Dana reacts with fright to the frying eggs on her countertop.
Dana Barrett lived at apartment 2206 in the infamous
Shandor Building in New York. She had a job as a cellist in a New York City orchestra an was constantly being stalked by
Louis Tully, her neighbor across the hall who had a huge crush on her.
After coming home to her apartment, Dana was briefly interrupted by Louis in the hallway. He invited her to a party to celebrate his fourth year as an accountant then told her she had left her television on too loud so he had attempted unsuccessfully to disconnect the cable. She was surprised as she did not believe she had left it on. Louis continues rambling on about the matter and she carries on with her groceries shuts the door in his face. Dana walks into her living room, where she turns her TV on and sees an ad for the Ghostbusters. She turns the TV off and heads to her kitchen where she sets down her groceries, unpacking a carton of eggs and leaving them on her kitchen counter as she begins to organize her other items. Suddenly the carton pops open and the eggs inside begin popping out of their shells and frying on the counter. Dana turns to notice the phenomena, startled at the sight of the self-frying eggs. As she looks at the eggs frying on her counter she is further surprised when she hears horrendous growling noises coming from inside of her refrigerator. Dana cautiously walks toward her fridge and opens the door to notice a fiery, mythic temple and a Terror Dog guarding its entrance doors. Suddenly the beast looks toward Dana and roars the word "Zuul" at her in an unearthly voice. Horrified, Dana screams and slams the door shut then visits the Ghostbusters to seek their help.
Dana notices the light shining through her kitchen door.
The Ghostbusters,
Peter Venkman in particular, take an interest in her case and begin looking into the word "Zuul". They interview her while hooking her up to a spectral scanner which projects a colorful image of Dana's face on a screen. Peter decides he should check out Dana's apartment. Once there he uses his ghost sniffer to look for unusual readings. During his inspection he makes improper advances toward Dana, who shoots him down. He checks the refrigerator out, playfully teasing an exasperated Dana about the junk food inside. With his examination unsuccessful, as he finds no trace of supernatural activity with his equipment, Peter tells her he is madly in love with her. Dana, clearly annoyed, throws him out of her apartment.
One day after her rehearsal, Peter meets with her briefly to discuss her case. He tells Dana that he has found the meaning of the word "Zuul", mentioning Zuul was a minion of Gozer, a big sumerian god. Dana prods him for more information, to which he replies he could discuss more details with her in private, on a date. She reluctantly agrees and leaves with a fellow musician.
The night she and Peter Venkman had arranged to meet and discuss her case was stormy and ominous. Lightning fills the sky as suddenly, atop the Shandor Building, a menacing gargoyle statue begins to crumble revealing large, sharp claws and the statue's eyes crumble away, revealing large glowing red eyes inside.
Dana arrives at her apartment after unsuccessfully attempting to avoid Louis in the hallway, and receives a call from her mother,
Dana, possessed by the Gatekeeper, growls like a beast and levitates.
failing to notice a bright light coming from her kitchen door as she sits down on her sofa. Upon hanging up the phone, Dana lays her head back on her sofa to rest before finally noticing the light seeping through and what seems like large animal claws protruding from her kitchen door. She suddenly finds herself attacked by demonic claws bursting through her sofa and is pinned to her chair by the claws as it turns to face the kitchen door which bursts open to reveal a large, powerful dog-like demon with horns on the side of its head and glowing red eyes. It is Zuul the Gatekeeper, one of Gozer's two Terror Dogs. The demon bares its large, sharp fangs as it growls ferociously at Dana as she screams in horror. The sofa, with a screaming Dana in tow, magically slides toward Zuul through the door which immediately slams shut. Dana has now become possessed and inhabited by the Terror Dog.
