal underworld. (Batman v3 #90)
A year later, the Riddler attempted to form an alliance with the Joker with the goal of working together to eliminate Batman. However, Joker refused and left the Riddler badly injured where he nearly died from his wounds. In response, a conflict erupted between the two supervillains where they began to gather Gotham villains to their side. This came to be an event that was known as the '''War of Jokes and Riddles''' that engulfed Gotham City where Batman fought both sides in an attempt to reduce the damage caused by it. (Batman v3 #25)
The Court of Owls decided to re-take control of Gotham City and enacted their plan on the '''Night of the Owls''' where they awakened a large number of their Talon assassins. These superhuman agents were then dispatched across the city in order to find and kill key figures within the city. Batman had to contend with a number of the assassins that managed to break into Wayne Manor but he sent a signal to the Bat Family to help protect the surviving targets. (Batman v2 #8)
When the Joker returned to Gotham yet again, having decided to exploit Batman's secret identity and make one final attack on the hero now that he was empowered by Dionesium, he sent the city into chaos by Jokerizing most of the city's inhabitants. The city began to fall apart as Batman struggled to keep order and survive Joker's laughing zombie army. After the final confrontation between Batman and the Joker left the two to perish in the caves beneath Gotham, Gotham was able to start recovering. Two weeks after the incident, Gotham continued to celebrate their fallen hero while infrastructure was repaired, and civilian injuries were mended.
Chaos fell over the city as the '''Joker War''' engulfed it with various Joker-related goons taking over the city. The Joker used his fortune to tie all legal efforts to prevent any effort to instil order in the city whilst he looked to distribute a new strain of the Joker Toxin. (Batman v3 #96) Around this time, a new vigilante had emerged who targeted the Joker's gang that tried to move into the Narrows with this being a young man called the [[Clownhunter]] who ruthlessly killed these criminals. (Batman v3 #97) The war ended with the seeming death of the Joker but the Clown Prince of Crime was said to had completely changed the landscape of Gotham that was facing new and uncertain times as a result. (Batman v3 #100) Gotham police officer '''Christopher Nakano''' who was injured as a result of the Joker's rampage later made a bid for office where he campaigned under an anti-vigilante banner as he believed they brought more harm to the city. Meanwhile, a figure known as '''the Mirror''' had arisen where he similarly looked to turn the people of Gotham against its vigilantes. (Detective Comics v1 #1029) At the same time, the vigilante known as the [[Ghost-Maker (DC)|Ghost-Maker]] emerged to end the reign of criminals operating in the city with him opposing Batman's approach to crime. (Batman v3 #102)
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It was said that there were 8.5 million people living in Gotham with this figure not counting the commuters, tourists or other kinds of visitors. (Batman Annual v3 #1)  
It was said that there were 8.5 million people living in Gotham with this figure not counting the commuters, tourists or other kinds of visitors. (Batman Annual v3 #1)  
A plant native to the region was '''''Gravedigger's Poppy''''' that was a rare hallucinogen which resulted in broken blood vessels near the eyes and a milky film over the pupils. Some cults had used the toxin in rituals where it was believed one could divine the secrets of the universe when exposed to it. The poppy though went extinct in the mid-20th century. (Batman and Robin v3 #16)
Locations at Gotham City included:
Locations at Gotham City included:
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*'''Gotham Harbour''' :
*'''Gotham Harbour''' :
*'''Narrows''' :
*'''Narrows''' :
*'''Wayne Manor''' :
*'''Wayne Manor''' : It had said to had stood on its ground for over 200 years ago whilst the cave system underneath it had been there since the Stone Age. (Batman and Robin v1 #10)
*'''Wayne Tower''' :
*'''Wayne Tower''' :
*'''Archie Goodwin International Airport''' :
*'''Archie Goodwin International Airport''' :
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*'''Statue of Justice''' :
*'''Statue of Justice''' :
*'''Robinson Park''' :
*'''Robinson Park''' :
*'''Burnside''' : (Batgirl v4 #35)
*'''Burnside''' : a neighborhood located across the Gotham River. (Batgirl v4 #35)
*'''Alleytown''' :
*'''Devil's Square''' : (Batman v1 #692)  
*'''Devil's Square''' : (Batman v1 #692)  
*'''Busker's Club''' : a place where all performers in Gotham were members that included musicians, magicians, actors, comedians who were all welcome to join with laymen having to buy their way in with the club being closed by the modern day. (Batman: Streets of Gotham v1 #19)   
*'''Busker's Club''' : a place where all performers in Gotham were members that included musicians, magicians, actors, comedians who were all welcome to join with laymen having to buy their way in with the club being closed by the modern day. (Batman: Streets of Gotham v1 #19)   
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*'''Nolan's Peak''' : a lighthouse situated in Gotham. (Batman v1 #706)
*'''Nolan's Peak''' : a lighthouse situated in Gotham. (Batman v1 #706)
*'''Monster Town''' : name given to the '''Quarantine District''' that contained the remains of the Monster Men. (Detective Comics v1 #948)
*'''Monster Town''' : name given to the '''Quarantine District''' that contained the remains of the Monster Men. (Detective Comics v1 #948)
*'''Otisburg''' :
*'''The Bowery''' :  
*'''The Bowery''' :  
**'''Crown Point''' :
**'''Crown Point''' :
*'''Park Row''' :
*'''Namesake Club''' : a social club where each member dressed as a historical character of their namesake with them rejecting the application of people that used a characters nickname. (Detective Comics v1 #183)
*'''Namesake Club''' : a social club where each member dressed as a historical character of their namesake with them rejecting the application of people that used a characters nickname. (Detective Comics v1 #183)
*'''Hangman's Club''' : headquarters of an organization that for 10 years had helped ex-offenders find jobs and helped in them reforming themselves after their sentence had finished with it being formed by four ex-convicts. (Brave and the Bold v1 #177)
*'''Hangman's Club''' : headquarters of an organization that for 10 years had helped ex-offenders find jobs and helped in them reforming themselves after their sentence had finished with it being formed by four ex-convicts. (Brave and the Bold v1 #177)
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*'''Saturn Building''' : a tall skyscraper with a sphere on top that had a ring around it. (Detective Comics v1 #222)
*'''Saturn Building''' : a tall skyscraper with a sphere on top that had a ring around it. (Detective Comics v1 #222)
*'''Ice Patch''' : an area situated by the old boardwalk that was subject to an urban renewal program. (Red Hood and the Outlaws v2 #22)
*'''Ice Patch''' : an area situated by the old boardwalk that was subject to an urban renewal program. (Red Hood and the Outlaws v2 #22)
*'''Palace of Glass''' : a museum made of glass located at the egde of town that had a gem exhibit. (Batman v1 #149)
*'''Palace of Glass''' : a museum made of glass located at the edge of town that had a gem exhibit. (Batman v1 #149)
*'''Gotham Village''' :
*'''Gotham Village''' :
*'''Tobacconists' Club''' : (Detective Comics v1 #469)
*'''Tobacconists' Club''' : (Detective Comics v1 #469)
*'''The Hill''' : (Batman: The Hill v1 #1)
*'''The Hill''' : (Batman: The Hill v1 #1) It was once one of the poorest and most crime-ridden areas of an already pretty dangerous city. It has recently begun gentrifying, attracting new businesses and middle-class transplants from more affluent areas of the city, to the annoyance of long-time residents. (Batgirls v1 #17)
*'''Gotham Tombs''' : situated 10 miles off the Gotham Docks was this long abandoned prison that once housed the world’s greatest criminal minds. (Creeper v2 #4)
*'''Gotham Tombs''' : situated 10 miles off the Gotham Docks was this long abandoned prison that once housed the world’s greatest criminal minds. (Creeper v2 #4)
*'''Lucius Fox Center for Gotham Youth''' :
*'''Lucius Fox Center for Gotham Youth''' :
*'''Mercey Island''' :
*'''Mercey Island''' :
*'''Brideshead''' :
*'''Brideshead''' :
*'''Monarch Theater''' :
*'''Noonan's Bar''' :
*'''Foundry Square''' : located in the centre of the oldest section of Gotham with it being situated in the Lower East Side which was regarded as the site where the city first started. Long ago, the first Dutch settlers overcame the native Miagani with them British in turn overcoming them. (Batman v2 #38)
*'''Foundry Square''' : located in the centre of the oldest section of Gotham with it being situated in the Lower East Side which was regarded as the site where the city first started. Long ago, the first Dutch settlers overcame the native Miagani with them British in turn overcoming them. (Batman v2 #38)
*'''Gotham City Police Academy''' : (Detective Comics v1 #399)
*'''The Village''' : a small square of city block that was protected by Simon Dark. (Simon Dark v1 #1)
*'''Smile Bar''' : an establishment that catered to the Grinners that were the most demented criminals in the city that were devoted followers of the Joker. (Batman v3 #102)
*'''Little Santa Prisca''' : a neighbourhood who was noted to had survived harsh times such as both under Bane and Joker. (Batman v3 #102)
*'''Marshview''' :
Some of the city's earliest skyscrapers were built at night by wealthy owners that wanted to get around union laws and hired non-union workers that formed '''shadow crews''' that helped built the structures. (Batman and the Signal v1 #2)
A particular area was '''Blossom Row''' that did not officially exist as it as the common name for a footpath that ran east to west across the city throughout the 18th century. It marked the border between the farmland and rich estates at the city's north end and the working city in the south. Waterways sat the intersection with Blossom Row cutting right through as a kind of promenade. Wealthy Gothamites would come down and buy little figures made of flowers by working children for more than they were worth. In fact, some paid the equivalent of college tuitions with it being said to be a place of charity and a generous overlap over a harsh place. In time, the city grew leading to this pathway being forgotten and vanishing as a result. (Batman v2 #46) Some of the city's earliest skyscrapers were built at night by wealthy owners that wanted to get around union laws and hired non-union workers that formed '''shadow crews''' that helped built the structures. (Batman and the Signal v1 #2) The bridges of the city used to be known as the 'Gates' of Gotham. (Batman: Gates of Gotham v1 #1)
