White Tiger (Heroes for Hire)

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The White Tiger is a female comic character who features in Heroes for Hire.




The White Tiger was a female member of the race of New Men created by the High Evolutionary using a Bengal tiger that was uplifted to a humanoid form. Eager to rid himself of his own devious creation the Man-Beast, the High Evolutionary took a common female Bengal tiger from her jungle habitat. Using his evolutionary expertise, he turned her into one of his semi-humanoid New Men with the sole purpose of tracking down and killing the Man-Beast. Now known as the White Tiger, she left Wundagore's 'Citadel of Science and went out looking for her opponent. Through unrevealed ways, the Master of the World learned of her quest and decided she fit into his own plans. He sent his lackeys the U-Foes to meet with the Tiger and to make her a proposition: if she helped him retrieve some equipment necessary for his schemes he would tell her where to find the Man-Beast. After completing her task and returning the artifact, the White Tiger learned from the Master that the Man-Beast was currently being held in the Vault. Not wanting the villain to use the piece of equipment, Tiger had rigged it to explode, taking out most of the Master's compound. (Heroes for Hire v1 #12)

Eager for revenge, the Master sent the U-Foes to cause a massive break-out at the Vault before White Tiger could get to Man-Beast. The villain escaped in the crowd. (Heroes for Hire v1 #1)


Personality and attributes

It was noted that she was born in a brood with her having a sister who was similarly uplifted into being a New Man where she was known as Snow Queen. (X-Factor v3 #21)

Powers and abilities

The Evolutionary performed genetic modifications on the white tiger, turning her into a humanoid warrior with feline features and faculties. (Heroes for Hire v1 #7)

She had the ability to shift from her humanoid form to her original Bengal white tiger state. (Heroes for Hire v1 #5)

It was noted that she stood amongst the Knights of Wundagore. (Heroes for Hire/Quicksilver '98 v1 #1)


  • The White Tiger was created by Roger Stern, John Ostrander, Pasqual Ferry where she made her first appearance in Heroes for Hire v1 #1 (July, 1997).


  • Heroes for Hire v1: (1997)

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