Under Zuul's possession, Dana becomes far sexier and seductive than before. In a complete reversal of her previous behavior around Peter, she aggressively seduces him when he arrives for their date after Peter fools her into believing he was a friend of the
Keymaster, who, unbeknownst to her, has possessed her stalkerish neighbor, Louis. Peter quickly notices her change and asks for her name. Dana calmly introduces herself as Zuul, "the Gatekeeper" then tells Peter they must prepare for the coming of Gozer, who she also calls "the Destructor". She leads Peter to her bedroom where she lays on the bed suggestively while Peter calmly plays off her attempts at bedding him. As her wanton attempts to mate with Peter are consistently denied the possessed Dana becomes increasingly frustrated, taking on the animalistic mannerisms of her demonic possessor as she displays her teeth menacingly through a strained grin and bites the air in anger. Peter attempts to communicate with her dispossessed self, asking to talk to "Dana" to which she initially responds seductively, telling him playfully that "there is no Dana, there is only Zuul" before lunging forward to try to kiss him. He quickly restrains her, reiterating once again that he wants to speak to "Dana" as her previously seductive stare turns into an irritated look.
Dana, inhabited by the Gatekeeper, meets her Keymaster, in Louis Tully's body.
Dana begins panting loudly like a wild dog as Peter insists on talking to her dispossessed self. She bares her teeth with a demented, vicious grin and exclaims that "There is no Dana, only Zuul!" in an inhuman, monstrous voice. Peter shrugs off her demonic retort and restrains her on the bed as she struggles to try and break free. He then tries again to communicate with Dana, giving her to the count of three to respond. As he counts down Dana's demonic possession manifests itself further: first her eyes flutter and turn white as a purring noise rumbles from within her body, then she violently thrashes her head from side to side, panting and growling like a savage animal before finally giving in to her satanic rage by levitating off the bed, snarling and roaring ferociously at Peter, manifesting her inner Terror Dog persona. As her rage passes its peak, an eerie calm comes over Dana as she floats above Peter. Dana turns her body midair as she begins to purr calmly like an animal. Peter makes one last attempt to communicate with "Dana" by asking her to please come down. Dana floats over Peter, licking at him teasingly like a dog. The possessed Dana responds with a ferocious, otherworldly roar which causes him to recoil.
After being drugged with Thorazine by Peter, Dana awakes with a feral snarl when the Ghostbusters containment grid explodes and releases all of the ghosts into New York City. The entranced Gatekeeper walks toward her living room, grinning devilishly as she gets a better view of the supernatural chaos from her windows. Dana watches in awe as streams of the supernatural energy suddenly fly up past her window. She responds to the energy by parting her lips to unleash an unearthly roar which explodes her living room windows and provides the Keymaster a path to follow towards her. After Louis Tully, under Vinz Clortho's possession, successfully arrives at her apartment and introduces himself as the Keymaster, Dana, lounging seductively with legs spread apart, responds smiling coyly and introducing herself as the Gatekeeper. Louis enters her apartment as the front door magically slams shut behind him. He stands at the center of the demolished apartment and watches in awe as Dana rises from her chair, sauntering seductively toward him. The two demons lock eyes in a passionate stare before acting upon the primal urges of their demonic dog inhabitants. Dana aggressively swoops down onto the smaller Louis, taking him into her arms with a ferocious lustful kiss. Dana breaks from the kiss as a stunned Louis stares at her with his mouth open in awe. Dana turns to lead him toward
Dana smiles as she begins to summon the Destructor
a mythical set of stairs. As they approach, lightning flashes illuminate the steps which lead to a demonic shrine atop their building where they proceed to initiate their demonic mating ritual.