Organizations in Gotham City included:
Organizations in Gotham City included:
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*'''Tobacconists' Club''' : an exclusive Gentlemen's club said to hold the most powerful men in Gotham. (Detective Comics v1 #469)  
*'''Tobacconists' Club''' : an exclusive Gentlemen's club said to hold the most powerful men in Gotham. (Detective Comics v1 #469)  
*'''Mystery Analysts of Gotham City''' : a unique and exclusive club that consisted of dedicated mystery solvers with a requirement for membership being to solve one baffling mystery. (Batman v1 #164)
*'''Mystery Analysts of Gotham City''' : a unique and exclusive club that consisted of dedicated mystery solvers with a requirement for membership being to solve one baffling mystery. (Batman v1 #164)
*'''Wayne Enterprises''' :
*'''Rennington Steel''' : regarded as the northeast's most respected consumer blade manufacturers where its headquarters occupied a sprawling fifteen acres in the rural farm country 20 miles north of Gotham City. The family created the market for craftmanship quality blades in America with this being a tradition that carried back 600 years. (Batman v1 #343)
*'''Patriarch Biochemicals''' : a pharmaceutical company that was headed by Abraham Langstrom. (Batman: The Dark Knight v2 #28)
*'''Caldwell Technologies''' : headed by E.D. Caldwall who was the founder and CEO of the company that made weapons. (Detective Comics v2 #22)
*'''Powers International''' : a corporation that for nearly three centuries was one of the most prominent corporate citizens of the city and the nation. (Divergence v1 #1)
*'''Gotham Hrald''' : a newspaper started by the Elliot family in the early 1800s. (Batman: Gates of Gotham v1 #2)
*'''Jade Compass Society''' :
*'''Jade Compass Society''' :
*'''Kane's Kolossal Karnival''' : a circus bought by Nathan Kane for his wife Kathy Kane as a birthday gift as she had always wanted to have one. (Batman Incorporated v1 #4)
*'''Haly's Circus''' :
*'''Children of the Clay''' : a group consisting of teenage fans of Basil Karlo and became even more devoted after he became Clayface where they wanted to die by his hands as they felt it gave their lives meaning. (Joker's Asylum: Clayface v1 #1)
*'''Church of the Two''' :
*'''False Face Society''' : a criminal society consisted of people wearing masks and who performed contests on who would accomplish the most sensational crime. (Batman v1 #152)
*'''Underbrokerage''' : a secret criminal brokerage headed by the Underbroker who helped move money from criminal ventures to different accounts. (Batman v3 #92)
*'''Mirror House''' : a secret society and organization that auctioned off illegal material that once belonged to Gotham’s most notorious villains. (Detective Comics v1 #872)
*'''Mirror House''' : a secret society and organization that auctioned off illegal material that once belonged to Gotham’s most notorious villains. (Detective Comics v1 #872)
*'''Court of Owls''' :
*'''Court of Owls''' :
*'''Black Glove''' :
There were a number of crime families that made up Gotham's Organized Crime with these being:
*'''Calabrese family''' : one of the crime families within the city. (Catwoman v4 #35)
*'''Falcone family''' :
*'''Hasigawa family''' : (Catwoman v4 #35)
*'''Maroni family''' :
*'''Sullivan Crime Family''' :
Other criminal organizations included:
*'''East Side Dragons''' :
*'''East Side Dragons''' :
*'''Lords of the Avenues''' :
*'''Lords of the Avenues''' :
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*'''Odessa Mob''' :
*'''Odessa Mob''' :
*'''Penitente Cartel''' :
*'''Penitente Cartel''' :
*'''Children of the Clay''' :
*'''Victim Syndicate''' :
*'''False Face Society''' :
*'''Geo Populus''' : a dark mystical cult that engaged in rituals in the city. (Simon Dark v1 #1)
*'''Underbrokerage''' : a secret criminal brokerage headed by the Underbroker who helped move money from criminal ventures to different accounts. (Batman v3 #92)
*'''Order of the Green Knight''' :
*'''Court of Owls''' :
An influential group within the city were the first families of Gotham that included the Wayne, Cobblepots and the Elliots. (Batman: Gates of Gotham v1 #2) In time, the press came to refer to the untimely demises of members of the golden family as being 'the Curse of Kane'. (Batman Incorporated v1 #4) In time, the Cobblepots over the generations came to be tied to the city of Gotham. (Gotham Underground v1 #9)
There were a number of crime families that made up Gotham's Organized Crime with these being:
*'''Calabrese family''' : one of the crime families within the city. (Catwoman v4 #35)
*'''Falcone family''' :
*'''Hasigawa family''' : one of the noted crime families within the city who were known for their efficiency and ruthlessness with them controlling the Gotham Port. (Catwoman v4 #35)
*'''Maroni family''' :
*'''Sullivan Crime Family''' :
There was a saying in Gotham that was adopted from the Miagani Tribe that once lived in that land with this being, ''"Happiness is seeing the world through the eyes of children"''. A Latin version of this was present on subway tokens which read as, ''"Through new eyes"''. (The Batman Who Laughs v2 #4)
There was a saying in Gotham that was adopted from the Miagani Tribe that once lived in that land with this being, ''"Happiness is seeing the world through the eyes of children"''. A Latin version of this was present on subway tokens which read as, ''"Through new eyes"''. (The Batman Who Laughs v2 #4)
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*'''Solomon E. Wayne''' : male during the Civil War era who graduated from Harvard University with him becoming a judge who migrated from Boston to Gotham City where he applied strict law along with Biblical law. (Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight v1 #27)
*'''Solomon E. Wayne''' : male during the Civil War era who graduated from Harvard University with him becoming a judge who migrated from Boston to Gotham City where he applied strict law along with Biblical law. (Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight v1 #27)
*'''Alan Wayne''' :
*'''Theodore Cobblepot''' : Oswald Cobblepot's great-grandfather who enjoyed the longest and most successful tenures as mayor of the city. (Gotham Underground v1 #9) He came from a prominent steel family but had been out of the industry for sometime when he became mayor. (Batman: Gates of Gotham v1 #2)
*'''Thomas Wayne''' :
*'''Thomas Wayne''' :
*'''Martha Wayne''' :
*'''Martha Wayne''' :
*'''Ma Gunn''' :
*'''Roderick Kane''' :
*'''Faye Gunn''' : silver haired granddaughter of Ma Gunn who was kept away from her grandmothers criminal lifestyle. (Red Hood and the Outlaws v2 #22)
*'''Elizabeth Kane''' :
*'''Rex Calabrese''' : male former Gotham Kingpin of Crime also known as the '''Lion''' who was later sent to Blackgate prison where he was given the name of '''Leo Leone'''. (Batman Eternal v1 #20)
*'''Nathan Kane''' : a scion of the Kane family married Kathy Webb and died age 47 after a stroke where he passed Kane's Kolossal Karnival to his grieving widow. (Batman Incorporated v1 #4)
*'''James Gordon''' :
*'''Lucius Fox''' :
*'''Dick Grayson''' :
*'''Harper Row''' :
*'''Cullen Row''' :
*'''Deena Winslow''' :
*'''Elizabeth Berg''' :
*'''Nicodemus Crowe''' : a madman who operated a cult over a hundred years ago in Gotham. He believed that violent murders left 'scars' in the universe that one could see. His cult made use of the Gravedigger's Poppy in rituals to divine the secrets of the universe. (Batman and Robin v3 #16)
*'''Burton Talbot''' : an elderly grey haired moustached millionaire. (Detective Comics v1 #359)
*'''Burton Talbot''' : an elderly grey haired moustached millionaire. (Detective Comics v1 #359)
*'''Gagsworth A. Gagsworthy''' : a black haired male midget who was a refugee from the circus that became the Jokers protégé as '''Gaggy the Dwarf''' who had an glass-shattering scream. (Batman v #186)
*'''Ned Judson''' : a blonde haired man who was a wealthy yachtsman with him being a Batman fan whereupon he learnt of the '''Brotherhood of Batmen''' who claimed to had been the Caped Crusader but were a racket that attempted to trick him into being a member so that they could siphon away his fortune. (Detective Comics v1 #222)
*'''Ned Judson''' : a blonde haired man who was a wealthy yachtsman with him being a Batman fan whereupon he learnt of the '''Brotherhood of Batmen''' who claimed to had been the Caped Crusader but were a racket that attempted to trick him into being a member so that they could siphon away his fortune. (Detective Comics v1 #222)
*'''Spotswood Hartley''' : a male socialite who was a member of '''The Court Club''' where Bruce Wayne attended with Spotswood actually being the criminal '''Kingpin''' of the Gotham underworld. (World's Finest v1 #57)
*'''Spotswood Hartley''' : a male socialite who was a member of '''The Court Club''' where Bruce Wayne attended with Spotswood actually being the criminal '''Kingpin''' of the Gotham underworld. (World's Finest v1 #57)
*'''Felix Dunn''' : a scholarly male criminal who was obsessed about the Medieval legends of the Black Knight whereupon he went insane and took a costumed identity as the '''Black Rogue''' with him men seeking restore his sanity. (World's Finest v1 #62)
*'''Felix Dunn''' : a scholarly male criminal who was obsessed about the Medieval legends of the Black Knight whereupon he went insane and took a costumed identity as the '''Black Rogue''' with him men seeking restore his sanity. (World's Finest v1 #62)
*'''Herbert Smirt''' : a male scholar with a shady record who wrote the '''Batman Encyclopedia''' that was a book with thousands of facts about Batman's methods, his equipment and how to defeat him with these being sold to criminals of Gotham at five thousand dollars a copy. (Detective Comics v1 #214)
*'''Richard Lyons''' : a male crimelord who operated as a masked vigilante called the '''Crimson Knight''' in order to get the Gotham police to trust him so that he could trick them whilst hiding his illegal activities. (Detective Comics v1 #271)
*'''Payne Cardine''' : a dark haired male  pianist who was snubbed for his performance leading to him becoming a costumed criminal called the '''Maestro''' who terrorised the city. (Batman v1 #149)
*'''Payne Cardine''' : a dark haired male  pianist who was snubbed for his performance leading to him becoming a costumed criminal called the '''Maestro''' who terrorised the city. (Batman v1 #149)
