Zuul, a ferocious female
Terror Dog, was The Gatekeeper of
Gozer. Being female, she had shorter horns than her male counterpart,
Vinz Clortho, The Keymaster.
Zuul, in her Terror Dog form, roars ferociously atop her pedestal inside the Temple of Gozer.
She was worshipped in 6000 BC by various primitive civilizations, and, along with Vinz, had a gargoyle crafted in her likeness flanking the temple on the roof of the
Shandor Building.
Zuul originally appeared standing guard in Gozer's Temple inside Dana Barrett's refrigerator after she had arrived from getting groceries. The demon growled out its name at her in a horrendous demonic voice, frightening her into visiting the Ghostbusters for help. After it's original apparition, both gargoyles "hatched" from their statues atop the Shandor Building in the middle of a thunderstorm. The Terror Dogs possessed two tenants in the building, Dana and her neighbor Louis Tully, in order to copulate as part of the ritual required to open the gateway to Gozer's dimension.
Zuul, in the body of Dana Barrett, greets Peter Venkman at her door and asks him if he is the Keymaster.
Zuul chose to possess Dana Barrett, manifesting her possession in Dana by making her very sexually aggressive and giving her the ability to levitate, growl and roar monstrously like a demonic dog when angered, and eventually transform into a Terror Dog when needed.
After successfully possessing Dana, Zuul could speak in Dana's human voice despite her only form of communication previously being ferocious growling and roaring. Zuul was also able to use Dana's body, giving her the ability to walk on two legs instead of all four like in her dog form. However, Zuul could not access Dana's memory or knowledge. Awaiting the arrival of the Keymaster, Zuul encountered Peter Venkman when he arrived for his pre-arranged date with Dana. When Peter sees her he is immediately taken aback by the radical change in appearance Dana had undergone through the Gatekeeper's control. She was wearing a diaphanous, bright red dress, her face was heavily made up and her wild hair flowed loosely over her bare shoulders. Catching Peter off guard Zuul (in Dana's body) sensually asked him if he was the Keymaster, to which he replied negatively. Disappointed, Zuul quickly slammed the door in his face. Peter regrouped and knocked on her door once again, which she opened. Seemingly unaware of their previous encounter a mere seconds ago, Zuul smiles seductively and asks him once again if he is the Keymaster. This time Peter lies in order to gain entry to the apartment, stating he is a friend of the Keymaster. Zuul nods her head, grinning and Peter quickly makes his way inside. (How Zuul completely ignored the fact that Peter showed up twice is unknown, but it can be assumed that it was due to her being very prone to confusion immediately after possessing Dana, or maybe even because she was so fixated on finding her Keymaster that she didn't care who showed up as long as it was another person.) Zuul turns toward her living room as Peter closes the entry door behind her. He follows her and asks for her name. She calmly introduces herself as Zuul, the Gatekeeper as he looks around her living room. Peter notices the apartment walls and furniture are oozing ectoplasm and realizes the severity of Dana's situation. Peter cautiously asks her what are their plans for the day as she walks into the bedroom. Zuul excitedly responds that they must prepare for the coming of Gozer,
Dana Barrett, under Zuul's influence, levitates and growls monstrously at Peter, frustrated by his continuous rejection of her lustful advances.
ominously calling it “the Destructor” as she looks back at him with an evil look in her eyes. Peter follows Zuul as she lays back on the bed where she proceeds to wantonly seduce him, staring lustily at Peter while writhing sensually as he makes his way into the bedroom. He speaks casually to her, ignoring her seductive advances, and asks her if they are still going out. Zuul intensifies her aggressive seduction, she gyrates up and down on her bed, asking Peter in an incredibly sexy voice if he wants her body. Peter continues to ignore her very obvious advances while Zuul responds by dialing up the seduction even further. She rises from her bed to meet Peter face to face, staring lustfully at him as she rises. He cracks more jokes, Zuul responds by commanding Peter to "take her now" then she grabs him and forcefully slams him down onto the bed. Zuul pounces on him, passionately making out with him while panting and moaning with demonic lust and declaring she wants him inside of her. Peter withstands her advances, breaking free and kneeling beside her as he gets Zuul to lie down on the bed. Peter asks to speak to "Dana" to which she responds that "there is no Dana, there is only Zuul" before trying to sit up and kiss him. Peter gently restrains a now visibly frustrated Zuul and insists once more on speaking with "Dana". Zuul begins panting rapidly like a dog, baring her teeth at Peter in a menacing grin. She has become increasingly frustrated by his rejection and responds in an otherworldly, demonic voice, "There is no Dana, only Zuul!". As her anger reaches its boiling point, Zuul savagely bites at Peter like a dog out of anger and lust. Peter, seemingly unfazed by the hellish voice he just heard, cracks another joke and gives Zuul to the count of three to let him speak with "Dana". As he counts down Zuul (in Dana's body) exhibits further signs of her demonic nature. First she rolls her eyes while purring monstrously, then he counts to two and Zuul begins violently thrashing her head while panting desperately like a wild dog. Peter looks on concerned and frustratedly counts to two-and-a-half. Finally, a furious Zuul
Zuul and Vinz share a passionate, demonic kiss. Vinz leers at the stunning Zuul as they begin to walk up the stairs towards their destiny.