After performing their ritual sexual union atop a large stone altar in front of the Temple of Gozer, Dana and Louis wake up disheveled from their wild encounter. Dana seductively sits up, exposing her long, sinewy legs to the howling winds as she looks around the rooftop, glancing longingly at one of the pedestals previously occupied by a Terror Dog statue, the one her possessor hatched out of. As the lightning flashes, Dana can be seen glistening with sweat after her passionate encounter with her Keymaster. Louis sits up grinning in ecstasy at having had otherworldly sex with his Gatekeeper, seemingly unaware or uncaring of his broken belt dangling prominently between his legs. Dana and Louis briefly lock eyes then slide off the stone table. The demonic lovers walk down the altar steps with eyes firmly fixed on the top of the doorway to Gozer’s Temple, where they see bolts of lightning continually strike the structure, seemingly charging it with supernatural energy. Dana slowly marches toward Zuul’s pedestal as the hellish sky above her continues to rain down streams of lightning onto the crown of the massive temple, meanwhile Louis slowly walks toward Vinz Clortho’s pedestal. The devilish Dana stands atop her pedestal, glittering seductively while staring in ecstasy at the top of the Temple as she anxiously waits for it to amass enough energy to complete the summoning of her master, Gozer. The sensual demoness stood atop her pedestal, staring in a trance at the lightning until the time came for her to summon Gozer. Dana suddenly begins raising her arms to the sky in unison with Louis. As her arms near their peak Dana begins smiling excitedly and she and Louis become struck by lightning bolts shooting from the top of the Temple. The demonic lovers redirect the energy toward the massive doors and begin opening the interdimensional portal through which Gozer will enter the human realm. Upon completion of the opening of the doorway both Dana and Louis begin to absorb the supernatural lightning which causes their bodies to thrash and gyrate violently as the bolts course through their human forms. The Ghostbusters arrive and stare in shock as they notice Dana thrashing wildly atop her pedestal. They look as she bathes in lightning bolts, gyrating wildly as she gets on all fours, succumbing to the force of the supernatural energy weighing her down. This leads Dana to finally transforming into the beastly, demonic Terror Dog form of her possessor, Zuul as Louis likewise transforms into Vinz Clortho's dog form atop the pedestal opposite hers.
With their satanic transformation complete, Dana and Louis grunt and snarl as they acclimate to their new, Terror Dog bodies as the supernatural energy runs off of their powerful forms. Dana stares at her large claws, baring her sharp fangs grinning excitedly at her beastly, demonic body while Louis, in his Terror Dog form, lays on his pedestal and smiles dementedly at her in awe. As the Ghostbusters stare in shock at their transformation, Louis barks in their direction in order to alert Dana to their presence. Both demons turn to face them with red eyes ablaze, unleashing monstrous, menacing roars in unison before leaping toward the Temple to take their places beside Gozer, with Dana laying on the pedestal to the right, and Louis on the left. They witnessed Gozer materializing in front of the Temple doors as the Ghostbusters approach the steps towards them. The Destructor walks toward Louis, who purrs in excitement as she pets his demonic, horned head while Dana lays on her pedestal, staring at them longingly and excitedly awaiting her turn with her master. Before Gozer can approach to pet her the Ghostbusters interrupt. Gozer eventually attacks them, electrocuting them with streams of lightning shooting from her hands as Dana and Louis snarl, drool, and roar in approval. The Ghostbusters eventually defeat Gozer by crossing the streams reversing the particle flow through the gateway and both Dana and Louis' dog forms are charred by the resulting blast. Dana and Louis' human forms survive and are extracted from within the Terror Dogs' burnt corpses by the Ghostbusters. Neither of them seem to recall their demonic actions during possession and they surprisingly don't even recall transforming into dogs. Louis asks Dana if they had previously had sex and Dana firmly denies it, even if she remembered it herself.
- Ghostbusters
- Ghostbusters II
Dana arrives at her apartment building.
Dana crosses the street toward the Shandor Building.
Dana greets a neighbor at the elevator.
Carrying her groceries and instrument, Dana trudges along the 22nd floor hallway to her apartment
Louis pops out into the hallway the moment Dana approaches on her way to her apartment.
Dana stops to chat with Louis
Louis rambles on to an uninterested Dana
Dana politely listen as Louis continues babbling on.
Dana declines Louis' invitation and quickly heads to her apartment.
Dana smiles while chatting with Louis in the hallway.
Louis gets a doorful of rejection from Dana.
Staring at the Ghostbusters TV commercial
Innocently storing her groceries.
Dana becomes frightened at the sight of the self-frying eggs
Staring in horror at the fried eggs atop her kitchen counter
Dana turns toward the growling noises coming from her refrigerator
Dana's first encounter with the Temple of Gozer and Zuul, one of it's guardians.
Dana screams in terror as the demon, Zuul, roars ferociously at her.
Dana enters the Ghostbusters headquarters
Dana seeks the Ghostbusters help.
Dana meets Peter Venkman, who takes her case.
Dana is examined by the Ghostbusters
Dana explains her supernatural problems
Frustration sets in as the Ghostbusters seem unable to figure out her problem.