*'''Ambrose Weems''' : an older male who was the Professor of Musicology and author of ''An Encyclopaedia of Music'' who assisted Batman and Robin against the Maestro by wearing a costume to briefly become a masked superhero called the '''Sparrow''' whereupon he retired after the Dynamic Duo caught their villain. (Batman v1 #149)
*'''Ambrose Weems''' : an older male who was the Professor of Musicology and author of ''An Encyclopaedia of Music'' who assisted Batman and Robin against the Maestro by wearing a costume to briefly become a masked superhero called the '''Sparrow''' whereupon he retired after the Dynamic Duo caught their villain. (Batman v1 #149)
*'''Art Saddows''' : a spectacled male who was a Front Page Award winning investigative reporter and a member of the Mystery Analysts of Gotham City. (Batman v1 #164)
*'''Art Saddows''' : a spectacled male who was a Front Page Award winning investigative reporter and a member of the Mystery Analysts of Gotham City. (Batman v1 #164)
*'''Kaye Daye''' : a female mystery novelist who had a skilled investigative mind and was a member of the Mystery Analysts of Gotham City. (Batman v1 #164)
*'''Kaye Daye''' : a female mystery novelist who had a skilled investigative mind and was a member of the Mystery Analysts of Gotham City. (Batman v1 #164)
*'''Doctor Voodoo''' : a black male voodoo doctor who led a criminal gang where he used his talents to hypnotise people to serving him. (Detective Comics v1 #496)
*'''Blair Gownset''' : a mysterious man who was really the criminal '''Gray Face'''. (Detective Comics v1 #500)
*'''Eric Mercey''' : a man who made his millions in cement where he built himself a house in the hills north of Gotham that would outlast him, his family and his fortune. (Batman: Shadow of the Bat v1 #38)
*'''Hugh Rankin''' :
*'''Hugh Rankin''' :
*'''Olivia Ortega''' : (Detective Comics v1 #504)
*'''Simple Simon''' : (Batman v1 #138)
*'''Simple Simon''' : (Batman v1 #138)
*'''Brand''' : (Batman v1 #137)
*'''Brand''' : (Batman v1 #137)
*'''Desmond Mallard''' : (Batman Family v1 #17)
*'''Frank Foster''' the 'Big Wheel' (Batman v1 #135)
*'''Frank Foster''' the 'Big Wheel' (Batman v1 #135)
*'''Swami Ymar''' : (Batman v1 #129)
*'''Swami Ymar''' : (Batman v1 #129)
*'''Alec Wyre''' : a criminal electronics genius who built inventions for various criminals until he went on the run into the Batcave and died after being scared by the startled bats. (Batman v1 #121)
*'''Alec Wyre''' : a criminal electronics genius who built inventions for various criminals until he went on the run into the Batcave and died after being scared by the startled bats. (Batman v1 #121)
*'''Silas Wayne''' : great uncle to Bruce Wayne and self-appointed historian of the Wayne family. Batman v1 #120)  
*'''Silas Wayne''' : great uncle to Bruce Wayne and self-appointed historian of the Wayne family. Batman v1 #120)  
*'''James Lee''' : a circus acrobat who was accused of killing his ex-performance patner Wyler. (Batman v1 #118)
*'''David Dial''' : owner of a circus who used it as a smuggling ring to hide criminals when he was discovered by Wyler and had him killed whereupon he had James Lee used as an alibi. (Batman v1 #118)
*'''Fatman''' : a circus clown who wore a mock Batman costume. (Batman v1 #113)
*'''Alec Judson''' : a big game hunter who served as the host to the Gotham '''Safari Club''' where he secretly used his hunting trips to meet his contacts as he headed an international crime-cartel. (Batman v1 #111)
*'''Alec Judson''' : a big game hunter who served as the host to the Gotham '''Safari Club''' where he secretly used his hunting trips to meet his contacts as he headed an international crime-cartel. (Batman v1 #111)
*'''Vera Lovely''' : beautiful teenaged skater celebrity who Dick Grayson as Robin fell in love with leading to the two dating for a while. (Batman v1 #107)
*'''Vera Lovely''' : beautiful teenaged skater celebrity who Dick Grayson as Robin fell in love with leading to the two dating for a while. (Batman v1 #107)
*'''Johnny Witts''' : a male criminal mastermind who had incredible powers of deduction. (Detective Comics v1 #344)
*'''Millicent Mayne''' : a blue eyed black haired woman who had been a renowned actress until an earthquake caused her to develop the ability to feel the pain of the city and after being burnt by acid on the side of her face she became known to the media as '''The Face of Gotham'''. (Detective Comics v1 #851)
*'''Millicent Mayne''' : a blue eyed black haired woman who had been a renowned actress until an earthquake caused her to develop the ability to feel the pain of the city and after being burnt by acid on the side of her face she became known to the media as '''The Face of Gotham'''. (Detective Comics v1 #851)
*'''Paul Bodin''' : a male key expert whose daughter was captured by criminals that forced him to commit illegal acts for them with him becoming a masked supervillain called the '''Human Key''' until stopped by Batman and Robin who saved his daughter. (Detective Comics v1 #132)
*'''Paul Bodin''' : a male key expert whose daughter was captured by criminals that forced him to commit illegal acts for them with him becoming a masked supervillain called the '''Human Key''' until stopped by Batman and Robin who saved his daughter. (Detective Comics v1 #132)
*'''James Carter''' : a male real estate agent who took part in a life of crime by becoming the feared underworld villain called '''Mr. Incognito'''. (Batman v1 #173)
*'''James Carter''' : a male real estate agent who took part in a life of crime by becoming the feared underworld villain called '''Mr. Incognito'''. (Batman v1 #173)
*'''David Dial''' : owner of a circus who used it as a smuggling ring to hide criminals when he was discovered by Wyler and had him killed whereupon he had James Lee used as an alibi. (Batman v1 #118)
*'''Mr. Mammoth''' : a male circus strongman. Batman v1 #168).
*'''Mr. Mammoth''' : a male circus strongman. Batman v1 #168).
*'''Fatman''' : a circus clown who wore a mock Batman costume. (Batman v1 #113)
*'''James Lee''' : a circus acrobat who was accused of killing his ex-performance patner Wyler. (Batman v1 #118)
*'''Maxie Zeus''' : (Detective Comics v1 #483)
*'''Maxie Zeus''' : (Detective Comics v1 #483)
*'''Margaret Pye''' : (Man of Steel v1 #3)
*'''Margaret Pye''' : (Man of Steel v1 #3)
*'''Jarvis Tetch''' : (Batman v1 #49)
*'''Jarvis Tetch''' : (Batman v1 #49)
*'''Leslie Tompkins''' :
*'''Leslie Tompkins''' :
*'''Jim Gordon''' :
*'''Harvey Bullock''' :
*'''Renee Montoya''' :
*'''Crispus Allen''' :
*'''Jack Forbes''' : a blonde haired male who was a Detective in the GCPD where he was attached to Internal Affairs. (Batman: The Dark Knight v2 #1)
*'''Christopher Nakano''' :
*'''Anthony Scarano''' : General Scarr (Detective Comics v1 #491)
*'''Edward Wells''' : Cormorant (Detective Comics v1 #491)
*'''Rex Calabrese''' : male former Gotham Kingpin of Crime also known as the '''Lion''' who was later sent to Blackgate prison where he was given the name of '''Leo Leone'''. (Batman Eternal v1 #20)
*'''Carmine Falcone''' :
*'''Sal Maroni''' : a male criminal who went by the name of 'the Boss' who was at court for killing a person with Harvey Dent heading the prosecution who secured Maroni's conviction leading to Sal throwing acid that burnt half the prosecutors face leading to him becoming Two-Face. (Detective Comics v1 #66)
*'''Eiko Hasigawa''' : daughter of the head of the Hasigawa yakuza crime family in Gotham where she was the heiress of the group. (Catwoman v4 #35)
*'''Johnny Witts''' : a male criminal mastermind who had incredible powers of deduction. (Detective Comics v1 #344)
*'''Peyton Riley''' :
*'''Ma Gunn''' :
*'''Faye Gunn''' : silver haired granddaughter of Ma Gunn who was kept away from her grandmothers criminal lifestyle. (Red Hood and the Outlaws v2 #22)
*'''Oswald Cobblepot''' :
*'''Ignatius Ogilvy''' :
*'''Geri Powers''' : female CEO of Powers International. (Divergence v1 #1)
*'''Abraham Langstrom''' : a male businessman who headed '''Patriarch Biochemicals''' and was also the father of Kirk Langstrom where he was strict to his son. He was said to had started out as a corporate raider where he would buy companies, tear them apart and sell the pieces for profit whilst he kept the valuable parts for himself. Abraham was said to had been a rival of Thomas Wayne with his company working in polar opposition to Wayne Enterprises as he sought to drain Gotham of its wealth. By modern day, he came to take his son's research where he turned himself into a more primal and powerful Man-Bat that drained the blood from his victims. (Batman: The Dark Knight v2 #28)
*'''Alan March''' : a male human who came to be a scientist where he was the father of Francine and father-in-law of Kirk Langstrom. (Batman: Urban Legends v1 #19)
*'''Elliot Caldwell''' :
*'''Rupert Thorne''' : white haired older male who served as the city council chairman where he secretly engaged in criminal ventures. (Detective Comics v1 #469)  
*'''Rupert Thorne''' : white haired older male who served as the city council chairman where he secretly engaged in criminal ventures. (Detective Comics v1 #469)  
*'''Sterling Silversmith''' : a businessman with white hair who wore a white suit where he transformed a small enterprise into a one-man empire where he secretly engaged in criminal ventures with an eye for acquiring silver. Silversmith's suit was woven with an alloy that made it bullet-proof which protected him from small-arms fire and his cane had a gun in it which he could use against others. (Detective Comics v1 #446)
*'''Sterling Silversmith''' : a businessman with white hair who wore a white suit where he transformed a small enterprise into a one-man empire where he secretly engaged in criminal ventures with an eye for acquiring silver. Silversmith's suit was woven with an alloy that made it bullet-proof which protected him from small-arms fire and his cane had a gun in it which he could use against others. (Detective Comics v1 #446)
*'''Jack Houston''' :
*'''Jack Houston''' :
*'''Amity Arkham''' :
*'''Olive Silverlock''' :
*'''Olive Silverlock''' :
*'''Joe Chill''' :
*'''Joe Chill''' :
*'''Henry Clover, Junior''' :
*'''Henry Clover, Junior''' :
*'''Caroline Crown''' : (Batman v1 #323)
*'''Caroline Crown''' : an auburn haired woman with glasses who was part of the stenographer pool at the Wayne Foundation. When Bruce Wayne's secretary was called away on personal business, Caroline was moved to fill in that role.  (Batman v1 #323)
*'''David Rennington''' : a male businessman who headed '''Rennington Steel''' where he was secretly the masked blade wielding assassin known as the '''Dagger'''. (Batman v1 #343)
*'''Dwight Forrow''' : (Detective Comics v1 #197)