concludes their "date" by growling and snarling ferociously before levitating above her bed. Finally free of Peter's grasp, Zuul unleashes several unearthly, bestial growls and roars as she continues to rise above the bed. Quietly observing the purring Zuul float in midair, Peter calmly asks her to come down to which the floating demoness angrily responds with a horrendous, guttural roar which finally scares him. Afterwards Peter sedates Zuul and leaves her unconscious on her bed, panting, while he heads over to the Ghostbusters headquarters.
When the firehouse explodes, releasing all of the ghosts onto New York City, Zuul awakes with a snarl, sensing the release of psychic energy. She rises from her bed and stares ecstatically at the events from the apartment then, as the supernatural energy flows past her window, she unleashes another monstrous roar which causes her entire living room wall to explode outward leaving a contented Zuul staring through the haze. The demonic Zuul proceeds to wait for the Keymaster, lounging seductively on her sofa with her legs spread apart. Eventually she senses a presence approach and suddenly thrashes her head forward to stare at the apartment entrace. The door swings open to reveal a bewildered looking Vinz Clortho, in the body of Louis Tully, who immediately notices the ravishing Zuul lying seductively on her sofa. He introduces himself as the Keymaster, an ecstatic Zuul replies introducing herself as the Gatekeeper. The two demons meet at the center of Dana's demolished apartment and engage in a passionate kiss, interrupted when Zuul turns to lead Vinz toward a dark, ominous staircase up to the Temple of Gozer where the two minions, in their
Zuul gets down on all fours under the force of the demonic lightning striking her and transforms into her Terror Dog form. She wags her demonic tail and snarls as the lightning continues to run off of her new body.
human forms, proceed to have otherworldly, demonic sex as part of the ritual to prepare for the coming of their master, Gozer.
As the Ghostbusters make their way toward the Temple, Zuul and Vinz Clortho awake after their union atop a large altar. Zuul sits up seductively, her evil eyes scanning the rooftop. As she slowly gets off of the altar, Zuul looks to her right and notices her pedestal where she will summon her master and return to her original, Terror Dog form. Vinz awakes with a contented grin on his face and a dangling limp belt between his legs. The two demons briefly look at each other before they slide off of the altar. They stare in awe at the top of the Temple as it is struck by lightning from the hellish storm above. Zuul and Vinz take their places atop the stone pedestals previously mounted by them in their Terror Dog forms before they broke out. The demons await and watch excitedly as the massive structure before them is struck by lightning bolts shooting from the dark sky. As the Ghostbusters close in on the Temple, Zuul and Vinz raise their arms to the sky when, suddenly, lightning shoots from the top of the Temple striking both demons who use their arms to redirect the energy toward the large Temple door causing it to slowly open.