Dana feels overwhelmed by the Ghostbusters questions
Dana reacts at Peter's inappropriate comment
A reluctant Dana re-enters her apartment for the first time since the demonic apparition
An uneasy Dana looks around her apartment as Peter investigates
Peter scans the living room as Dana watches on
Dana grins uncomfortably at Peter's behavior
Dana is incredulous at another inappropriate comment from Peter
Peter enters the kitchen as Dana cowers behind him
Peter examines the kitchen counter as Dana looks on
Dana nervously waits for Peter to open the door to her fridge
A desperate Dana pleads her case to Peter
Peter chats with Dana, who is visibly annoyed.
Peter declares his affection for Dana
Visibly frustrated, Dana reacts to Peter's declaration
Dana walks Peter back toward her apartment entrance door.
Dana smiles at Peter as she walks him out of her apartment
Dana watches the news as they report on the Ghostbusters
Dana smiles as she listens to stories about the Ghostbusters on the radio.
Dana works on her cello as she watches an interview with Ray Stantz on TV.
A smiling Dana approaches Peter outside rehearsal.
Dana reacts as Peter provides information on her case
Dana grins as Peter flirts with her.
Peter watches as Dana departs with her colleague
The elevator doors open to reveal Dana
Louis catches Dana trying to sneak by his apartment
Louis is upset that Dana has a date
Dana rests on her sofa as light seeps from the kitchen door
A demonic claw slams a horrified Dana back against the sofa
A second claw rips through the sofa clutching Dana's chest
A third claw pins the helpless Dana's legs
The chair spins magically toward the kitchen door.
A helpless Dana screams as the chair begins sliding toward the Terror Dog
The demon claw grabs Dana's mouth
Dana hopelessly tries to break free from the demon claws
The chair is sucked into the portal through the kitchen door
Peter is greeted by a demon-possessed Dana
A disappointed Dana angrily slams the door in Peter's face
Dana answers the door once again, smiling seductively
Dana smiles as Peter lies his way in
Peter enters the apartment as Dana stands at the door
The demonic Dana faces Peter
Dana reveals herself as Zuul, the Gatekeeper
Dana seductively walks across her living room as Peter follows behind
Dana speaks of the coming of Gozer as Peter looks around her apartment
The devilish Dana seduces Peter
Dana leers seductively at Peter
Feeling a growing lust inside of her, the possessed Dana's seduction intensifies
Ignored by Peter, the possessed Dana persists in her advances
The Gatekeeper lays out seductively
The demoness stares longingly at Peter
Dana, inhabited by Zuul, seductively approaches Dr. Venkman
The seductress wants the "subcreature" to take her..
The possessed Dana pounces on Peter
The demoness wants Peter on top
Peter tries to hold off Dana's relentless seduction
Peter is tempted by the possessed Dana
Dr. Venkman gets the oversexed Dana to lie down
Dana rises seductively as Peter scrambles to cover her legs
Peter stares at the sultry demoness
Dr. Venkman manages to subdue Dana once again
Peter tries to communicate with the real Dana Barrett
The Gatekeeper obediently puts her hands on her chest
Peter wants to talk to "Dana"
Dana becomes annoyed as Peter persists
The demonic seductress announces that "there is no Dana"
Peter quickly subdues Dana's desperate attempt at kissing him
Frustration shows in Dana's face, growing weary of Peter's rejections
Increasingly annoyed by Peter's pleas, Dana forces a devilish grin
Overcome by Zuul's demonic nature, Dana lays back on her bed
The demonic Dana pants like a beast and bares her teeth in a demented, menacing grin
Succumbing to Zuul, the possessed Dana shows her frustration
With her wanton seduction ignored the demonic Dana speaks in Zuul's monstrous voice
As Peter continues to ignore her, Dana holds her vicious grin
Dana desperately tries to break free
Peter restrains a furious Dana
Dana writhes in bed as Peter holds her down
Seething with anger, Dana gives Peter an icy glare
Zuul's demonic nature continues to break through Dana's being
Dana rolls her eyes as Zuul's beastly nature takes over
Peter continues his countdown as Dana falls deeper into her demonic state
Dana thrashes about in her bed, succumbing to the primal demon within her.