*'''Gregory Griffin''' : a human male who was the curator of the Gotham Metropolitan Museum and was a friend of Bruce Wayne. During an archaeological dig, the man became mentally unbalanced after seeing a portrait of Khafre's love Queen Kara and came to believe himself to be the Pharaoh. He modelled himself as Pharaoh Khafre and upon seeing Selina Kyle thought she was his love Kara leading to him kidnapping her. Batman travelled to Egypt to save Selina Kyle from Griffin who lost control of a medallion that allowed him to command the local jackals who turned on him leading to Gregory's death. (Detective Comics v1 #508)
*'''Kenneth Anderson''' : a male human who was a geologist where during an expedition he encountered a rock with unique properties. He attempted to tap into the stone as a source of energy but it exploded and irradiated his body with its power. His cranium became distended as he developed superhuman abilities that allowed him to fly and emit energy blasts where he sought to destroy mankind as the '''Annihilator'''. (Detective Comics v1 #508)
*'''Arthur Reeves''' : a male human who came to be the Mayor's new Public Works Coordinator where he was not a fan of Batman or his vigilante activities in Gotham. (Detective Comics v1 #399) The city councilman then held a political rally to gather votes where he pushed an agenda that made Batman to be an urban terrorist and a danger to the city. (Detective Comics v1 #508)
*'''Sebastian Hady''' : a male who came to be the mayor of Gotham City. (Batman: Streets of Gotham v1 #2) He was known to blackmail his mayoral opponents during elections. (Red Robin v1 #22)
*'''Hamilton Hill''' :
*'''Jeremiah Arkham''' :
*'''Amity Arkham''' :
*'''Amadeus Arkham''' :
*'''Astrid Arkham''' :
*'''Jaina Hudson''' : a woman who was the daughter of '''Tom Hudson''' who became the diplomatic attaché to Mumbai where he married a Bollywood actress and the pair had Jai as their daughter. (Batman: The Dark Knight v2 #1) In reality, she was the masked criminal known as the '''White Rabbit'''. (Batman: The Dark Knight v2 #7)
*'''Le Bossu''' : a male French supervillain criminal who operated in France but after his disfigurement at the hands of the Joker decided to remain in Gotham City where he was free to indulge in his appetites with him operating as one of the many crime bosses in the area. (Batman v1 #681)
*'''Hench Master''' : a large muscular male who wore a mask and was responsible for training henchmen for the various crime bosses. (Batman: The Joker War Zone v1 #1)
*'''Gagsworth A. Gagsworthy''' : a black haired male midget who was a refugee from the circus that became the Jokers protégé as '''Gaggy the Dwarf''' who had an glass-shattering scream. (Batman v #186)
*'''Byron Merideth''' : male human who rose to become a doctor with him specialising in psychiatry where he joined Arkham Asylum and developed a reputation for his harsh treatment of patients. He eventually handed in his notice and departed for private practice where he specialised in patients suffering from an obsession with the Joker. Ultimately, Byron faked his death and adopted a masked disguise as the '''Merrymaker''' who claimed to be a servant of the Joker and formed the '''League of Smiles''' from his former patients. In reality though, he was using his patients to eliminate his enemies until he was exposed by Batman. (Detective Comics v2 #17)
*'''Byron Merideth''' : male human who rose to become a doctor with him specialising in psychiatry where he joined Arkham Asylum and developed a reputation for his harsh treatment of patients. He eventually handed in his notice and departed for private practice where he specialised in patients suffering from an obsession with the Joker. Ultimately, Byron faked his death and adopted a masked disguise as the '''Merrymaker''' who claimed to be a servant of the Joker and formed the '''League of Smiles''' from his former patients. In reality though, he was using his patients to eliminate his enemies until he was exposed by Batman. (Detective Comics v2 #17)
*'''Alexis Kaye''' :
*'''Bao Pham''' : a young male whose parents were killed by the Joker five years ago and during the Joker War decided to ruthlessly kill the clowns where he adopted the moniker of the Clownhunter. (Batman v3 #100)
*'''Willow Zimmerman''' : '''Whistle''' :
*'''Richard Morse''' : male lawyer whose law firm was investigating Titan labs over their disposal of toxic chemicals and whilst on-site he was kidnapped by the head biochemist who experimented on him as part of his research in creating supersoldiers for the military. Morse seemingly died from the injection of an HGH derivative but merged with garage as he became '''Garbage Man'''. (Weird Worlds v2 #2)
*'''Richard Morse''' : male lawyer whose law firm was investigating Titan labs over their disposal of toxic chemicals and whilst on-site he was kidnapped by the head biochemist who experimented on him as part of his research in creating supersoldiers for the military. Morse seemingly died from the injection of an HGH derivative but merged with garage as he became '''Garbage Man'''. (Weird Worlds v2 #2)
*'''Designer''' : an infamous masked criminal who was a legend in the criminal underworld and who resided at the mysterious hidden '''Tartarus House'''. (Batman v3 #90)
*'''Designer''' : an infamous masked criminal who was a legend in the criminal underworld and who resided at the mysterious hidden '''Tartarus House'''. (Batman v3 #90)
*'''Underbroker''' : '''Harlan Graves''' was the senior partner of '''Graves, Willock and Crain''' where he operated in secret as the Underbroker with him wearing a red suit and a full mask to mask his identity. Heading the '''Underbrokerage''', he offered his services in helping move money made from criminal ventures and had access to accounts for this task. He was assisted by a similarly clothed man known as the '''Doorman''' (Batman v3 #92)
*'''Underbroker''' : '''Harlan Graves''' was the senior partner of '''Graves, Willock and Crain''' where he operated in secret as the Underbroker with him wearing a red suit and a full mask to mask his identity. Heading the '''Underbrokerage''', he offered his services in helping move money made from criminal ventures and had access to accounts for this task. He was assisted by a similarly clothed man known as the '''Doorman''' (Batman v3 #92)
*'''Doctor Gotham''' : an ancient male sorcerer who was buried before the founding of the city and awoke in the modern age. (Shadowpact v1 #5)
*'''Wesley Mathis''' : a male serial killer who was also a cannibal that left no parts of his victims behind who was caught and shot by a young James Gordon. Wesley had a son named '''Barton Mathis''' who went into foster care but disappeared whereupon he became a mad criminal surgeon named the '''Dollmaker''' by the time he was an adult. (Detective Comics v2 #4)
*'''Doctor Gotham''' : an ancient male sorcerer who was buried before the founding of the city and awoke in the modern age where he took a new name which was based on the city. (Shadowpact v1 #5)
*Gotham City was created by Bill Finger and Bob Kane where it made its first appearance in Batman v1 #4 (Winter, [[1940]]).
*Gotham City was created by Bill Finger and Bob Kane where it made its first appearance in Batman v1 #4 (Winter, [[1940]]).
*In Batman: Knightfall, A Novel (1994), writer and editor Dennis O'Neil commented on Gotham City that it was, ''"Manhattan below Fourteenth Street at eleven minutes past midnight on the coldest night in November."''
*On Today, artist Neal Adams commented on Gotham City, ''"Chicago has had a reputation for a certain kind of criminality. Batman is in this kind of corrupt city and trying to turn it back into a better place. One of the things about Chicago is Chicago has alleys (which are virtually nonexistent in New York). Back alleys, that's where Batman fights all the bad guys."''
*Frank Miller [ said] that ''"Gotham City is New York by night"''.
==Alternate Versions==
==Alternate Versions==
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==In other media==
==In other media==
*In Batman, Gotham City featured as the setting of the 1960s live-action television series. Among its residents included '''Mayor Linseed''' and '''Governor Stonefellow'''.
*In the DC Animated Universe, Gotham City made a number of appearances in the shared animated setting.
*In the DC Animated Universe, Gotham City made a number of appearances in the shared animated setting.
**In Batman: The Animated Series, Gotham City made its first animated appearance and was part of the setting.
**In Batman: The Animated Series, Gotham City made its first animated appearance and was part of the setting.
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*In Titans, Gotham City was referenced in the setting of the live-action television series.
*In Titans, Gotham City was referenced in the setting of the live-action television series.
*In Harley Quinn, Gotham City featured in the setting of the animated television series.
*In Harley Quinn, Gotham City featured in the setting of the animated television series.
*In The Penguin, Gotham City featured in the setting of the live-action television series set in The Batman universe.
*In Batman, Gotham City featured in the setting of the live-action film.
*In Batman Returns, Gotham City featured in the setting of the live-action film. A disgraced circus troupe known as the '''Red Triangle Gang''' later fell under the leadership of the Penguin who orchestrated his plan at revenge.
*In Batman and Robin, Gotham City featured heavily in the plotline of the live-action film. Batman was shown to possess a special credit card that allowed him to access funds with the card showing that the issuer referred to it as a '''GothCard'''.
*In Batman and Robin, Gotham City featured heavily in the plotline of the live-action film. Batman was shown to possess a special credit card that allowed him to access funds with the card showing that the issuer referred to it as a '''GothCard'''.
*In The Dark Knight Trilogy, Gotham City made a number of appearances in the shared continuity setting.
*In The Dark Knight Trilogy, Gotham City made a number of appearances in the shared continuity setting.
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*''Batman v1'':
*''Batman v1'': (1940)
*''Detective Comics v1'':
*''Detective Comics v1'':
*''JLA v1'':
*''JLA v1'':
*''Superman/Batman v1'':
*''Superman/Batman v1'':
*''Gotham Underground v1'':
*''Batman and Robin v1'':
*''Batman and Robin v1'':
*''Batman v2'':
*''Batman v2'':
*''Detective Comics v2'':
*''Detective Comics v2'':
*''Joker's Asylum: Clayface v1'':
*''Batman/Superman v1'':
*''Batman/Superman v1'':
*''Detective Comics v1'':
*''Detective Comics v1'':
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*''Batman v3'':
*''Batman v3'':
*''Batman Who Laughs v1'':
*''Batman Who Laughs v1'':
*''Batman/Superman v2'':
*''Batman: The Joker War Zone v1'': (2020)
*''Batman: Urban Legends v1'':
==External Links==
==External Links==
*[ DC Database Entry]
*[ DC Database Entry]
*[ Comicvine Entry]
*[ Wikipedia Entry]
*[ Wikipedia Entry]