Upon completion of the opening of the portal for Gozer, Zuul and Vinz absorb the supernatural energy, briefly making their bones glow and causing their bodies to gyrate violently until they succumb and lower their arms down to their pedestals and get on all fours. Their hands touching their respective pedestals triggers a large blast of light around them, transforming them from Dana and Louis' human bodies into Zuul and Vinz Clortho's Terror Dog forms. Upon completion of their transformation the demons bones briefly glow, revealing an entirely different and monstrous bone structure, similar to that of a large dog. Zuul briefly stares at her monstrous body and grins ferociously in awe at her new form. Vinz sits on his pedestal and stares at her. Before they have time to witness their masters arrival, Vinz notices the Ghostbusters and barks at them, which alerts Zuul. She turns to them, revealing her red eyes as the two demonic beasts roar horrendously at them in unison and wag their demonic tails violently before dismounting their pedestals and leaping up towards the Temple and taking their places beside Gozer. Zuul lays her large body on her respective pedestal and stares at her master, who is busy reuniting with Vinz and petting him passionately. Before Zuul can have her turn with her, Gozer is interrupted by the Ghostbusters, who tell her to return to her place of origin. Out of anger, Gozer electrocutes them with supernatural lightning. Her Terror Dogs watch as they snarl, drool, and roar in approval.
The dogs sat like stone gargoyles as they witnessed the final fight but were later charred when the Ghostbusters crossed the streams and reversed the particle flow through the gateway, creating a massive explosion. Dana was trapped inside of Zuul's burnt, dog-like corpse for a short period of time, but was eventually extracted from it, alive and unharmed. However, Zuul was likely still alive along with her mate and her master, since most Demi-gods are never completely destroyed on the first try.
Even though she was presumed to be destroyed for good, Zuul reemerged nearly 40 years later in 2021 in order to bring back her master once again, along with Vinz Clortho. Zuul went on to posses the daughter of the late Egon Spengler, Callie Spengler, while Vinz Clortho possessed her children's summer school teacher, Gary Grooberson. Just like the first time, both Terror Dogs met and had demonic sex in order to jumpstart the ritual to summon their master. They both regrouped in an underground temple and stood on two pedestals opposite a staircase, leading up to a giant pit filled with Gozer's army of ghosts. The demons raised their arms to the ceiling and were both struck by supernatural streams of lightning out of nowhere, causing them to thrash about violently. The force of the lightning weighed the couple down, causing them to drop down on all fours and slowly morph into their original, Terror Dog forms. Once the last of the lightning left their beastly, dog-like bodies, Zuul turned towards the new Ghostbusters, Callie's kids and their friends, and roared ferociously at them. Just then, Gozer emerged from the pit of ghosts and slowly walked towards her loyal Terror Dogs. She stooped down next to Zuul and playfully scratched her neck with her lightning-tipped fingers. She purred with demonic glee as her master pleasured her. As the ghosts escaped into the streets, the Terror Dogs leaped down towards two other pedestals opposite Gozer, and stood guarding the entrance of the temple while Gozer sat on her throne. Callie's daughter, Phoebe, walked up to Gozer and began to crack jokes at the entity while her friend prepared a trap. Zuul stared and growled at her as she spoke to her master. The trap slowly creeped directly underneath Zuul's dog-like body as Gozer asked Phoebe if she was ready to die. Just then, the trap activated, absorbing Zuul's demonic spirit into it, weakening Gozer's form in the process. Callie was transformed back into a human and was helped up and taken away by her kids. Vinz stood on his pedestal and stared towards Gozer in horror and anger at what the others had done to her. He began to chase them through the streets, roaring as he gained up on them. They managed to get back to their house, which was rigged as one giant ghost trap, and waited for the right moment. Vinz and Gozer, who was half skeleton, eventually arrived. The kids began to blast their proton packs towards Gozer in an attempt to weaken her. However, all they did was make her more angry. Gozer then stole the ghost trap containing Zuul and released her. Since Zuul is female, she would have to possess a female body in order to allow Gozer to be whole again. The only other female in the vicinity besides Callie was her sons love interest, Lucky. Zuul possessed Lucky, causing her to be struck by lightning and get down on all fours, slowly transforming into Zuul's Terror Dog form. Zuul turned towards Callie and roared at her before reuniting with Vinz and her master. Gozer passionately pet her Terror Dogs as they purred demonically before turning towards the group staring at them intently. Before she could do anything to them however, the original Ghostbusters, along with Egon's ghost, arrived to end their battle with Gozer once and for all. They managed to trap her, turning her Terror Dogs to stone in the process, freeing Lucky and Gary from possession and turning them back into humans.
Zuul lays atop the steps to Gozer's temple.
Zuul growls at Dana from inside her regrigerator.