Peter watches silently as Dana's demonic state is almost at its crescendo.
Infuriated by Peter's rejections, Dana finally unleashes the otherworldly demon within as she explodes in a fit of demonic rage
The demonic Dana grunts and snorts savagely as Zuul's demonic nature breaks through
Dana channels the Terror Dog inside of her as she releases her demonic frustration
In the throes of her possession, Dana bares her teeth viciously as her body begins to rise
Free from Peter's restraint, the demonic Dana grins ferociously
Dana rises, grinning as she prepares to unleash her demonic anger.
Levitating, Dana releases her frustrations with a ferocious roar
Peter looks on a snarling Dana continues to rise
Finally free, the floating Dana grins
Dana levitates as Peter remains quiet
The possessed Dana snarls while rising.
Dana grins viciously as she continues to rise above a speechless Peter
The demonic Dana grins viciously as she prepares to unleash Zuul's wrath onto Peter
Deep in the throes of demonic possession, Dana begins to growl monstrously as Peter watches.
Dana grins ferociously, consumed by Zuul's demonic nature.
The demonic Dana prepares to unleash another bestial roar
Peter stares as Dana releases her frustrations with a ferocious roar
Consumed by Zuul's demonic possession, the floating Dana grins in ecstasy
Her ecstasy quickly turns to rage as she prepares to unleash a demonic roar
Dana unleashes another monstrous roar
Consumed by demonic rage, Dana floats above her bed
The demonic Dana turns her rage toward Peter, growling ferociously at him
Having unleashes her fury, the floating Gatekeeper begins turning her body over
Dana grins devilishly after showing Peter her demonic power
Peter stares as Dana grins, floating above him
Dana grins mischievously while turning over in midair
The demonic Dana smiles while levitating
Peter stands on the bed as Dana floats face down above it
The floating Gatekeeper looks on with an evil stare
Peter lays in bed underneath the levitating Dana
Dana teases Peter as she floats above him
The floating demoness continues to tease Peter, sticking her tongue out
Dana unleashes a monstrous roar at Peter after he asks her to come down
Peter finally recoils in fright as Dana's powerful roar echoes throughout the apartment
Dana Barrett lies asleep under heavy sedation
Dana sleeps restlessly, sensing the impending supernatural events
Jolted awake by the firehouse explosion, Dana snorts as her eyes pop wide open in shock
Dana rises out of bed as the ghosts escape
The entranced Dana walks out of her bedroom to get closer to the chaos
Dana smiles as the city is overrun by the supernatural
Entering her living room, Dana is transfixed by what she sees through her windows
In her demonic trance, Dana continues her slow, methodical walk across her living room
The demonic Dana smiles devilishly in response to the supernatural chaos enveloping the city
Dana stands at the center of her living room as the city is consumed by the paranormal
The possessed Dana is enthralled by the supernatural events
Dana reacts as the supernatural energy reaches her building
With the demonic energy at her door, Dana prepares to respond
The possessed Dana responds with an otherworldly roar
The living room windows explode under the force of Dana's ferocious growl
Unmoved, Dana stares out through the haze
Dana still waits for her Keymaster
A nearby presence awakes Dana
The Gatekeeper senses the presence at her door
Dana grins at the Keymaster
Louis walks in as Dana seductively gets up
The statuesque Dana stands before Louis
Dana seductively walks toward Louis
Louis stares in awe as Dana approaches him
The two demons meet at the center of Dana's apartment
Dana and Louis smile at each other as they embrace
Dana takes Louis into her arms and kisses him passionately
The statuesque Dana towers over Louis during their demonic kiss
The two demons kiss after finally meeting in Dana's demolished apartment
Louis is in awe as he and Dana conclude their demonic kiss
Dana leaves her Keymaster in awe
Louis ogles Dana as she turns to lead him up to the Temple of Gozer
The demonic couple march toward the ominous staircase toward their destiny
The possessed Dana and Louis approach the stairs to the roof of the Shandor Building
Dana and Louis rest on an altar in front of the Temple of Gozer after mating
Dana awakes as Louis lies asleep on the altar
The demon-possessed Dana sits up and stares at the closed Temple doors as Louis remains asleep