Latest revision as of 13:16, 13 December 2024

Gotham City in Grayson v1 #12.

Gotham City is a place that features in DC Comics.





Crime Alley in Batman v1 #404.

Gotham City was a human city that was located in North America.


Following the Crisis on Infinite Earths, a new version of reality was created with a different history of events. Gotham City

Around 40 millennia ago, the lands were uninhabited where in this time a powerful and evil warlock was escaping those that sought his destruction. It was his aide Strega that he was brought to this barren land where he was buried alive on the central island with the intention that he would spend the centuries regaining his strength. In time, his evil essence came to seep into the soil and poison the ground where it was said that he became responsible for the evils that would come to this land. (Shadowpact v1 #5) A thousand years ago, the lands that became Gotham were inhabited by a Native American tribe known as the Miagani. During their time, a figure by the name of Shaman Blackfire emerged who was accused of being evil by the tribe. After he killed their Chief, the Miagani wounded and captured him where they entombed Blackfire within a cave to ensure his evil did not escape with a totem erected to warn others of him. In time, their crops and harvests began to die along with any animals for food forcing them to abandon the area in search for a new home. During their travel, it was held that the Miagani encountered another tribe who slaughtered them. Thus, the land in the area remained abandoned until the Dutch landed in 1609. They established a colony by the shore whilst another was being sought deeper in-land where they came upon the former Miagani territory with them being surprised to find new inhabitants. Thus, they decided to make the site their new home and in time discovered the cave that contained Blackfire where they ended up releasing him unaware of the warnings left behind thus freeing him into the world once more after he dealt with the Dutch. (Batman: The Cult v1 #1)

On January 1st, 1800, the frontiersman known as Tomahawk became embroiled in a fight with a British spy named Lord Gerald Shilling. Shilling had disguised himself as Tomahawk's close ally Stovepipe in order to get in close enough to procure a piece of mystical amber that Tomahawk had acquired from occultist Jason Blood years earlier. The two fought one another inside of an immense, bat-filled cavern not far from the Wayne estate. During the fight, the piece of amber fell into a stream of molten fluid. Shilling reached to retrieve it, and the amber fused itself to his hand, mummifying his entire arm. Tomahawk severed the arm and returned with it to Gotham Town. The arm and amber later became known as the Claw of Aelkhünd. The cavern in which the two fought one another in later come to be known as the Batcave. (Swamp Thing v2 #86)

During the Civil War era, a central figure in the city was Judge Solomon E. Wayne who came from Boston with him being a strict man in applying both the law and Biblical law on the people. During these years, he encountered a young brilliant architect named Cyrus Pinkney with him looking at his designs as being visionary whilst examining his portfolio. Wayne sold many of his assets to sponsor Pinkney's career in the creation of the new structures in his design that were largely successful with them shaping Gotham City in the future despite universal vilification from the architectural community. (Batman: Legend of the Dark Knight v1 #27) Thus, in 1840, Pinkney began to construct a series of buildings based on his drawings. (Batman: Gates of Gotham v1 #2) Pinkney saw his designs as an organic whole, almost a living being that would itself fight against evil. Gargoyles to frighten people onto the path of righteousness; rounded edges to confuse malevolent beings; thick walls to lock in virtue. It also had many elevated walkways, with some buildings connected to each other in such a way as they could not stand alone. Although vehemently criticized by Wayne's fellow Gothamites, the edifice pleased the judge and, in fact, was highly successful in that it attracted others to locate their ventures nearby - which in fact became the focal point for a thriving commercial center in Gotham's financial district. Together Wayne and Pinkney raised no fewer than a dozen other similar buildings. Pinkney's 'Gotham Style' structure, for a time, was widely imitated, both in Gotham and elsewhere despite universal vilification in the architectural world. (Batman Secret Files and Origins v1 #1)

At the legendary Battle of Gotham Heights, a Union Army's Colonel named Nathan Cobblepot was noted to had admirably defended the city thus securing the Cobblepot's a place among the elite of Gotham.(Gotham Underground v1 #9)

In 1929, members of the Jade Compass Society had secretly brought the Mask of the Beholder to Gotham. (Batman v1 #706)

During the 1950s, Gotham evolved with the changing times, particularly in light of the paranoia perpetuated by the Cold War. Various bomb shelters were erected all throughout the city. By the 1960s, Gotham City planners began an ambitious project called the Underground Highway. Beginning at Fourth Avenue, they began building an actual subterranean thoroughfare designed to link with the subway system. They only managed to complete two hundred yards worth of tunnel before budget cuts forced them to abandon the project. In later years, the unfinished highway became a haven for the homeless and even a few criminals such as Killer Croc. (Batman v1 #471)

A massive earthquake later struck Gotham leading to untold levels of devastation across the city. (Batman: Shadow of the Bat v1 #73)

Shortly following Ra's al Ghul's attempt to contaminate Gotham with a deadly virus, the city suffered an magnitude 7.6 earthquake in an event commonly referred to as the "Cataclysm". With hopes for rehabilitating the broken city, the United States government declared it a "No Man's Land," which effectively quarantined the entire island city. Eventually, thanks in no small part to the financial and political machinations of Lex Luthor — dipping his hands, as ever, in both legitimate and illegal means to achieve his goals — Gotham City was released and rebuilt, and rejoined the United States.

when Jeremiah Arkham left the city, he released all of the prisoners from the asylum, and since then they have divided the city amongst their gangs, tagging their territories like animals. (Batman: No Man's Land v1 #1)

Gotham later fell into a massive gang war between many of the city's major criminal groups following a botched contingency plan that Stephanie Brown implemented. The end results allowed the crime lord Black Mask to single-handedly rule over the city's organized crime until he was shot by Catwoman and a temporary police arrest warrant on vigilantes until being revoked by Police Commissioner James Gordon.

Gotham was once again victim of chaos when Batman allegedly died. Criminals all over the city tried to claim their own territory while the heroes and vigilantes tried to keep the situation under control, with much more success than the GCPD. However, chaos and violence were rampant in Gotham in which the National Guard was forced to intervene and create a citywide curfew.

The Gotham Shield Committee formed that held Commissioner Gordon, D.A. Spencer, Mayor Hady and Bruce Wayne that arranged a gala in order to discuss new ideas for the future stability of the city. (Batman v1 #693)


Gotham City in Batman v3 #125.

Following the Flashpoint, a new version of history was created with a different series of events. Gotham City

In 1776, the settlement had grown into a shepherding town known as Gathome. It was home to a number of prominent families, including the Wainrights, but had no church, atypical for a town of this size and age. Its outskirts were also a home to a medicine woman by the name of Aiyanna. One evening, Tim and Moira Wainright were murdered in front of their son. The son fell into the care of Aldridge Pearce, a drifter who had fought alongside Tim Wainright. Ichabod Craine, an itinerant preacher, used the tragedy as an excuse to further spread his word amongst the gathered townspeople before being rebuked by a prominent citizen, Garrett Jardin, for targeting Aiyanna as the subject of his hateful sermons. Craine retorted that the town was changing, and that his benefactor, Ethaniel Orgham, had arrived in town, bringing with him funding to build a Church for the town. Inspired by his preaching, a mob later attacked Aiyanna's home before being violently turned away by Pearce. The Orghams and their conspirators had darker intentions than anyone knew; using the deaths of the Wainrights as a trigger, they intended to orchestrate a series of symbolic tragedies capped by beheading of Jardin on the footsteps of the new church and the burial of a device known as a 'Reality Engine', setting a pattern for Gotham that would echo out into time. They would have succeeded, if not for unexpected intervention of a mysterious stranger going by the name of Mordecai. This stranger turned Pearce, who intended to leave the town, back towards the city, giving him a bat-shaped cowl to hide his identity. Pearce, clothed as a bat, intervened, saving Jardin and thwarting the plans of the Orgham Family. As a result of his interference in the intended pattern, the narrative ideal of the caped crusader garbed as Bat and born from tragedy echoed forward in time. (Detective Comics 2022 Annual v1 #1)

In 1780, the city was struck by a plague that killed a third of the population with the founding families fearing that the heart of Gotham would be infected by disease and thus instituted measures to ensure that nothing like this would occur again. (The Batman Who Laughs v2 #2) It was still a developing city during the 1880's during the time of Mayor Cobblepot. (All-Star Western v3 #1) For nearly three centuries, Powers International corporation was one of the most prominent corporate citizens of the city and the nation. (Divergence v1 #1)

Batman encountered the Riddler, who sought to exploit his supposed superiority over Gotham by reverting it to a primal state, forcing its citizens to fight for survival. During a massive hurricane, the Riddler destroyed the city's entire power grid and covered Gotham with Dr. Pamela Isley's rapid plant growth serum, turning the city into a technologically-stunted jungle ruin that he could rule. Due to some coordination between the new hero Batman and Jim Gordon, the Bat was able to depose Riddler from power and initiate plans to restore the city to its original condition.

During Batman's second year, a war erupted between the Joker and the Riddler with the two forming factions from the city's villains as they battled one another. (Batman v3 #26)

Years ago, the Joker, Riddler, Penguin and Catwoman received a mysterious call from an infamous masked criminal called the Designer who offered them a means of defeating the Batman. To accomplish this, he aimed to support them financially and plan the perfect scheme for each of them so that they could be the ultimate criminals in Gotham. However, after meeting with the Joker, the Designer turned on the villains where he ordered them terminated but he was seemingly killed by the Joker. In the aftermath, the four villains decided to pretend the incident never occurred and let the Designer appear as a myth in the criminal underworld. (Batman v3 #90)

A year later, the Riddler attempted to form an alliance with the Joker with the goal of working together to eliminate Batman. However, Joker refused and left the Riddler badly injured where he nearly died from his wounds. In response, a conflict erupted between the two supervillains where they began to gather Gotham villains to their side. This came to be an event that was known as the War of Jokes and Riddles that engulfed Gotham City where Batman fought both sides in an attempt to reduce the damage caused by it. (Batman v3 #25)

The Court of Owls decided to re-take control of Gotham City and enacted their plan on the Night of the Owls where they awakened a large number of their Talon assassins. These superhuman agents were then dispatched across the city in order to find and kill key figures within the city. Batman had to contend with a number of the assassins that managed to break into Wayne Manor but he sent a signal to the Bat Family to help protect the surviving targets. (Batman v2 #8)

When the Joker returned to Gotham yet again, having decided to exploit Batman's secret identity and make one final attack on the hero now that he was empowered by Dionesium, he sent the city into chaos by Jokerizing most of the city's inhabitants. The city began to fall apart as Batman struggled to keep order and survive Joker's laughing zombie army. After the final confrontation between Batman and the Joker left the two to perish in the caves beneath Gotham, Gotham was able to start recovering. Two weeks after the incident, Gotham continued to celebrate their fallen hero while infrastructure was repaired, and civilian injuries were mended.