The Terror Dog statue begins to crumble revealing the beastly Zuul inside
Red eyes ablaze, Zuul breaks out of its statue
Zuul bursts through Dana's kitchen door.
Zuul roars ferociously at a horrified Dana.
Zuul, in Dana Barrett's body, answers the door as Peter Venkman arrives for their "date"
Zuul stands at her doorway and bares her teeth seductively, sizing up her potential “Keymaster”
Zuul, in Dana Barrett's body, looks at Peter with disdain after he responds he is not the Keymaster.
Angered by Peter's response, Zuul powerfully slams the door in his face
Zuul smiles at Peter after he knocks again and says he is a friend of the Keymaster.
Zuul grants Peter entry to the apartment.
Peter follows Zuul through the living room.
Zuul introduces herself to Peter, calling herself the "Gatekeeper"
Zuul glances briefly at the living room windows as Peter follows her.
Peter looks around the living room as Zuul heads toward the bedroom.
Zuul seductively enters her bedroom while Peter stares at the supernatural mess in her living room.
Peter scans the living room as Zuul speaks excitedly of the coming of Gozer
The seductive Zuul hops on her bed.
After Peter asks about Gozer, Zuul turns sensually and ominously introduces her master as the "Destructor".
Zuul looks lustfully at Peter as she writhes suggestively on her bed.
Zuul wantonly tries to seduce Peter.
As Peter cracks jokes, Zuul lays back on her bed with only one thing on her mind.
Zuul sensually writhes while asking Peter if he wants her body.
The demoness stares lustfully as Peter responds.
Zuul forcefully slams Peter on her bed.
The seductress pins Peter on the bed.
Zuul pounces on Peter, kissing him wildly.
Zuul passionately kisses Peter
The lustful demoness flips Peter on top of her
The seductive Zuul gives Peter a lustful stare as he tries to escape her grasp
Peter tries to subdue the sensual Zuul.
The persistent Zuul tries to defy Peter's restraint
Zuul complies with Peter, laying down calmly on her bed
Zuul coyly bites at the air
Zuul compliantly listens as Peter tries to reach Dana
Zuul is annoyed at Peter's insistence on speaking with Dana
Peter attempts in vain to communicate with Dana
Zuul rises in an attempt at kissing Peter
A frustrated Zuul gives Peter an evil look.
Rejected once again, Zuul's frustration rises.
Zuul tries to hide her irritation at Peter's insistence.
Overcome with demonic rage, Zuul grins viciously
"There is no Dana, only Zuuuul!"
Frustration mounts as Zuul grins viciously at Peter.
Zuul makes a final attempt at seduction as she seethes with demonic rage
With her seductive advances refused, Zuul gives Peter an evil stare.
The possessed Dana succumbs to Zuul
Zuul rolls her eyes and purrs as her demonic nature begins to break free.
Peter struggles to contain Zuul from breaking out as she thrashes wildly on the bed.
Zuul begins growling ferociously, unleashing her demonic rage at Peter.
The satanic Zuul grits her teeth as she roars menacingly
Finally free, Zuul roars monstrously.
Zuul grins devilishly at Peter.
The satanic Zuul unleashes a deafening growl.
Free of Peter's restraint, an ecstatic Zuul grins as she begins to levitate.
Rising off of the bed, Zuul basks in her demonic possession
Zuul smiles savagely as she finally breaks free from Peter.
The devilish Gatekeeper roars inhumanly
Zuul revels blissfully in her satanic possession
Zuul growls monstrously unleashing her demonic fury
The devilish Zuul grins blissfully as she basks in her demonic power
Peter can only watch as Zuul levitates off the bed, growling savagely to release her frustration.
The demoness turns toward Peter
Zuul roars angrily at Peter as he looks at her floating body
Zuul floats above her bed, rotating her body in midair as Peter watches in astonishment.
An eerie calm comes over Zuul as she floats.
Zuul channels her Terror Dog nature, teasingly licking at Peter’s face as she floats above him.
Peter recoils as Zuul unleashes a ferocious growl at him.
Zuul lies incapacited under heavy sedation.
Peter checks Zuul's pulse before leaving the apartment
Zuul pants like a dog in her demonic slumber.
Zuul pants rapidly in her sleep as the firehouse containment unit is shut down.
As the firehouse explodes, Zuul awakes from her sedation.