A white mist flows past Dana as she sits up, smiling seductively
The seductive Dana stares at the Temple doors, waiting for the Destructor
Dana scans the rooftop as Louis lies asleep
Dana stares in a trance as an ecstatic Louis finally wakes up beside her
A happy Louis leers at Dana as she stares at one of the rooftop pedestals next to their altar
Dana turns toward Louis as he rises
The two demons sit on the altar in front of Gozer's Temple
Dana slithers off of the altar as Louis sits smiling
The entranced Dana stares at the top of the Temple as Louis grins
The demonic couple stare at the top of the Temple
Dana and Louis step down from the altar. Louis stares in a trance at the lightning striking the top of the Temple. Dana smiles as she knows that her transformation is near
The two demons stare at the top of the Temple, transfixed by the supernatural lightning strikes
Dana and Louis walk toward the pedestals as lightning showers the top of the Temple
Dana prepares to mount her pedestal as Louis stares at the top of the Temple
The demonic Dana glitters seductively as she looks on at the lightning striking the top of the Temple
Dana stares enthralled at the massive Temple of Gozer
Glittering in the lightning, the demonic Dana smiles ecstatically as she awaits for the coming of Gozer
The devilish Dana anxiously awaits the coming of her master, the Destructor
Dana smiles in ecstasy as she waits for the coming of Gozer
The two demons stare in awe at the hellish storm above them.
The entranced Dana stares at the sky, smiling in anticipation.
Dana and Louis await anxiously for the coming of Gozer
Dana Barrett, in the throes of her demonic possession, slowly raises her outstretched arms.
Sensing the coming of Gozer at hand, the demonic couple begin raising their arms in unison
With the impending arrival of her master, an ecstatic Dana raises her outstretched arms to the sky.
Dana ecstatically raises her arms to summon Gozer alongside Louis
The devilish Dana grins excitedly in anticipation of her master's impending arrival.
Dana grins in demonic ecstasy as she and Louis begin the ritual to summon the Destructor
Dana and Louis stare at the Temple as its top glows with supernatural lightning
Supernatural energy shoots out from the top of the Temple, striking Dana and Louis
The two demons miraculously redirect the lightning bolts toward the massive Temple doors.
Light seeps through the doorway as Dana and Louis force the Temple open
The demonic Dana and Louis complete the opening of the doorway to Gozer's dimension
Dana and Louis' bodies glow as the supernatural energy flows into them
The possessed Dana Barrett and Louis Tully stand atop the Terror Dog pedestals, absorbing the supernatural lightning shooting out from Gozer's Temple
Dana Barrett stares at the massive Temple of Gozer as her chest and face are struck by the demonic energy
Dana's body glows as she is overwhelmed by the demonic energy continually striking her
The demonic Dana begins thrashing about on her pedestal as the supernatural energy continues to strike her body.
Showered with supernatural energy, Dana's bones glow as she summons Gozer.
Dana begins succumbing to the supernatural energy as the Ghostbusters arrive and stare
As lightning showers her body, Dana Barrett begins succumbing to the energy and crouching down on her pedestal.
Dana and Louis thrash wildly atop the respective pedestals of their possessors as they submit to the supernatural energy
The demonic energy converges upon the possessed Dana Barrett
Dana absorbs the demonic lightning as she lowers her hands to the pedestal
The demonic Dana gets on all fours as the Ghostbusters look on
Dana crouches down on all fours as she succumbs to the demonic energy.
Submerged in supernatural lightning, Dana begins her demonic transformation into Zuul's beastly Terror Dog form
Dana briefly glares in the Ghostbusters' direction before transforming into the demonic dog form of Zuul
Dana finally becomes a Terror Dog as the Ghostbusters recoil in surprise.
Dana Barrett, in Terror Dog form, flashes her blood red eyes and grins as she wags her demonic tail.
Dana grins and snarls viciously after glancing at her new, powerful, demonic body.
Dana stares at the Ghostbusters with her blood red eyes ablaze.
The beastly Dana roars monstrously at the Ghosbusters.
Dana leaps towards the Temple of Gozer to witness the arrival of her possessor's master.