Chaos fell over the city as the Joker War engulfed it with various Joker-related goons taking over the city. The Joker used his fortune to tie all legal efforts to prevent any effort to instil order in the city whilst he looked to distribute a new strain of the Joker Toxin. (Batman v3 #96) Around this time, a new vigilante had emerged who targeted the Joker's gang that tried to move into the Narrows with this being a young man called the Clownhunter who ruthlessly killed these criminals. (Batman v3 #97) The war ended with the seeming death of the Joker but the Clown Prince of Crime was said to had completely changed the landscape of Gotham that was facing new and uncertain times as a result. (Batman v3 #100) Gotham police officer Christopher Nakano who was injured as a result of the Joker's rampage later made a bid for office where he campaigned under an anti-vigilante banner as he believed they brought more harm to the city. Meanwhile, a figure known as the Mirror had arisen where he similarly looked to turn the people of Gotham against its vigilantes. (Detective Comics v1 #1029) At the same time, the vigilante known as the Ghost-Maker emerged to end the reign of criminals operating in the city with him opposing Batman's approach to crime. (Batman v3 #102)


Tim Drake in Gotham in Red Robin v1 #9.

It was said that there were 8.5 million people living in Gotham with this figure not counting the commuters, tourists or other kinds of visitors. (Batman Annual v3 #1)

A plant native to the region was Gravedigger's Poppy that was a rare hallucinogen which resulted in broken blood vessels near the eyes and a milky film over the pupils. Some cults had used the toxin in rituals where it was believed one could divine the secrets of the universe when exposed to it. The poppy though went extinct in the mid-20th century. (Batman and Robin v3 #16)

Locations at Gotham City included:

  • Ace Chemicals :
  • Arkham Asylum :
  • Champion Square : a location deemed a neutral site among the various gangs of the city. (Batman Annual v3 #1)
  • Crime Alley :
  • Gotham Harbour :
  • Narrows :
  • Wayne Manor : It had said to had stood on its ground for over 200 years ago whilst the cave system underneath it had been there since the Stone Age. (Batman and Robin v1 #10)
  • Wayne Tower :
  • Archie Goodwin International Airport :
  • Gotham Botanical Gardens :
  • House of Batman : gifted to the dynamic duo by wealthy philanthropist Adam Penfield after he passed away where he wanted it to be Batman headquarters in the heart of the city. Batman later gifted it to the city who turned it into the Batman Law-Enforcement Museum. (Batman v1 #102)
  • Sacred Heart Convalescent Home :
  • Gotham General Hospital :
  • Statue of Justice :
  • Robinson Park :
  • Burnside : a neighborhood located across the Gotham River. (Batgirl v4 #35)
  • Alleytown :
  • Devil's Square : (Batman v1 #692)
  • Busker's Club : a place where all performers in Gotham were members that included musicians, magicians, actors, comedians who were all welcome to join with laymen having to buy their way in with the club being closed by the modern day. (Batman: Streets of Gotham v1 #19)
  • Wayne Central Station : commissioned by Thomas Wayne decades ago and built by Gregor Greenside with the hope of bringing people in the city together with Old Wayne Central Station considered an example of patri-monumental modernism that an adult Bruce Wayne wanted to tear down and replace with an updated New Wayne Central Station though there were some construction problems in the rebuilding attempt. (Batman: Death by Design v1 #1)
  • Nolan's Peak : a lighthouse situated in Gotham. (Batman v1 #706)
  • Monster Town : name given to the Quarantine District that contained the remains of the Monster Men. (Detective Comics v1 #948)
  • Otisburg :
  • The Bowery :
    • Crown Point :
  • Park Row :
  • Namesake Club : a social club where each member dressed as a historical character of their namesake with them rejecting the application of people that used a characters nickname. (Detective Comics v1 #183)
  • Hangman's Club : headquarters of an organization that for 10 years had helped ex-offenders find jobs and helped in them reforming themselves after their sentence had finished with it being formed by four ex-convicts. (Brave and the Bold v1 #177)
  • Gotham City Public Library :
  • Saturn Building : a tall skyscraper with a sphere on top that had a ring around it. (Detective Comics v1 #222)
  • Ice Patch : an area situated by the old boardwalk that was subject to an urban renewal program. (Red Hood and the Outlaws v2 #22)
  • Palace of Glass : a museum made of glass located at the edge of town that had a gem exhibit. (Batman v1 #149)
  • Gotham Village :
  • Tobacconists' Club : (Detective Comics v1 #469)
  • The Hill : (Batman: The Hill v1 #1) It was once one of the poorest and most crime-ridden areas of an already pretty dangerous city. It has recently begun gentrifying, attracting new businesses and middle-class transplants from more affluent areas of the city, to the annoyance of long-time residents. (Batgirls v1 #17)
  • Gotham Tombs : situated 10 miles off the Gotham Docks was this long abandoned prison that once housed the world’s greatest criminal minds. (Creeper v2 #4)
  • Lucius Fox Center for Gotham Youth :
  • Mercey Island :
  • Brideshead :
  • Monarch Theater :
  • Noonan's Bar :
  • Foundry Square : located in the centre of the oldest section of Gotham with it being situated in the Lower East Side which was regarded as the site where the city first started. Long ago, the first Dutch settlers overcame the native Miagani with them British in turn overcoming them. (Batman v2 #38)
  • Gotham City Police Academy : (Detective Comics v1 #399)
  • The Village : a small square of city block that was protected by Simon Dark. (Simon Dark v1 #1)
  • Smile Bar : an establishment that catered to the Grinners that were the most demented criminals in the city that were devoted followers of the Joker. (Batman v3 #102)
  • Little Santa Prisca : a neighbourhood who was noted to had survived harsh times such as both under Bane and Joker. (Batman v3 #102)
  • Marshview :

A particular area was Blossom Row that did not officially exist as it as the common name for a footpath that ran east to west across the city throughout the 18th century. It marked the border between the farmland and rich estates at the city's north end and the working city in the south. Waterways sat the intersection with Blossom Row cutting right through as a kind of promenade. Wealthy Gothamites would come down and buy little figures made of flowers by working children for more than they were worth. In fact, some paid the equivalent of college tuitions with it being said to be a place of charity and a generous overlap over a harsh place. In time, the city grew leading to this pathway being forgotten and vanishing as a result. (Batman v2 #46) Some of the city's earliest skyscrapers were built at night by wealthy owners that wanted to get around union laws and hired non-union workers that formed shadow crews that helped built the structures. (Batman and the Signal v1 #2) The bridges of the city used to be known as the 'Gates' of Gotham. (Batman: Gates of Gotham v1 #1)

Organizations in Gotham City included:

  • Gotham City Police Department :
  • 50 Fathoms Club : a group of underwater specialists. (Batman v1 #104)
  • Gotham Psychiatric Institute :
  • Tobacconists' Club : an exclusive Gentlemen's club said to hold the most powerful men in Gotham. (Detective Comics v1 #469)
  • Mystery Analysts of Gotham City : a unique and exclusive club that consisted of dedicated mystery solvers with a requirement for membership being to solve one baffling mystery. (Batman v1 #164)
  • Wayne Enterprises :
  • Rennington Steel : regarded as the northeast's most respected consumer blade manufacturers where its headquarters occupied a sprawling fifteen acres in the rural farm country 20 miles north of Gotham City. The family created the market for craftmanship quality blades in America with this being a tradition that carried back 600 years. (Batman v1 #343)
  • Patriarch Biochemicals : a pharmaceutical company that was headed by Abraham Langstrom. (Batman: The Dark Knight v2 #28)
  • Caldwell Technologies : headed by E.D. Caldwall who was the founder and CEO of the company that made weapons. (Detective Comics v2 #22)
  • Powers International : a corporation that for nearly three centuries was one of the most prominent corporate citizens of the city and the nation. (Divergence v1 #1)
  • Gotham Hrald : a newspaper started by the Elliot family in the early 1800s. (Batman: Gates of Gotham v1 #2)
  • Jade Compass Society :
  • Kane's Kolossal Karnival : a circus bought by Nathan Kane for his wife Kathy Kane as a birthday gift as she had always wanted to have one. (Batman Incorporated v1 #4)
  • Haly's Circus :
  • Children of the Clay : a group consisting of teenage fans of Basil Karlo and became even more devoted after he became Clayface where they wanted to die by his hands as they felt it gave their lives meaning. (Joker's Asylum: Clayface v1 #1)
  • Church of the Two :
  • False Face Society : a criminal society consisted of people wearing masks and who performed contests on who would accomplish the most sensational crime. (Batman v1 #152)
  • Underbrokerage : a secret criminal brokerage headed by the Underbroker who helped move money from criminal ventures to different accounts. (Batman v3 #92)
  • Mirror House : a secret society and organization that auctioned off illegal material that once belonged to Gotham’s most notorious villains. (Detective Comics v1 #872)
  • Court of Owls :
  • Black Glove :
  • East Side Dragons :
  • Lords of the Avenues :
  • Whisper Gang :
  • Devil Pigs :
  • Odessa Mob :
  • Penitente Cartel :
  • Victim Syndicate :
  • Geo Populus : a dark mystical cult that engaged in rituals in the city. (Simon Dark v1 #1)
  • Order of the Green Knight :

An influential group within the city were the first families of Gotham that included the Wayne, Cobblepots and the Elliots. (Batman: Gates of Gotham v1 #2) In time, the press came to refer to the untimely demises of members of the golden family as being 'the Curse of Kane'. (Batman Incorporated v1 #4) In time, the Cobblepots over the generations came to be tied to the city of Gotham. (Gotham Underground v1 #9)

There were a number of crime families that made up Gotham's Organized Crime with these being:

  • Calabrese family : one of the crime families within the city. (Catwoman v4 #35)
  • Falcone family :
  • Hasigawa family : one of the noted crime families within the city who were known for their efficiency and ruthlessness with them controlling the Gotham Port. (Catwoman v4 #35)
  • Maroni family :
  • Sullivan Crime Family :

There was a saying in Gotham that was adopted from the Miagani Tribe that once lived in that land with this being, "Happiness is seeing the world through the eyes of children". A Latin version of this was present on subway tokens which read as, "Through new eyes". (The Batman Who Laughs v2 #4)