Zuul rises from her bed as the ghosts wreak havoc on the city.
Entranced, the demoness walks toward her living room.
Seeking a better view of the chaos, Zuul glides into her living room.
Zuul stares evilly at the supernatural events.
A content Zuul grins devilishly as she watches the supernatural events unfold from her living room windows.
Zuul surveys the paranormal events from the living room.
Zuul stares in a trance at beams of supernatural energy flowing past her windows.
The demonic Zuul unleashes a powerful growl which triggers a massive explosion of her living room windows.
The Gatekeeper bids her living room wall goodbye
Zuul stares out through the wreckage of her apartment.
The Gatekeeper seductively awaits for the Keymaster
Zuul awakes, sensing a presence at her door.
A grinning Zuul greets Vinz Clortho in her demolished apartment.
The Keymaster looks as the Gatekeeper rises to greet him
Vinz Clortho stares in awe as Zuul rises from her sofa
The seductive Zuul begins her walk toward an awestruck Vinz Clortho
Zuul smiles as an ecstatic Vinz stares in awe of her statuesque body.
Zuul stares at Vinz lustfully
The two demons lock eyes in an ardent stare.
The statuesque Zuul towers over Vinz as she swoops into their demonic embrace
The two demonic beasts embrace in a passionate kiss.
"Louis" achieves his dream
Zuul and Vinz share a lustful demonic kiss
Vinz is in awe as he kisses Zuul
Vinz stares at Zuul in awe after passionately making out with her.
Vinz ogles Zuul as she turns toward a staircase toward Gozer's Temple
The Gatekeeper and Keymaster face the staircase to their destiny
The demonic couple walk toward the Temple of Gozer.
The two demons approach the staircase to their destiny
Zuul and Vinz rest after consummating their demonic union.
The seductive Zuul awakes as Vinz lies resting.
Zuul rises seductively as Vinz lies unconscious after both demons have demonic sex in front of their master's Temple.
The Gatekeeper ecstatically sits atop the altar
Zuul sits seductively atop the altar.
The devilish Zuul stares at the Temple of Gozer as Vinz rests.
Vinz awakes with an ear to ear grin as Zuul surveys the Temple.
Zuul stares at her pedestal, ready to finally complete the satanic summoning ritual of her master as a grinning Vinz wakes up.
Zuul turns to look at an ecstatic Vinz Clortho
Vinz awakes as Zuul begins to slide off the altar.
Lightning flashes in the sky illuminate the erotic Zuul as she slides off the altar.
Zuul slithers seductively
The two demons stare at the top of the Temple of Gozer as the supernatural storm brews in the sky above.
With their demonic union complete, Zuul and Vinz step down from the stone table.
Lightning strikes the top of the Temple as Vinz and Zuul walk toward the opposite Terror Dog pedestals.
An ecstatic Zuul glitters seductively atop her pedestal, awaiting the coming of Gozer.
Surrounded by mist, the seductive Zuul smiles blissfully at the hellish sky above her as she awaits the coming of Gozer
Zuul and Vinz await anxiously for the moment to summon Gozer
The sexy Zuul smiles as she is ready to reveal her true form.
The two demons summon Gozer
Zuul grins as the time has come to bring Gozer into the world.
The Gatekeeper stands atop her pedestal, ready to summon the Destructor.
The two demons open the portal to Gozer's Temple.
Zuul redirects the demonic energy flowing through her body, shooting it toward the massive doors.
Zuul and Vinz face the open portal as their human bodies absorb the energy.
The Gatekeeper stands atop her pedestal, her body glowing as it absorbs the power of the supernatural lightning.
The Gatekeeper stares intensely at the Temple of Gozer as streams of supernatural energy flow through her body.
Zuul and Vinz absorb the supernatural electricity as part of the ritual before the coming of Gozer.
Zuul thrashes violently on her pedestal, beginning to crouch down under the force of the supernatural energy striking her.
The demonic beings succumb to the energy coursing through their bodies.
The time has come for the demonic beasts to shed their human forms.
Zuul stands on all fours. She whips her head back violently and smiles ecstatically as she begins her transformation into a demon dog.
Zuul briefly stares towards the Ghostbusters on all fours before finally transforming back into a demon dog.