Dana, in Terror Dog form, lays on her possessor's respective pedestal inside of the Temple of Gozer.
Dana sits patiently and awaits her master, Gozer, to approach and pet her.
Dana makes way for Gozer's demonic lightning bolts as she zaps the Ghostbusters.
Dana unleashes a ferocious, slobbering roar in approval as Gozer shocks the Ghostbusters.
Dana stares intently at the Ghostbusters.
Dana continues to stare down at the Ghostbusters as Gozer crouches down next to her and prepares for their attack.
Dana looks to her master as she leaps away from the Ghostbusters proton beams.
Dana stares up at Gozer as she flips through the air.
Dana stands atop her pedestal and stares down at the Ghostbusters.
Dana growls out at the Ghostbusters as they fire at the Temple of Gozer
Dana walks toward her apartment and is interrupted by her neighbor, Louis Tully.
Dana abruptly cuts Louis off and slams the door in his face.
Dana's egg carton magically pops open.
Eggs break and begin to fry on top of Dana's kitchen counter.
A scared Dana reacts as she hears a strange growling noise come from her fridge.
Dana cautiously approaches the refrigerator.
The interior of Dana's fridge reveals a portal to a hellish structure guarded by a demonic monster which growls out the word "Zuul" as she screams and slams the door shut.
Dana arrives at her floor of the Shandor Building to get ready for her date with Peter.
Dana tries to sneak past Louis' apartment but is frustrated when he pops out to greet her.
An exhausted Dana lays back on her sofa chair, suddenly becoming startled by a bright light seeping through the kitchen doorway.
Dana slowly turns to face her kitchen doorway.
The kitchen door to Dana's apartment appears distorted by large animal claws pushing through the surface.
Demon claws burst through Dana's sofa, pinning her down as she screams for her life.
Peter arrives for his date to find Dana, under demonic possession, looking incredibly sexy.
The seductively possessed Dana smiles and allows Peter to enter her apartment after he lies and says he is a friend of the Keymaster.
Peter Venkman follows the possessed Dana Barrett through her living room while she introduces herself as Zuul, the Gatekeeper.
The walls and furniture of Dana's apartment are dripping with slime.
The demonic Dana sensually enters her bedroom, informing Peter that they must prepare for the coming of Gozer.
Dana turns to look at Peter with evil in her eyes as she declares Gozer to be "the Destructor"
A lustful Dana writhes seductively while Peter watches her.
The sensual Dana continues to aggressively seduce Peter, under the false belief that he is the Keymaster.
With her lust rapidly increasing, the possessed Dana writhes sensually while asking Peter if he wants her body.
The wanton Dana rises to sensually command her subcreature to take her now.
Dana ignores Peter's jokes, grabbing and pulling him down onto her bed.
Using her demonic power, Dana forcefully slams Peter onto her bed and pins him down while kissing him wildly.
Dana moans passionately while making out with Peter then she rolls him on top of her and says she wants him inside of her.
As her lust boils over, Dana is rejected by Peter.
Dana thrashes wildly before lowering her arms to her pedestal, standing on all fours, triggering an explosion of supernatural energy that transforms her into the demonic dog form of her possessor.
The monstrous Dana turns to look at the Ghostbusters as streams of lightning flow off her dog-like body. Her large, red eyes glow brightly as she roars menacingly at them.
The demonic Dana, now a Terror Dog, stares towards the temple and grunts ferociously as she dismounts her pedestal.
Dana leaps towards her respective pedestal alongside Vinz Clortho. As she lies on it, she notices the Ghostbusters and stares at them.
Dana, in her Terror Dog form, lies on her pedestal and stares intently at her master, Gozer, as she pets Vinz Clortho. She inches her large head towards them, awaiting her turn.
Dana watches as Gozer approaches her. She slowly moves her head down, ready to be pet by her master.
Dana stares at Gozer as she confronts the Ghostbusters.
The beastly Dana roars at her master in approval of handling the Ghostbusters. She drools and slobbers with demonic glee as she growls.
Dana stares at the Ghostbusters as they are being shocked by her master. She positions her large, horned, dog-like head to the side to make way for the attack.
Dana stares angrily at the Ghostbusters as the attack from her master fails.