Tenth Circle (DC)

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The Tenth Circle is a group of vampires that feature in DC Comics.



The Tenth Circle was a group of ancient vampire cultists that existed thousands of years ago who established themselves as an immortality cult. In that time, they went into Greece in its youth and infiltrated it. They began to feed upon the newcomers that they managed to draw into their ranks. As they expanded, the Tenth Circle's activities came to the attention of the Amazons and Queen Hippolyta who confronted them. In a pitched battle, the vampires were defeated and banished into the tenth circle of Hell. After centuries, one of their number known as Cruficer managed to escape where he plotted the return of his comrades to the surface of Earth. He intended to use Humans as vessels for the souls of his fellow vampire lords though all these attempts simply incinerated their hosts. Crucifer later began to study superhumans and ultimately decided that they would become suitable hosts. Afterwards, Crucifer went through a side-door dimension where he ruled through fear and left his heart in an artifact thus rendering himself unkillable whilst gaining transportation through that realm. (JLA #95, #99)

Afterwards, he began to abduct or persuaded a cult of superhumans where he promised power in exchange for bringing his masters back. The Doom Patrol became aware of his old enemy's movements and later sent members Nudge as well as Grunt as bait. However, Crucifer kidnapped them where he brought them under his control. Manitou Raven of the Justice League of America became aware of the vampire and sent a swarm of bats after him. The JLA later began to battle the developing vampires where Nudge encountered Superman where she used her mental powers to bring him under her control. Whilst mentally trapped, Crucifer bit him and enslaved him to the aims of the Tenth Circle whereupon they used him to abduct Faith of the JLA whereupon they used Kal-El to destroy Wonder Woman's Amazon archives to prevent their existence from being revealed. This was because the archives contained the information on how the Tenth Circle was defeated by the Amazons. As a result, Wonder Woman was captured and Crucifer stabbed her with a sword thus badly injuring her whereupon she was dumped her on the highway as part of a challenge to the JLA. Travelling to Barnes, Saskatchewan, Crucifer along with his vampiric Metahumans dominated the minds of the townsfolk where he fed off them and awaited the proper convergence in order to bring the vampire lords back to Earth. This ceremony was interrupted by the Justice League and Doom Patrol who destroyed most of the vampires thus forcing Crucifer to flee. The Atom later encountered the vampires side-door dimension and allowed Superman into it where he destroyed Crucifer after being freed from his control. (JLA #94-#96)



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