Zuul finally becomes a Terror Dog alongside Vinz Clortho. She keeps her demonic eyes closed as the blast of lightning continues to strike down on top of her. Next to Zuul, Vinz's new bone structure is visible.
Zuul wags her tail and lifts her large, demonic claws off of the pedestal as she acclimates to her form. Vinz roars as he sits atop his pedestal.
Zuul continues to wag her demonic tail as she opens her blood red eyes and stares out at the temple. Vinz stares at the Terror Dog from afar.
Zuul stares at her large, demonic claws and grins viciously in acknowledgement of her transformation into a Terror Dog. Vinz wags his tail as he turns away from her and notices the Ghostbusters, who had witnessed their transformation from afar.
The demonic beasts stare viciously at the Ghostbusters
Zuul, back to her native satanic Terror Dog form, roars menacingly at the Ghostbusters.
Zuul stands atop her pedestal and stares out towards the temple where her master will soon arrive. Alongside her, Vinz snarls as he leaps off of his pedestal.
Zuul prepares to leap toward the Temple of Gozer to stand guard at her master's side.
Zuul and Vinz snarl and growl as they leap up to their pedestals within their master’s temple.
Zuul and Vinz lay in their places within the Temple of Gozer.
The dogs look to the shining temple gates as their master manifests
Zuul looks longingly towards Gozer as she walks towards Vinz, who keeps his demonic, blood red eyes on the Ghostbusters.
Gozer pets Vinz intimately while Zuul looks on longingly, patiently awaiting her turn with her master.
Zuul stares at Gozer and Vinz as she addresses the Ghostbusters.
Zuul stares towards the Ghostbusters as they are being shocked by Gozer. She drools demonically as a sign of approval of her master's actions.
With drool dripping from her face, Zuul roars as the Ghostbusters are electrocuted by Gozer.
Zuul and Vinz look on as Gozer handles the Ghostbusters
The two dogs sit beside their master, triumphant.
Zuul stares at the Ghostbusters as her master stands beside her on all fours and prepares for their attack.
Zuul and Vinz look up to the sky, their eyes following their master as she leaps into the air.
Zuul stares intently at Gozer as she lands atop the ceremonial altar where she and Vinz had otherworldly, demonic sex in order to start the summoning ritual.
Zuul leaves her mate's side as she leaps towards her pedestal. Vinz sits on his pedestal and stares longingly at the Terror Dog.
Zuul stands on her pedestal while Vinz Clortho sits obediently.
Zuul and Vinz bark and growl as they watch their temple being demolished by the Ghostbusters
The charred remains of Zuul
Ghostbusters: Afterlife)
Zuul reemerges, nearly 40 years later, possessing a new host, the daughter of Egon Spengler, Callie. Zuul wears a similar dress to what she wore as Dana Barrett. She stands atop her pedestal and awaits the right time to summon Gozer, her beloved master.
Zuul raises her arms to the sky and is struck by demonic lightning as she begins the ritual.
Zuul stands on all fours and arches her back as the lightning weighs her down.
Zuul transforms into her Terror Dog form once again. She glances at her hind legs to confirm that she isn't human anymore.
Zuul raises her paw off of her pedestal and roars ferociously as the lightning continues to strike her body.
The Terror Dog opens her red eyes and admires her body as the lightning strikes her.
As the rest of the lightning escapes her body, Zuul lets out a guttural roar at the new generation of the Ghostbusters.
Zuul finally reunites with Gozer and purrs happily as she scratches her chin.
Zuul stands atop her pedestal as her master approaches her throne. The Terror Dogs snarl as they await her arrival.
Zuul introduces itself to Dana
Zuul breaks out of its statue atop the Shandor Building
The glowing red eye of the demonic Zuul is seen through the crumbling statue
Zuul roars as Dana screams in horror
Zuul lets Peter enter the apartment and introduces herself as he follows behind
The seductive Zuul glides across the bedroom
The seductress writhes on her bed like an animal as she eyes her prey
Zuul lays back seductively on her bed, her eyes fixed on Peter.
Zuul rises toward Peter with lust in her eyes
"Take me now...subcreature!"
Zuul pounces on Peter and kisses him wildly as he tries to fight her off
Zuul flips Peter on top of her and seductively tells him that she wants to mate with him
Peter restrains Zuul as she tries to seduce him
Zuul bites at Peter like a rabid animal in an attempt to seduce him into mating with her
As her temper reaches its breaking point, Zuul finally utilizes the true power of her demonic being through the confines of her host body, letting out several frustrated snarls and demonic roars as she slowly lifts off of the bed.