One celebration held by the people of the city was the Gotham Folk Festival where fans were treated to a memorable sight. This musical event was used as a platform for charity that was donated towards needy children. (Superman v1 #279) Annually, the city had a Woman of the Year competition where prizes were given out to the winner. (Batman v1 #119)

The founding families in the late 18th century instituted the Last Laugh defensive system that was designed to protect Gotham by preventing anything from spreading across the city. It involved destroying the entryways and vaccinating the city with airships whilst reservoirs of food and water were hidden deep below the streets. (The Batman Who Laughs v2 #2)


  • Solomon E. Wayne : male during the Civil War era who graduated from Harvard University with him becoming a judge who migrated from Boston to Gotham City where he applied strict law along with Biblical law. (Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight v1 #27)
  • Alan Wayne :
  • Theodore Cobblepot : Oswald Cobblepot's great-grandfather who enjoyed the longest and most successful tenures as mayor of the city. (Gotham Underground v1 #9) He came from a prominent steel family but had been out of the industry for sometime when he became mayor. (Batman: Gates of Gotham v1 #2)
  • Thomas Wayne :
  • Martha Wayne :
  • Roderick Kane :
  • Elizabeth Kane :
  • Nathan Kane : a scion of the Kane family married Kathy Webb and died age 47 after a stroke where he passed Kane's Kolossal Karnival to his grieving widow. (Batman Incorporated v1 #4)
  • James Gordon :
  • Lucius Fox :
  • Dick Grayson :
  • Harper Row :
  • Cullen Row :
  • Deena Winslow :
  • Elizabeth Berg :
  • Nicodemus Crowe : a madman who operated a cult over a hundred years ago in Gotham. He believed that violent murders left 'scars' in the universe that one could see. His cult made use of the Gravedigger's Poppy in rituals to divine the secrets of the universe. (Batman and Robin v3 #16)
  • Burton Talbot : an elderly grey haired moustached millionaire. (Detective Comics v1 #359)
  • Ned Judson : a blonde haired man who was a wealthy yachtsman with him being a Batman fan whereupon he learnt of the Brotherhood of Batmen who claimed to had been the Caped Crusader but were a racket that attempted to trick him into being a member so that they could siphon away his fortune. (Detective Comics v1 #222)
  • Spotswood Hartley : a male socialite who was a member of The Court Club where Bruce Wayne attended with Spotswood actually being the criminal Kingpin of the Gotham underworld. (World's Finest v1 #57)
  • Felix Dunn : a scholarly male criminal who was obsessed about the Medieval legends of the Black Knight whereupon he went insane and took a costumed identity as the Black Rogue with him men seeking restore his sanity. (World's Finest v1 #62)
  • Herbert Smirt : a male scholar with a shady record who wrote the Batman Encyclopedia that was a book with thousands of facts about Batman's methods, his equipment and how to defeat him with these being sold to criminals of Gotham at five thousand dollars a copy. (Detective Comics v1 #214)
  • Richard Lyons : a male crimelord who operated as a masked vigilante called the Crimson Knight in order to get the Gotham police to trust him so that he could trick them whilst hiding his illegal activities. (Detective Comics v1 #271)
  • Payne Cardine : a dark haired male pianist who was snubbed for his performance leading to him becoming a costumed criminal called the Maestro who terrorised the city. (Batman v1 #149)
  • Ambrose Weems : an older male who was the Professor of Musicology and author of An Encyclopaedia of Music who assisted Batman and Robin against the Maestro by wearing a costume to briefly become a masked superhero called the Sparrow whereupon he retired after the Dynamic Duo caught their villain. (Batman v1 #149)
  • Art Saddows : a spectacled male who was a Front Page Award winning investigative reporter and a member of the Mystery Analysts of Gotham City. (Batman v1 #164)
  • Kaye Daye : a female mystery novelist who had a skilled investigative mind and was a member of the Mystery Analysts of Gotham City. (Batman v1 #164)
  • Doctor Voodoo : a black male voodoo doctor who led a criminal gang where he used his talents to hypnotise people to serving him. (Detective Comics v1 #496)
  • Blair Gownset : a mysterious man who was really the criminal Gray Face. (Detective Comics v1 #500)
  • Eric Mercey : a man who made his millions in cement where he built himself a house in the hills north of Gotham that would outlast him, his family and his fortune. (Batman: Shadow of the Bat v1 #38)
  • Hugh Rankin :
  • Olivia Ortega : (Detective Comics v1 #504)
  • Simple Simon : (Batman v1 #138)
  • Brand : (Batman v1 #137)
  • Desmond Mallard : (Batman Family v1 #17)
  • Frank Foster the 'Big Wheel' (Batman v1 #135)
  • Swami Ymar : (Batman v1 #129)
  • Alec Wyre : a criminal electronics genius who built inventions for various criminals until he went on the run into the Batcave and died after being scared by the startled bats. (Batman v1 #121)
  • Silas Wayne : great uncle to Bruce Wayne and self-appointed historian of the Wayne family. Batman v1 #120)
  • Alec Judson : a big game hunter who served as the host to the Gotham Safari Club where he secretly used his hunting trips to meet his contacts as he headed an international crime-cartel. (Batman v1 #111)
  • Vera Lovely : beautiful teenaged skater celebrity who Dick Grayson as Robin fell in love with leading to the two dating for a while. (Batman v1 #107)
  • Millicent Mayne : a blue eyed black haired woman who had been a renowned actress until an earthquake caused her to develop the ability to feel the pain of the city and after being burnt by acid on the side of her face she became known to the media as The Face of Gotham. (Detective Comics v1 #851)
  • Paul Bodin : a male key expert whose daughter was captured by criminals that forced him to commit illegal acts for them with him becoming a masked supervillain called the Human Key until stopped by Batman and Robin who saved his daughter. (Detective Comics v1 #132)
  • James Carter : a male real estate agent who took part in a life of crime by becoming the feared underworld villain called Mr. Incognito. (Batman v1 #173)
  • David Dial : owner of a circus who used it as a smuggling ring to hide criminals when he was discovered by Wyler and had him killed whereupon he had James Lee used as an alibi. (Batman v1 #118)
  • Mr. Mammoth : a male circus strongman. Batman v1 #168).
  • Fatman : a circus clown who wore a mock Batman costume. (Batman v1 #113)
  • James Lee : a circus acrobat who was accused of killing his ex-performance patner Wyler. (Batman v1 #118)
  • Maxie Zeus : (Detective Comics v1 #483)
  • Margaret Pye : (Man of Steel v1 #3)
  • Jarvis Tetch : (Batman v1 #49)
  • Leslie Tompkins :
  • Jim Gordon :
  • Harvey Bullock :
  • Renee Montoya :
  • Crispus Allen :
  • Jack Forbes : a blonde haired male who was a Detective in the GCPD where he was attached to Internal Affairs. (Batman: The Dark Knight v2 #1)
  • Christopher Nakano :
  • Anthony Scarano : General Scarr (Detective Comics v1 #491)
  • Edward Wells : Cormorant (Detective Comics v1 #491)
  • Rex Calabrese : male former Gotham Kingpin of Crime also known as the Lion who was later sent to Blackgate prison where he was given the name of Leo Leone. (Batman Eternal v1 #20)
  • Carmine Falcone :
  • Sal Maroni : a male criminal who went by the name of 'the Boss' who was at court for killing a person with Harvey Dent heading the prosecution who secured Maroni's conviction leading to Sal throwing acid that burnt half the prosecutors face leading to him becoming Two-Face. (Detective Comics v1 #66)
  • Eiko Hasigawa : daughter of the head of the Hasigawa yakuza crime family in Gotham where she was the heiress of the group. (Catwoman v4 #35)
  • Johnny Witts : a male criminal mastermind who had incredible powers of deduction. (Detective Comics v1 #344)
  • Peyton Riley :
  • Ma Gunn :
  • Faye Gunn : silver haired granddaughter of Ma Gunn who was kept away from her grandmothers criminal lifestyle. (Red Hood and the Outlaws v2 #22)
  • Oswald Cobblepot :
  • Ignatius Ogilvy :
  • Geri Powers : female CEO of Powers International. (Divergence v1 #1)
  • Abraham Langstrom : a male businessman who headed Patriarch Biochemicals and was also the father of Kirk Langstrom where he was strict to his son. He was said to had started out as a corporate raider where he would buy companies, tear them apart and sell the pieces for profit whilst he kept the valuable parts for himself. Abraham was said to had been a rival of Thomas Wayne with his company working in polar opposition to Wayne Enterprises as he sought to drain Gotham of its wealth. By modern day, he came to take his son's research where he turned himself into a more primal and powerful Man-Bat that drained the blood from his victims. (Batman: The Dark Knight v2 #28)
  • Alan March : a male human who came to be a scientist where he was the father of Francine and father-in-law of Kirk Langstrom. (Batman: Urban Legends v1 #19)
  • Elliot Caldwell :
  • Rupert Thorne : white haired older male who served as the city council chairman where he secretly engaged in criminal ventures. (Detective Comics v1 #469)
  • Sterling Silversmith : a businessman with white hair who wore a white suit where he transformed a small enterprise into a one-man empire where he secretly engaged in criminal ventures with an eye for acquiring silver. Silversmith's suit was woven with an alloy that made it bullet-proof which protected him from small-arms fire and his cane had a gun in it which he could use against others. (Detective Comics v1 #446)
  • Jack Houston :
  • Olive Silverlock :
  • Joe Chill :
  • Henry Clover, Junior :
  • Caroline Crown : an auburn haired woman with glasses who was part of the stenographer pool at the Wayne Foundation. When Bruce Wayne's secretary was called away on personal business, Caroline was moved to fill in that role. (Batman v1 #323)
  • David Rennington : a male businessman who headed Rennington Steel where he was secretly the masked blade wielding assassin known as the Dagger. (Batman v1 #343)
  • Dwight Forrow : (Detective Comics v1 #197)
  • Gregory Griffin : a human male who was the curator of the Gotham Metropolitan Museum and was a friend of Bruce Wayne. During an archaeological dig, the man became mentally unbalanced after seeing a portrait of Khafre's love Queen Kara and came to believe himself to be the Pharaoh. He modelled himself as Pharaoh Khafre and upon seeing Selina Kyle thought she was his love Kara leading to him kidnapping her. Batman travelled to Egypt to save Selina Kyle from Griffin who lost control of a medallion that allowed him to command the local jackals who turned on him leading to Gregory's death. (Detective Comics v1 #508)
  • Kenneth Anderson : a male human who was a geologist where during an expedition he encountered a rock with unique properties. He attempted to tap into the stone as a source of energy but it exploded and irradiated his body with its power. His cranium became distended as he developed superhuman abilities that allowed him to fly and emit energy blasts where he sought to destroy mankind as the Annihilator. (Detective Comics v1 #508)
  • Arthur Reeves : a male human who came to be the Mayor's new Public Works Coordinator where he was not a fan of Batman or his vigilante activities in Gotham. (Detective Comics v1 #399) The city councilman then held a political rally to gather votes where he pushed an agenda that made Batman to be an urban terrorist and a danger to the city. (Detective Comics v1 #508)
  • Sebastian Hady : a male who came to be the mayor of Gotham City. (Batman: Streets of Gotham v1 #2) He was known to blackmail his mayoral opponents during elections. (Red Robin v1 #22)
  • Hamilton Hill :
  • Jeremiah Arkham :
  • Amity Arkham :
  • Amadeus Arkham :
  • Astrid Arkham :
  • Jaina Hudson : a woman who was the daughter of Tom Hudson who became the diplomatic attaché to Mumbai where he married a Bollywood actress and the pair had Jai as their daughter. (Batman: The Dark Knight v2 #1) In reality, she was the masked criminal known as the White Rabbit. (Batman: The Dark Knight v2 #7)
  • Le Bossu : a male French supervillain criminal who operated in France but after his disfigurement at the hands of the Joker decided to remain in Gotham City where he was free to indulge in his appetites with him operating as one of the many crime bosses in the area. (Batman v1 #681)
  • Hench Master : a large muscular male who wore a mask and was responsible for training henchmen for the various crime bosses. (Batman: The Joker War Zone v1 #1)
  • Gagsworth A. Gagsworthy : a black haired male midget who was a refugee from the circus that became the Jokers protégé as Gaggy the Dwarf who had an glass-shattering scream. (Batman v #186)
  • Byron Merideth : male human who rose to become a doctor with him specialising in psychiatry where he joined Arkham Asylum and developed a reputation for his harsh treatment of patients. He eventually handed in his notice and departed for private practice where he specialised in patients suffering from an obsession with the Joker. Ultimately, Byron faked his death and adopted a masked disguise as the Merrymaker who claimed to be a servant of the Joker and formed the League of Smiles from his former patients. In reality though, he was using his patients to eliminate his enemies until he was exposed by Batman. (Detective Comics v2 #17)
  • Alexis Kaye :
  • Bao Pham : a young male whose parents were killed by the Joker five years ago and during the Joker War decided to ruthlessly kill the clowns where he adopted the moniker of the Clownhunter. (Batman v3 #100)
  • Willow Zimmerman : Whistle :
  • Richard Morse : male lawyer whose law firm was investigating Titan labs over their disposal of toxic chemicals and whilst on-site he was kidnapped by the head biochemist who experimented on him as part of his research in creating supersoldiers for the military. Morse seemingly died from the injection of an HGH derivative but merged with garage as he became Garbage Man. (Weird Worlds v2 #2)
  • Designer : an infamous masked criminal who was a legend in the criminal underworld and who resided at the mysterious hidden Tartarus House. (Batman v3 #90)
  • Underbroker : Harlan Graves was the senior partner of Graves, Willock and Crain where he operated in secret as the Underbroker with him wearing a red suit and a full mask to mask his identity. Heading the Underbrokerage, he offered his services in helping move money made from criminal ventures and had access to accounts for this task. He was assisted by a similarly clothed man known as the Doorman (Batman v3 #92)
  • Wesley Mathis : a male serial killer who was also a cannibal that left no parts of his victims behind who was caught and shot by a young James Gordon. Wesley had a son named Barton Mathis who went into foster care but disappeared whereupon he became a mad criminal surgeon named the Dollmaker by the time he was an adult. (Detective Comics v2 #4)
  • Doctor Gotham : an ancient male sorcerer who was buried before the founding of the city and awoke in the modern age where he took a new name which was based on the city. (Shadowpact v1 #5)


  • Gotham City was created by Bill Finger and Bob Kane where it made its first appearance in Batman v1 #4 (Winter, 1940).
  • In Batman: Knightfall, A Novel (1994), writer and editor Dennis O'Neil commented on Gotham City that it was, "Manhattan below Fourteenth Street at eleven minutes past midnight on the coldest night in November."
  • On Today, artist Neal Adams commented on Gotham City, "Chicago has had a reputation for a certain kind of criminality. Batman is in this kind of corrupt city and trying to turn it back into a better place. One of the things about Chicago is Chicago has alleys (which are virtually nonexistent in New York). Back alleys, that's where Batman fights all the bad guys."
  • Frank Miller said that "Gotham City is New York by night".

Alternate Versions

  • In Batman: White Knight v1 (2018), Gotham City appeared in the alternate reality setting. One of the regions in the city was Backport with Duke Thomas residing in the neighbourhood where he attempted to manage crime in the area.

In other media


  • In Batman, Gotham City featured as the setting of the 1960s live-action television series. Among its residents included Mayor Linseed and Governor Stonefellow.
  • In the DC Animated Universe, Gotham City made a number of appearances in the shared animated setting.
    • In Batman: The Animated Series, Gotham City made its first animated appearance and was part of the setting.
  • In The Batman, Gotham City served as the primary setting within the animated series.
  • In Young Justice, Gotham City served as one the settings in the animated movie with it being the home of Batman, Nightwing, Robin and Artemis.
  • In Beware the Batman, Gotham City featured as the setting in the animated series.
  • In the Arrowverse, Gotham City was referenced in the shared continuity setting:
    • In Arrow, Gotham City was first referenced in the live-action television series.
    • In The Flash, Gotham City was referenced in the setting of the live-action television series.
    • In Supergirl, Gotham City was referenced in the setting of the live-action television series.
    • In Batwoman, Gotham City featured in the setting of the live-action television series.
  • In Gotham, Gotham City served as the primary setting of the prequel television series where Detective James Gordon transferred to the Gotham City Police Department and a young Bruce Wayne witnessed the murder of his parents at Crime Alley.
  • In Titans, Gotham City was referenced in the setting of the live-action television series.
  • In Harley Quinn, Gotham City featured in the setting of the animated television series.
  • In The Penguin, Gotham City featured in the setting of the live-action television series set in The Batman universe.


  • In Batman, Gotham City featured in the setting of the live-action film.
  • In Batman Returns, Gotham City featured in the setting of the live-action film. A disgraced circus troupe known as the Red Triangle Gang later fell under the leadership of the Penguin who orchestrated his plan at revenge.
  • In Batman and Robin, Gotham City featured heavily in the plotline of the live-action film. Batman was shown to possess a special credit card that allowed him to access funds with the card showing that the issuer referred to it as a GothCard.
  • In The Dark Knight Trilogy, Gotham City made a number of appearances in the shared continuity setting.
    • In Batman Begins, Gotham City first appeared in the live-action film.
    • In The Dark Knight, Gotham City once again was shown in the live-action film.
    • In The Dark Knight Rises, Gotham City featured again in the live-action film.
  • In Batman: Year One, Gotham City featured in the animated film that was an animated adaptation of the comic storyline.
  • In Batman: Assault on Arkham, Gotham City featured in the animated film when the Suicide Squad was dispatched by Amanda Waller to infiltrate Arkham Asylum. Joker had stolen a dirty bomb that was hidden in the city that was powerful enough to irradiate Gotham leading to Batman trying to find the explosive.
  • In the DC Extended Universe, Gotham City made a number of appearances in the shared continuity setting.
    • In Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice, Gotham City featured as a setting in the live-action movie.
    • In Suicide Squad, Gotham City was shown in flashback sequences in the live-action movie.
  • In Justice League vs. the Fatal Five, Gotham City appeared in the setting of the 2019 animated film. A time-displaced Starboy who had been brought to the present after attempting to stop the Fatal Five landed in Gotham City. During the turbulence, the medication he used to treat his mental condition was damaged and he sought to find more but came to learn none of it existed in this point of the timeline. This caused his powers to lash out and he was treated as a Metahuman criminal leading to his apprehension as well as incarceration in Arkham Asylum by Batman.

Video games

  • In Batman: Vengeance, Gotham City featured in the 2001 video game set in the DC Animated Universe.
  • In the Arkhamverse, Gotham City made a number of appearances in the shared continuity setting.
    • In Batman: Arkham Asylum, Gotham City appeared in the video-game setting.
    • In Batman: Arkham City, Gotham City appeared in the video-game setting.
    • In Batman: Arkham Origins, Gotham City appeared in the video-game setting.
    • In Batman: Arkham Knight, Gotham City appeared in the video-game setting.
  • In DC Universe Online, Gotham City featured in the MMORPG and served as one of the starting cities for players.
  • In Infinite Crisis, Gotham Heights served as one of the playable settings in the free MOBA game. As part of the setting, it was a number of cities that had been sent into the Muliversal Bleed for various Protectors to battle.
  • In Batman: The Telltale Series, Gotham City featured as the setting in the 2016 video game. One location was Cobblepot Park that was built by the Cobblepot family until their ruin whereupon the park fell to ruin with numerous thugs located there. Another site was the Skyhigh Club situated at the top of a skyscraper and was a hangout for Carmine Falcone. Another location mentioned was Arkham Island that was accessible via a bridge. It was divided into numerous districts that included the Financial District, Fashion District, Diamond District, Chinatown, Old Gotham, Gotham Docks, The Bowery, The Cauldron, East End, Gotham Heights, and Gotham Village. According to the Codex, it had a population of 10 million people.


  • Batman v1: (1940)
  • Detective Comics v1:
  • JLA v1:
  • Superman/Batman v1:
  • Gotham Underground v1:
  • Batman and Robin v1:
  • Batman v2:
  • Detective Comics v2:
  • Joker's Asylum: Clayface v1:
  • Batman/Superman v1:
  • Detective Comics v1:
  • Batman and Robin v2:
  • Batwing v1:
  • Talon v1:
  • Batman Eternal v1:
  • Batman and Robin Eternal v1:
  • Batman v3:
  • Batman Who Laughs v1:
  • Batman/Superman v2:
  • Batman: The Joker War Zone v1: (2020)
  • Batman: Urban Legends v1:

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