The Gatekeeper continues to growl and snarl, running her hands up and down Dana Barrett's human form as she slowly levitates, her demonic nature overtaking her completely.
Zuul's roars grow more frenzied as she begins to violently shake her head from side to side, her true, Terror Dog form desperately trying to break free from its human confines as she lets out one last enraged roar at a stunned Peter Venkman.
Zuul smiles ferociously, baring her teeth in a demonic grin as she turns over in midair, calmly purring after releasing her frustration at the man who refused her seductive advances moments ago.
Zuul calmly floats above her bed, purring like a Terror Dog as she basks in her true, demonic nature.
Zuul licks at Peter, still trying desperately to get some sort of a reaction out of him that she would like, before unleashing a ferocious roar at him as he asks her to come down.
Zuul pants rapidly, fast asleep under heavy sedation by Venkman.
Zuul pants like a Terror Dog in her demonic slumber.
Asleep in Dana Barrett's bed, Zuul continues to pant rapidly, subconsciously aware of the unfolding events outside as the ghosts escape the firehouse.
Zuul awakens with a demonic snarl, sensing the Keymaster's presence in the city below.
The Gatekeeper rises curiously, slowly stepping off of the bed and striding into the living room to look at the chaos through Dana's apartment window.
Zuul clearly sees what is happening outside, and grins happily at the devastation.
The statuesque Zuul enters Dana Barrett's living room, staring at the supernatural energy in the sky as the ghosts are freed. She knows that this is the perfect opportunity for her and the Keymaster to reunite, while everyone is distracted.
Zuul stares in a trance at the chaos outside of her windows.
With a demonic roar, Zuul destroys Dana's windows, providing the Keymaster a clear sign as to where she is.
Zuul stares out through the haze after demolishing the living room wall, unfazed by the explosion her growling caused.
Zuul thrashes her head forward after sensing a presence at her door.
Zuul introduces herself to her Keymaster
The Keymaster ogles his seductively approaching Gatekeeper
Zuul swoops in for a ferocious kiss with her Keymaster.
Zuul and Vinz passionately make out
Zuul leads Vinz toward their destiny
The Gatekeeper rises as the Keymaster rests after uniting
Zuul sits up seductively, looking longingly at the Terror Dog pedestal next to the altar, eager to return to her demonic form.
The insatiable Zuul turns toward Vinz, looking at him briefly before slithering seductively off the altar as lightning flashes in the sky.
Vinz Clortho awakes next to Zuul, with an ear to ear grin on his face
The two demons stare at the Temple of Gozer as they leave the altar, they smile knowing the Temple will soon have enough energy for the coming of Gozer.
The lightning filled dark sky strikes the temple as the demons take their place
The Gatekeeper ecstatically awaits her master
Zuul begins the ritual to summon her master. She smiles, excited to finally transform back into her original demon dog form
The Gatekeeper and Keymaster open the doors for their master
The possessed Dana Barrett bathes in supernatural lightning. She stares longingly at the temple as she summons her master, Gozer and begins her long-awaited transformation
The demonic Zuul gets down on all fours and transforms into her natural, ferocious, Terror Dog form. With her red eyes beaming, she wags her tail excitedly and grins viciously at her large claws in acknowledgment of her transformation as the lightning continues to run off of her monstrous, powerful body.
The newly transformed "Dana" turns her attention away from "Louis". She barks and roars ferociously at the Ghostbusters
Zuul snarls and grunts ferociously as she dismounts her pedestal
Zuul leaps towards her respective pedestal and lies on it as her mate watches her from his pedestal.
The Terror Dogs watch as Gozer appears in the temple
Zuul and Vinz sit obediently as their master handles the Ghostbusters
Zuul unleashes a demonic, slobbering roar in approval as Gozer electrocutes the Ghostbusters
Zuul sits completely still like a statue. She stares angrily at the Ghostbusters as they approach her master again.
Gozer prepares for the Ghostbusters' attack as Zuul and Vinz watch intently beside her.
Zuul's charred remains lie in the rubble of the temple. Dana stays trapped inside